Booklel bttf

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Booklel bttf

Cabinet regional meeting

get to know


strategic proposal

2015 Vision



driving results

We are very pleased to invite you to this great opportunity...

Welcome !!!* EBs

* Middle Management* Star Members

* Internationals interested on cooperatingwith Southern Cone (please, check considerations)

Who can attend?

(please, check considerations)

drIVEcOThe Drive Conference. It is our Regional Executive Board Meeting, where the LC's leaders come together to meet the new MC Board, to review current situation, to plan strategies and to get involve with the whole region. There will be skills and functional training, external's session and much more..


August6, 7, 8

th th th

in Santiago de Chile

AgendaMain Public All Tracks by Cluster Tracks by Functional Areas

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3Time 7 Aug, Fr 8 Aug, Sat 9 Aug, Sun Time

07:30-08:00 Wake up Wake up 07:30-08:00

08:00-08:30 08:00-08:3008:30-09:00 08:30-09:00

09:00-09:30 Morning plenary Morning plenary 09:00-09:30

09:30-10:00 09:30-10:00

10:00-10:30 10:00-10:30

10:30-10:00 10:30-11:00

11:00-11:30 11:00-11:3011:30-12:00 11:30-12:00

12:00-12:30 12:00-12:3012:30-13:00 Empowering Cooperations 12:30-13:00

13:00-13:30 13:00-13:3013:30-14:00 13:30-14:00

14:00-14:30 14:00-14:3014:30-15:00 14:30-15:00

15:00-15:30 Check In 15:00-15:3015:30-16:00 15:30-16:00

16:00-16:30 16:00-16:30

16:30-17:00 16:30-17:00

17:00-17:30 17:00-17:3017:30-18:00 Break 17:30-18:00

18:00-18:30 18:00-18:30

18:30-19:00 G2KEO 18:30-19:00

19:00-19:30 Break 19:00-19:30

19:30-20:00 19:30-20:00

20:00-20:30 20:00-20:30

20:30-21:00 20:30-21:00

21:00-21:30 21:00-21:3021:30-22:00 21:30-22:00

22:00-22:30 Bath and LC Time 22:00-22:3022:30-23.00 Pre-Party 22:30-23.00

23:00-23.30 Party Party 23:00-23.30

Bath and LC Time

Alumni Talks Closing

Dinner Dinner

OpeningSkills DevelopmentMC Strategic Proposal

MC Presentation

Applying strategies and Co- Creating plan of Action


I'm going home!

Travel to Venue DREAM 2015 Functional Time II

Global Village

External Workshops

Lunch Lunch Lunch



ArrivingMC Plan 09-10

Functional Time I

Practical Skills Training

EmpowermentFunctional Training for Real Troubles

Regional functional team-building

MC Strategic ProposalEngaging and Supporting LCs Plan

Create Plan of Action

Scone Involvment and Integration

EngagementMC/ LC Current Situation Analysis

InvolvementExternal Positioning

MC Presentation

Where ?Do you know BLUE TREE HOTELS fundador?

Come and share with us in this incredible place!!!

Appreciation of culture patagonica, the style and prime location are differential of Blue Tree Hotels fundador. In the famous Paris-London district in the central region, close to major cultural and tourist attractions of Santiago.

How can I get there?75 kilometers from Santiago, in the baseof the andes mountains and sorronundedby the tipycal chilean landscape our place,picarquin is located.

Parties !HOLLYWOOD... be a star for one night!

Girls: Wear your most beautiful dressGuys: use your sexiest suit!

1st Night

FLUO Party total blackout!

2nd Night

Spend a night in the dark where only fluorecent colors will be visible...

Fee 65 USD for two nights and 55 USD for one night or less



FYI ! For Your information...

The whole amount of the Fee of each delegation must be paid by each delegation Chief, until monday 2nd august by an electronic transaction to the follow accounts:

CHILE: > Banco Santander Santiago>Tipo de cuenta: Cuenta Corriente> Cuenta n: 0-000-99-91112-3> RUT: 70.615.000-5> Nombre: ASOC INTER ESTUDIANTES CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS

ARGENTINA: > Banco Galicia > Nombre: AIESEC Argentina> CBU: 00 7006 4120 0000 04944542> CUIT: 30-64202370-1> Cuenta n° 49445064/4

See you at...

To be continued...