Background Music : 余钧浩 Photos: 邱奕莹 Reporter: 邱奕莹、黄清琳.

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Background Music : 余钧浩 Photos: 邱奕莹 Reporter: 邱奕莹、黄清琳.

Background Music : 余钧浩

Photos: 邱奕莹

Reporter: 邱奕莹、黄清琳

Every one have idols. My idol is Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang was born on December 13, 1989. He is 22 years old now.His hometown is in Gansu,China.

He is a singer.In 2010,he attended a singing contest called Happy boys .At last,he got the fifth national game.I think he paid a high price so that he could have the achievement.

I like him because he is a very filial children.He was aware that his parents’hard so he didn’t ask his parents for any toy when he was young.His only toy was a cheap guitar ,but he said the guitar was his best gift.From then on,he more effort to learn music and deeply in love with the music.

I like him because he never give up the face of difficulties. During the game,his nerve deafness relapse again,but he didn’t give up.Althouth he couldn’t hear too loud voice,he sang out the most fair-sounding song.When the reporter interviewed him.He cried:”I thought I would become the second Beethoven.”Later he had his first song called Fireworks.

He also to performed development.His representative are the film called” 我们约会吧” and the idol drama called “ 落跑甜心” .

I think behind success is requires a great deal of effort.Now Chen Xiang still isn’t complete success, but Ibelieve success isn’t far from him. Let us witness it together. This my idol.Thank you!

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