Body Rhytms and Cycles

Post on 16-Aug-2014

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Simple advises for a healthier life by adjusting to the universal rhytms.

Transcript of Body Rhytms and Cycles

From Power, Freedom, and Grace: Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness, by Deepak Chopra. 6-10 / 18-22 = Hypo metabolism An abnormal decrease in metabolic rate. Try being silent and calm at 6 and 18. Good for meditating and jogging(to lose weight). 10 / 14 = Metabolism is on fire Eat a lot digests very fast. 14-18 = Studying The best time for physical and mental activities. 18(before sunrise) = Light meal Good time for a light meal. Do not eat before sleeping(2-3 hours). 2-6 = Dreaming Ideal time to dream. 22-22.30 = Sleep You'll have a wonderful sleep and wonderful dreams.