Blood Moons and solar & lunar eclipses

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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YHVH placed the sun, moon and stars in the heaves to be as signs and seasons. The word ‘seasons’ is the Hebrew word “mo-ed” that means ‘appointed times’ or Festivals. The Birth of Y’shua was after Trumpets, on the Feast of Sukkot where the “star of Bethlehem” pointed out the birth of the Messiah to the wise men form the East. The Star of Bethlehem was not a single star that lit up brighter than the others; it was three star consolations that aligned to point out the event. Libra, Vergo and Leo aligned and this was the “Star of Bethlehem” that Daniel revealed this while he was captive in Babylon. Hundreds of years later, the people who had this knowledge came form the east to bring their worship to the new born King and gave Him the inheritance of Daniel as gifts. YHVH will reveal the Second Coming of the Messiah on an Appointed Time where there will be signs in the Heavens. What will the signs be when the Messiah returns?

Transcript of Blood Moons and solar & lunar eclipses



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Those who know the signs and watch, they will not be overtaken like a thief in the night, but will be awake and see the events unfold and be calm. When Messiah came the first time, there were signs in the heavens and when He comes the second time we will see signs in the heavens as well. (������ ��)���*� ����������+�����������&����������,������ ������������� �������������������������������&���)�������������� ���&��������� ����� ��������� ���������������

YHVH placed the sun, moon and stars in the heaves to be as signs and seasons. The word ‘seasons’ is the Hebrew word “mo-ed” that means ‘appointed times’ or Festivals. The Birth of Y’shua was after Trumpets, on the Feast of Sukkot where the “star of Bethlehem” pointed out the birth of the Messiah to the wise men form the East. The Star of Bethlehem was not a single star that lit up brighter than the others; it was three star consolations that aligned to point out the event. Libra, Vergo and Leo aligned and this was the “Star of Bethlehem” that Daniel revealed this while he was captive in Babylon. Hundreds of years later, the people who had this knowledge came form the east to bring their worship to the new born King and gave Him the inheritance of Daniel as gifts. YHVH will reveal the Second Coming of the Messiah on an Appointed Time where there will be signs in the Heavens. What will the signs be when the Messiah returns? - ���.��/!����)��������������� ������������������������������������ ����������������������� ���� ����0������������������������ ������������������ ���� ��� ������ �����&����������������� ��%121�� ���


YHVH revealed the First Coming of the Messiah through signs in the stars and He will reveal the Second Coming of Messiah though signs in the sun and the moon. We see the sun will be darkened and the moon will turn to blood, what does this mean? These are solar and lunar eclipses, a solar eclipse is where the sun is physically darkened and a lunar eclipse is where a full moon turns red.

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Now, let’s look at the places in the Bible that speak of the sun being darkened and the moon not giving her light. First of all, Isaiah wrote:

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We are told that this will occur in the “day of YHVH.” It is the time when YHVH will punish all nations for their wickedness. We are not talking about ordinary everyday living, but gross wickedness against YHVH and His Chosen People. YHVH calls them arrogant, proud and haughty. He says that they are terrible, evil and wicked. It seems to me that He is referring to the nations that are trying to destroy Israel.

Again, Isaiah said:

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Since neither the sun nor moon has a conscience, the references to being confounded or ashamed seem to be metaphoric of the condition of man on earth. The darkening of the sun and moon, therefore, are signs of man’s condition. These conditions will prevail at the time of Y’shua’s return to judge the wicked and establish His kingdom. Isaiah was the first prophet to write about solar and lunar events, but Joel’s passages are the most widely quoted. Joel wrote:

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Again, Joel said:

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Finally, Joel said:

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Isaiah and Joel are the only (OT) prophets that mentioned solar and lunar events in the day of YHVH. In each case, however, it is apparent that they are referring to events that precede the messianic kingdom. Joel adds earthquakes, blood, fire and pillars of smoke. I think he is describing the battles that attend the Tribulation Period, especially the final Battle of Armageddon.

Passages From the Brit Chadasha (NT)

In the New Testament Gospel of Matthew, Y’shua said:

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Y’shua described His glorious appearing at the close of the Tribulation Period. What does the darkening of the sun and moon mean? Solar & lunar eclipses. Powers of the heavens being shaken could refer to earthquakes or many nuclear explosions around the world, disrupting the atmosphere. This will be a glorious event that will happen immediately AFTER the Tribulation.

Luke records this same event:

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On the day of Pentecost, Peter quoted Joel’s prophecy:

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In the book of Revelation, John enlarged upon the prophecy:

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Some Scholars believe that the Second Coming of Messiah will be in sync with the Sabbatical year cycles. A Sabbatical year is happens every seventy-year just like a Sabbath happens every seventh day. This is the year where the Land must rest. The Second Coming of Messiah is linked to the Sabbath as found in Hebrews 4 where those who do not harden their hearts will enter YHVH’s Rest.

The number seven means “Plan of YHVH” and this number is seen within the Seven Feasts of YHVH wherein His Plan of Restoration is revealed. The Sabbath is the Seventh day where YHVH rested and the Sabbath is a prophetic picture of the “Millennial Rest” that we will enter after the Coming of Messiah.

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream to foretell the seven-year prosperity and seven-year famine time periods and is similar to Daniel “seventieth week”, that will most probably fall within a seven-year Sabbatical cycle. Students of biblical prophecy have long compared Pharaoh’s dream and Daniel’s seventieth week with the Tribulation Period known as Jacob’s Trouble, as laid out in the book of Revelation. We are currently in a 7-year cycle, which started 2008. Are we in the seven years of famine according to Joseph’s interpretation and Daniels seventieth week?

If we look back a couple of years you will notice that the majority of the Western Culture countries experiences prosperity from 2000 – 2008, which is a seven-year period. We have seen the Global Financial Crisis that started at the end of 2008 and could mark the next seven years of famine. America, the icon of Western civilisation experienced this downfall severely and several countries followed and are currently being affected. It is expected that China’s economy will come to a standstill by 2011 and that will affect Australia. What makes this very interesting is the fact that according to the Jewish calendar, 2008 was a Sabbatical Year, which started September 29, 2008, and we are currently in the seven-year cycle that will end in 2014. The next Sabbatical year will be in 2014/2015.


The Biblical Holidays are found in Leviticus 23 and spell out the Plan of YHVH (God). There are seven Festivals divided into two main seasons; 4 Spring Festivals and 3 Fall Festivals. The first four Festivals revealed the First Coming of the Messiah and the last three Festivals will be fulfilled by the Messiah’s Second Coming.


The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) represents the Gathering of YHVH’s people, also known as the “Rapture”. The Day of Atonement represents the final day of judgment where Babylon (Satan’s system) will be destroyed and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) represent the coming down of the New Jerusalem (YHVH’s dwelling place on earth) where He will live with His people forever. These Festivals are very significant and prophetic and will reveal the real Messiah from the Anti-Messiah. The sun and the moon will signal His Second coming as noted in the following verses:

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Our Saviour’s Second Coming will be heralded with signs in the heavens, in which the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood. Pastor Mark Biltz went on the Internet, to a U.S. Nasa web site, to see if he could find any solar or lunar eclipses over the next few years that might be significant.


To his surprise, he found four lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses in the Sabbatical Year of 2014 and 2015. Also, he noticed that they all appear on Biblical Holy Days! A lunar eclipse is when the moon turns red and it seems like it has turned into blood. Mark Biltz discovered the following lunar eclipses that are in line with Biblical Feast days:

Passover, April 15, 2014 The Feast of Tabernacles, October 8, 2014

Passover, April 4, 2015 and The Feast of Tabernacles, September 28, 2015

This is most unusual. It is a rare occurrence for four lunar cycles to happen on successive Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) observances. It will not happen again for hundreds of years. However, Mark found that a series of four lunar eclipses on these particular holy days did occur in the twentieth century -- not once, but twice! The first set occurred on Passover, 13 April 1949; the first yearly cycle after Israel became a state!

The second set happened on two Passovers, and two Feasts of Tabernacles (Sukkot) 1967/68, the year Israel liberated Jerusalem (5-10 June 1967)!

Such a phenomenon is rarely impossible, unless it was set up by Divine design. Mark looked back in history and noticed that the last time this set of four lunar eclipses occurred on Passover and Sukkot was in 1493, the year after Columbus sailed the ocean blue and Spain expelled all Jews.

Mark is convinced that YHVH was telling the Jews that He was fully aware of their circumstances and that His hand is upon them! In that case, we wonder what is YHVH telling the Jews in the 1949 and 1967 lunar eclipses? And, as we look at the next seven years, we wonder, “What is YHVH telling Israel through the upcoming lunar eclipses in 2014/2015?” Is it possible that these are fulfilling Biblical prophecies? These signs are so rare and cannot be ignored.



In addition to the four lunar eclipses in 2014-15, Mark also found two solar eclipses right in between. They will occur on:

Adar 29/Nisan 1, March 20, 2015 The Feast of Trumpets, September 13, 2015

These two dates are quite significant because they are special days in the Hebrew calendar. For example, it was on Nisan 1, the first anniversary of the Exodus, that Moses raised up the Tabernacle for the first time and the glory of YHVH descended. Two weeks later, the Chosen People observed their first Pentecost since the Exodus.

Nisan 1 marks the beginning of the religious festival cycle and the beginning of the year. Six months later, on Tishri 1, we observe the Feast of Trumpets. This day is highly prophetic, because it is said to be the anniversary of the Creation of Adam. And, even though it is a Biblical observance, it is prophetically significant as a day for Gentile nations. It also mark the event of Messiah’s return that will occur on the blowing of a trumpet.

It is the day when YHVH will sit down upon His throne of Judgment and take the books in his hand. That is when He will begin the judgment of the world. So, a solar eclipse on Trumpets could precede the Second Coming of Messiah in power and great glory, and fulfil the Biblical description.

The first of three solar eclipses happened on the first of Av. That’s right, all three solar eclipses will be on the biblical date of Av 1, for the next three years -- 2008, 2009, and 2010. Our Gregorian calendar dates are:



Av 1 - August 1, 2008 - partial eclipse Av 1 - July 22, 2009 - partial eclipse Av 1 - July 11, 2010 - partial eclipse

There were a lot of bad things that happened during the 9 days of Av and it is the most sorrowful time of the year for Jews. In the Jewish calendar, they are all in the period between the 1st and 9th of the month of Av:

o Moses caught the people worshiping the Golden Calf on Tammuz 17. Therefore, the three weeks from Tammuz 17 to Av 9 are called “the dark time”.

o The day when Jews lament the destruction of their temple by Nebuchadnezzar.

o 600 years later Rome destroyed Temple 9 Av. o Jews kicked out of England 1290 - 9Av. o Jews kicked out of Spain 1492 - 9 Av. o World War 1 started 9 Av o Hitler's proclamation to kill the Jews - 9 Av o Evacuated Gaza strip on sunset 3500 years ago - 9Av

From Av 1-9, no bathing is allowed; no comforts; no clean clothes; the Jew takes his shoes off; sits on an overturned chair and reads the book of Lamentations.

What happened on the 1st of Av 2008, 2009 and what will happen during the “dark time” starting on the 1st of Av, 11 Jul 2010 this year?

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This time from the 1 – 9 Av is a time that is bad for Israel and where things happened that caused them grief. On 8/08/2008, seven days after the 1 Av, Russia attacked and invaded Georgia. What is the significance of this?

In 1120 AD the kingdom of Jerusalem officially recognise the order of knights Templar at the counsel of Nablus 888 years ago. If you subtract 888 years from 8/08/2008 it gives the number 1120, which is the year Jerusalem was liberated, fascinating!

The emblem of Jerusalem was a “five-fold” cross. This is the same “five-fold” cross that appears on the flag of the Republic of Georgia.

Georgia is named after St. George, symbolic of the liberation of Jerusalem during the crusades. On 8/08/2008, war broke out between Russia and Georgia. This region was known in the past as “Gog” from earliest history. The area of conflict lies 888 miles from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. (see Signs of the End Times - Section 2 for details on Newtons work regarding the time vs. distance from the Temple).


On 08/08/2008, a huge figure 8 “crop circle” appeared in Wiltsire England. The Illuminati is behind the war in Georgia. It is the opening event for the conquest of Jerusalem for the soon coming Antichrist. After the destruction of “Gog’s” armies, the Antichrist will establish the New World Order with its religious centre seated in Jerusalem. Right after this event after the Feast of Trumpets in 2008, the World Financial Crisis started and is still current. This can relate to

the story of Joseph in Scripture where there were seven years of prosperity and then seven years of famine. The last seven years is a picture of the last seven years including the Great Tribulation.

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We were waiting to see what will happen in this 9 days of "darkness" or mourning for the Jews connected to the solar eclipse 22 Jul 09. On the last day, 30 Jul 2009 or 9 Av (Tisha B'Av), started the building of the Sacrificial Altar that is VERY significant for the end times time line. $����.��/!�.��:����������������������������������������������#������������������� �����������)���� ��� ����������������������������������������������������������)���� ���������������������������������������������������������$*;A+)��B(�)#A:�B)��AB����������� ������� �����������������������>���������?������� �������#��������������� ����������� ���� ����� ������������������������!����������>������� ������?��

There needs to be an Altar for the sacrifices to start, and when the sacrifices are stopped and the Abomination of Desolation is set up in the Holy Place, starts the 3,5 years of the Great Tribulation.... Are you ready?!

From 2000 to 2007, the whole world experience growth and prosperity, but this only lasted until the end of 2008. This can mean that we are currently within the last seven years of “famine” which is evident through the current world economic crisis. The first 3,5 years will be the preparation for the “seat” and rule of the Antichrist to be set up and the last 3,5 years will start with the Antichrist announcing that he is god from the Temple in Jerusalem. During the years 2008 to 2012 we should look for the dividing of the land of Israel and the rebuilding of the Third Temple and the starting of daily sacrifices by the Jews.

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Mark Biltz seems to think that the solar eclipses on Av 1, could change the course of history, because solar eclipses are significant and foretell a bad time that will involve the middle east and Jerusalem. Will there be a war in Israel this year? It is entirely possible. If so, then the solar eclipse could be announcing judgment upon the world -- a sobering thought!

We have seen two events that confirmed the first two solar eclipses in 2008 and 2009; will 11 Jul 2010 confirm it even further? If something happens this year, then it will be the second conformation of this timeline and we can expect some action in 2014, and 2015 to fulfil Biblical prophecy regarding the Second Coming of Messiah. We will also look at 2011/12; which is 3,5 years within the seven-year cycle for the sign of the sacrifices to be stopped and the Abomination of Desolation set up in Jerusalem. This will signal the start of the Great Tribulation that will last 1290 days (3,5 years) according to Daniel’s prophecy. We expect these things to happen in the month of Nissan, which is normally in April and will conclude on the Feast of Trumpets 2015 where we will expect the Messiah’s return.

I am not trying to foretell the future, but I am only lining up the Word with the heavenly signs and with world events so that we can have a feel for when this will happen so that we can warn people. The only way to convince someone that YHVH is real and that the Scripture is true is if we can prove if by world events and prophecy. This is one of the greatest events that has been prophesied and this will be the best “tool” to lead people to YHVH.

These signs are in line with Scripture and the eclipses lining up with Feast days are mind-boggling and cannot be ignored. Be informed with world events and keep our eyes on the signs so that we might be found ready.