Black and White Photography - Anthony Nicholas Gallo

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Black and White Photography - Anthony Nicholas Gallo


Why Use Black and White Photography?

Quality photographers still know when to

start with black and white and when to

start with color.

(Most) People don’t see the world in black and white.


Only 0.003% of people see the world in black and white.

Everyone else sees color all day long. So, mundane photographs in black and white can be much

more interesting to look at.!

It can seem nostalgic


When we look at black and white photos we often see them as nostalgic because, in the past, it was the only technology available. This timeless look is used by many photographers. A black and white photo can have a surreal and dreamlike quality as well.

It’s dramatic


With black and white, one can emphasize the drama. B&W

images have strong contrast. A photographer can focus on a

certain element in a photograph, for example a broken chair. !

!Also, it helps the viewer of the image concentrate on the focal

point of the photo; color can often distract from that objective.

Simplicity and a focus on the subject

There are subtle tones to B&W photography. This forces the viewer to focus on the subject. The viewer can pinpoint certain details in the

composition, which may have been hard to see otherwise. Color photos are busy. B&W photos allows you to have less distractions from the



Many photographers tend to think of them more artistic than their more popular color

photographer peers. Don’t simply convert all of your images to black and white simply because you want to be “deep”. Rather, think about why you might want to convert the photo into black

and white.