Best Probiotic For Candida

Post on 07-May-2015

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There are several different probiotics, but not all of them are ideal for Candida. What is Candida, and what is necessary to cure it? Not all probiotics are created equal, to find the best requires work.

Transcript of Best Probiotic For Candida

Best probiotic for CandidaBy Probiotics Expert: Dr. Raga

What is Candida?

Candida is a group of yeasts which are found naturally in the digestive tract and are normally harmless to the human body as long as they are within normal quantities. However, there are some species of Candida , such as Candida Albicans, which can be the culprit of digestive problems.

The overgrowth of Candida (caused by C. Albicans), is an infection that can lead to vaginal or oral thrush, GI tract imbalance, and multiple systemic conditions.

How does Candida Overgrowth occurs and how it affects the body?

When the balance between the good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract becomes impaired, this may give C.albicans the opportunity to overpopulate the intestines. This condition results from many factors such as poor diet, oral contraceptives, antibiotic treatment, and stress.

As the C.albicans invade the intestines, digestive problems arise. These are flatulence/bloating, constipation/diarrhea, and impaired nutrient/mineral absorption.

Aside from the digestive problems, the C.albicans triggers the increase of pH. This now makes a more suitable environment for their growth and multiplication.

How does Candida Overgrowth occurs and how it affects the body?

When the overgrowth of C.albicans in the digestive tract remains untreated, it may penetrate the blood vessels in the intestines. As a result, they will have the ability to spread throughout the system because of the circulating blood.

This Candida spread at the system leads to the occurrence of oral/vaginal thrush, skin problems, and weakened immune system. In more severe cases, this may cause invasion of the deeper body tissues. This will give rise to brain fog, mental confusion, muscle pain, fatigue, and sinus congestion.

Why is there a need to use probiotics for Candida overgrowth?

Probiotics are needed to restore the balance of the digestive tract by providing beneficial bacteria to fight off the bad ones. Aside from attacking and killing bacteria, probiotics also target harmful fungi and yeasts.

Restoration of the probiotics within the intestines promotes an acidic environment which makes it unfavorable to the harmful bacteria, yeasts, and fungi.

With probiotics, there is better digestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats in the body.

Best probiotic for candida

Determining what’s the best probiotic for candida varies from person to person. This depends on factors such as strain of candida, degree of overgrowth, integrity of the digestive system, and the recovery phase.

The dosage for the best probiotics should be appropriate for the age of the person who will take it. For children, the dosage should be lower than the adults. Also, there may be strains of bacteria which may harmful to children. For this reason, a doctor must be consulted first.

Best probiotic for candida

The best probiotic for candida should be heat stable. This is to ensure that the live microorganisms inside are still live. Also, it should be fine with or without refrigeration.

Probiotics should have varying strains and plenty of microorganisms. Do not believe that just because a probiotic has 50 or 200 billion microorganisms that it is better, because they have to survive the stomach acids, as well as heat. Some probiotics will survive better, and the capsules need to be coated to survive the stomach.

Best probiotic for candida

Actually, the best probiotic for candida should at least have B. Subtilis, L. Helveticus, S. Boularadii, lactobacillus acidophillus, and prebiotics which serve as the food for the probiotics until they reach the intestines.

Another essential quality is that it should have broader range of bacteria. This is important to increase the strength of the probiotics that will fight off the pathogens inside the body.

Other strains which are also better to be included in probiotic:

L. Rhamnosus L. Plantarum L. Lactis B. Bifidum Acidophilus DDS-1

My Favorite Probiotic

Probacto is the best probiotic that I have ever run into. They use multiple strains and they are spore forming so they can last while not refrigerated. They do not use cheap bacteria, but expensive ones such as B. Subtilis.

Probacto also contains prebiotics to help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Probacto contains digestive enzymes to assist in your digestion.

Probacto is enteric coated and made to be slow release so it will release in your gut gradually.


Candida infections are still a major problem in the affected populations worldwide. With the advancement of the medical field, it has brought out the discoveries for medications and supplements which can speed up the treatment duration and symptom management. As the probiotics industry keeps going with its research, more and more effective probiotic products become available to the public. This is very beneficial in improving their quality of life and prevention of further complications.