Blog 3

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Blog 3

Confusion Between Issues of Copyright and Plagiarism put access to Knowledge at RISK!By: Shelby Atchison

The difference between plagiarism and copyright is often confused, but these two are completely different issues

 Plagiarism is a matter of ethics, taking others work and presenting it as your own

Plagiarism is often accidental and is not punishable by law, only by academic institutions

Plagiarism offends and harms the audience

Respect is shown to academic works, and plagiarism avoided, through citation.

Copyright is a matter of law, taking others work and using it with out permission

Copyright is punishable by law and can lead to fines, or even jail time

Copyright infringement offends and harms the individual who created the work.

Respect is shown to a copyright through asking for permission and sometimes paying a fee in order to use the work

Are those fighting for copyright laws going past the protection of the creator, and becoming greedy?

These young adults at a Girl Talk concert are breaking the law by participating in copyright infringement , does this look like a typical crime scene?

Both plagiarism and copyright infringement could be easily avoided with the expansion of creative commons so ideas could be built upon.

The natural progression of knowledge requires freedom of ideas in order to build on old ideas, we see this natural way of development in evolution and the evolving of species.

Copyright is focused on profit,

which differentiates it from plagiarism which is based on giving credit.

Digital literacy requires a

change in the way copyright is approached,

unlike plagiarism which can still be avoided through citation.

Although they are separate issues, one thing copyright infringment and plagiarism have in common is that digital technology is causing an increase in both

American culture is not in sync with American copyright laws

Restrictions on plagiarism are in sync with American cultural values that believe in giving credit to authors through recognition

Plagiarism is a completely unrelated issue to copyright, when the two are confused student learning suffers

Citations• Murray, Laura J. "Plagiarism and Copyright Infringment." The Costs of

Confusion: 173-81. Print.• Bolter, J. David. Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation

of Print. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. Print.• Gaylor’s Documentary- •,r:3,s:0