Boot Cover Tutorial -

Post on 02-Oct-2021

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Transcript of Boot Cover Tutorial -

Boot Cover Tutorialby: sewingmel

Free Patterns,Ideas and InspirationsAll compliments of

Materials:-Pattern (print out small for toddler sizes, medium for child up to about size 2)-Fabric (denim, pleather, canvas, or other)-Elastic-Chalk for marking elastic-Serger or sewing machine-Matching thread

Step 1: Print out pattern and assemble matching symbols.

Step 2: Seam allowance of 1/4” IS included so you can trace or cut out pattern on solid lines.

Step 3: Measure child to see how high you want the boots to go in case you want to lengthen or shorten the pattern.

Step 4: Also check to make sure the boot covers will fit over your child's shoes or boots. Do this by measuring half the length around the shoe or boot at the top and sole. Compare that number to the width of the boot cover pattern in both places. Adjust as needed.

Step 5: Cut out fabric. You will need 2 pieces for each boot cover. Make sure that you have a left and right side for each boot cover.

Step 6: Serge (or zig-zag on a sewing machine) the bottom edge on all 4 pieces. These will be scuffed up after the first wearing so I wouldn't bother to finish it nicely. Try to match thread.

Step 7: Serge all 4 tops of boot covers.

Step 8: Turn down ½” and crease top edges of boot covers. It is much easier to do this now! I use a Dritz ezy-hem.

Step 9: With right sides (pretty sides) of fabric together, pin side seams. Notice that the crease you just made is turned up. We will deal with that later.

Step 10: Serge (or straight stitch and zig-zag) side seams.

Step 11: Turn down top of boot cover along crease and hem. Isn't that much easier than marking it now?

Step 12: Try cover on boot or shoe to make sure it fits. Also, mark where to attach the elastic. If there is a dip in the shoe, it would be best to put the elastic there.

Step 13: Sew elastic to the inside. You don't want your elastic to be loose because then your child could trip on it.

Step 14: To put boot covers on boots or shoes, slip boot or shoe in heel first.

Use this pattern to make cowboy boots, combat boots, fireman boots, Ren fair boots, space boots, or others.

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