BEDE'S NEWS - · Form pupils, Valentina and Anna, ... Wicked stepmothers positively...

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of BEDE'S NEWS - · Form pupils, Valentina and Anna, ... Wicked stepmothers positively...

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BEDE'S NEWS26 January 2018

A Message From Dr RobsonDear Parents and Guardians Congratulations to the Upper Third cast and crew of “Little Red and Tales from the Brothers Grimm”! Mrs Justine Langford, Speech and Drama/LAMDA Tutor, succeeded in enabling our pupils to deliver an outstanding production on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. I would like to say thank you to Mrs Alderson (Head of Drama), Ewan Dineen (Sound) and also Mr Mason (Stage Manager/Lighting) for their assistance with the production.

I look forward to meeting Lower Sixth pupils and their parents at the Lower Sixth interviews, which take place on Wednesday 31 January. We will be hosting the Lower Sixth Higher Education Evening on Monday 12 February and all Lower Sixth students and their parents are recommended to attend this important and informative event regarding applications to Higher Education.

Holocaust Memorial Day is a national commemoration day (Saturday 27 January) in the United Kingdom to the remembrance of those who suffered in The Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution, and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. We would like to thank Mr. Power for the thought provoking and moving assemblies he has delivered to pupils. Two Sixth Form pupils, Valentina and Anna, shared their experience of their recent visit to Auschwitz as part of the Holocaust Foundation Trust. It was very moving to hear their first-hand experience. Special thanks to Mrs Meakin for her efforts in organising the visit to Auschwitz. It is great to see that so many of our pupils have made pledges which are on display in the Library.

I wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend.

Dr Richard RobsonHeadmaster

Dates for your diary:

• Monday 29 January 11+ Supplementary Entrance Assessment

Holocaust Memorial Day

• Wednesday 31 January Lower Sixth Interviews

• Thursday 1 February Intermediate Mathematical Challenge

Shroud of Turin ExhibitionSt Bede’s College Chapel

Thursday 15 February 2018 - 6.00pm - 7.00pm

Alexandra Park Manchester M16 8HX 0161 226 3323 @stbedescollege

Photo by Stuart Benton: Norwich Cathedral Shroud image ©1978 Barrie M. Schwortz Collection, STERA, Inc.

Contact College Chaplain, Charlotte Hibbert for more details

Tel: 0161 226


I Heard It On My RadioOn Wednesday 23 January, Pauline Harris, a BBC Radio director and producer came into the College to work with our Lower Fifth GCSE group and selected Upper Fourth pupils.

The pupils participated in a recording of The Citadel by AJ Cronin, dramatised by Christopher Reason. You can hear them in Series 2, Episode 1 which will be broadcast on Monday 5 March 2018 at 10:45 am and repeated at 7:45 pm on BBC Radio 4.

This is the second series about medical life before the NHS, and is set in Wales in the 1920’s. The Radio Times will credit the College and pupils.

The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to be heard demonstrating their Welsh accents on Radio 4.

One VisionRecent educational reforms, including a return to linear courses at both GCSE and A level and increased amounts of content within specifications have put an increased premium on the ability of students to learn and recall information.

Consequently we were delighted to welcome back world renowned memory expert David Thomas last Friday to our second annual Academic Conference.

He talked to both our GCSE students and Sixth Formers about the use of mindmaps, creating memory stories and using

multiple senses to aid recall; demonstrating how the correct use of these systems will allow anybody to massively improve their memory.

With the Sixth Formers David also touched on presentation skills and how using the memory techniques can enable you to pitch or present without notes and how this then allows you to be far more interactive and engaging with your audience.

Tel: 0161 226


The Show Must Go On

The Upper Third Drama Production was a breathless and decidedly engaging romp through four fairy tales skilfully interwoven and with a good deal of post modernist irony thrown in for good measure. Wicked stepmothers positively bristled, Rumpelstiltskin lowered and threatened and the mirror on the wall told an increasingly frustrated listener, with world weary composure, that she was still not the fairest of them all.

The narrators juggled the book with aplomb, the dancers strutted for all they were worth and the innocent children, notably in Hansel and Gretel seemed to have it all worked out. Mrs Langford is to be congratulated fro bringing such a large cast together with such precision and fluency. Yet another generation of talented Bedian actors are making their mark.

Tel: 0161 226


Somebody To LoveValentines Day is fast approaching and Campion House have returned with their ever popular “Last Rolo” service. Pupils will be selling vouchers for you to secure the last Rolo for your Valentines dearest.

Parking Issues - People On The Streets

Please may we remind you to park considerately at peak drop off and collection times and in particular to avoid parking on the yellow hazard lines around the College.

We are particularly concerned about the safety of our pupils, staff and wider community and with care and consideration we can reduce the potential risk and hazards that can occur.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

We Will Rock You - Strictly Bede’sThe first round of Strictly Bede’s will be taking place next Wednesday lunchtime in the Academic Hall.

The highlights will include Mrs Lavorini’s Irish Jig, Mrs McCormick tap dancing and Mr Power’s ballet routines. Surely this is unmissable.

The fun starts at 1:15pm in the Academic Hall on Wednesday 31 January and runs every Wednesday until the grand final on Wednesday 14 February. Entrance is 50p on the door with all proceeds to Magdalene House Charities.

Tel: 0161 226


I Want To Break FreeOn Thursday 18 January all the Prep children from Reception Class to Prep 6 boarded coaches to Chester Zoo. There was a buzz of excitement from staff and pupils as they left the gloomy, grey skies of Manchester and entered the bright blue skies of Chester.

Each year group went their separate ways to investigate and discover what the zoo had to offer. Reception Class beamed at the sight of a new born baby Orangutan. Prep 1 braved the dark bat cave where the fruit bats swooped and darted their way through the children.

Prep 2 were hypnotised by the size of the snakes, pythons and anacondas. In Prep 3 there was a frenzy of excitement at seeing the Lions prowl around their enclosure roaring and searching for food.

The children of Prep 4 spent their lunch break in the company of Giant Otters which were in a playful mood and kept the Prep 4 children entertained. Prep 5 were greeted by the Trumpet of a baby Elephant and enjoyed their lunch whilst observing the cheetahs.

Prep 6 were stunned by the beauty of the Jaguars and Daniel’s encyclopaedic knowledge on all the zoo’s residents from mini-bugs to massive beasts.

The whole school had an absolutely fantastic time.For more news and images follow these

Friends Will Be FriendsA group of Prep 4 girls raised £20.25 last week for a Charity very close to our hearts, Cornerstone.

The girls wanted to make a difference and help others so they decided to offer hair styling at break times in return for a donation.

Well done to these true Bedians for a super idea! We are looking forward to planning more school fundraisers this year to help this wonderful charity.

Prep Librarian - Now I’m HereWe are delighted to welcome our new Prep Librarian, Mrs Georgia Leyden! Mrs Leyden is a former Head Girl of the College and an experienced English Literature teacher with a passion for books. She has developed a particular interest in children’s literature since she became a mum to her three boys and is very excited about her new role within the Prep.


Tel: 0161 226


NoticesIf you notice this Noticeboard you will

notice that this week it is not worth noticing as there are no notices!!



Tel: 0161 226


ASSOCIATION 26 January 2018

Bedian Association - New MembersDear Parents, Teachers and Friends,

As a way of thanks for all the support provided, especially with the very successful delivery of the Christmas Fair, CF2017, we would like to invite you to join us for a drink at The Lloyds, for an evening of laughter and relaxed conversation. There is no need to confirm attendance, just turn up from 7pm on Friday 2 February – we look forward to seeing you.

Following the first Bedian Association Meeting of 2018 on Monday 22 February, Fiona Fleming who has been Chair since the inception of The Bedian Association has stepped down from this role. Thankfully she is able to support and participate with volunteering activities. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Fiona for her selfless devotion and commitment to the College.

The role of Chair has been accepted by the Vice Chair Anthony Okparavero. Other members of the core BA Team are Clare Hopton, Sandra Gordon and Pavla Mataskova (Treasurer). The role of Secretary still needs to be formally filled and we would welcome any new volunteers that are able to fulfil this role so that we ensure that we are fully compliant with all the requirements of the Charity Commission. Your Bedian Association Needs You!

We are very pleased to report that our expenditure, both in terms of finance and resource, in the delivery of the various events over the last 12 months compared to same previous period has been reduced by over 40%. This has been for a variety of reasons; we have developed processes and key relationships as well as systems that enable us to better leverage best practice. We will continue to develop these, in partnership with the wider Bedian Family, to the point that we will have a ‘framework’ that ensures the seamless successful delivery of the various events and activities. The other contributing factor in the reduction is as a result of the ‘immense generosity’, of resource and donations, given by so many. Again, we thank you.We are constantly looking to engage with as many new volunteers as possible, so we look forward to meeting and hearing from you.

As always, please drop any new uniform that pupils have outgrown into Prep and College receptions as these can be recycled in a ‘new to you sale’.

Dates for your 2018 Diary:FEBRUARY 2018

Friday 2 February 2018 Bedian Association Social Evening – The Lloyds 7.00pm

MARCH 2018

Monday 5 March 2018 Bedian Association Meeting (Vaughan Library) 4.30pm

Friday 23 March 2018 Bedian Association Social Evening – Quiz Night 7.00pm

MAY 2018

Monday 14 May 2018 Bedian Association Meeting (Vaughan Library) 4.30pm

Friday 25 May 2018 Afternoon Tea with the Headmaster 2.30pm - 4.30pm (Headmaster’s Lawn)

Best Wishes,

The Bedian Association