Blockchain based Asset Investment System Yang (YNN) TOKEN46% of the world's wealth; the 85 richest...

Post on 24-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Blockchain based Asset Investment System Yang (YNN) TOKEN46% of the world's wealth; the 85 richest...

YangGlobal [ Co n f id e n t i a l ] W h it e p a p e r V 1 . 0 1 A l l R ig h t s R e s e r v e d 1


Blockchain based Asset Investment System


YangGlobal [ Co n f id e n t i a l ] W h it e p a p e r V 1 . 0 1 A l l R ig h t s R e s e r v e d 2


1. Executive Summary......................... ................................4 2. Our Goals....................................... ................................4 3. Core Values................................................................... .4 4. Backdrop and Market Analysis......................................... .4 5. Gini Index Value..............................................................5 6. Real Challenge.................................................................7 7. Technological Innovation.. ..................................... ...........8 8. Traditional Scenario and Blockchain Solution.....................10 9. Return of Investment (MRI).............................. ................11 10. Trust of Codes……………………………………………………………….11 11. Project Milestone.....................................................13 12. Token Distribution and Proceeds................................13 13. Growth Plan.............................................................14 14. Strategic Impact.......................................................15 15. Training, Skills, Retention and Experience................ ...15 16. Awesome Team………………………............................16 17. Disclaimer Of Liability.............................................. ..22 18. General Information................................................. ..23 19. Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution........................ .....24 20. Miscellaneous......................................................... ...25 21. No Guarantee of income or Profit............................ ....25 22. Regulatory Uncertainty............................................ ...25 23. YNN Tokens are Not an Investment......................... ....25

24. Insufficient Use....................................................... ...25 25. Risk of Loss of Funds.............................................. ...26 26. Risk of Failure................................................ ...........26 27. The Risk of Using New Technologies....................... ....26 28. Integration............................................................... ..26

YangGlobal [ Co n f id e n t i a l ] W h it e p a p e r V 1 . 0 1 A l l R ig h t s R e s e r v e d 3


Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology), innovation of this century, has

created a system where general people across the globe can access and verify

common distributed ledger, thereby creating a system of trust and integrity

without relying on the third parties. Each transaction can be verified and

recorded in blocks in distributed environment where data is secured of

manipulations and frauds. With the advent blockchain and smart contracts,

now individuals with small investment can be part of business a nd asset

investment including global real estate investment and secure the growth

and income only rich and wealthy could access and accrue benefits.

This feature, combined with the ability to synchronize a ledger, means that

all parties can get the same information at the same time and has confidence

in the truthfulness of that information. The result has been a rush to treat

blockchain like infallible digital notaries, recording truthful information

and sharing it around.

Real estate, alone, is the largest investment asset class at around US$ 220

trillion in value globally. Innovation and focusing on leveraging Blockchain

technology by digitalizing real asset including estate investments and

incorporating the technology into the operation and management of those

assets will creates another Trillion dollar opportunity for the unbanked,

general mass and Institutional Investors around the world.

Our Vision We envision equal Wealth generation and Investment opportunity.

Our Mission Channeling innovative and disruptive technologies to place f inancial

empowerment into the hands of the masses – Power to People

YangGlobal [ Co n f id e n t i a l ] W h it e p a p e r V 1 . 0 1 A l l R ig h t s R e s e r v e d 4

4 Our Goals • We are here to disrupt financial Inequalities ;

• Economic inclusion for the unbanked and the commoners ;

• Create equal access to wealth creation opportunities ;

• Empowering mass through knowledge and income-generating systems; • Creating a bond between Asset-liquidity-Profit for individuals and

organization; • Enhancing the financial growth of our host countries, business communities

and consumers;

Core Values

We represent integrity and mass empowerment facilitation: ‘we change the world around us with innovation that brings fairness and equality. We value deep inside continuous improvement through the KAIZEN principle of continuous improvement . The main purpose of our values is to innovate and motivate, act as a catalyst for the Mass to realize their worth and importance in the marketplace by shifting their investment and assets to blockchain, independence and self -worth. We collect from and take the awareness and outlook of the general mass into serious consideration and thus become the conduit that channels that valuable data to concerned vested interest will ing to invest in such, whether in the form of actual asset acquisitions or token investments for holding/trading.

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Backdrop and Market Analysis

Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto released his whitepaper and corresponding blockchain for Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency ecosystem has continued to grow at a rapid pace. In the beginning, Bitcoin created Platform that anyone could use to transfer value across the internet without middlemen, banks or counter party risk. However, once B itcoin’s basic blockchain consensus technology became established and stable, people began to discuss whether blockchain technology could also be applied to enable the trade of mu ltiple assets without the need for a broker or centralized clearing house.

“82% of global wealth generated going to the wealthiest 1%”

“Financial illiteracy and access to wealth creation of the unbanked population becomes a huge hurdle as they stay financially excluded from the system” - YANG

As of 2017, over 70% of the world's adults have under $10,000 in wealth. This can be seen through the bar graph above. This bar graph also shows that as the value rises, the total percentage of adults falls. This is because there are not a large percent of people who make a lot nor have a lot. Only .7% of the world has one million dollars or more in wealth.

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6 However, looking at the wealth share, this number continues to rise. This is because those few people, who have higher assets in wealth, typically hold a larger percentage of the world's wealth and wealth creation opportunities. Current Wealth Distribution disparity: 1. 6% of the world's population owns 52% of the global assets. The richest 2% own more than 51% of the global assets and the richest 10% own 85% of the global assets. 2. 50% of the world's population own less than 1% of the global assets. The whole global assets volume is about $125 tril l ion. 3. 1,125 bill ionaires (US dollars) own $4.4 t ril l ion in assets. Over 80% of the world's population lives on less than $10 per day. [23] Over 50% of the world population lives on less than 2 US$/day; over 20% of the world population lives on less than $1.25/day.

Gini index values

Countries' income inequality according to their most recent reported Gini index values (often 10+ years old) as of 2014 : red = high, green = low inequality

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7 A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000. The three richest people in the world possess more financial assets than the lowest 48 nations combined. The combined wealth of the "10 million dollar mill ionaires" grew to nearly $41 tril l ion in 2008. A January 2014 report by Oxfam claims that the 85 wealthiest individuals in the world have a combined wealth equal to that of the bottom 50% of the world's population, or about 3.5 bill ion people. According to a Los Angeles Times analysis of the report, the wealthiest 1% owns 46% of the world's wealth; the 85 richest people, a small part of the wealthiest 1%, own about 0.7% of the human population's wealth, which is the same as the bottom half of the population. More recently, in January 2015, Oxfam reported that the wealthiest 1 percent will own more than half of the global wealth by 2016. An October 2014 study by Credit Suisse also claims that the top 1% now own nearly half of the world's wealth and that the accelerating disparity could trigger a recession. In October 2015, Credit Suisse published a study which shows global inequality continues to increase, and that half of the world's wealth is now in the hands of those in the top percentile, whose assets each exceed $759,900. A 2016 report by Oxfam claims that the 62 wealthiest individuals own as much wealth as the poorer half of the global population combined. Oxfam's 2017 report says the top eight bill ionaires have as much wealth as the bottom half of the global population, and that rising inequality is suppressing wages, as businesses are focused on delivering higher returns to wealthy owners and executives. In 2018, the Oxfam report said that the wealth gap continued to widen in 2017.

Real Challenge

“82% of global wealth generated going to the wealthiest 1%”

Even in the first world countries - Gap between RICH and POOR is widening. Reason – Many, including monopoly on FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE, POLICY and ACCESS TO INVESTMENT AND FINANCE From investment in real estate, businesses and intellectual assets, these tried and tested methods of wealth accumulation have long remained as key weapons in the

YangGlobal [ Co n f id e n t i a l ] W h it e p a p e r V 1 . 0 1 A l l R ig h t s R e s e r v e d 8

8 arsenal of the elite. Yet, average investors have experienced a plethora of challenges in acquiring access to such prospects and placing their trust in third -parties who, in several cases, are actually running scamming mills.

Harnessing the Wisdom of Blockchain

The advent of Blockchain represents that the barriers to investment which the

common man has been facing for decades have finally been broken – once and

for all – Yang

Through its foolproof framework backed by Blockchain technology, YangGlobal has embarked upon a mission to emerge as a platform which can make the common man’s dream of investing with 100% confidence, a hassle-free reality. The astounding financial opportunities reserved, in the past, to highly networked and high net -worth investors will no longer be in the realm of the privileged few.

Enter the Yang Tokens (YNN), which are digital assets backed by ‘ real-value-assets ’ formed via an Ethereum-based blockchain known as a smart contract. YANG (YNN) presents an opportunity to invest in new real assets, including an estate asset-pool fund and asset management company, which will manage the invested funds via blockchain tokens offering the opportunity for immediate, tokenized exchange in an otherwise inherently highly -ill iquid, long-term-only asset investment class. Asset investment companies, duly incorporated in different countries, will conduct the management of invested a ssets and business, which in turn will acquire lucrative assets in the form of businesses and market driven properties.

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9 Each asset will be assigned a smart contract with market value equivalent of the given Yang (YNN) tokens. Each token in that particular smart contract will become a subsequent fractional share-holding of that particular asset for dividend distribution. The Yang investment token (YNN) intends in this way to provide a tangible asset-backed model that originally has set out to acquire assets and to carry out business re-focus inclusive of operational improvements, monitoring and management systems of the tangible resources; Hence investors are expected to accrue benefits from the economic interests of the assets/investments made: investment returns generated from the acquisition of the portfolio, rental yields generated and gains on the eventual disposal.

Technological Innovation

An Ethereum Blockchain based contract termed ERC20 is used with which to transact business deals; ERC20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for implementing tokens. ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment, and 20 is the number that was assigned to this request. The clear majority of tokens issued on the Ethereum blockchain are ERC20 compliant. • ERC20 defines a common list of rules for Ethereum tokens to follow within the larger Ethereum ecosystem, allowing deve lopers to accurately predict interaction between tokens. These rules include how the tokens are transferred between addresses and how data within each token is accessed. • ERC20 was proposed on November 19, 2015 by Fabian Vogelsteller. It defines a common list of rules that an Ethereum token has to implement, giving developers the ability to program how new tokens will function within the Ethereum ecosystem. The ERC20 token standard became popular with

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10 crowdfunding companies working on initial coin offering (ICO) cases due to the simplicity of deployment, together with its potential for interoperability with other Ethereum token standards. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middleman or counterparty risk.

The project was bootstrapped via an ether presale in August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss non -profit, with contributions from great minds across the globe. On traditional server architectures, every application has to set up its own servers that run their own code in isolated silos, making sharing of data hard. If a single app is compromised or goes offline, many users and other apps are affected. On a blockchain, however, anyone can set up a node that replicates the necessary data for all nodes to reach an agreement and be compensated by users and app developers. This allows user data to remain private and apps to be decentralized like the Internet was supposed to work. The Ethereum Wallet is a gateway to decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to hold and secure ether and other crypto -assets built on Ethereum, as well as write, deploy and use smart contracts.

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11 What we propose herewith to augment existing funds and investment assets with a considerable ROI is this: the inclusion of the Yang (YNN) Token Property Development Program. The Blockchain itself must be used toget her with this concept: Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology), we know it as a major innovation of this century, has created a system where general people across the globe can access and verify their common distributed ledger, thereby creating a system of trust and integrity without relying on the third parties. Each transaction can be verified and recorded in blocks in this distributed environment, where data is secured against manipulations and fraud. With the advent blockchain and smart contracts, individuals with small investment can now be part of business and asset investments; including global real estate investment, and secure growth plus income only the rich and wealthy could access and accrue benefits from in the past. Real estate alone is the largest investment asset class, tallying at around US$ 220 tril l ion in value globally. Innovation that focuses on leveraging Blockchain technology by digitalizing real estate investments and incorporating this technology into the operation, will , with d iligent management of those assets, create another Tri l l ion-dollar opportunity for the general mass and Institutional Investors around the world.

Traditional Scenario and the Blockchain Solution Businesses, asset investments and real estate properties have been traditionally one of the best investment vehicles for lucrative income engendering in the global market, irrespective of locations and countries. Since time immemorial, wealthy investors with considerable funds and institutional investors have ha d monopoly over this lucrative market, and not many common people could access the benefits of value appreciation in these markets.

Disruption of Financial inequalities and Wealth Generation accessibility

Creating sustainable wealth generation solutions by connecting and building trust using innovation of Blockchain and smart technologies - Yang Acquiring YNN tokens is processed by acquiring funds via Pre -sale and through Smart Contracts, which can be used to buy assets, rent and lease real assets globally, making each YNN Coin holder an owner of a fractional percentage of all the assets of any given particular smart contract accruing dividend. In simpler words, YNN tokens are the collection of funds via Blockchain smart contracts. The dividend administration will also be done using blockchain technology; this implies that the investors can acquire tokens and guarantees as

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12 shares in real global assets. The tokens can be used to distribute the profits from profit/rental income and to sell the shares.

Multifold Return of Investment (MRI)

Our Global Investment Opportunity is known as a Multifold Return of Investment (MRI) Opportunity: to participate in YANG first token (YNN) which aims to provide an asset backed, digitalized real asset investment platform, which will comprise an investment fund deploying a value-add strategy, with the aim of incorporating blockchain tokenized exchange. The YNN token project aims to acquire lucrative off-market asset acquisitions, with high capital growth and strong investment returns potential fundamentals. The YNN token project is an opportunity for immediate, tokenized exchange in an otherwise inherently highly-ill iquid, long-term-only asset investment class. Asset investment companies, duly incorporated in different countries, will conduct the management of invested assets and business, wh ich in turn will acquire

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13 lucrative assets in the form of businesses and market driven properties. Each asset will be assigned a smart contract with market value equivalent of the given Yang (YNN) tokens. Each token in that particular smart contract will be come a subsequent fractional share-holding of that particular asset for dividend distribution. Our proprietary concept will convert Asset with Property Management Company to token via a smart contract in blockchain. The architecture of the system is based upon developing a smart contract to establish trust between three key parties: 1) The Investor, 2) The Asset Owner, and 3) The Asset Management Company

Trust of Codes

Audit performed by a private company. The examination of the code took two weeks and no major loopholes were found.

Bug bounty on Solidified, a highly regarded platform for smart contract audit

Public audit: Contributors also reviewed the code, which was available on our GitHub page.

On Solidified: the code review was done according to the following structure: Critical Bugs: bugs that enable the stealing of users’ funds and that are likely to happen.

Major Bugs: bugs that can lock users’ funds or cause miscalculation and misdistribution

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Total Yang (YNN) Tokens in current existence (HARD CAP): 25,000,000,000 The util ization of proceeds from YNN Tokens will be as follows: funds raised by Sale of Tokens in both Pre & Private sales will be used by the various national Fund Management Companies to carry out operations, with a share distribution as given herewith:

2015 • Preminary Conceptual Development

2016 • Concept Creation and Validation


• Whitepaper Draft

• Technical Innovation Team


• Whitepaper Released

• Smart Contract, Audit, Website, Media Campaign


• Pre-Sale of Limited YNN Tokens

• Assent Venture Company


• Asset Backed Smart Contract based YNN Tokens on Sale

• Public Launching of YNN Tokens in Global Exchanges

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1. 10% Initiators/Founding Directors 2. 56% For Assets Acquisitions-Acceleration Fund 3. 20% Public Offering 4. 12% Partners and Advisors 5. 2% Legal, regulatory & Bounty expenses

These tokens use a standard coin API so any given contract will be automatically compatible with any wallet, other contract or exchange also using this standard.

Now, when in the traditional method you have developed your idea and secured funds, what’s next? You have to hire managers, find a trustworthy CFO to handle the accounts, run board meetings and do a bunch of paperwork; or you can simply leave all that to an Ethereum contract. It will collect proposals from your backers and submit them through a completely transparent voting process. One of the many advantages of having a robot run your organization is that it is immune to any outside influence as it’s guaranteed to execute only what it was programmed to. And because the Ethereum network is decentralized, you'll be able to provide services with a 100% uptime guarantee.

Growth Plan Our Core focus for the growth and major sustainability will come from clear use case of our platform for financial empowerment of mass util izing core blockchain technologies. Our growth is directly proportional to asset mobilization globally and opportunity to common people. We strive to work with everyone that has a clear vision on consumer empowerment and we work to help build positive networks that celebrate diversity by offering workable and

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16 sustainable methods that create hope and a clear vision for a positive future. We assist to build world-wide networks wherever we can and try to learn from other cultures as much as possible. All our work is supported by general consumer intelligence data and provision to distribute financially oriented online business programs and training. It involves the development of the movement and the activities that local groups undertake. It also reports on the effectiveness of user involvement, asks how representative the movement is and looks at shared issues and differences in the marketplace.

Strategic Impact Partnership

1. ACOM HongKong based Consultant to Yang(YNN) specializes in service monitoring, policy development, organizational and small group training and research throughout network marketing strategy and implementation, as well as the creation of innovative financial support models with platforms in order to be able to deliver professional services to prospective clients. This in turn gives the impetus for the participating consumers to realistically become market empowered in the sense that ACOM clients have strength in organized and informed numbers of individual consumers, who simultaneously have acquired an increased financial status and freedom through crypto currency that enables them to become an accredited and valid counterpoise to the usual market consumer exploitation that makes them bear the cost of unnecessary corrupt middlemen and redundant midlevel management from banks and governments.

2. iHelp Global LCC is based in New York US, and Hongkong(SAR) peer to peer Crowdfunding platform with team from all around the world. The company uses cryptocurrency for P2P crowdfunding and we’ve set strategic partnership for promotion of platform as well as of Yang (YNN) tokens. Giving us a worldwide access to already existing customer and investors base. For more details :

Training, Skills, Retention and Experience A comprehensive Client Guide E-Book with various relevant Power Point Presentations and Flash Presentations are available, as are Tech -teach PDFs with both digitally online as well as offline editions. Non -Bitcoin knowledgeable employees are trained to become professionally qualified, responsible to

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17 adhere to company standard rules and regulatory terms and conditions signed by them, inclusive of an International NDA document. There will be country to country management executives in associate companies to handle the related business flow within and from that given country; any further localized management will be installed according to the need and business volume of any given area and or locality under the country manager; a zonal management structure will eventually come into place as a company grows, which will be directly responsible to the company and not the respective associate property dealers. However, management executives will cooperate and assist local dealers with Operational procedures to facil itate company seminars, training courses, award ceremonies, promotional events and exhibitions, inclusive of dealing with any non -legal issues that might arise.

Awesome Team The executive management of our company shall provide security and administrative supervisory safety modules throughout its entire infrastructure to ensure the integrity of its services to contracted clients.

Our Founder CMD

Mike Thomas, who is a most unusual and trustworthy individual from Global business community with a very s trong track record of innovative businesses and innovative platform programming, is an incurable workaholic that simply loves the challenge of being told ‘it cannot be done’ and then goes ahead and does it ! Strong background on global entrepreneurship and IT based innovations; Mike has quite a few successful projects running around the world. His vision is impacting people globally and purely based on principle of KAIZEN. Born on 6 November 1973, he has become not only a business leader among his peers, but also a role model for many young and upcoming entrepreneurs, who take the unswerving example of the ‘never give up’ attitude that Mike constantly displays and brings to realization. His business acumen is next to none in the fields of entrepreneurship and IT educational application, with which he uses his excellent management and detailed coordination skills to make things happen, whatever it may be.

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18 Our Co-Founder CEO

Mel David is a remarkable and most industrious person, born in Denmark on 28.08.1948 and raised in Canada, who has been in the networking and FinTech world since a long time. He was bred and raised on financial innovation and trade that has seen the progression from Forex exchanges to the development of crypto currency creation and exchanges since 2010. He is a graduate of a reputed Business School of Economics and spends much of his time on following the global financial market developments

and growing demands for consumer usage data. The main concept architect and contextual engineer as a Marketing Infrastructure and Strategist expert who advises ACOM clients accordingly, he is both a technical and professionally qualified person, who started his carrier as sales executive in Crowell, Collier & Macmillan New York, U.S.A. and Canada early in life. He later founded marketing research and implementation analysis companies that focused on marketing solutions for Europe, Middle East, and Asia with the concentration of his efforts channeled towards providing solutions for data processing, and precision marketing methodology for major business and global trading hubs, in order to augment their efforts and save money all round to the benefit for both consumers and manufacturers. Under his leadership in conjunction with the ACOM BOD, a company he founded, the development of the major FinTech Company’s strategy and continue to see a mature and professional implementation of the Company’s long and short term plans in accordance with its approach; he ensures the executive is appropriately organized and staffed to achieve the approved targets and safeguards that expenditures are within the authorized annual budget of the undertaken enterprise; in short: he assesses the principal risks of the Company and makes certain that these risks are being monitored and managed. Needless to repeat, he as an expert for FinTech company specialized in developing and marketing globally the platform for Crypto currency util i zation, property acquisition and the various related Forex transactions, and our CEO is responsible for training and selecting the various executive managers that will become instrumental in actually implementing and securing the original idea and business plan in a logical yet considerate approach to build the Company infrastructure on which the entire success or failure of any enterprise exists. Showing with a hands-on type of corporate maturity, Mr. Kraefting basically becomes Admiral of the Ship, answerable to the Executive BOD in cases of any disputes.

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19 ACOM EXECUTIVES Heading the operational team is our COO, Joshua McNally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, the home of multiple bases for crypto coin mining and exchange founding. He is a graduate of the University of Saint La Salle, where he obtained a Bachelor of Information Technology. He is self-motivated, with a generous amount of Sales Expertise and Time Management skill .

Mr. McNally is of American-Irish descent and is a remarkable and most industrious person, who has been in the networking and FinTech world since some time. He has seen the progression from Forex exchanges to the development of crypto currency creation and exchanges since 2015. Under his leadership in conjunction with the ACOM BOD, the development of the Company’s strategy will continue to see a mature and professional implementation of the Company’s long and short term plans in accordance with its approach; he ensures our business activity is appropriately organized and staffed to achieve the approved targets and safeguards that expendi tures of the project are within the authorized annual budget of the undertaken enterprise; in short: he assesses the principal risks of the Company and makes certain that these risks are being monitored and managed. His combined vision of the company will s there from develop a scheme that brings immediate results depending on the efforts and financial capacity of his team and cryptocurrency Platform investors. There must be a realistic team of support personnel to carry out such a sensitive responsibility. To assist senior managers, executives and newly engaged platform members to gain knowledge, trust, confidence and desire to initiate new ways of expression in the field of finance thus becomes a major qualification. McNally has the right attitude to share with new members in the diverse countries where we provide our Platform and YNN Token Asset Acquisition Program for useful Investment cum Trading and he is able to shape with his charisma the needed motivation to willingly comply with obvious Company terms and conditions. This might give rise to speculation that the COO office of Mr. McNally is somewhat dictatorial, albeit in a pleasant way; that is in fact true. Market and business circumstance in this newly created market has a wide variety of digital possibilities that not many of the old school can identify with, nevertheless, our COO has to balance such ground reality with a gentle but firm overall policy formulated and approved at BOD levels whenever required: he will be responsible for implementing business process, marketing strategies, operational development, account management, product development &

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20 strategy, and financial forecasting and modeling in coordination with our CEO and company pool of experts. In conclusion, Mr. Joshua McNally will assure our investors of continuity, security and productivity, as well as providing a safe environment to the FinTech area of business, because there are not many wi th the new skills required as yet. The bottom line is that his COO office has to be where business development, sales lead development, operations, competitive analysis, go -to-market strategy and execution, sales training and team building, product development, roadmap, corporate leadership and growth is governed under the watchful eye of the CEO office.

Chief of Marketing

Crystal Salvador-Laurel is from the exotic Asian country of the Philippines; born into the famous Batangenian political -showbiz family in 1988, she has conducted and managed numerous exhibitions, ramp modeling events, also being a well know model herself, and is used to keeping track of the many essential matters of administrative importance for the diverse people in charge. She stud ied at La Salle Zobel, Alabang 2-yr Vocational, Computer/ Telecom Engineering (2005) and has been a Brand Ambassador for Ace Promotion and Marketing Corporation; she speaks and

writes three languages of Filipino, English and German. CK, as she likes to be called, is a mother of four children and who has extensive networking experience and business practice that she draws upon in her performance to our executive team and which has a great value for dealing with our Platform members. She firmly believes that life is what you make it, and she manages to carry this simple axiom over into the Cryptocurrency Platform investment policy and practice. She has many administrative office duties, which she performs for the entire company. CK is often in charge of hand ling important clients and sensitive information plus she is responsible for supporting high -level executives and management of entire departments. She provides administrative support and performs numerous duties, including scheduling, writing corresponden ce, emailing, handling visitors, routing callers, and answering questions and requests using her secretarial team. CK’s internal functions include interaction with Supervisors to receive direction and review results; District management to provide a vari ety of administrative

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21 support functions; Board of Directors to provide a variety of administrative support functions and assist with travel arrangements; District employees to coordinate agendas and facilitate proper operation of the CEO office and all other District personnel as required. Furthermore, CK has external duties as well: interaction with consultants, customers, vendors, government agencies and officials to schedule meetings, coordinate events and assist with problem resolution. She has good hearing, eyesight and speech; excellent ability to communicate in English both verbally and in writing; ability to effectively operate and util ize a personal computer and peripherals; able to tolerate periods of continuous sitting; schedules and coordinates appointments, meetings and events, including registration and travel arrangements as necessary; with her team, she transcribes drafts, proofreads and revises correspondence, memos, flyers, agendas, minutes, resolutions and policies; assists in the complet ion of various forms, notices, press releases and other communications, which may require posting and/or publication; assists with project monitoring and budget tracking; assists District personnel in meeting preparation, set-up and clean up; exhibits abil ity to constructively deal with conflict and afford effective resolutions; suggests policy changes in order to streamline department operations; assures departmental operations within budgetary guidelines.

Vice President Global Marketing Pradeep Kumar Halder comes from the mysterious realm of India, where he was born in 1980. He graduated from Sunrise University in Rajasthan in the field of Economics, International Banking and Micro Finance; he has a BA degree and is CISCO certified (CCIE). He has an ex tensive history in networking and is expert in marketing strategies that bear fine results. Actually Mr. Halder may be said to excel in the science of hard numbers, growth target, profit-target and market share goals. His knowledge base includes: recruiting, backfill ing and helping our marketing teams, building strategy, devising tactics and creating and

actually securing marketing agreements. He is considered a consummate professional who is able to manage the marketing teams, operations and resources to deliver profitable growth; manage consumer expectations and contribute to a high level of client satisfaction; define and oversee staff compensation and incentive programs that motivate the team to achieve their targets; define and coordinate training programs that enable staff to achieve their potential and support company objectives; put in place infrastructure and systems to support the success of the

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22 market function; provide detailed and accurate forecasting with new market penetration; compile informat ion and data related to consumer and prospect interactions; create a culture of success and ongoing business and goal achievement. He provides feedback to the company leadership team and other company functions through the management of key consumer relationships and participation in closing strategic opportunities; at times Mr. Halder travels for in-person meetings with clienteles and partners and to develop key relationships and building a go-to-market strategy which he accomplishes by working close ly with the CEO to establish successful support, channel and partner programs in a continual process of expanding our useful and minable cryptocurrency. In conclusion it is safe to say that the executive individuals who represent YNN Platform as a team are the CNS of the entire project operation and the ones who actually meet our traders and investors face to face in a comprehensive series of seminars to guide and clarify the in -depth mechanics of TRAINING-LAUNCH-VENTURES, but also in establishing and main taining the entire overall guidance to navigation of cryptocurrency exchange particulars and function: the very individuals who share and work with you side by side!

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23 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY This document is for non-public, informational and academic purposes only and should not be considered as an offer or any professional investment advice in the YNN Tokens (hereafter – “YNN”) platform or any other affi l iated company. YNN tokens do not grant the r ight of control. Owning YNN tokens does not give their holder the right of ownership or the right to property or Assets . While the community’s opinion and feedback can be taken into account , YNN tokens do not give their holders any right to part icipate in decis ion making concerning the development of the YNN platform. Please read careful ly this Disclaimer before using YNN Platform (hereafter - the “Platform” ) , as it affects your obligations and legal r ights , including but not l imited to waivers of rights and l imitation of l iabil i ty. I f you want to participate in the upcoming YNN Tokens Ini t ial Partnership Offering (hereafter – the “IPO”), you should also read thi s Disclaimer, Terms and Condit ions, and accept it . I f you do not agree with th is Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, you shal l not use the Platform or buy YNN token.

Definitions Account – a User’s account on the Platform, which is created and used to buy YNN tokens . A User is given the access to an Account upon i ts successful creation through providing YNN platform with all the required information. Only authorized Users have a right to buy YNN tokens on the terms provided herein. Agreement – this Disclaimer and all other operating rules, policies, and procedures that may be published from time to time on the Platform ( including privacy policy, cookie policy etc) User – anyone who uses the Platform, with or without prior registrat ion or authorization using the Account. Platform Owner , we, us – YNN Tokens development team. In no way shall the development team be deemed a partner, employer or agent for any User or providing any f inancial services thereto.

General information These terms are legally binding Agreement between you, the User, on the one part, and the Platform Owner , on the other part, also individually referred to as a “Party” and col lect ively as the “Parties” By using the Platform, the Users accept this Disclaimer, Terms and Condit ions in ful l and agree to be bounded thereby and comply therewith. The User acknowledges and accepts that : - th is Disclaimer, Terms and Condit ions is subject to change, modif icat ions, amendments, alterations or supplements at any time without prior wri tten notice, at Platform Owner’s sole discret ion, by updating this post ing at the “Last Updated” section; the User’s continued use of the Platform after the amendments etc. shal l consti tute the User’s consent hereto

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24 and acceptance hereof; - The Platform Owner reserves the r ight, at its own and complete discret ion, to modify or to temporarily or permanently suspend or eliminate the Platform, and/or disable any access to the Platform. By using the Platform, you covenant, represent, and warrant that: -you are of an age of majority to enter into th is Agreement, meet all other eligibil i ty and residency requirements, and are ful ly able and legally competent to enter into the terms, condit ions, obligations, affirmations, representat ions, and warrant ies set forth herein and to abide by and comply herein; -you are aware of all the meri ts, ri sks and any restrict ions associat ed with cryptographic tokens ( their buying and use) , Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain-based systems, as well as you know how to manage them, and you are solely responsible for any evaluations based on such your knowledge; -you have necessary and relevant experience and knowledge to deal with cryptographic tokens, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain-based system, as well as you have ful l understanding on their framework. This Platform and the YNN tokens are provided on an “as is” basis and without any warranties of any kind, ei ther expressed or impl ied. You assume all responsibil i ty and risk with respect to your use of the Platform and buying of any amount of the YNN tokens and their use. You hereby expressly agreed that, to the maximum extent permitted by the app licable law, the Platform owner does not accept any l iabi l i ty for any damage or loss, including loss of business, revenue, or profi ts , or loss of or damage to data, equipment, or software (direct , indirect, punit ive, actual, consequential, incidental, spe cial, exemplary or otherwise), resul t ing from any use of, or inabil i ty to use, th is Platform or the material, information, software, facil i t ies , service or content on this Platform , from buying of the YNN tokens or their use by the User, regardless of th e basis, upon which the l iabi l i ty is claimed and even if the Platform owner has been advised of the possibil i ty of such loss or damage. You understand and agree that the Platform owner shall not be held l iable to and shall not accept any l iabil i ty, obligation or responsibil i ty whatsoever for any change of the value of the YNN tokens or YNN. The Platform owner shal l not provide the user refund possibil i t ies (payout l iquidi ty) for purchased YNN tokens. The user understands and expressly agrees that the Platform owner shall not guarantee in any way that the YNN tokens might be sold or transferred during or after the Pre -sale . The Platform owner does not warrant or represent that any information on the Platform is accurate or rel iable or that the Platform wil l be free or errors or viruses, that defects wil l be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available if free of v irus or other harmful components. Platform owner shall not be l iable for uninterrupted availabi l i ty of the Platform at all t imes, in all countries and/or all geographic locations, or at any given time.

Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of th is Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.

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25 To resolve any dispute, controversy or claim between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, the Parties agree first to negotiate in good faith for a period of not less than s ixty (60) days following wri tten notification of such controversy or claim to other Party.

Miscellaneous No Guarantee of Income or Profit Any examples of income and profits calculation used in this document are given for demonstrative purposes only or for showing industry averages and do not consti tute guarantee that these results wil l be obtained according to the marketing plan. Regulatory Uncertainty Blockchain-related technologies are subject to supervis ion and control by different regulatory bodies around the world. YNN tokens may fal l under one or more inquiries or actions on their part, including but not l imited to imposing restr ict ions on the use or possession of digital tokens such as YNN tokens, which may slow or l imit the functiona li ty of the system or the process of purchasing YNN tokens in the future. YNN Tokens are Not an Investment YNN tokens are not an official or legal ly binding investment of any kind. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the objectives set forth in this docume nt may be amended. Despite the fact that we intend to reach all the goals described in this document, al l persons and part ies involved in the purchase of YNN tokens do so at their own risk.

Insufficient Use Despite the fact that YNN tokens should not be considered as an investment, they can gain in value in the course of t ime. They may also fall in value if they are not actively used in the YNN platform.

Risk of Loss of Funds Funds collected during the Pre & Post Sales procedure are not insured. In the event of loss or loss of value, there is no private or public insurance representative whom the buyer could address. Risk of Failure I t i s possible that for various reasons, including but not l imited to the failure of business arrangements or market ing strategies, that the YNN Tokens system and all subsequent marketing activi t ies related to the funds collected during the sale procedure may be unsuccessful .

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26 The Risk of Using New Technologies Crypto tokens, such as YNN, are a fairly new and relativ ely untested technology. In addition to the risks mentioned in this document, there are additional risks that the YNN team cannot predict . These r isks may emerge in other forms rather than those indicated here.

Integration This Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions consti tutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. All previous agreements, discussions, presentat ions, warranties, and conditions are combined in this document. There are no warranties, condit ions or agreements, express or implied, between the parties, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. If any dispute arises from interpretation of this Disclaimer.