Back Pain + Inflammation PresentationFinal FINAL

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Back Pain + Inflammation PresentationFinal FINAL

Back Pain & Inflammation

The Holistic Approach to Pain Relief

Presented by Judea Eden, N.C.

Judea Eden, N.C.


Introduction to InflammationWhat is inflammation?Your body’s first response to infection & protection

Signs of musculoskeletal inflammation: swelling, redness, heat, & pain

Judea Eden, N.C.


Common Inflammation TriggersAge-Related Wear and TearPhysical InjuriesAllergies & Food SensitivitiesDigestive Disorders: #1Leaky Gut, #2Constipation #3 IBS/ColitisDietary Imbalances and DeficienciesInfections e.g.,: colds+flu, parasitesSTRESS: Emotional or Environmental

Judea Eden, N.C.


Inflammatory Fats

Judea Eden, N.C.


Top Inflammatory FoodsRed or Charred Meat, Cold Cuts, Hot Dogs, SalamiMan-Made Fats: Corn Oil, Canola Oil, Margarine, Crisco Refined Carbohydrates: SUGAR, HFCS, fruit drinks, sugar substitutes, white flourSoda, excessive Coffee, Nightshades: Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peppers, EggplantExcessive Alcohol intake

Judea Eden, N.C.


Digestion is Key!!

Judea Eden, N.C.


Damaging Anti-Inflammatories - NSAID’s

Ibuprofen has serious side-effects that can damage stomach lining and lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) Toxins & undigested proteins enter the bloodAnti-bodies food intolerances & sensitivitiesEffect ability to regenerate cartilage tissue

Judea Eden, N.C.


Healing Foods for Back Pain

Judea Eden, N.C.


Good Fats

Judea Eden, N.C.


Top Inflammation-BustersCruciferous Vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, boy choyLeafy Green Veggies: chard, collards, dark colored lettuce, mustard greens, spinachBeta-Carotene-Rich Foods: pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, apricots, mango, canteloupeLegumes: black beans, garbanzo, peas, pinto, kidneyBerries: black, blue, strawberry, raspberryOmega 3 Foods: fish, flax, chia seed

Judea Eden, N.C.


Anti-Inflammatory Eating GuidelinesEat at least 5 servings a day of fruits and veggiesEat Fish 3 X’s a week Stay away from nightshades, citrus, cow dairy, salt, wheat & glutenSwitch out your oils to olive, coconut, avocado, ghee, etc. and increase consumption of Omega 3 fats found in fish, flax and chia seedIdentify Allergens and food sensitivities and avoid eating those foodsEat less in general, and definitely less red meatConsider becoming a semi-vegetarian (at least during acute treatment for pain)

Judea Eden, N.C.


Anti-inflammatory Herbs & Supplements

Judea Eden, N.C.


Anti-inflammatory Herbs & Supplements

Turmeric root, powder, or capsules)Ginger (root, powder, or capsules)Proteolytic/Digestive Enzymes (pills, apple-cider vinegar, sauerkraut)Probiotics (capsules, plain yogurt, fermented foods)Fish Oil, Flax Oil, Chia Seed, Borage or Evening Primrose Oil

Judea Eden, N.C.


InflammatoneThis supplement is made by Designs for Health & contains

all these inflammation-fighting ingredients:

Protease 6.0 (Concentrate) 50000 HUT Protease 4.5 40000 HUT Trypsin 1:150 25 mg Serrazimes® 10000 U Chymotrypsin 2 USP Units Turmeric (Curcuma longa)root extract 200 mg Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) resin extract 200 mg Ginger (Zingiber offinale) root extract 200 mg Quercetin 75 mg Rutin 75mg Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) 50 mg

Judea Eden, N.C.


Natural Digestive Enzymes Mix 1-2 TBS of olive oil with 1-2 tsp of lemon juice. Shake and

drink every morning OR night on an empty stomach for 1 month. This will exercise the liver and gallbladder, while supporting healthy bile flow in the bile and pancreatic ducts and assist in moving the bowels to ease constipation

Eat 2 TBS of fermented veggies like sauerkraut or kimchee before every meal

Drink 2 TBS of raw Apple Cider Vinegar just before your meal

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. Sip water all day long to achieve this and try not to drink all at once. Hydrating your stomach will encourage it to produce more hydrochloric acid and increase the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes

Judea Eden, N.C.


Natural Digestive Enzymes Eat more raw beets and leafy greens. Greens should

make up 2/3 of your plate. The cellulose in greens will attach to the toxic bile and escort it to the toilet like a non-stop flight!

Drink fenugreek tea. It acts as a decongestant for the bile ducts and helps

Have cinnamon with every meal possible. Cinnamon supports healthy blood sugar levels while supporting normal bile flow.

Consider regular detoxification of the liver and fat cells, which store toxins that are processed through the liver. Regular cleansing can help one achieve optimal digestion

Judea Eden, N.C.


Comprehensive Metabolic Profile Test

Testing can help determine the following:Mitochondrial & energy metabolismFunctional B vitamin statusCarbohydrate & fatty acid metabolismFood allergies Leaky gutEssential fatty acid balanceInflammatory potential (C-Reactive Protein level)Oxidative stressDigestion issuesDetoxification issues Neurotransmitters balance (brain chemistry)

Judea Eden, N.C.


Comprehensive Metabolic Profile Testing

Why Test?Do you need supplementation?

It is an objective health assessment

It helps decide which nutritional areas to focus on – targeted individualized nutrition program

Backed by the science and reliability of a Clinical Lab

Judea Eden, N.C.


ConclusionFix Digestion problems FIRST!!

Consume a nutrient-rich, anti-oxidant diet

Reduce/ and or avoid inflammatory foods

Incorporate good quality herbs and supplements if needed Start a gentle exercise program like boot camp or yoga or

walking 30 minutes a day

See a Chiropractor and/or Acupuncturist for assessment & treatment for chronic pain

Get an Ergonomic Evaluation to assess & correct your workstation for ergonomic and back safety

Judea Eden, N.C.


Thank You for Attending Today’s Back Pain Presentation!!
