Becoming a Member of Society

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Becoming a Member of Society

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

How can we become a part of the Society?

-The process of being socialized into a specific culture

-refers to the lifelong process of social interaction through which people acquire their identities and necessary survival



Norms ValuesNorms are informal understandings that govern the behavior of members of a society.

Values are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives which account for the stability of social order.

Roles Status


defined by Max Weber as the esteem or

“social honor” given to certain individuals or


refer to the characteristic way of behaving of an individual according to

his/her status.

What will happen if citizens

oppose the norms, values, roles and even the status of the society?

There will be a; defined as a

behavior that elicits a strong negative reaction from group members and involves actions that violate commonly held social norms


There will be a;

Process of altering one’s thoughts and actions to adapt to the accepted behavior


Human dignity, rights, and the common good An idea that

a person has an innate right to be valued, respected and treated well

Human Dignit


There will be a;

It is the legal, social, and ethical principles that consider the human person as deserving of liberties and protection by virtue of human dignity.

Human Rights

It Aims to see the possibility of using politics, collective action, and active citizens in realizing freedom, autonomy and self government for the self interest of the society

Common Good


How Society is
