BEECROFT SCHOOL NEWSLETTER · 2020. 8. 20. · P & C Meeting – Wednesday 20 May 2020 7:30 p.m....

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Transcript of BEECROFT SCHOOL NEWSLETTER · 2020. 8. 20. · P & C Meeting – Wednesday 20 May 2020 7:30 p.m....


NEWSLETTER Phone: 9484 8844 7 May 2020 Fax: 9484 8200

P & C Meeting – Wednesday 20 May 2020 7:30 p.m. – Library Website: Email:

Principal’s Report Students to Return to School for One Day Next Week Next week we are excited to be welcoming students back to school for a day, as part of the Department’s managed return to school. Please refer to the timetable below.

NB. 2P students will attend on Monday and 1P will attend on Wednesday. Parents and carers are encouraged to send their child to school on the allocated time or day/s for that student’s cohort, to ensure student ratios in classes remain as per Departmental guidelines for Phase 1. No student will be turned away from school. Those students who need to be at school on other days will be supervised with their grade. All students will line up outside their classroom door at 9:25a.m. Please send book packs including pencil cases, headphones and password booklet with your child each day they attend. Ensure your child has a drink bottle, as the bubblers will only be used for refilling. The canteen is open. Please see instructions in the P&C section. We understand that some students, including vulnerable students, will continue to learn from home and not return during Phase 1. If you choose to keep your child at home, please advise your class teacher. Students who are participating in either learning at home or learning at school will be marked as being present. Students are not expected to participate in learning if they are unwell. If your child is unwell, please contact your child’s teacher and they will be marked as being on sick leave.


Drop Off and Pick Up When driving, please stay in your car and use our car drop off and pick up zones. Please maintain social distancing at all times and only enter the school grounds for urgent matters. Schools have been deemed safe, clean and secure places for students and staff Beecroft Public School is cleaned regularly and professionally. Enhanced cleaning is being implemented across all NSW public schools. Additional provisions of soap, hand sanitiser and cleaning products have also been provided. Our school will continue to implement and reinforce good hygiene practices, including: • Washing hands frequently with soap and water before and after eating and after going to the bathroom. • Reminding students when coughing or sneezing to cover their nose and mouth and avoiding touching their face.

If your child shows any signs or symptoms of being unwell, please keep him/her at home. SRE and SEE Online Options As you know, many of the ways we do things in our daily lives have changed considerably over the past few months. Learning at school has changed dramatically for everyone. Most students, staff and parents are now in an online world of learning and are developing a range of new skills along the way. One of the weekly lessons for primary schools is Special Religious Education (SRE) also known as Scripture and/or Special Education in Ethics (SEE) also known as Ethics. At Beecroft Public School these lessons usually occur on a Wednesday morning and are conducted by volunteers. Department of Education approved providers of Scripture and Ethics have been informed that face-to-face Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics will not be delivered until schools return to normal school operations in Phase 4. In the meantime, approval has been given for providers to make activities available on approved websites. Below are Department of Education approved links that parents can use to find the SRE or SEE activities for children to access at home. Approved providers for All Faiths SRE (Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Bahai, Hindu): Anglican SRE: Catholic SRE: Approved providers for Christian based faith SRE: Primary Ethics for SEE:

Happy Mothers’ Day To all of our wonderful Beecroft mothers, grandmothers and aunties, Happy Mother’s Day to each and every one of you. Thank you for all you do in nurturing, teaching and loving our Beecroft children. You make a difference. Thank you to Therese Nicita and the P&C for organising a special surprise for our Beecroft mothers. Thank you in particular to Mrs Pretorius, Mrs Robbins and our amazing teachers and students for your creativity and enthusiasm in creating this unique gift. Tanya Rose Principal


Deputy Principal’s Report What a way to start Term 2! Thank you to all our students and parents for their continued effort with online learning at home and at school. As a new member of staff it really has been heart-warming to see such camaraderie and feel such support from the school community. I am very impressed with the work students are completing in K-2. I have been fortunate to have our wonderful teachers share with me students’ work from the past few weeks. WOW! The standard is high and the smiles wide. Well done. I look forward to meeting our K-2 students and families as the phased return to school commences next week. If you see me in the playground or hallways, please say hello.

Michelle Durrington Deputy Principal

Mrs Durrington


A Message from the EAL/D Team The English as Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) team at Beecroft Public School hopes that the return to student learning has gone smoothly. We appreciate the effort you are putting into supporting your children as they learn from home. As part of the phased return to school, children will be attending school one day per week from 11 May 2020. We will endeavour to have an EAL/D team member available each day to support our EAL/D students with their learning. For the days students are working from home, the NSW Department of Education has developed a range of resources to assist students and families. These resources can be accessed through the “Learning from Home” site using the below link: The NSW Department of Education also has a number of documents that you may find useful which are translated into a variety of languages. To access these you can follow this link: If you have specific questions regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact us. There is a free telephone interpreter service that is available on 131 450 should you need help talking to the school. Alternatively, you can email us with any concerns you may have. Children who are learning a new language benefit greatly from the use of their first language. Be reassured that practising skills such as talking, reading and listening in your child’s first language will also benefit their English language learning. The EAL/D Team

P&C News P&C News P&C News P&C News P&C News

Message from the President

As we prepare to transition into Phase 1, we appreciate the mammoth efforts of our BPS teachers and office staff, as they make appropriate arrangements to adhere to the NSW Education stipulations including the task of combining online teaching with face to face. We are all working together continually and responding to the evolving situation.

Band & Strings – are trialling a remote learning program this term, to provide students with an opportunity to connect with each other and to continue with their musical learning until it is safe for face-to-face rehearsals to resume. Each week, the conductors will lead a combination of Zoom sectional rehearsals, instructional videos and other online learning tasks. There are some fun activities planned with all students encouraged to participate if they can. However, we recognise that this alternative format may be difficult for some families so any absences during this time will not be counted against eligibility for the band and strings awards. Please look out for communication from your ensemble coordinator each week regarding the planned activities. Feedback on your experience of the online program will help us improve. If you have any questions please contact the convenor – Megan Hobbs: Canteen – will be back next week to provide lunches and snacks for our school community, via the Qkr! app only. The good news is there is no minimum order so you can top up their lunchbox with a snack to be delivered at lunchtime as well.


The canteen committee worked hard to revise the menu to suit our current situation so you will see some changes when you go on to Qkr! including:

• Sushi: The most popular three sushi types will now be available every day. Also, in line with the parent survey, mini sushi has been added as a new item three days a week.

• Fried Rice: The inhouse made fried rice has a new delicious recipe and is now available four days a week. • Toasted Sandwiches: Toasties are available every day in any combination of ham, cheese or tomato. • Welcome back Muffin Special: Made with a smile in our canteen, Choc Banana Muffins are on the menu while they last.

If you have any questions, please contact the convenor – Belinda Varndell: Uniform Shop – is now on Qkr!

• Uniform Shop orders via Qkr! only. • Orders placed by Tuesday midnight will be ready for pickup on Thursday; any orders placed after this time can

be picked up the following week. • Regular opening hours are Wednesday 3:00-4:00p.m. and Thursday 9:00-10:00a.m. • Pick up from Uniform Shop Window on Mary Street • No returns accepted once the items have left the premises unless the items are faulty. • Sizes of uniforms for summer and winter are consistent. • Summer uniform can still be worn. • Due to social distancing, staffing is limited and we ask for your patience during this time of transition.

If you have any questions, please contact the convenor – Sherri Cooper:

Every child at BPS had a 'hand' in the beautiful creative artwork on the Mother's Day gift. We were fortunate that every child traced out their hand prior to the COVID situation and we were able to create the lovely artwork for each grade. See if your child can “Find their Hand”? It was wonderful to see so many parents drive-walk-ride thru to collect the gifts on Sunday afternoon. Thank you to the team who assisted with the distribution: Nathan B, Jason C, Andrew H, Therese H, Isabella H, Daniel H, Adam F, Cyrille F, Jamie F, Fei G, Mrs Rose, Mikayla Y and Jesinta Y.

For those dads who have yet to arrange a gift, we have three left to purchase, so be quick! If there is significant demand, there might be a possibility to order more at a later date. So, if you fall into this category please contact Therese Harris on 0406 259 995 or via email: to be added to a waitlist.

Wishing all the mums, grandmothers and carers a fabulous Mother’s Day on Sunday 10 May. Relax and Enjoy!

Lisa Yen P&C President

Term 2 Canteen

• Qkr! only, no counter sales at this time, order by 9:30a.m. • No minimum order quantity. • Food only available for lunch order, no recess. • Sorry no frozen treats available. • Lunch baskets sanitised after each use.



Hello Booshies!!! Term 2 – Bookings Over the coming weeks we will begin to see more and more students returning to school and BOOSH sessions. We are looking forward to gradually returning to normal following the advice of the Department of Health and the Department of Education. Any BPS family can book casual Before or After School Care sessions as needed through My Family Lounge. If you are not currently enrolled at BOOSH, please contact us. Once school and BOOSH sessions return to normal, the regular Priority of Access provisions apply, meaning new families must return to the waitlist until they are offered a position at BOOSH. Session fees at BOOSH are currently 100% subsidised by the government's Child Care Relief Package. This means there is no charge for your child to attend a Before or After School Care session. Other fees related to care and administration can still be incurred. This includes fees such as Non-Notification of Absence fees, Late Collection fees, Bond payments and Membership fees. BOOSH is able to accept children at Before or After School Care regardless of whether they are attending school that day. Children can attend a morning or afternoon session of care if they are dropped off and picked up. However, they cannot remain at the centre throughout the day. Children must not attend the service if they are showing ANY symptoms of illness, regardless of how minor the symptom appears. Online BOOSH Last week's trial of Online BOOSH was a success! It was such a joy to say hi to the children and they all had a great time! At 4:00p.m. each day BOOSH Educators are running online craft and activity sessions for children who are at home. Sessions run for around 30-60minutes. Each week the meeting ID and password is emailed to BOOSH Families so they can log on using Zoom and children can participate in the fun activity from home. This Week’s Program -Week beginning Monday 4 May Monday - Art with Sophie. We are making a pop up Mother's Day card! Tuesday - Life on the Farm with Joanna. Joanna is at her family farm in Mudgee. Play catch with the cattle dog, name the chicken competition, feed Jazzy the sheep, whistle to the cows to call them down to feed and find out how things like farm gates and dams work! Wednesday - BOOSH Trivia with Aaron. How well do you know BOOSH and fun facts about the staff? Thursday - Dreamtime Stories with Jerome. Hear a story about how the birds got their colours and then make your own bird. Friday - Origami with Andrew. Make a pop-up creation! Mother’s Day Appreciations For children still attending the service there will be a mini-celebration breakfast on Friday. This breakfast is to thank and appreciate not just Mums, but Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents or Siblings; anyone who cares for the children that attend our centre. Please note due to current restrictions we cannot provide our regular sit down breakfast but will be providing takeaway food and drinks. As we still want to connect with our families, a short survey was sent to families this week about the option of providing an online yoga class (or 2!) to say thank you and give families the chance to connect. The response has been very positive and families will receive an invitation to attend one of these classes which will be held this weekend.


BOOSH Page 2 This Week’s Photos For the first time ever in Vacation care, there were no incursions or excursions. The Educators planned and ran multiple activities throughout the entirety of each day. Although we had significantly fewer children at the centre, they still had the same amount of fun and enjoyment. Special Afternoon Tea This week’s special afternoon tea was blueberry muffins on Monday afternoon. Upcoming Dates Mother’s day Breakfast – Friday 8 May from 7:00a.m. Mother’s Day Yoga – Online session, Information TBA Have a great week! Mel and The Boosh Team 9980 8224


Hornsby Chil d and Yo uth Mental Healt h Service (CYMHS) Parenti ng Anxio us Children

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Community News Beecroft Public School, as a service to parents, will advertise community events that may be of interest. Beecroft Public School does not necessarily endorse or sponsor the events and accepts no responsibility for the management or organization of these events.




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