Biology study

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Transcript of Biology study

Keith Kiely

Biology Study

Keith Kiely

2011-2013Nov-11 Page 1

Keith Kiely

1.The Scientific Method



4.Cell Structure

5.Cell Diversity

6.Osmosis and Diffusion


8.Digestive System

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Keith Kiely

1. The Scientific Method

The scientific method is the way that the knowledge of the world is found.

The main steps in the scientific method are: Observation Hypothesis Experiment Conclusion Relating conclusion to hypothesis Theory

Observation:This is when you look at something in the world and then you question it.

Hypothesis:It makes a guess about your observation. It is an explanation for an observation.

Experiment:This is carried out to see if your hypothesis is true or not. It is the basis of the scientific method

Conclusion:Is dependent on the result on the experiment that was carried out

Relation to Hypothesis:Depending on the original hypothesis made before the experiment(s) the result might support or reject it.

Theory: After the hypothesis is proven right over a number of controlled experiments, it becomes a theory.

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Scientific Limitations: Extent of knowledge Basis of investigation Ability to read results Changes in natural world Accidental discoveries Experiments Experiment design Safety Control experiments Sample size Random selection Replication

Extent of Knowledge:If we knew more about something we can ask more questions

Basis of Investigation:If there is a mistake in an investigation, the findings are not valid

Ability to Read Results:It can be difficult to read results and compare to original hypothesis

Changes in Natural World:The world is changing daily so findings must be revised constantly

Accidental Discoveries:Instead of following set rules for findings, they have been found by accident

Experiments:For an experiment to be carried out it must be agreed to follow set rules

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Experiment Design:Each experiment must be designed to look at one factor only so one is being tested

Safety:There is only so much things that can be done to keep the area safe.

Control Experiments:A controlled experiment can only have one aside from the actual experiment

Sample Size: If one simple animal or plant is being tested, the results may be because of the living organism

Random Selection:It is better to pick a sample to test completely at random so it’s not biased selection

Replication: You could post and publish your results so they can be known and can be replicated.

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2. LifeWhat is life?

Life is processing all of these five things: Behaviour Response Excretion Nutrition Organisation

BRENO= Behaviour, Response, Excretion, Nutrition, Organism

Behaviour:This is where living things and how they react in their surrounding environment.

Their organs and cells help them react to Sound Smell Touch and Taste

Plants respond slower than animals and grow towards the light away from their stimuli by photosyntsis.

Reproduction:Is the production of a new individual or it is a group of new individuals.

Living things are produced by other living things called reproduction.

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Excretion:Is the removal of waste from the body by chemical reactions

Nutrition:This is the way that organisms get their food.

Plants can make their own food by photosyntsis and are called providers

Animals get their own food so they are consumers

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Organisation:This just means that living this are organised by cells.

Cells turn into tissues, tissues to organs, organs to organ system, organ system to individual organs and individual organs to populations

Cells>>Tissue>>Organs>>Organ System>>Individual Organ>>Population

Metabolism:This is all the chemical reactions in your body in one organism

Reactions Include: Digestion of food Speed of Repair Production of New Cells Production of Energy Rate of photosyntsis (plants only)

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3. Food

The Elements of Food:There are 14 important chemical elements in food

The four main types are: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Vitamins

These are all called biomolecules

The six most common elements in food are: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulphur

The five main elements found dissolved in salt are Sodium Magnesium Chlorine Calcium Potassium


The main elements in carbohydrates are Hydrogen Carbon Oxygen

The elements are presented as Cx(H2O)y

The elements X and Y are always going to be the same while H is always double them

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Types of Carbohydrate:

There are three different types of carbohydrates: Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides

Monosaccharides: This is made up of one sugar molecule

Examples would be: Glucose Fructose Ribose

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Disaccharides:This is made up of two monosaccharides.

Examples are Sucrose Lactose

Polysaccharides:This is made up of many monosaccharide molecules.

Examples are:

Starch Cellulose Glycogen

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Function of Carbohydrate

Structural function: Cellulose forms Cell Wall

Metabolic Functions:Glucose gives energy when we respireGlycogen stores the energy in animals Starch stores energy in plants Protein

Protein always contains: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

All of these form to make amino acids.

Amino Acids are just building blocks of protein

Amino Acids>>Peptides>>Polypeptides>>Proteins

Sources of Proteins: Meat Fish Eggs Peas Beans

Functions of Proteins:

Structural Function:Keratin is found in hair and skin and myosin found in the muscles.

Metabolic Functions: Enzymes control the reactions and the antibodies fight infections.

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Lipids only contain the elements: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

Lipids include fat and oils

The basic unit for a lipid is triglyceride. Each one has one glycerol and three fatty acids

Phospholipids are fatty substances that a phosphate group replaces fatty acids

Butter Cream Milk Meat Oils Fried foods

These are all rich in lipids

Functions of Lipids: Provides energy Stores energy Phospholipids form part of cell membrane

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4. Cell Structure

Animal Cell: Michcondrian Nucleus Cell Membrane

Plant Cell: Cell Wall Chloroplast Vacuole Nucleus Cell Membrane


Michcondrian: Provides Energy

Nucleus: Brain of Cell

Cell Membrane:Let’s Components in and out of cell

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Cell Wall:Gives plant structure

Chloroplast:Helps with photosyntsis


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5. Cell Diversity Tissues:These are a group of cells working together for a similar function.

:Plant tissues contain the following:

Dermal Tissues Vascular Tissues Ground Tissues

Dermal Tissues:This surrounds and it encloses the plants. Its location is in the leaf, the stem and the roots. Its shape is rectangular with a tick strong wall with a waterproof surface.

The function of the dermal tissue is to protect and to prevent water loss

Vascular Tissues:This is for transportation; there are two types of vascular tissues.These are:

Xylem Phloem

Xylem:This tissue does not contain nucleus and cytoplasm.Tracheid’s and Vessels are two types of Xylem Tissues

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Mitosis is the process by which a cell duplicates its genetic information (DNA), in order to generate two, identical, daughter cells. It is divided into 4 stages, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Most cells divide by mitosis, these cells are called somatic cells and are generally involved in growth. The other cells, germ cells divide by meiosis and are involved in reproduction and gamete formation.

Mitosis divides genetic information during cell division.Preperation

The chromatin replicates itself The cell builds up a large store of energy Organelles either replicate or are made

Prophase First the chromatin condense to form chromosomes. They then double to form sister chromatids The membrane disappears and the centrioles separate and grow spindle


The centrioles move to the poles and attach to the spindle fibres to the centromere, which is the point where the sister chromatids are joined together.

Anaphase The centromere splits The chromatids separate and are drawn to opposing poles

Telophase The centriole duplicates The nuclear membrane reforms The spindle breaks down The cytoplasm divides in twoIn plant cells a cell plate grows in the middle, and a cell wall is produced on either side.

There are now two daughter cells, both of which are identicle to the original parent cell.

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6. Osmosis and DiffusionDiffusion:Diffusion is the movement of the molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low water concentration.

It is a passive process; this means that it will not need an external force of energy

Examples of diffusion: Smell of Perfume Bread Making Stink Bombs Oxygen

Osmosis:Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration.

Diffusion and Osmosis Compared: Both diffusion and osmosis involve in the moving of molicules from high to

low concentrations, this means it is passive. The difference between the two is that osmosis requires a semi-permuable

membrane and diffusion does not.

Semi-permeable Membranes:Semi-permeable membranes let some molecules in and out of the cell and trap some molecules into the cell.

Some of the molecules at can pass through it is: Water Oxygen Carbon dioxide

Some of the molecules that can’t easily pass are: Salt Sugars Proteins

Plant Cells in Concentrated Area: Cytoplasm has salt, starch, sugars and proteins dissolved in water If plant cell is left in distilled water in becomes less concentrated. Water passes through vacuole and becomes swelled, cell is a lot stronger. This is because of turgor pressure. This can be compared to air forced into a tyre

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Turgor pressure is the pressure of the vacuole and cytoplasm against the cell wall Animal Cells in Concentrated Area

If an animal cell like the red blood cells are placed in a dilute solution, water will enter with osmosis

The cells will expand and might burst because animal cells do not have a cell wall

Osmosis and Food Preserving: Placing food with bacteria or fungi in it in a very concentrated solution will make it lose water by osmosis; this prevents the bacteria or fungi from growing and stops food from decaying.

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7. Enzymes

Features of Enzymes:An enzyme is a protein that spends up chemical reactions without being changed itself

Metabolism is the the sum of all chemical reactions taking place in an organism

Metabolism includes: Reactions in which complex molecules are broken down. It is also known as

Catabolic Reactions. Reactions on which complex molecules are formed. Also known as Anabolic


Energy Sources: The sun gives the original form of energy for all living things. In photosyntsis

the suns energy is converted into chemical energy in biomolecules such as glucose

Cellular energy from chemical bonds. This is released through respiration and used by living things to allow metabolism

Features of Enzyme Action: The molecule that an enzyme reacts with is a substrate The molecules produced my an enzyme is the product Enzymes work because they have the correct shape to attach to the substrate Enzymes are specific. That means that the active site allows each enzyme to

join with one substrate Enzyme reactions are reversible. This means they can join molecules to form a

bigger one or break down to form smaller ones

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Factors Affecting Enzymes:There are two Factors affecting enzyme action:

Temperature pH

Temperature: At 0˚C water freezes to ice. This means that enzyme and substrate molecules

can’t move. Enzyme action is zero at this point. As temperatures increase, enzyme activity is faster. This causes them to

collide more often Human enzymes change their shape when it comes to 37˚C. above this

temperature reactions will fall As the temperatures get higher, enzymes become less useful and die. This is

called denatured

pH:The pH scale runs in-between 0 to 14. 0 to 6 are acids, 7 are neutral and 8 to 14 are basics.

Most enzymes work best at a pH close to 7 (7-9) At higher or lower pH values the active site becomes altered Enzymes can be denatured by unsuitable pH levels Pepsin is an enzyme that is adapted to work in the stomach at a pH of 2

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Immobilised Enzymes:Bioprocessing is the use is the use of enzyme controlled reactions to make a producer.

Immobilised enzymes are attached to each other or to an inert substance

Benefits: They are as efficient as isolated enzymes or sometimes more The product contains no enzyme so saves on separation costs The enzymes that are very expensive can be used over and over

Uses: Glucose is often used for sweeteners in drinks Penicillin is an antibiotic used to control bacterial growth Enzymes can be immobilised on paper or plastic and used to find certain


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8. Human Nutrition and Digestive System

Types of Nutrition:Nutrition is the way which organisms gets and uses their food, the two types of nutrition is:

Autotrophic Heterotrophic

Autotrophic: This type is when organisms can make their own foods. Examples would be, plants, seaweeds and some bacteria

Heterotrophic: This is when organisms get their food from the surrounding environment. Examples would be, Animals, fungi, amoeba and some bacteria

There is three types of heterotrophic nutrition: Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

Herbivores:These are animals that feed only on plants. Examples would be, cattle, sheep and rabbits.

Carnivores:These are animals that feed on other animals. Examples would be, dogs and cats

Omnivores: These are animals that feed on animals and plants. Examples would be, humans and badgers

Events in Human Nutrition: Ingestion Digestion Absorption Egestion

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Ingestion:Physical intake of food into the mouth

Digestion:The physical and chemical breakdown of food. It is to allow small molecules of the food to be absorbed in the small intestine

Absorption:This happens when food passes through the small intestine and into the blood

Egestion: This is when all the unabsorbed food passes through the anus

The Digestive System:


The Mouth:Physical Digestion is taken place in the mouth by the teeth. There is four types of teeth, their names are:

Incisors Canines Molars Pre-Molars

Incisors:These are the four front teeth and used for cutting and slicing the food

Canines:These are the two teeth, one either side of the Incisors and they are used for tearing food

Molars/Pre-Molars:These are all the back teeth and all are used for grinding and chewing the food

Chemical Digestion:This is carried out in the mouth by the enzyme called amylase found in the saliva. The pH in the mouth is between 7-8 which is the optimum pH for amylase to work on. Amylase also digests starch to maltose

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9. Photosynthesis


Photosyntsis is the process of how plants make their own food. The sun gives light to the plant and it combines with carbon dioxide and water to form glucose and oxygen. Chlorophyll is used as catalysts in this process

The equation for Photosyntsis is:

6CO2 + 6H2O>>> chlorphyll+light >>>C 6H12 + 6O2

Role: Makes its own food Makes food for animals (when eaten) Forms oxygen for plants and animals Formed fossil fuels


Sources of Light, CO2 and Water:

The Light Stage:

The Dark Stage:

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