Bands for target audience

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bands for target audience


The ‘Spunge’ website is very simple and basic, it features a picture of the band in an un-posed way just being natural and laughing and messing around together, this is enlarged and placed on a plain patterned background. There is very little features on the website and the font is all very standard with very little writing apart from links to other elements of the website with other information on the band. The official website does not offer any merchandise to buy but there are other available websites where you can buy the CD’s, DVD’s and T-shirts.

Band Photos

Album Artwork

As you can see from the album artwork the band are quite diverse. All of the pictures are done in animation which gives off a quirky affect and shows that the band play quite fun music. The Indie Genre would be quite intrigued by this idea as it is different to other album covers as they generally feature just pictures of the band members themselves however these have all been drawn in a cartoon like way to promote their uniqueness. However, it does still feature the band in the pictures but drawn in animation.

• In the music video ‘Jump On demand’ there are many different performance elements, the whole video is of the band and them either performing or using a handheld camera to film themselves. These specific features of this music video are seen in almost all Indie genre videos because the band like to represent themselves in a cool way so that they do not look staged and as if they are playing up to the cameras. Spunge only feature very few music videos on YouTube to add to their senses of individuality and uniqueness as they are quite different to other indie bands.