Bienvenue en français 101

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Welcome to French 101

Transcript of Bienvenue en français 101

Bienvenue en Français 101

This course will: Cover Units 1-6A of your book Espaces

Consist of reading, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking the French language at the basic level

Provide information about the French and francophone cultures.

Meet 2 days a week, Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:20pm with a 10 minute break.

Why are you learning French? This course is more than just a course. It will provide you with new

opportunities. You can learn an entirely new culture and this can help you make new friends, learn new ways of interaction, and also it can help you with your studies and your career.

I am passionate about what I teach so I hope that you are passionate about you are learning. I have my perspective on things but I will want to learn your perspective. This will also teach me about the French language and culture.

French is part of American history and it is all around you. On TV, in the supermarket, in restaurants, and in your other classes, so learn find what is French around you and think of why it is there.

Do you need to study a lot for this class? YES!

You will be expected to spend 8 hours a week outside of class on homework for this class. So yes, you do need to study a lot for this class.

Where is the devoirs (homework)? It is online, on the Espaces supersite. The website address


Your next homework is already due on August 24th (Sunday) at midnight.

On Wednesday, we will go to the lab so that you can set up your online account and get started with your homework.

NO late homework will be accepted. If you cannot do the homework on time for one of the units, I will drop one of your until homework grades so you should still be all right.

It is also highly recommended that you get a French-English dictionary. This will come in handy. I also recommend Lonely Planet’s French book.

What about your examens? On Blackboard, you can find a copy of your course calendar and course


You will have a total of 5 unit tests that will consist of a written component and a speaking component. When we finish a unit, you will have a test on that unit. It is about every 2 weeks or so.

You will also have 5 Writing Assignments due. The due dates are on the course calendar.

How will you be graded? In class part./contributions 10 %

WebSAM & SuperSite 10 %

Writing (at least 5 assignments) 15%

Chapter Assessments 30%

Final Assessment 35%

Your grading scale is the following:

- 90-100% = A - 80-89% = B

- 70-79.9% = C - 60-69% = D

- 59% or less = F - Credit = 73%



Writing Assign-ments15%

Chapter As-sessments


Final Exam35%

In-class contributions or participation: The “A” Student comes to class and arrives on time with textbook, paper and pen every day; initiates and

maintains meaningful interaction during class time; shows leadership in group activities; avoids using English in discussions and group activities; makes an effort to ask questions in French; is always prepared; attempts to use complete sentences and elaborate on answers.

The “B” Student shows willingness to participate; cooperates fully in discussions and group activities although may not necessarily be the leader; answers readily when called upon; elaborates somewhat on answers.

The “C” Student participates more passively than actively in class and group activities; occasionally resorts to use of English; gives slightly elaborated answers; is not always fully prepared for class sometimes due to absences.

The “D” Student seldom participates actively or engages in idle “chit-chat” with classmates; generally doesn’t cooperate in activities (resorts frequently to English); commits many errors and makes little effort to correct him/herself; is often absent and/or tardy and/or frequently when asked questions.

The “F” Student is unprepared and rarely participates in class activities (sometimes due to excessive absences, chronic tardiness, etc.); is not able to answer questions and almost never uses French.

EACH DAY, YOU WILL RECEIVE 5 POINTS FOR PARTICIPATION. 5 IS AN A AND 2 IS A D. If you are absent, you will receive a 1 or an F.

How it should be in my class: - In my class, two words are very important:

1. RESPECT: You should be respectful of me and of other classmates. This is a college course so you should behave like a college student. This means that if you are put in a group with another student, you should actively participate and do the work with the other student. You should raise your hand and answer questions but not an excessive amount. Give other students an opportunity to raise their hand as well. Also, be respectful of me, my time, and my classroom. This means that you should not fall asleep in class, chew gum in class, text or check your email. You should not be looking at your computer screen when we are doing an activity or when I am explaining something. You should also be on time. Class starts at 4:00pm and ends at 6:20pm so you should be here during the entire duration of class.

2. PASSION: This is not just a class, this is something you are learning that can benefit you in the future. Take the time to actually do your homework and learn French. Go beyond the classroom and find French speaking persons online or in restaurants or other places. Watch French movies and listen to French music. Read French websites to find information. The more you do, the more informed you will become. Consider this a job and come to it with passion.

What happens if you are late or absent? When I talk about respect and passion, I am also talking

about your dedication to this class and your respect for class time. If you are late, it will obviously affect your participation grade. If you are absent, you cannot get a participation grade for the day of your absence so you will receive an F in participation on that day.

If you are absent a total of 4 time, or 3 times in a row, you will be dropped from the class. I will send you a warning by email of course, but if you are absent 3 consecutive times or a total of 4 times, you will be dropped.

The same rule applies to tardiness. If you are more than 5 minutes late, or if you leave class 5 minutes early or more, this will count as half an absence. If you are late 6 times in a row or a total of 8 times, then I will drop you from the class.

What you can expect of me: I love the French language and culture. I grew up in Europe and finished the French

school system. I even have a Ph.D. in French studies. As you can see, I am very passionate about this culture and language and I would love to share my passion with you. Since I am not necessarily of your generation and may not share your point of view, my perspective may differ from yours, but I want you to learn French from your own perspective. I am open to what you like and dislike and will want you to show me that aspect of the French culture and language. I am also willing to learn from you, where you come from, what your passions are.

I am also available and here to help you learn French. If you put in the time and effort, I will be here to help you. There are also other resources out there for you. You can go to the library and work with a tutor. We are hoping to have a French conversation coach in our language lab soon so that you can get help from the conversation coach as well.

But, as long as you contact me before 10:00pm, I am available to help you via phone, email, or text. I can even be reached on the page or on Skype:

Le laboratoire de langue: The language lab is in

OC 4701 on the Oceanside campus

The language lab is in SEC508 on the San Elijo campus

The Oceanside lab hours are:

Extra Credit I will assign extra credit activities throughout the term and they will either

be for your participation grade or for your total course grade.

If you meet and study with other students in the class, you will receive 5 points each time you meet and these 5 points can go toward your participation grade or your homework grade, whichever one is lower.

I will assign other extra credit activities as well in the future and those will count towards your midterm grades or your overall course grade.

Where can you find your grades: You can find your grades on Blackboard. Click on “My Grades” and you will

see the grades as soon as I post them. If you have any questions about your grades, please come and see me any time.

Students with disabilities: If you have a disability, you can be entitled to appropriate academic

accomodations. Please come and see me if you have been given a letter by the Disabled Students Program & Services Office (DSPS) please email or show me the letter so that I am aware.

If you think that you have a learning disability and require academic accomodations, please contact the Disabled Students Program & Services Office (DSPS) at (760) 795-6658 as soon as possible. I can only accommodate you if the DSPS gives you a letter.

Other students’ contact info: Please turn around and ask 3 students to provide you with their contact


This means that if a student misses class, they have the responsibility to follow up with another student and ask what they missed. If the student misses a class and asks you for information about what was covered in class, please be respectful and take the time to help them out.

Ask for the student’s name, email and phone.

Signez le contrat:

Please sign the small piece of paper to show that you have understood what is expected of you in this class and how you will be graded.

Mes coordonnées:

Email: szahedi@miracosta.eduPhone: 760-612-9108Text: 760-612-9108
