Si Bttf - Roman Catholic Diocese of...

(L._& W • , ' •: •43&I ^ r H £87 J * r-e 4 *> >- , "*'» .a ttBSBsefwteswfcastiss^^ <• f > u 1 i i ^ T •T 1 {• *• I" t t <*TI KEWS PAE1SH Interesting Budget of Happenings: Gathered by Our City Reporters WrSR * \C 1 SS. PETER £ PAUL'S. Tht Peter Pence coilection will be taken up at all the Masses Sun- day because of the* present religious •conditions in France and the stnig-| gle between the Church and the; state. It is expected that the col-i lection will be a very generous one.! At the request oi Branch 6>, L. C. B. A., a Requiem Mass was said] on Monday morning for Mrs. Cath-j arine Spahn, late member of the! Branch. i At the request of the Rosary S0-1 ciety a Requiem Mass was said on; Tuesday morning for (ieorgej Weber and on Friday morning fori Peter I'M. ' \ The fair for the benefit of the' new •will open on the Parish Hall ami continue on Thursday and Saturday evenings Absolutely DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER Royal does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid ('which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) substances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness. no**, HUM m o n co.. Htm vtmu ST. BRIDGET'S. A class of 34 girls ami 36 boys church at Grand View Beach|received their first Holy Corn- open on Monday evening injmuni»«\lasl; Sunday morrang at the It was a very The special day for the children'^)' two into the sanctuary and kjielt •will be on Friday afternoon. Alii 11 . 1 "* foot of the high altar t o re- members and friends of the parish •will kindly send donations, as soon as possible to the hall, so that everything will be in readiness forjagai" assembled in the church the opening on Monday night. Rev. renewed their baptismal vows Dr. Sinclair hopes to make it a were enrolled in the scapular grand success, and invites all mem- formal reception of the girls bers and friends to attend and help! to make it come up fully to his ex pectation. Mrs. Peter Vay, Mrs. Joseph Bietry, Mrs. William Chris tie, Mrs. George Meyers and Louise Meyers were appointed on the reception committee from this) parish for the reception and sale to be given at St. Ann's Home May 29th, from 2 in the afternoon until 9 o*clock in the evening. All who wish to give donations can send them to any of the above namedj committee who will be glad to re- ceive them. BLB88ED SACRAMENT. The plav dc*3* with lite w Tiwtit n during those stirring < *lmc$ hen ^General Washington m& his itew ragged followers were doing] their best not to defeat the English A - _, ^ ^ ^^ rfent m save tfaemselves from de* - ' An English lady, whose hu&hane! is prominent ba the army %htingj the colonists, conceives Q! a plan whereby, as she believes the; Americans will be routed and the! cause of liberty will be permanent? ly lost. A couple of bright Atneri can lasses team of her plans and] determine to foil her scheme. It takes four acts to tell howl this is accomplished, but the various scenes are full of interest and there is plenty of comedy to relieve the strain of the more serious portions of the drama. To detail the plot of the play would not be fair to the performers. Suffice to say that the, production will be well worth see-j ing The fnneral of the iate Philip M.J Nunnold took place Thursday! rooming at 9 o'clock from St Joseph's Church. Rev, A. Herzog] officiated at solemn requiem mass, assisted by Rev. J. Funk as deacon) and Rev. J. Lowekamp. as sub- deacon. Interment was at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Many friends] were present at the services. The hearers were: Charles S. Rauher,] William J. Quinlan, F. J. Ritz, Frank Zegewitz, James iW iirjijLnr^irinFciPi i) o'clock Mass. fying sight a> they marched edi two m* •Jjfr "Tile-Like^—The Best Varnish an "TUe-Iiice Is a combination of TandiH and IUIIL Bttf than that. It'ta vumiah that requlwt 110 itliTiii^ aiid li wit _ . start to flnish,whlcti can be »ald of no other ariored TaniWi rt, * ' "TUe-Uke** statni and vamtahet at the tametime,*Bdidu albt 1 Si I ' ket. tftft#pa^€^i*fiH>i# When uied on floora it will not ihow heel; Boiling water doea not dnU IU luater—on the contrary, Ue ' ^ wa 8 heu,the bripiter ft become*. *m aanatenr can obtain ai & tmm It as the moat aiUiful mmifl fka^^ra^ta^ii q«tcJOy «nCtor«i tm i^m mmk*. WMIti& mm <% ftfMHM by a gHKXi bmsH and a Httte « l ^ ^ | N ^ T p , * C I ^ | ^ , Iwe Sample Cto| for Ihe M0a$ 3ration. cetve. Their behaviour showed careful training and diligent prep-j At 3 :3o p. m. the children and! and A intoi , -. , T ,-. ,w i*-jams, i.cKtrwiti, fames Kelly, the society of f the Immaculate H e a d Thomas j ^ , ^ ^ p j of Mary and ofthe boys into the|q phwaJ1l awi ]nhn w p ( society of the Cadets of the Sa- cred Heart then took place, fol- lowed by Benediction of the Most) Blessed Sacrament. The baptismal vows wee read by Barton Murray. Catherine Miller and Edna Osterl being sponsors. The altars were beautifully decorated for the oc- casion by the Sisters, Prayers were requested Sunday! for Mrs. Margaret Shields, whoj died at 8 a. m. that morning. Her funeral took place Wednesday at 9 a. HI. Mrs. Shields was a mem ber of this church since the or A great manv approached the ^zaUon of the prfuh. Sacraments during the Forty p An anniversary High Mass of| Hours. A number of priests were Ret l u ! em was ce, « b, » te ? Mon */ in attendance, j™" 1 "* at 7 : 3° for Johanna Sul- The Confirmation class of adults van , , . , . , , „ , will meet, in the hajl on Wednes- c ^ ^ being the eve of VVTut-i dav ami Fridav evenings. Sunda >' w a da y of fast and ab The girls and young women are .; , , . ,,,.•. c . ^. invited to Holy Communion. S " nda y ^'"f. ^ ^ ^ ^ e A meeting of the Holy Name So- V, sual annual collection, called Peter cietv will take place next Sunday] Ien «: Wl11 be taken U P at each of evening. Dr. Breen of St. Ber-'^.^T , t - nard's will deliver a lecture. Alll , The sc ' 10 °i collectl O" the men of the parish are invited. , tak c en "P S ™**y. AHigh MasTof Requiem wasL bu " da y W1 » be Communion day celebrated last Thursday morning for . ^ women and & irls of tile for Patrick F. Buckley. ' P 3 "^"' t . n .•, The annual festival will be held ™5 «Wment of Daniel ,v ,,,.„ ( v„ Ceann of this parish and Miss the latter part ot June. ,. x . , v. ., , . , John.M. Dempsey of Chicago,! T Sus ^ Nu S ent of S | ^ s P a , r . ,sh , formerly of this parish, and Miss ha ?, ^f" announced. The wedding) Rose A Deering of Chicago were,*' 1 1 t a k e P lace ln J une married last Thursday morning in' I loly N'ame Cathedral. will be Schwalb and John H. Etigert The following -officers of St Joseph's Literary Society were elected at the annual meeting in S t Joseph's School, Franklin St.,: Thursday evening: President, Miss C. Yawman; vice president,! P. C. Cramer; recording secretary, Miss Minnie Verhoeven; corres- ponding secretary. Miss Mary Halm; treasurer, Louise Tieraan. The reports submitted showed the' society to be in a nourishing con dition. The present membership is 106. The society was organized! thirteen years ago. The season's programme included a series of| lectnres on Shakespeare by Rev*. J. V. Murphy, late of Dublin, profes- sor of sacred oratory and elocu- tion at St. Bernard's Seminary, There was also a lecture by Rev.j Thomas Miullaney, and an addressj by Rev. William Kessel, C. SS. R Chi May 29th the society will visit St. Ann's Home for the Aged in a| body. A reception will be held. The closing exercises will be held June 6th. HOLY FAMILY. The funeral of George Schrscholl took place from the residence of r* c _L ,1 his uncle, George Miller, 396 Ames is Communion Sunday of; Strecti Saturday morning at 830 from the house and 9 o'clock from the church. The funeral of Catherine Grah e from her late residence, 18 Glasser Street, Monday morning] ST. MABrS. Sunday the girls and young ladies of the parish. There will be a meeting of the Confraternity of Mary Sunday aft-j too j <; "pi a *o ernoon at 4 o'clock in the Church HOIiY REDEEMER. The new parish hall of Holy Re deemer parish will be dedicated forj the purpose it Itas been erected by a fair which is to last six days. It will begin May 29th and be con- tinued June 1st, 3d, 4th, 6th ^and 8th. Pleasing entertainments will be given each evening, the rector, Rev. J. F. Staub. together with the committee, will do everything to) give their guests a good time. 1 J t 1. 1 , , at 8130 from the house and 9 o'clock Sunday, the monthly school col- lfrnm * , fhl , c . hlirc f 1 lection will be taken up. An anniversary High Mass was' sung Monday morning for Rev. Father Kiernan. Monday evening a recept?on will be given by the St. Mary's Alumni at name's Hall. ST. MICHAEL'S. The annual collection for the Holy Father will be taken up Sun- day at all Masses. The Requiem Masses for this week was for Mr. Frank Heberger, Mrs. Catherine- JKella£j_ Mrs. Ri land, Catherine Maier. The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Geibel took place Monday morning) at 9 o'clock Regular meeting of Branch 104J L. C. B. A., will take place Mon- day evening. ' A very pretty wedding took place Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock when Miss Emma Wollensak, only daughter of Andrew and Frances Wollensak, was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob Magin. Solemn High Mass was celebrated by Rev. M. J Hargather, assisted by Rev. L. Hof- Schneider and Rev. J. V. Schell- horn. Prof. Pohl played the wed- ding march. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride on Clifford Street. They received many beautiful and handsome presents. In the even ing they left for an Eastern trip, and after July 1st will reside in their new home on Clifford Street The funeral of Mrs. C. Wolf Moyer took place Fjriday morning from the church. She was a mem- ber of Council $b, Q. W. B. L. Many friends_extend their sym- tfais parish on the death of herl brother, Phillip Nutmold. from the church The double funeral of Catherine Yoit and her son, Sigmu-nd, took place from their laTe'Tes1o^nce7^"s|J Orange Street, at 8:30 from the house and 9 o'clock from the church on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Voit was a member of Branch 88, L. C. B. A. r of our parish. CORPUS CHBISTI. A High Mass of Requiem was celebrated on Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock for John Burke. Branch 251, L. C. B. A., will hol4»stheir-^eg«iarimeet4ng- nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. John McParlin of Prhncel Street spent a few days the past week visiting her daughter, Leah, at Middleton, N. Y. The usual monthly school collec- tion will be taken, up at all the! Masses on Sunday. A Requiem High Mass was cele- brated on Thursday morning for) Mrs^ Corbin. A large class of children will re- ceive their first Holy Communion in about two weeks. ST. JOSEPH'S. The members of the Ladies' Aux- iliary of St. Joseph's Chlurch' will give a dramatic entertainment on Monday.and Tuesday evening in the parish hall on Franklin" Street. The Revolutionary drama, "The Girls of 1776," will be produced with a wealth of scenic equipment] and with other accessories calcu Iated to surprise, even the most blase] theater-goer. Stop! Don'TtafcelmitiiUon celery teat when you ask for Celery King, a medi- cine of great value. The "teas" «ie pathy to Mrs. Fred Kleinhans" of^w^ttwa^DeoiiMetheywrebo^ht • tad cause. Celery King only coot* 25) cent* sad if«never otaippotnt*. OUB LADY t>F VICTORY. Our Lady of Victory Branch 485, L. C B. A., will give a pedro party Friday evening, May 24th, in French Hall, Pleasant Street. Tickets are now in the hands of officers or may be procured at the] door. A pleasant time is anticipat- ed and good attendance desired The- mesung. <ift^tnat-eseBUJg- will e called promptly at 8 o'clock. Bev* A. Kotebaert left tins] {week for a visit to his relatives in] Belgium. "*» (I'M *#<. 25e for a half-pin* <*a» whiefc will Cvv»r 25 aq/ f t * ! & tw* ooatsC 40efQFar^te8m*thiehv?iH^^ t y T5c for a qrt. can, whfch will cov«r $0 m ft. irith two coats. * •1,86 for» half galjpr* can whicl* will^over 175 «|, & with two *oat*. ' ' ' •*' $2.60 for a gallon am which wjtt cover 350 sq, tewitfc tWo«*tsl v >> v ' ^ « A. ^^^^^PH^ McCardy & Norwcll G>mpAny ' i •• [ ' _ t v; M '. '' ""• -'- 1 ^" umT^j » l • '»-" ^<; ^ - WmmmmmM* ft 4ftC4^««M. i ' ,'<i*i HATS There are *o • mmny snappy •tylUh beti In our •tore* that you c»n- not fall to find Just the hat you want to make you up to date and to five you comfort, at the price you want to pay, Light colore , all the go, Wc have every new one in either atilf or soft hata. W« hav. iakeu ^irat ofthotuwmda ofietsof * elegant (or ftarmentl •var auBuaaer forth* lUtthirty five year* andhavt always given tnepreateat •atiafa<tl<Ma. Ovrapecied oiler o< aumnaet price! and altiratioa -work a* w e l l taimakins neWjpanttemta, Jkeepe ui b«ey alithetlttic. Iitveeti«*t« thKaathece i« money Ux t it for you. rrank J. Stupp W«H" first Communion Prayer and *•*«? A beautiful .present*0n& with each purchase FRANK J. aru 01 V / - Oily CttkoUc Meng&Shafer Sole Aftente "DUNLAP" II Stata St. i UWJlllSJi PoreraBlook [i^ia^ f op|>.WWt<HMaVf^^ Deaths, Died in this city, Saturday, May 11, 1907, Ella G. McCarthy. De ceased is survived by her husband,] Eugene B. McCarthy; one daugh- ter, Ullainee, and one son, William;] brothers, William McCarthy and Daniel R. McAnaney, and three sisters, Rose, Anne and Florence McAnaney. Funeral from the late residence, Mo. 58% Waverly Place, at 8.30 a. tn. Tuesday, and g o clock] at Immaculate Conception Qutrch.] Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cjetne- tery. Charles A. . Armbruster died] Wednesday evening at his home, 187 Hebard Street, aged 50 years.] He leaves his wife, two daughters',! Eleanor and Eunice Armbruster ;| three sisters, Mrs. Moduy, Mrs. Costich and Rose Armbruster, and] three brothers,. Frederick, Julius! [and Joseph Armbruster, all of this| city. H e was a member of Branch! 81, C M , 3 . A. •] James H. McGhrirer formerly <rfj Rochester, died Monday iri Chi cago. He leaves, Jbesides hisj mother, two brothers, Bernard G, and Cornelius McGuire, and two] sisters, Mrs. T. P. Conlin of Daw- son and Gudie McGuire o£ tflis city. The remains were brought to Roch- ester, for burial. The funeral wUI take place Saturday morning at] 8 4 0 o'clock frotr* the home of mother, 21 Marshall Street, and a| 9 o'c|ocfc from St. Mtefi Qmv&ii Screens With our special screen the meshes and will add greatly to the appearirice and durability of the doors and windows upon -which it is used. We can supply it in anv quantity desired, either black or green, as wanted. BARNARD, PORTER ".m&M -<'**••*£.* :feiii|JS ^S 'i»$jtei^3fc^ HI PW*. '*:••: ' i>"V««l: - ,'jfaf* -wn : * >:••-.- 1 ;*•'',' 1 1 \ ? ^ -AMMICAt OMAT1ST » rwuw •yttatu" • v» rn '''•'.'•V"*», mm ; t J, •-*- v. t \j 15 Cents A ^*iv »* i -».. * i ^ H Wfttl Main Ilrtei igseggm^emmr Aili itinifiniil imriiiiiiiii miinlltiijiiniiiiijii t German American Lurn OUCKP 1 labaaeei ©Civ* 1 Wt^S^^lmW Does It Make Any Difference How Your fibres fiff J : You ought to realize the L.. porlahceof this qv'ea^oft. iV H imperfectly fitted, the injury to your looks is very great, and the injury to 'your eyes-think of that! There's 110 reason for your wearing poorly fitted lenses and frames. " Fire Sale of Wall PaTber thmtmmotjoiif »—&* reaeooratlag Nowietoe tfaw(edei ' Ijtwt ^ne tlpe to talw edraatafe of the very lew price* we IUKWI •* le»<at«ajf |Usai; ^ • ilMMrry «full nmortmtnt of colore U toe fanoae Belli IaW Miaaal 1 BKLL PHONU Mala 6M Opfoeice XeeseJe TeWiU + , f 66 $t Stands for Perfectioft * in the Optical World 6 MAIN STREET EAST ^^^^ y F- MOLONEY i w Dry Goods and Notions Men's, Women's and ChlldreVa Snsaiiav Wsiar, Cheapesl Cash pneas Bojs end Qirli Ca^a Bell Phene 1748-L Mala •"J 11 " m - * «rVl ' ^ i w<vSi #3 vc« Mvto. txfh*- : 1Wif«i«t«lt* ... . HiggJuiTtti: Nolan & McLaoehlin WMtlf rirwit jmlin | ArenowlocaUd at 197 Main HtiSsat opposite Gienny'e es, Diamonda, Clocks r ^ , Silveirwara) •*• &&<*»*&««& * »* i'i".^ * : ^mw^^^^^^^^^^^ „v< i^s * '.^.,^gin&t*'^VM^MP* *•«»!. ^^•W ^ / «

Transcript of Si Bttf - Roman Catholic Diocese of...

Page 1: Si Bttf - Roman Catholic Diocese of · of the drama. To detail the plot of the play would not be fair to



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•43&I ^ r H

£87 J * r-e

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{ • *• I" t t

<*TI KEWS PAE1SH Interesting Budget of Happenings:

Gathered by Our City Reporters

WrSR *




Tht Peter Pence coilection will be taken up at all the Masses Sun­day because of the* present religious •conditions in France and the stnig-| gle between the Church and the; state. It is expected that the col-i lection will be a very generous one.!

At the request oi Branch 6>, L. C. B. A., a Requiem Mass was said] on Monday morning for Mrs. Cath-j arine Spahn, late member of the! Branch. i

At the request of the Rosary S0-1 ciety a Requiem Mass was said on; Tuesday morning for (ieorgej Weber and on Friday morning fori Peter I'M. ' \

The fair for the benefit of the' new •will open on the Parish Hall ami continue on Thursday and Saturday evenings


TARTAR BAKING POWDER Roya l does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid ('which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) substances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness.

no**, H U M m o n co.. Htm vtmu


A class of 34 girls ami 36 boys church at Grand View Beach|received their first Holy Corn-open on Monday evening injmuni»«\lasl; Sunday morrang a t the

It was a very

The special day for the children'^)' two into the sanctuary and kjielt •will be on Friday afternoon. Alii1 1 .1"* foot of the high altar t o re­members and friends of the parish •will kindly send donations, as soon as possible to the hall, so that everything will be in readiness forjagai" assembled in the church the opening on Monday night. Rev. renewed their baptismal vows Dr. Sinclair hopes to make it a w e r e enrolled in the scapular

grand success, and invites all mem- formal reception of the girls bers and friends to attend and help! t o make it come up fully to his ex pectation. Mrs. Peter Vay, Mrs. Joseph Bietry, Mrs. William Chris tie, Mrs. George Meyers and Louise Meyers were appointed on the reception committee from this) parish for the reception and sale to be given at St. Ann's Home May 29th, from 2 in the afternoon until 9 o*clock in the evening. All who wish to give donations can send them to any of the above namedj committee who will be glad to re­ceive them.


T h e plav dc*3* with l ite w Tiwtit n during those stirring < *lmc$ hen ^General Washington m& his

itew ragged followers were doing] their best not t o defeat the English

A — • - _, ^ ^ ^ ^ rfent m save tfaemselves from de*

• - ' An English lady, whose hu&hane! is prominent ba the army %htingj the colonists, conceives Q! a plan whereby, as she believes the; Americans will be routed and the! cause of liberty will be permanent? ly lost. A couple of bright Atneri can lasses team of her plans and] determine to foil her scheme.

It takes four acts to tell howl this is accomplished, but the various scenes are full of interest and there is plenty o f comedy to relieve the strain of the more serious portions of the drama. T o detail the plot of the play would not be fair to the performers. Suffice to say that the, production will be well worth see-j ing

The fnneral of the iate Philip M.J Nunnold took place Thursday! rooming at 9 o'clock from S t Joseph's Church. Rev, A. Herzog] officiated at solemn requiem mass, assisted by Rev. J. Funk as deacon) and Rev. J. Lowekamp. as sub-deacon. Interment was at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Many friends] were present at the services. The hearers were: Charles S. Rauher,] William J. Quinlan, F. J. Ritz, Frank Zegewitz, James

iW iirjijLnr^irinFciPi

i) o'clock Mass. fying sight a> they marched

edi two

m* •Jjfr

"Tile-Like —The Best Varnish an "TUe-Iiice Is a combination of TandiH and IUIIL Bttf

than that. It'ta vumiah that requlwt 110 itliTiii^ aiid li wit _ . start to flnish,whlcti can be »ald of no other ariored TaniWi rt, * ' "TUe-Uke** statni and vamtahet at the tame time,*Bd idu albt 1

Si I '

ket. tftft#pa^€^i*fiH>i# When uied on floora it will not ihow heel; Boiling water doea not dnU IU luater—on the contrary, Ue ' ^ wa8heu,the bripiter ft become*. *m aanatenr can obtain ai & tmm It as the moat aiUiful mmifl f k a ^ ^ r a ^ t a ^ i i q«tcJOy «nCtor«i tm i^m mmk*. WMIti& mm <% ftfMHM by a gHKXi bmsH and a Httte « l ^ ^ | N ^ T p , * C I ^ | ^ ,

Iwe Sample Cto| for Ihe M0a$


cetve. Their behaviour showed careful training and diligent prep-j

At 3 :3o p. m. the children and! and

A intoi

, -. , T , - . ,w i*-jams, i . c K t r w i t i , f a m e s K e l l y , the society offthe Immaculate H e a d T h o m a s j ^ , ^ ^ p j of Mary and o f t h e boys into the |q p h w a J 1 l awi ]nhn w p „ ( society of the Cadets o f the Sa­cred Heart then took place, fol­lowed by Benediction of the Most) Blessed Sacrament. The baptismal vows wee read by Barton Murray. Catherine Miller and Edna Osterl being sponsors. The altars were beautifully decorated for the oc­casion by the Sisters,

Prayers were requested Sunday! for Mrs. Margaret Shields, whoj died at 8 a. m. that morning. Her funeral took place Wednesday at 9 a. HI. Mrs. Shields w a s a mem ber of this church since the or

A great manv approached the ^zaUon of the prfuh. Sacraments during the Forty p

A n anniversary High Mass of| Hours. A number of priests were R e t l u ! e m w a s c e , « b , » t e ? M o n * / i n attendance, j™" 1 "* a t 7 : 3° for Johanna Sul-

The Confirmation class of adults v a n , , . , . , , „ , will meet, in the hajl on Wednes- c ^ ^ being the eve of VVTut-i dav ami Fridav evenings. S u n d a > ' w a d a y o f f a s t a n d a b

The girls and young women are .; , , . , , , . • . c . ^. invited to Holy Communion. S " n d a y ^'"f. ^ ^ ^ ^ e

A meeting of the Holy Name So- V,sual annual collection, called Peter cietv will take place next Sunday] I e n « : W l 1 1 b e t a k e n U P a t e a c h o f

evening. Dr. Breen of St. B e r - ' ^ . ^ T , „ t-nard's will deliver a lecture. Alll , T h e s c ' 1 0 ° i c o l l e c t l O " the men of the parish are invited. , t a k

ce n "P S™**y.

AHigh MasTof Requiem wasL b u " d a y W1» b e Communion day celebrated last Thursday morning f o r . ^ w o m e n a n d & i r l s o f tile

for Patrick F. Buckley. ' P3"^"' t . n .•, The annual festival will be held ™ 5 « W m e n t of Daniel

, v , , , . „ „ ( v „ Ceann o f this parish and Miss the latter part ot June. ,. x. , v. . , , . ,

John.M. Dempsey of Chicago,!TSus^ N u S e n t o f S | ^ s Pa,r.,sh,

formerly of this parish, and Miss h a ? , ^f" announced. The wedding) Rose A Deering of Chicago were,*'11 t a k e P l a c e l n J u n e

married last Thursday morning in' I loly N'ame Cathedral.

will be

Schwalb and John H. Etigert The following -officers of S t

Joseph's Literary Society were elected at the annual meeting in S t Joseph's School, Franklin St.,: Thursday evening: President, Miss C . Yawman; vice president,! P . C. Cramer; recording secretary, Miss Minnie Verhoeven; corres­ponding secretary. Miss Mary Halm; treasurer, Louise Tieraan. The reports submitted showed the' society to be in a nourishing con dition. The present membership is 106. The society was organized! thirteen years ago. The season's programme included a series of| lectnres on Shakespeare by Rev*. J. V . Murphy, late of Dublin, profes­sor of sacred oratory and elocu­tion a t St. Bernard's Seminary, There was also a lecture by Rev.j Thomas Miullaney, and an addressj by Rev. William Kessel, C. SS. R Chi May 29th the society will visit St . Ann's Home for the Aged in a| body. A reception will be held. The closing exercises will be held June 6th.

HOLY FAMILY. The funeral of George Schrscholl

took place from the residence of • r* c _L ,1 his uncle, George Miller, 396 Ames is Communion Sunday of; S t r e c t i Saturday morning at 830

from the house and 9 o'clock from the church.

The funeral of Catherine Grah e from her late residence,

18 Glasser Street, Monday morning]


Sunday the girls and young ladies o f the parish.

There will be a meeting o f the Confraternity of Mary Sunday aft-jtooj<; "pia*o ernoon at 4 o'clock in the Church

HOIiY REDEEMER. The new parish hall of Holy R e

deemer parish will be dedicated forj the purpose it Itas been erected by a fair which is to last six days. It will begin May 29th and be con­tinued June 1st, 3d, 4th, 6th ^and 8th. Pleasing entertainments will be given each evening, the rector, Rev. J. F. Staub. together with the committee, will do everything to) give their guests a good time.

1 J t 1. 1 , , at 8130 from the house and 9 o'clock Sunday, the monthly school col- l f rnm* ,

fh l , c.hlircf1

lection will be taken up. An anniversary High Mass was'

sung Monday morning • for Rev. Father Kiernan.

Monday evening a recept?on will b e given by the St. Mary's Alumni a t name's Hall.


The annual collection for the Holy Father will be taken up Sun­day at all Masses.

The Requiem Masses for this week was for Mr. Frank Heberger, Mrs. Catherine- JKella£j_ Mrs. Ri land, Catherine Maier.

The funeral o f Mrs. Joseph Geibel took place Monday morning) at 9 o'clock

• Regular meeting of Branch 104J L . C. B. A., will take place Mon­day evening. '

A very pretty wedding took place Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock when Miss Emma Wollensak, only daughter of Andrew and Frances Wollensak, was united in marriage t o Mr. Jacob Magin. Solemn High Mass was celebrated by Rev. M. J Hargather, assisted by Rev. L. Hof-Schneider and Rev. J. V . Schell-horn. Prof. Pohl played the wed­ding march. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home o f the bride on Clifford Street. They received many beautiful and handsome presents. In the even i n g they left for an Eastern trip, and after July 1st will reside in their new home on Clifford Street

The funeral of Mrs. C. Wolf Moyer took place Fjriday morning from the church. She was a mem­ber of Council $b, Q. W. B . L.

Many friends_extend their sym-

tfais parish on the death of herl brother, Phillip Nutmold.

from the church The double funeral of Catherine

Yoit and her son, Sigmu-nd, took place from their laTe'Tes1o^nce7^"s|J Orange Street, at 8:30 from the house and 9 o'clock from the church o n Wednesday morning. Mrs. Voit was a member o f Branch 88, L. C. B. A.r of our parish.

CORPUS CHBISTI. A High Mass of Requiem was

celebrated on Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock for John Burke.

Branch 251, L. C. B. A., will hol4»stheir-^eg«iarimeet4ng-nesday evening at 8 o'clock.

Mrs. John McParlin o f Prhncel Street spent a few days the past week visiting her daughter, Leah, at Middleton, N . Y.

The usual monthly school collec­tion will be taken, up at all the! Masses on Sunday.

A Requiem High Mass was cele­brated on Thursday morning for) Mrs^ Corbin.

A large class of children will re­ceive their first Holy Communion in about two weeks.

ST. JOSEPH'S. The members of the Ladies' A u x ­

iliary of St. Joseph's Chlurch' will give a dramatic entertainment on Monday.and Tuesday evening in the parish hall on Franklin" Street. The Revolutionary drama, "The Girls of 1776," will be produced with a wealth of scenic equipment] and with other accessories calcu Iated to surprise, even the most blase] theater-goer.

Stop! Don'TtafcelmitiiUon celery teat when you ask for Celery King, a medi­cine of great value. The "teas" « i e

pathy to Mrs. Fred Kleinhans" o f ^ w ^ t t w a ^ D e o i i M e t h e y w r e b o ^ h t

• tad cause. Celery King only coot* 25) cent* sad if«never otaippotnt*.


Our Lady of Victory Branch 485, L. C B. A., will give a pedro party Friday evening, May 24th, in French Hall, Pleasant Street. Tickets are now in the hands of officers or may be procured at the] door. A pleasant time is anticipat­ed and good attendance desired The- mesung . <ift^tnat-eseBUJg- will

e called promptly at 8 o'clock. Bev* A. Kotebaert left tins]

{week for a visit to his relatives in] Belgium.

" * »

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Died in this city, Saturday, May 11, 1907, Ella G. McCarthy. D e ceased is survived by her husband,] Eugene B. McCarthy; one daugh­ter, Ullainee, and one son, William;]

brothers, William McCarthy and Daniel R. McAnaney, and three sisters, Rose, Anne and Florence McAnaney. Funeral from the late residence, Mo. 58% Waverly Place, at 8.30 a . tn. Tuesday, and g o clock] at Immaculate Conception Qutrch.] Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cjetne-tery.

Charles A . . Armbruster died] Wednesday evening at his home, 187 Hebard Street, aged 50 years.] H e leaves his wife, two daughters',! Eleanor and Eunice Armbruster ;| three sisters, Mrs. Moduy, Mrs. Costich and Rose Armbruster, and] three brothers,. Frederick, Julius! [and Joseph Armbruster, all of this| city. H e was a member of Branch! 81, C M , 3 . A. • ]

James H. McGhrirer formerly <rfj Rochester, died Monday iri Chi cago. He leaves, Jbesides hisj mother, two brothers, Bernard G, and Cornelius McGuire, and two] sisters, Mrs. T . P . Conlin of Daw­son and Gudie McGuire o£ tflis city. The remains were brought to Roch­ester, for burial. The funeral wUI take place Saturday morning at] 8 4 0 o'clock frotr* the home of mother, 21 Marshall Street, and a | 9 o'c|ocfc from St . Mtefi Qmv&ii

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