Boat Launching Brochure

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Transcript of Boat Launching Brochure





August, 18. 2011


Please do not miss your chance to ride on the

currents of heavenly fortune. Take the lead in

protecting and developing the realm of the

oceans, which covers seventy-five percent of the

earth. Where else will you find a treasure store

of natural resources that promise to resuscitate

the earth endangered by pollution and resource

depletion? The oceanic era that has begun

represents the era of women.

– Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, Messages of Peace

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon


Opening Remarks

Welcoming Address

Special Remarks

Special ReportWorld Class Negative Resin Boat Development

Video Presentation

Congratulatory Remarks

Musical Entertainment

Introduction to the Keynote Speaker

Close of Ceremony

Commemorative Address

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Michael FarisPresident of U.S. Marine

Dr. Chang Shik YangChairman of U.S. Marine

Tom MorseProject Director of the Peace Palace

Mr. Chan Yoon KohPresident

Ocean Hope Marine Corporation

Rev. Hyung Jin MoonInternational President Unification Church

Chairman of the Universal Peace Federation

Rev. In Jin MoonPresident and CEO

Unification Church of America

Sonic Cult

Master of Ceremonies

Dr. Hak Ja Han MoonCo Founder of the U.S. Marine Corporation,

HSA-UWC & The Universal Peace Federation

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon Co Founder of the U.S. Marine Corporation,

HSA-UWC & The Universal Peace Federation

Ceremony for Dedication and Launchof the Won Mo Boat

존경하는 세계각국의 지도자, 그리고 내외 귀빈 여러분!

바쁘신 일정에도 불구하고 원모선 진수식에 참석하여주신 여러분을 진심으로 환영하며 감사의 인사를 드립니다.

또한 2012년 세계해양박람회 개최를 앞둔 한국의 미항 여수와 후버댐을 중심한 콜로라도강 유역등이 명실공히 동서

해양레저산업의 허브로 발돋움할 수 있도록 오늘의 진수식을 갖게 해주신 하나님께 감사를 드립니다.

귀빈여러분, 오늘날 세계 인구 중 거의 십억에 가까운 사람들이 굶주림에 허덕이고 있습니다. 평균 6초마다 한 명, 1

년에 2천만명이 죽어가고있는 것입니다. 특별히 많은 어린이가 영양실조로 목숨을 잃고 있는 것입니다. UN은 2015

년까지 기아 인구를 절반으로 줄이겠다고 선포하였지만 지구 온난화로 곡물 생산량이 줄어들어 전문가들은 오히려

2020년이면 기아 인구가 두 배로 증가할 것이라고 전망하고있습니다.

심각한 기아문제를 해결할 수 있는 대안은 어디에 있습니까? 본인은 지구성의75%를 차지하고 있는 해양권이야 말

로 인류의 기아문제를 해결할 수 있는 자원의 보고라는 생각입니다. 바다는 각종 공해와 자원의 고갈로 인해 죽어가

고 있는 지구성을 회생시키고 인류의 밝은 미래를 약속해줄 새로운 원자재의 보고인 것입니다.

본인은 기아에 고통 받고 있는 인류를 해방하기 위해 이미 1960년대부터 지난 50여년 동안 해양산업에 투자해 왔

으며 보트산업 및 낚시기술 등 해양기술을 개발해 왔습니다. 1980년대에 굿고(GoodGo)선박을 건조하였으며 알래

스카 코디악과 뉴멕스코만 등 미국 30 여 곳에 해양산업의 기지를 만들었습니다.1990년대에는 브라질과 우루과이

를 중심으로 남미 해양산업에 투자하는 등 전세계 52개국에 세계적인 해양네트워크를 조성했습니다. 이런 기반 위

에 2000년대 대한민국 남해안의 여수와 태평양 중앙에 있는 하와이를 환태평양시대의 해양산업의 허브로 발전시

켜 온 것입니다.

특별히 오늘은여러 귀빈들을 모시고 본인이 창안한 석고몰드공법을 소개하고, 여기에 새로운 신기술을 더욱 개발,

적용하여 제작한 ‘원모선’의 진수식을 가지게 되었습니다. ‘천정호’를 시작으로 ‘마스터마린’조선은 세계적

인 차원에서 선박산업의 새 지평을 열고, 한국과 아시아 지역의 해양교통에 혁신을 가져오게 함은 물론, 삶의 질을

향상시키는데 크게 기여해 나갈 것입니다.

여러분, 본인은 일생을 하나님의 참사랑을 실천하는 ‘위하여 사는 삶’의 길을 가르쳐 왔으며 세계 인류의 복지와

평화를 위한 노력을 해양산업 뿐만 아니라 다방면에서 지속적으로 펼쳐 왔습니다.

지난 2010년에는 평화운동의 이러한 성과를 집대성하는 ‘천지인 참부모 정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회’를 미국 뉴

욕과 이곳 라스베가스, 그리고 한국에서 개최하였으며 금년 한 해도 92세의 고령에도 불구하고 인류 평화를 위한

본인의 노력을 멈추지 않고 있습니다.

우리 모두의 궁극적목표는 하나님을 중심에 모시고 사는 ‘그 나라’와 ‘그 의’를 찾아 세우는 것입니다.‘그 나

라’는 어떤 나라입니까? 한 가정안에서 조부 . 부모 . 자녀 3대가 어울려 서로서로 믿고, 존경하고, 의지하며, 사랑

으로 하나되어 사는 참된 이상가정의 모습과 같은 평화이상왕국을 말하는 것입니다. 즉 인류가 지금까지 유토피아

로소망해 온 하나님 주권의 나라가 바로‘그 나라’라는 것입니다.

인류가 한 가족이되어 서로 마음의 담을 헐고 천주적 차원에서 국가 간의 국경까지도 제거하자는 공생 . 공영 . 공의

Commemorative Address

사회의 실현운동도 이렇게 한 가정으로부터 시작되는 것입니다. 따라서 우리가 참된 가정을 찾아 세우는 일은 이 땅

에 하나님을 중심한 천주평화왕국 창건을 앞당기는 섭리적 소명입니다.

오늘 우리가 살고있는 이 시대는 역사적인일대전환기입니다. 역사를바꾸고, 영계와 지상계를 하나로 만들어, 하나님

께서 태초부터 소원하셨던이상천국을 이 지상에 창건해야하는 천주적 대혁명기입니다. 더 이상 연기하거나 연장할

시간이 없습니다. 하늘은 벌써 2013년 1월 13일을 ‘기원절’로 선포해 놓았습니다. 실체적 천일국의 시발이요, 기

원이 되는 날이 바로 그 날인것입니다. 2년밖에 남지 않았습니다.

따라서 인류는이제 하늘의 명 앞에 겸허한 자세로 순종해야 할 때입니다. 평화의왕 되신 하나님의 실체로서, 지상계

에서 섭리를 경륜하고 계시는 참부모님의 인도함을 따라, 평화세계를 이룰 숙명적인 시간이 오늘 우리 앞에 다가왔

다는 것입니다.

귀빈 여러분, 이런 심각하고 귀한 시대를 맞이하여 여러분의 삶에도 이제 혁명적인 천주적 변화가 와야 할것입니다.

그런 의미에서 ‘천지인 참부모 정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회’의 결론 부분을 요약하여 하늘의 메시지로 전하고

자 합니다.

첫째, 먼저 가정 안에서 하나님을 중심에 모시고 부모와 자녀가 완전 하나가 되는 교육을 매일 실천해야 합니다.가정

에서 부모와 자녀가 참부모님께서 주신 교재 . 교본과 참부모님 자서전 등을 함께 훈독하며 부모와자녀가 하나 되는

가정교육을 철저히 하라는 것입니다.

둘째, 부모와 자녀가 하나님을 중심으로 절대부모, 절대자녀의 기준을 세워절대가정을 세우라는 것입니다. 하늘은

이제 중생과 부활의 승화권 은사를 가정단위까지 허락하셨습니다.하나님 아래 부모와 자녀가 완전일체가 되면 그 은

사를 받을 수 있으니 절대가정을 세우라는 것입니다.

셋째, 참부모님 재세시에 하나님과 참부모님을 중심삼은 승리권의 태평성대를 열어야 합니다. 참부모님의 피땀 어린

고난의 은사로 인류는 이제 탕감복귀시대권을 벗어났습니다. 이제 우리 모두는 참부모님 재세시에 가정, 종족, 민족,

국가, 세계까지 지옥권을 해방시켜야 할 책임이 있다는 것을 잊지 말아야 할 것입니다.

넷째, 하나님께서 직접 주관하시는 평화시대로의 진입이 2년밖에 남지 않았습니다. 평화의 인류 대가족의 비전을

중심하고 한 가정에서 8대까지 동거동락하며 함께 살 참사랑의 천주안식권의 시대에 들어섰다는 사실을 명심하시

기 바랍니다.

만인평등이요, 만국형제국이 되는 ‘하나님 아래 인류한가족’의 세계가 여러분 눈앞에서 전개되고 있습니다. 미국

의 유에스마린과 한국의 마스터마린조선이 궁극적으로 이런 원대한 뜻을 위해 크게 일조할 것입니다.

후버댐과 레이크 미드 등 콜로라도 강 유역 일대의 탐사와 해양자원 개발을 위하여 오늘 새로운 공법으로 진수하는

원모선이 크게 기여할 것을 기대하면서 여러분의 가정과 국가 위에 하늘의 축복이 함께 하시기를 기원하면서 말씀

을 마치고자 합니다.


Commemorative Address

Respected leaders from around the world, distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen!

I offer you my heartfelt welcome and thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to participate in this ceremony to launch the Won Mo Boat.

Let us all thank God for making today’s launching ceremony possible. The ceremony in which we are taking part today and a similar ceremony held this past February in Yeosu, a beautiful port city in South Korea, are part of my effort to make Yeosu and the Colorado River region, especially the area around Hoover Dam, into the Eastern and Western hubs of the marine leisure industry. In 2012, Yeosu will be the site of an International Exposition recognized by the Bureau of International Expositions.

Ladies and gentlemen, close to one billion people today are suffering due to hunger. On average, one person dies of malnutrition every six seconds. 20 million people die every year. Of greatest concern is the number of children who are losing their lives due to malnutrition. The UN proclaimed that it would cut the number of the starving population in half by the end of 2015. Yet, output of corn and other crops has dwindled, and experts predict that the rate of starvation will double by the year 2020.

Where can we find a solution to this serious issue? The solution lies in the world’s oceans, which cover 75% of the earth’s surface and are rich repositories of natural resources. The oceans are treasure stores of raw materials that could revive the Earth, which is dying due to environmental pollution and resource depletion, and promise humankind a bright future.

I have been investing in the ocean industry and developing marine-related technology for more than 50 years. My purpose has been to liberate humankind from suffering and death due to hunger. In the 1980s I built the Good-Go ships and laid a foundation for the ocean industry in more than thirty locations throughout the United States, including Kodiak, Alaska, and the Gulf of Mexico. In the 1990s, I invested in the ocean industry in South America, particularly in Brazil and Uruguay, thus creating a global marine network connecting 52 nations. On this foundation, in the new millennium I have been developing Yeosu, situated on the southern coast of Korea, and Hawaii, situated at the center of the Pacific Ocean, to become hubs of the ocean industry in the Pacific Rim Era.

Today you will be introduced to the Gypsum Plaster Mold method, which I devised, and participate in the launching of the Won Mo Boat, which was built using this and other new technologies. Beginning with the Cheon Jeong Boat, launched in Yeosu six months ago, Master Marine is opening a new global horizon in the shipbuilding industry and is contributing greatly to innovation in marine transportation in Korea and all of Asia, improving the quality of life for all.

Ladies and gentlemen, throughout my life I have taught the way of living for the sake of others, of practicing the true love of God. I have continuously promoted the welfare and security of the people of the world not only through the ocean industry but through a variety of fields.

In 2010, I held Cosmic Assemblies in New York, Las Vegas and Korea, to Proclaim the Substantial Word That Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Through those assemblies, I summed up the accomplishments of my peace initiatives. I am 91 years old, but I have never stopped working to bring about world peace.

The ultimate goal that we share in common is to seek and establish “God’s kingdom” and “his righteousness.” (Matt. 6:33) The kingdom that we are seeking is a kingdom in which we live attending God at the center. It is an ideal kingdom of peace in the form of a true ideal family in which three generations of grandparents, parents and children live together in mutual trust, respect and interdependence, united in love. In other words, “God’s kingdom” is the nation of God’s sovereignty, the ideal world for which humankind has always hoped.

We have been called by God in his providence to establish true families in order to hasten the founding of the kingdom of cosmic peace on the earth. The movement to realize a society based on interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values starts with one family. It is the movement to make all of humankind one family through breaking down the walls in our hearts and removing the borders, both spiritual and secular, between nations.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living at a time of great historic transition. It is a time for us to change history, to unite the spirit world and the physical world, and to found the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time, in a great cosmic revolution. We can no longer postpone or prolong this. Heaven has already proclaimed that January 13, 2013, will be the “Day of Origin.” It will be the substantial beginning of the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unification (Cheon Il Guk). Less than two years remain.

Therefore, it is now time for all humankind to submit humbly to Heaven’s commands. A predestined time is upon us today, when we must establish a peaceful world under the guidance of the True Parents, who administer God’s providence on earth as his substantial self, as the King and Queen of Peace.

Ladies and gentlemen, during this serious and unique time, you must now bring revolutionary and cosmic changes to your own lives.

With that in mind, I would like to convey Heaven’s message to you by summarizing the concluding remarks in my address given at the Cosmic Assemblies to Proclaim the Substantial Word That Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

First, all families should attend God at their center and practice daily study through which parents and children can completely unite. Parents and children in each family should gather to read together the teaching materials and textbooks True Parents have bequeathed as well as True Parents’ autobiography. Through daily study, parents and children become one.

Second, parents and children must establish an absolute family by setting the standard of absolute parents and absolute children with God at their center. Heaven has permitted families to receive the grace of the seung-hwa authority, which allows for rebirth and resurrection. It is grace that can be received once there is complete unity between parents and children under God. For this cause, you have to establish absolute families.

Third, you must open the victorious reign of peace, with God and True Parents at its center, during True Parents’ time on earth. Humankind has passed beyond the authority of the era of restoration through indemnity, thanks to the grace of True Parents’ blood, sweat and tears. Now we must all fulfill our responsibility to liberate families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world from the authority of hell. Do not forget that this must be done during True Parents’ time on earth.

Fourth, less than two years remain until we enter an era of peace under God’s direct dominion. Please bear in mind that we have entered the era of the authority of the cosmic Sabbath of true love. This is the era in which up to eight generations can live together joyfully in a single home, with the vision of one peaceful human family at the center.

The world of “One Family Under God,” where all people are equal and all nations are brothers and sisters, is unfolding before your eyes. U.S. Marine in America and Master Marine in Korea will ultimately help to achieve this grand purpose.

I expect that the Won Mo Boat, which was made using a new manufacturing method and is being launched today, will contribute greatly to the exploration of the area surrounding the Colorado River, which includes Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, and to the development of ocean resources. I would like to conclude my words with the wish that Heaven’s blessings will be with your family and nation.

Thank you.

designing boats for people with apassion for fishing...

Environmental pollution, scarce resources, starvation…Humanity is facing a crisis.However, the vast blue oceans promise us hope for an abundant tomorrow.We have a dream. Our dream is that the blue oceans will brighten humanity’s future. The time of the ocean is opening wide.

The oceans are the treasure store of hope and spiritual renewal for the 21st century!

Resin Plaster Mold Manufacturing Method

• Production time reduced by 50%

• Elegant boat exterior

• Reduced boat friction resistance

• Variety of design

* Patent pending

Manufacturing Process

A boat model completedusing plaster mold

CNC 3D modeling

Stiffening of the resin plaster

CAD (computer-aided design) of 15m boat

Resin plaster mold prototype test

Cutting of the surface

CNC (computer numerical control) 3D modeling

Stiffening of the laminate

Assembly of two prow halves

Assembly of two stern halves

CNC 3D modeling

Automatic application of resin plaster

What is the Resin Plaster Mold Manufacturing Method?In past boat construction, wooden or FRP molds were utilized for building a boat hull and deck. This not only made the building process complicated but it also made the surface of the mold rough, compromising the quality of the outside planking and creating other problems. Resin Plaster Mold Manufacturing Method, invented by the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and perfected by Master Marine, Inc., solves this problem. This technology simplifies the process of boat building, reducing manufacturing cost and time in an innovative way. This has led to the popularization of ocean leisure.

Advantages of ResinPlaster Molds

Gypsum Plaster Mold Manufacturing Method

• Up to 50% reduction of the manufacturing process for

ship molds

• 30% reduction of mold manufacturing costs

• Minimization of mold contraction and deformation due to

temperature, humidity or heat

• Extension of mold lifespan – up to 1.5 times longer life

Advantages of Gypsum Plaster Molds

Manufacturing Process

Completed mode

Producing a half-stiff plaster sheet

Cutting of plaster sheet

Reinforcement process

Surface gelcoat treatment

Shaping and stiffening of plaster sheet

Separation of completed mold from product

Double-cross hardening and

FRP lamination

Removal of mold releasing agent

Gypsum plaster mold

Plaster lamination

Bonding of the plaster mold

Gypsum plaster mold

The Gypsum Plaster Mold Manufacturing Method is a manufacturing method for frames for FRP vessels. Less expensive than wooden molds and FRP molds, for which the processing and manufacturing costs are high, the gypsum plaster mold uses gypsum, plaster sheets, epoxy resin and gelcoat.

Method of Manufacturing Unsinkable Boats Using Helium Airtanks

Helium & Air

Helium & Air

Refill Valve (Used to refill helium tank)

Side view of the deck

Helium tank Helium & Air

Helium & Air

After placing urethane foam on the floor, laminate with compound material. If the bottom of the vessel is damaged, this will protect the

helium tube (or tank)

• The nozzle valve, which is connected to the helium tank, is used to periodically refill the tank when the helium is depleted.

• The nozzle valve is placed on a set location of the vessel desk and is used to refill helium when needed.

• The specific gravity of seawater is approximately

5,600 times greater than that of helium.

• 1 kg/m3 of helium : 5,600 kg/m3 of seawater

• In water, 1kg of helium provides a buoyancy of

more than 5.6 tons.

• 1 kg/m3 of helium is used to fill one helium tank.

Helium is an inert gas that is lighter than air and very stable compared to hydrogen. A tank filled with helium tubes on the floor of the vessel is used to provide buoyancy in the case of rupture or capsizing. The buoyancy of the helium stored will keep the vessel or boat from sinking. In this way, an unsinkable boat is made.

Example: For a test ship weighing three tons, with a hull weighing two tons and an engine weighing one ton, even 1kg/m3 of helium is sufficient to keep the ship from sinking, since that much helium provides 5.6 tons of buoyancy.

Even if the helium is depleted from the airtank, 4kg/m3 of air gives 3.3ton/m3 of buoyancy, since the specific gravity of air is 800kg/m3 less than the specific gravity of seawater.

Installation Outline

Holes for refilling helium

Manufacturing of helium tanks using bulkheads

Manufacturing of helium tanks using bulkheads

Refilling caps for helium Refilling valves placed

Laminate using two layers of urethane foam for reinforcement

Sealing up the bulkheads

Install tank refill hose lines (left) and refill nozzles (right)

Completed model

History of the Ocean Providence

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon discerned heaven’s will and conceived of the providence of salvation for humankind, the ocean! With great love for the ocean, Reverend Moon has created a foundation for God’s ocean providence around the world, starting in the early 1960s. He believes that the ocean is the resource through which humanity can resolve its food problems and return the Earth to its original state, free of environmental pollution. With this heart, he has pioneered the ocean for the past 50 years. The path for humankind’s future can be found in the history of the ocean providence.

1950s Conception of the Ocean Providence

1960s Preparation for the Ocean Providence

1970s Foundation for the Ocean Providence

• June 26, 1963 – Production and launching of the Boat of Heavenly Victory

• 1972 – Purchase of Jigui Island in Jeju

• 1974 – Purchase of New Hope and Flying Phoenix - Reverend Moon reports and

promises to God that he will begin the ocean providence

• 1975 – 22-day research in Gloucester, MA, on how to catch large tuna

• 1976 – Reverend Moon becomes famous for catching Atlantic bluefin tuna (the

largest tuna caught weighed 578kg and was 5.49m long)

Acquisition of the Master Marine shipbuilding yard and Norfolk, VA dock

The marine product company I.O.E. (International Oceanic Enterprise) is founded

and Dr. Bo Hi Pak is appointed as first company president

• 1977 – Establishment of a fish distribution business in New York (wholesale,

retail, and delivery)

• 1978 – NY sea products company is founded

Acquisition of Golden Gate Sea Food

Acquisition of International Sea Food Alaska

Acquisition of I.O.E. Alabama

• 1979 – Restaurants are opened throughout America

History of the Ocean Providence

• 1980 – Pollution-free natural seafood released in the U.S. market

seafood facility obtained (acquisition of Morning Garden)

Production of the Good-Go boats begins (innovative design by Reverend Moon)

August - the inaugural World Tuna Fishing Competition was held and a

scholarship foundation for children of American fishermen was established.

October - Ocean Church was founded

December - the International Fishing Amity League was founded to prepare for

the fishing world cup

• 1982 – Support for the American Fisherman Protection Law and for

development of the fishing industry

• 1983 – Employment opportunity expands

September – Professors from the Professors World Peace Academy, scientists

and social leaders attend ocean workshop in Kodiak, Alaska

November – Japanese entrepreneurs participate an international oceanic cultural


Fishing of high-quality fish promoted in Alaska (large flounders, halibut, salmon,


• August 1985 – Exporting to Japan of tuna produced on the eastern USA coast

begins, and plans are made to expand to a number of restaurants throughout

the United States

• 1986 – Processed crab sticks (kamini) are sold throughout the United States

• 1987 – Production of the 85ft One Ocean boat (manufactured at the Master

Marine shipyard)

Acquisition and founding of seafood companies in New York and Los Angeles

Il-heung Shipbuilding and Il-heung Marine Products founded in Korea

• December 1988 – Next stage of the ocean providence in America begins in West

Palm Beach, FL. New plans made at Master Marine, Alabama for building 52’

fiberglass fishing boats

• April 1989 – Staff trained in Kodiak, AK, and other Alaskan areas move to 43

different nations to expand the ocean providence to the worldwide level

True Parents offer devotion to God while fishing off the eastern coast of the

United States, at the Hudson River, Long Island, Freeport and Sandy Hook.

December – Launching of First Hope in the Gulf of Mexico, Reverend Moon

directs 30 Ocean Church centers to be established across America

1980s Rapid Development of the Ocean Providence

• 1990 – World Ocean Inc. begins

Fishing tours from Japan start

Unificationists in Japan order 36 One Hope boats

Tenkai, the first live fish restaurant, opens

• 1991 – Completion of the fishing boats First Hope II and First Hope III by Master

Marine in Alabama

• 1992 – Work on Ocean Peace, a 250ft trawler, is begun

• January 1994 – The First Sightseeing and Fishing Assembly for World Peace and

Bushiri Fishing Competition are held on Jeju Island

April – The MMTackle fishing store is open at the port of the Statue of Liberty in

New Jersey

August – 20th anniversary of the ocean providence is celebrated at Belvedere


October – Il-heung Shipbuilding builds Good-Go FRT boats

• January 1995 – The Second Sightseeing and Fishing Assembly for World Peace

held on Jeju Island

I.O.E. company name is changed to True World Group

April – South American ocean providence begins

October – Launching of the five-ton fishing vessel Il-heung 3 and the 5.43-ton

rod-fishing vessel Il-heung at the Wimiri dock in Namwon, Jeju Island

• January 1996 – Ocean Providence High-tech Exhibition held in Uruguay

August – Ocean Providence High-tech Exhibition held in Campo Grande in Brazil

Ways to develop the ocean off the coast of Uruguay discussed with government

officials involved in the ocean industry

Land on the coast purchased to develop a port with the Uruguay government.

Plans made to ship four types of boats (16ft, 20ft, 24ft, 28ft) built by Il-heung

Shipbuilding to 120 nations

November – three successful South American fishing and research expeditions

1990s Full-scale Expansion of the Ocean Providence in North America,

South America and South Korea

History of the Ocean Providence

2000s Global Expansion of the Ocean Providence Centering on the Pacific Rim

• August 30 ~ September 3, 2000 – KODIAK Fishing Tournament held

October 7~9 Asia Sport Fishing King of Kings Tournament held

November 6 ~ December 15 First Ocean Providence Workshop held in Kona, HI

• August 19~31, 2001 First Unification & Communist Thought Workshop and

Fishing Tournament for World Leaders held on Jeju Island

September 16 - Fishing tournament for public officials held in Kodiak

September 27 – Master Marine Shipbuilding company established in Korea

October 17~20 First World Fishing World Cup Competition held in Nagasaki,


• January 21, 2002 – Ocean providence Sea-Mount Special Training, Kona, HI

March 1 ~ April 9 Second 40-day ocean training workshop for world leaders,

Kona, HI

April 20 3rd and 4th Ocean leader 40-day workshops

November 15 ~ December 5 Investigation of the ocean fishing environment of

the Korean west coast

• December 6 ~ February 8, 2003 Investigation of the ocean fishing environment

of the Korean south coast

• February 9 ~ March 31, 2003 Investigation of the possibilities for ocean

providence work in southern cities of South America (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay)

June ~ October 22 Second World Fishing World Cup Yeosu

• May 2~5, 2004 Yeosu Peace King Cup Fishing Tournament

October 20~24 First World Fishing World Cup Asia Conference, Taiwan

• September 8~12, 2005 Third World Fishing World Cup International Conference,


• January 29, 2008 Groundbreaking ceremony for the Hwayang zone within the

Kwangyang Gulf Free Economic Zone, South Korea

July 18 – Opening of the Ocean Resort in Yeosu, South Korea

October 8 – Groundbreaking ceremony for an ocean sightseeing and leisure

town in the Keomun zone, South Korea

• September ~12, 2009 Investigation of fishing at the Heilong Jiang (Black Dragon

River) in China

October 24~25 Yeosu Multi-cultural Families Fishing Tournament, South Korea

• November 18 2004 ~ present (2011)

5th ~ 45th World Ocean Leader 40-day Special Workshop held

5,481 participants so far

2010s Ocean Providence in Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and Las Vegas

• September 25, 2010 - Reverend Moon’s fishing providence in Las Vegas starts at

Lake Mead near Hoover Dam

• October 8, 2010 - Two fishing boats (18-foot and 28-foot) are moved to Las

Vegas by True World Marine

• November 11, 2010 - Reverend Moon researches new fishing methods on Lake


• February 17, 2011 - Launching Ceremony for the Choongwajeong, Cheonjeongho

1 & International Assembly to Explain the Negative N.C. Resin Mold, Yeosu, South


• August 4, 2011 - Reverend Moon explores Lake Mead and Colorado River

• August 18, 2011 - Ceremony for the Dedication and Launch of the Won Mo Boat,

Las Vegas, NV

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Kodiak, Alaska

Gloucester, Massachusetts True World Marine

US Marine Corp.