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B2_3 2014 Jan Simon

English Test

CEF B2.3

Your name: _____________________

Class: E












Reading ( ___ /25M)


An exhibition on human needs, resources and fairness


It is impossible to get through a day without reading or hearing something about the impact of man’s profligate behaviour upon the fragile environment of our planet. Could we really be in part to blame for the recent spate of natural disasters, from the devastating earthquake in Haiti to the volcanic eruption in Iceland? Many would have us believe that these events are a direct result of the way we have treated, or

mistreated, planet Earth.


I have always kept an open mind when it comes to the relationship between our behaviour and the state of our planet. It is, after all, hard to pick your way through all the conflicting accounts to find your own solution. I am, however, always looking for new and challenging arguments so it was with great interest that I bought my ticket for an exhibition entitled All We Need at the Halle des Soufflantes in Belval, Luxembourg.


As soon as I walked in I knew that this was going to be no ordinary exhibition. I was greeted by a huge dilapidated steelworks with bare girders and pipes and the strange creaking noises of an abandoned space. What better mirror could there be of the bleakness of much of human existence?


I was impressed by the exhibition’s aims and rationale: “All We Need explores the world as a global market through the human efforts to dream, imagine and live a happy life. The exhibition shows, in particular through the fair trade example, alternatives in consumption and life styles. It provides reflections and proposals

for action on the essential questions touching the future of mankind: which are our fundamental needs, and how can we satisfy them without

endangering either the survival of our planet, or human rights?”


Human needs are the same the world

over. Chilean economist Manfred

Max-Neef, recipient of the ‘Right Livelihood Award’, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, identified nine basic categories: subsistence, idleness (leisure), affection, freedom, protection, identity, understanding, creation and participation. However, while basic human needs might be the same wherever you live, the disparity between those who achieve these aims and those who do not is great

and growing.


This exhibition sets out to present a series of alternative concepts, ideas and answers to the eternal question of how to live a happy life and is

divided into a series of ‘spaces’, each reflecting one of the human needs. While each space was incredibly thought-provoking, challenging and

often upsetting, the two which hit home most were the spaces dedicated to affection and understanding. In the former, those traditional tokens of love, roses, gold and diamonds,

are juxtaposed with images of the harsh reality behind these symbols: the flower plantations and conflicts fuelled by greed. Equally thought provoking is the understanding space. The performance group Stan’s Café have created a unique vision of the world by using piles of rice whereby each grain represents one human

being. These mounds represent a wide range of human statistics and provide an extraordinary visual insight into the inequalities of this world.


The sheer volume of information in this multi-media exhibition is quite overwhelming. Anyone who is passionate about the future of the planet owes it to themselves and to the future of the world to include All We Need in their itinerary. I walked out feeling so many conflicting emotions.

Coming from one of the most privileged countries in the world, I was reminded once again just how

much there is to do to restore a sense of balance.

Reading Part One (8 marks) ___ /8

Read this review. Which paragraph mentions the following?

1) the perfection of the exhibition’s setting

2) the widening gap between rich and poor

3) human involvement in environmental damage

4) the exhibits that had the greatest impact on the writer

5) a way to attain a sustainable future

6) a recommendation to visit the exhibition

7) the writer’s personal thirst for knowledge

Choose the best summary of the exhibition, according to the writer:

a) All We Need showcases the work of artists from the developing world.

b) All We Need seeks to highlight inequalities in the living conditions of peoples all around the world.

c) All We Need focuses on the divisive issue of climate change and attempts to sort out the facts from the rhetoric.

Reading Part Two (15 marks) ___ /15

Reading Part Two (15 marks) ___ /15

You are going to read a magazine article about various authors. For questions 9-23, choose from the authors (A-D). The authors may be chosen more than once.

Which author:

9) feels that she is not completely in control when she is writing?

10) took action in response to someone's negative view of her chances of

getting her work accepted?

11) thinks that her current working arrangement may not be permanent?

12) decides when information given in her books does not have to be true?

13) did something dishonest while trying to get her work accepted?

14) is unwilling to do a great deal of background work for her books?

15) was offered her first contract as a result of an earlier success?

16) makes sure that her books contain strange elements?

17) got great pleasure from carrying out a certain process repeatedly?

18) draws attention to the likelihood of a new author getting their work


19) wants people to be cheered up by her books?

20) feels that it is an advantage that people give her their sincere views

on her work?

21) recommends analysing various aspects of other author's books?

22) leaves sentences incomplete while she is writing?

23) felt that her job was taking up too much of her attention?

Reading Part Three (2 marks) ___ /2

It's a string thing

You only have to think of the expression ‘tugging at the heart strings’ to be reminded of the way we connect emotionally with the sound of the violin. But for years, the strings have been marginalised in the world of pop – sidelined to the slushy world of ballads, lazily used to suggest drama or sophistication. To all intents and purposes, strings had become the sonic equivalent of the highlighter pen. But suddenly things have changed.

Artists like Joanna Newson and Sufjan Stevens made a breakthrough with a broader kind of orchestral pop a few years ago, playing sell-out shows at classical venues, and the trend continues.

So what has brought on our fancy for strings? Pop’s relentless, synthesized technical evolution has made more people start longing for a more organic sound. And, in a way, the sound of violins is revolutionary; punk was once synonymous with electric guitars and shouting, but since it’s now the norm, it’s no longer shocking. It’s far more innovative to use a classical instrument in a way it’s never been played before.

Will our love of strings endure? Well, given the average age of a pop musician is 25, and the average age of a concert violin is 150 years old, maybe it’s not violins that are the craze within pop – but pop that is the craze in the constantly evolving story of the violin.

For questions 24 & 25, circle the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

24) In the first paragraph, the writer is

A – explaining why the violin is generally unsuited to pop music.

B – describing how violins have been used until recently in pop music.

C – praising the use of the violin to give emotional power to pop music.

D – defending the way violins were used in traditional types of pop music.

25) According to the writer, the current interest in violins in pop music

A – is just a phase that will soon pass.

B – is related to changes in classical music.

C – is part of a search for something new in pop music.

D – is a result of technological improvements to the instrument.

Listening (___ / 25M)

Listening Part One (8 marks)___ /8

Listen to four people talking about a particular childhood memory. Read the instructions to tasks one and two before you listen. Then complete both tasks as you listen.

Task one

Choose from the list A–G what each speaker says about the childhood memory.

(A It is very vivid.B It causes nightmares.C It is very private.D It evokes feelings of sadness.E It is very elusive.F It is difficult to think about.G It is hard to remember the details.)1) Denise

2) Dave

3) Sheila

4) Alex

Task two

Choose from the list A–G the memory that each speaker is describing.

(A an evocative smellB intrusive neighboursC an unsympathetic teacherD difficult siblingsE an unfamiliar environmentF an important relationshipG frequent house moves details.)5) Denise

6) Dave

7) Sheila

8) Alex

Listening Part Two (10 marks)___ /10

You will hear a radio report about dolphins. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.

Listening Part Three (7 marks)___ /7

You will hear an interview with a tour leader who works for an adventure company in Africa. For questions 19-25, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

19) Don says that most of his passengers

A are not students

B are looking for jobs

C work in conservation

20) When Don first meets a group, he

A gives them blankets for the overnight trip

B shows them where to sit on the truck

C checks they have the right equipment

21) Don remembers one trip when

A he failed to take enough food

B someone made a mistake with the food

C someone complained about the food

22) Don oversees the domestic work because

A he doesn't like to lose things

B it has to be done within an hour

C people complain if things are dirty

23) If people argue, Don says that he

A prefers not to get involved

B separates the people concerned

C asks the group for a solution

24) Don says that he sometimes

A needs to get to sleep early

B has to camp in a noisy area

C tells people when to go to bed

25) What does Don say about getting up?

A He ignores any complaints about the time

B He varies his schedule according to the group

C He forces everyone to be quick about it

Writing (___ / 25M)

Choose between option A OR B

A) An article

Urban jungle or country retreat – which is best?

Are cities the best places to live or is life in the countryside a better option? If you could choose, where would you prefer to settle down? Write an article of approximately 300 words outlining your preference and giving the reasons for your choice.

B) An essay

It is important to be honest in life

Write an essay of approximately 300 words saying whether or not you agree with the statement above.
