Aurthur griffith

Post on 25-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Aurthur griffith

Arthur Griffith

Fact File Name : Arthur Griffith Date Of Birth : 31 March , 1871 Place of Birth and Death : Dublin ,

Ireland Occupation : Political leader Spouse : Mary Phelan Hobbies : He wrote articles for the

United Irishmen .

The Rising

Griffith took no part in the 1916 Rising but was still imprisoned. He was released in 1917.

Arthur’s Death

Arthur Griffith’s death was caused by a stroke. He died on August 12th , 1922.


In 1896 – 1898 he worked in the Gold mines in South Africa, but returned to Ireland in 1898 to edit the “United Irishmen” a weekly newspaper.

He joined the Gaelic league, which was aimed at promoting the restoration of the Irish language .

Political Belifes

Arthur Griffith wanted peace between Ireland and Great Britain , he believed that treaty will lay foundations of peace and friendship between the two nations.

In other words , he wanted Ireland to get Home Rule.

Sinn Féin Sinn Féin was a party set up by Arthur

Griffith , in 1905 . The meaning of Sinn Féin is ‘ Ourselves


Sinn Féin won 73 seats whereas the Home party won 6 seats.