August Whispers

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of August Whispers

  • 7/27/2019 August Whispers


    Principal Deputy Principals Collegiate Deputy Principal

    Karen Smith David Macleod-Jones & Robert Bredin Joe Camilleri


    It seems incredible that Year 12 students have almost completed their

    Wyndham experience. With the completion of the trial HSC examinations,

    it is now only the remainder of this term that these students have until theygraduate and then sit for the HSC examinations.

    It is absolutely imperative that students keep working to the best of their

    ability, in order to maximise their HSC outcomes. Any outstanding

    assessment material must be redeemed so that Wyndham College can

    supply assessment marks for the students that are as good as they can be.

    Year 11 are also on a short time line. Their HSC course work begins at the

    start of Term 4. This means that all assessment material must be cleared so

    that those students can be deemed as having satisfied the Preliminary courserequirements. Year 11 course work concludes with their examinations in

    Weeks 9 and 10 of this term.

    I am delighted that our school has been selected to participate in a

    Department of Education and Communities pilot of the Tell Them From Me

    student survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes

    and measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and

    other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW pilot project is on student

    wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices.

    More information about the survey is available at:



    A partner withi n the Nir imba Collegiate Group of Schools

    and the Ni rimba Education Precinct

    Nirimba Education Precinct, Eastern Road, Quakers Hill

    Phone: 9208 7100 Fax: 9208 7199


    AUGUST 2013




    (P & C)

    All Parents

    are invited

    to attend


    20 August 2013



    AUGUSTAugust 20 Friends of WyndhamAugust 20 Yr11 Fast Forward UWS ExcursionAugust 21 Road Youth Trauma ForumAugust 22 Yr11 Biology- Mt Annan Botanic GardensAu ust 26 HSC ART Break

    SEPTEMBERSeptember 9-20 Yr 11 ExamsSeptember 11 Support-Aust Pioneer VillageSeptember 17 Friends of WyndhamSeptember 19 Year 12 GraduationSe tember 20 End Term 3
  • 7/27/2019 August Whispers


    Wyndham College August 2013


    The survey will provide our school with valuable and quick feedback on what our students think

    about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with

    them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help

    improve how they do things at school.

    I want to assure you that the survey is anonymous and students cannot be identified by theirresponses. The survey is conducted online and will take around 30 minutes to complete. It will be

    administered during school hours between 19 August and 6 September.

    An information sheet and consent form about the survey is being sent home with students.

    David Macleod-JonesRelieving College Principal

    FROM THE YEAR 11 DEPUTY PRINCIPALHaving arrived at Wyndham College refreshed after a bit of long service leave, I am really looking

    forward to working with all members of the college community to make a contribution to theColleges educational journey.

    This week we had a visit from our Board of Studies Liaison Officer who discussed with staff howstudents can maximise their results. For Year 11, their next opportunity that counts is the examscoming up in just four weeks. For Year 12 it is somewhat more urgent.

    1. Be Organised and Meet DeadlinesIn other words, USE YOUR DIARY!!! I would beabsolutely lost without my diary. Knowing WHAT needs to be done and WHEN it needs to bedone by are crucial skills for success. They are NOT skills which we are born with. They are

    skills which need to be LEARNED. And it is not just about success at school. Being organisedand meeting deadlines are a big part of success in life generally. When I look in diaries it isapparent that some students use them to record when their friends birthdays and parties are. I

    guess that is being organised in theirpersonal life but being organised in theiracademic lifeleads to success at school and more life choices for life after school. ParentsYou can assistyour children by checking their diary each week. If you hear about an assignment or homeworkthat doesnt appear in the diary, ask Why? I have been looking at the number of students who

    have received multiple N Award warning letters and will start chasing the worst offenders

    ASAP. It seems to me that students not being organised is a big part of the problem, and yet, soeasy to fix with a little effort.

    2. Be on time to school and to each class. Many classes, already on task and working, are disruptedover the first few minutes of each period while late students wander in oblivious to the disrespectthey are showing their class mates by not only disrupting their learning but also stealing theone more mark that may have been possible that lesson. Also, plan your day so that you dont

    need to go to the toilet during class (thus causing more disruption). Worse still is that group ofstudents choosing not to attend some classesanother group I will be chasing up quite soon.

    3. StudyI realise that this is not a favourite concept for some students. BUT ... it need not be asdifficult as students think.

    a. Use a highlighter pen when studying at home (or even while in class) to highlight keywords, phrases or sentences. This makes future study easier because there is a much

    smaller volume of work to revise. Use a different highlighter colour to highlightimportant concepts that the student has not yet stored in their memory (and thereforeneeds more attention).

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    Wyndham College August 2013


    b. For each unit of work in a subject, write up one page with a point-form summary of thework to be revised. One page is easier to study in a hurry than 10 or more.

    c. Much preparation and revision will occur leading up to the Yearly Exams and HSC.Students should study at home and bring to school concepts or past questions they arestruggling with.

    4. LISTENin class. Your written notes are not very useful if you dont understand them becauseyou didnt listen to the teacher explanation. Often students think that education is the busy work

    of writing and drawing. They dont realise that REAL education is UNDERSTANDING and that

    comes from listening as well as ....

    5. ASKING QUESTIONS. We teachers might sometimes assume that students understand thematerial if they dont indicate otherwise. My view (and I tell my classes this) is that if I explain a

    concept and students dont understand (assuming of course that they listened), then I have notdone my job; I then explain in different ways so that my students DO understand.

    6. Make sure that you get the work into your book or onto your netbook (but not while the teacheris explaining). A blank book makes study a bit harder.

    7. WHATS IN IT FOR ME? When you consider that an average working life is 40 years, a bit ofeffort here at school is a small price to pay in order to have more career choices later. For ME,the reward was the job I now doa job I absolutely love (most of the time). I was brought up ona farm. My father told all four of his sons to get an education and go over those mountains and

    dont come back. HE saw the value of education. I was the first in my family to go to

    university. I suspect I would have been a lousy farmer. I tell my students that a universityeducation is not for everyone but that they could and should reach for the stars and make somesacrifices at school because the life choices they will then have are worth it.

    Thank you to all who have welcomed me to Wyndham College. I look forward, with great passion andexcitement, to the challenges ahead.


    Robert BredinDeputy Principal


    One of the most important programs which operate within the Collegiate is the Transitioning of our

    students from the different stages in our educational structure of stage 3 into 4 (junior into high school)stage 4 into 5 (in the junior year) and from stage 5 into stage 6 (senior high school). Programs at this

    point of time include the Taster Lessons, Science Enrichment day, Try-aday at Wyndham,

    apprenticeship / traineeship information night, subject selection evening and visitations by the College

    Deputy Principal. Throughout this transitioning process students are always supported and encouraged

    to do their best to achieve the best possible outcomes.

    At Wyndham College some students are given the opportunity to excel, in their next stage of their

    education, by partaking in the completion of University units of work including Psychology and Health,

    Marketing Practices, Principles of Economics, Engineering Design and Construction Practice. I was

    privileged to witness 9 Wyndham students receiving awards for the completion of these units. Thisachievement enables them improved access to the University of Western Sydney, especially before their

    HSC Examinations.

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    Wyndham College August 2013


    All of the year 10 cohorts from 7-10 feeder schools (Riverstone High, Quakers Hill High and Seven

    Hills High) are interviewed to align their subject choices and enrolment documentation in readiness for

    transitioning into Wyndham College. Our students are guaranteed a place at Wyndham College. So its

    imperative that all students attend to these interviews and ensure that all enrolment documentation is

    complete and submitted to their careers advisor for processing. May I commend our careers team for

    their wonderful and professional care given to all our year ten students in this interview transitioningprogram. Further, although its not mandatory, thanks to those parents who opted to attendtheir childs

    interview in selecting subjects for Wyndham College in 2014.

    Please dont hesitate to give me a call at Wyndham College on 9208 7100 if you have any query

    regarding any of the processes specified.

    Yours in Education:

    Mr Joe Camilleri - Collegiate Deputy Principal.

    FREE PLANTS FOR COLLEGEA big thank you to all families and staff who have kindly donated theirBlacktown City Council free allocation of 2 plants to the school.At this stage we have a total of 50 plants. This is fantastic and will go a longway to further beautifying our school.

    SRC SUGGESTION BOXAny students with sensible suggestions can put them in the SRC Suggestion Box located in the schools

    Library. The SRC meet every Thursday at lunchtime in E6 so suggestions


    The Uniform Shop is open on Thursdays 12.30pm -1.30pmIt is located at the top ofC Block.EFTPOS is now available with a surcharge of $3.00Orders are to be paid in full at time of ordering.

    FREE -MATHS TUITIONAll students are invited to join the free Maths tuition that is held in C4 every Tuesday afternoon from3pm to 4pm. Be there!

    FREE -CHEMISTRY TUTORIALSEvery Tuesday at 3pm4pm in B01


    Every Monday at 3pm4pm in B0

  • 7/27/2019 August Whispers


    Wyndham College August 2013


    Greening Australia Visits Wyndham

    College 2013

    Greening Western Sydney is the largesturban environmental restoration project

    in Australia.Greening Australia throughout the yearhas visited our school an endeavour toregenerate the ecosystem that we aresituated, the Cumberland PlainWoodland area and specific to ourschool behind the Tradewynds caf, andalong the creek at the back of theschool.Greening Australia visited WyndhamCollege to support outcomes for the

    Reconnect Class, the Agriculture Classof Year 11 and a Sports, Leisure andRecreation (SLR) Year 12 class.Under the guidance of the GreeningAustralia team, students planted over200 native plants including trees, shrubsand grass species while also beingshown the use of bush tucker among thespecies planted. In addition some partsof the creek have been rejuvenatedthrough revegetation accomplished by

    planting riverbank stabilisation plants.Students gained experience in the use ofmachinery such as the Augar (post holediggers), and mattock (pick), which theYear 12 boys enjoyed using as a lot ofthe ground surrounding the creek isclay.Both days Green Australia visits werehighly successful for all the studentsinvolved as they were able to learn

    outside. Students gained realistic schoolto work skills, with maximum practicalengagement.Greening Australia will hopefully bereturning next year to follow up on their

    planting, and to also focus more on theregeneration of the school creek.Well done to all students involved, this

    project has delivering real results toimprove our unique landscape withinthe school.

    Alaina SeymourTAS/VET Teacher

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    Wyndham College August 2013


    Congratulations to Matthew Irwin on becoming a Regional Finalist Apprentice/Traineeof the Year.


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    Wyndham College August 2013


    Writing essays made easier:Rather than worrying about an essay for weeks, suggest your child get in some early preparation andhave self-belief that they can do it.

    Find out more:

    Sorting fact from fiction:

    You cant always trust what you read when researching information for homework, assignments orprojects. Here are ways your child can tell a good websiteor any document- from a bad one.

    Find out more:

    Vocational Education at school:Many kids now use Year 11 & 12 to get a head start on a traineeship, an Apprenticeship or othervaluable industry experience.

    Find out more:

    Our students are doing us proud hereat Nirimba College. From Friday 26July to Monday 29 July two of our

    TVET Construction Students, BrentMula(Wyndham College)and Liam Carter (The Hills sportsHigh School) undertook theircompulsory Workplacement at theBungarribee Community ResourceCentre in Bungarribee, Blacktown.

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    Wyndham College August 2013


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    Wyndham College August 2013


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    Wyndham College August 2013


    The Road & Youth Trauma Forum 20-22 August 2013

    Every year we take a group of Yr11 students to this wonderful event. This year

    we will be participating on Wednesday 21st


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    Wyndham College August 2013



    To keep student records as up to date as possible please complete the slip below, if you have changed address orchanged phone numbers, and return to the front office.

    Student Name ...

    New Address ...

    Home Phone ..

    Mobile PhoneMother Name....

    Mobile Phone -Father Name

    Signed . Date...............

    ExcursionsExcursions are an important part of the school curriculum. They provide students with adiversity of learning experiences that are very valuable.

    However, the excursions take considerable time and effort to organise so that they runefficiently. For this reason the school policy is that all excursion money must be paid bythe date indicated on the permission note. Students who do not pay by this date will not beable to attend the excursion.

    If there is a special circumstance preventing payment by the due date, your child shouldseethe Head Teacher.

    If you have recently changed your email address please complete thisslip and return to the office:

    Student Name ___________________________________________________

    Email Address ___________________________________________________Please print carefully



    SMS - the College number is0416 906 146.