Auf Geht's!

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Trimester 1 Lektion 3 - Magst du Tiere?

Transcript of Auf Geht's!

What will I be able to say and do at the end of this unit?

express how you feel about animals

describe your pets and other animals

You will be able to...

What new vocabulary does this unit cover?

animals (pets, farm, zoo)

adjectives to describe animals

What new structures will I learn?

how to use all subject pronouns

how to conjugate the verb mögen

welche, was für

You will know...

Will I learn anything new about German culture?

Germany's polar sensations, Knut and Flocke

Germany's love for pigs

You will learn about...

sing a German children's song

You will...

How about cognates, idioms and other peculiarities?

cognates that are spelled similarly, but not entirely the same

Pay attention to...

Lektion 3 - Magst du Tiere?

Inhalt Page 1

Inhalt Page 2

Lies was du siehst. (Read what you see.)a.

Und jetzt mit deiner Information. (And now with your information.)b.

Lies den Comic Strip mit deinem Partner. (Read the comic strip with your partner.)I.

Mag Bernd Hunde?a.

Hat Bernd Haustiere? Welche?b.

Wie heißt Martinas Hund?c.

Wie findet Schnuffi Bernd?d.

Wie findest du Schnuffi?e.

Beantworte die Fragen! (Read and answer the questions!)II.

Magst du Tiere?a.

Was ist dein Lieblingstierl?b.

Welche Tiere magst du nicht?c.

Hast du ein Haustier?d.

Beantworte die Fragen! (Read and answer the questions!)III.

3.1 - Schnuffi

Übungen Page 1

Hast du ein Haustier?d.

Wie heißt dein Haustier?e.

Was mag dein Haustier?f.

Mögen deine Eltern Tiere?g.

Projekt - Magst du Haustiere? Schreib ein Rollenspiel. (Do you like pets? Write a role play.)IV.


Expectation Fully Met - 3 Somewhat Met - 2 Not Met - 1

Language Use new vocabulary and


All different

structures are



Missing structures or small

mistakes in application.

Missing structures and

errors in application.

Content and


Make a dialgue. Memorize

and role-play the dialogue.

Dialogue flows


Some unnatural or awkward

exchanges. Natural delivery

with some problems with

memorization or role-play.

Nobody would ever talk

this way.

Not memorized and/or

unnatural delivery.

Pronunciation Speak up, enunciate, and

pronounce correctly.

Clear, near



Some problems with

volume, enunciation, or


Communication was not

possible due to problems

with volume, enunciation,

and/or pronunciation.

Process Be a team player:

participate, cooperate,


Active and

positive in all

stages of the


Not always an active

participant or controlling

and argumentative.

What group?

Übungen Page 2

A. Er, sie, oder es?

B. Eine Umfrage: Hast du ein Haustier?

Freund Tier Name Alter


C. Wie findest du sie?

Nimm deine Vokabelliste und frag deine Klassenkameraden: Wie findest du Hunde? - Ich finde sie...

D. Mach ganze Sätze mit haben.

1. ich ______________________________________________

2. wir ______________________________________________

3. Nesrin ______________________________________________

4. Herr Özer ____________________________________________

5. Isabel und Pedro _________________________________________

E. Mach Fragen mit haben.

1. Leo __________________________________________________

2. du _________________________________________________

3. Chris und Hope______________________________________________

4. ihr ______________________________________________

F. Was passt zusammen? Zeichne eine Linie. (What goes together? Draw a line.)

ich du Jasmin



Werner Sie


sie (they) sie (she)

G. Konjugiere die Verben! (Conjugate the verbs!)

heißen ____________________________

ich _________________________ wir __________________________

du _________________________ ihr __________________________

er, sie, es____________________ sie, Sie_______________________

sein ____________________________

ich _________________________ wir __________________________

du _________________________ ihr __________________________

er, sie, es____________________ sie, Sie_______________________

haben ____________________________

ich _________________________ wir __________________________

du _________________________ ihr __________________________

er, sie, es____________________ sie, Sie_______________________

mögen ____________________________

ich _________________________ wir __________________________

du _________________________ ihr __________________________

er, sie, es____________________ sie, Sie_______________________

H. Ergänze die Lücke mit dem richtigen Wort: (Fill in the blank with the correct word:)

1. Hallo! Wie ____________ ihr?

Wir _________________ Jochen und Adam.

2. Wie alt ____________ ihr?

Wir _______________ 13 Jahre alt.

3. Wie __________ ihr?

Wir _____________ freundlich und klug.

I. Ergänze die Lücken mit der richtigen Konjugation von mögen. (Fill in the blanks

with the correct conjugation of mögen.)

– Was _____________ dein Hund?

- Er ________________ Hundefutter und Würste.

- _______________ ihr Tiere?

- Ja, wir _________________ Tiere.

- _________________ deine Eltern Tiere?

- Nein, sie _________________ keine Tiere.

- Was _______________ du?

- Ich ______________ Katzen und Hunde.

- Frau Jenkins, ___________________ Sie Schlangen?

- Ja, ich _____________ Schlangen.

- Was _____________ deine Freunde?

- Sie ___________ Mäuse und Würmer


J. Beantworte die Fragen. (Answer the questions.)

1. Magst du Tiere? _________________________________________________

2. Was ist dein Lieblingstier? ________________________________________

3. Welche Tiere magst du? ____________________________________________

4. Habt ihr ein Haustier? _____________________________________________

5. Hast du einen Hund? ______________________________________________

6. Wie alt ist dein Hund? _____________________________________________

7. Wie heißt dein Hund?_______________________________________________

8. Was mag dein Hund? _______________________________________________

K. Was war die Frage? (What was the question?)

1. _________________________________, Nein, ich mag keine Tiere.

2. _________________________________. Meine Katze mag Mäuse.

3. _________________________________. Wir haben ein Pferd.

4. _________________________________. Nein, sie mögen keine Tiere.

L. Magst du Tiere? (Do you like animals.)

Introduce yourself and talk about you and your relationship with animals. Do you like

animals? What are your favorite animals? Which animals don’t you like? Do you have a

pet. What’s his name? What does he like (to eat)? Pay special attention to verb

conjugations and articles.

Proof read and then post your paragraph on your blog. Tag: deutsch6














Magst du Tiere?

Hast du


Was für

Haustiere hast

du denn?

Was ist dein


You have been commissioned to design a small zoo.

You decide to...

divide your zoo into continents1.

display five different animal species for each continent2.

have at least five animals of each species in your exhibits3.


Research animals who are native to the continent to which you were assigned. Also look at their habitat.

Pick 5. If possible, give preference to words you already learned.

Design your exhibits on paper and place your animals in it.•

Label your plan with the German animal names. Go to BEOLINGUS at to look

up words.

Present your plan to the class.•

Die Kontinente:








Expectation Fully Met - 3 Somewhat Met - 2 Not Met - 1

Design Design exhibits for 5

different animals of a


Creative and



Not so neat. Neat?





Present the plans of

your exhibits.



Clear, near



Problems reading or

some problems with

volume, enunciation,

or pronunciation.

Presentation was choppy due

to problems with volume,

enunciation, and/or

pronunciation. No evidence of

prior practice.

Language Label the animals. Correct

spelling and use

of articles.

Some errors in

spelling or use of


Significant errors in spelling

and/or use of articles

Process Be a team player:

participate, cooperate,


Active and

positive in all

stages of the


Not always an active

participant or

controlling and


What group?

3.4 - Unser Zoo

Übungen Page 1

project. argumentative.

Übungen Page 2

Make a PowerPoint presentation of your favorite animals:

1. Collect five pictures of your favorite animals. Please use five different


2. Make a title slide in PowerPoint (Meine Lieblingstiere) and paste each of

pictures on separate slides.

3. Write a script detailing the following (make up name and age if

necessary). You should start the script like this: “Das sind meine


a. name of animal

b. age

c. describe its looks and character

d. describe using this lesson’s vocabulary

e. say what the animal likes to eat (be realistic)

4. Practice your script until you can describe each animal without reading

your script. Please do not include any writing on your PowerPoint.

5. Present your favorite animals:

Project your slide show.

Orally present your animals without reading the script.

6. Record your presentation in PowerPoint, save it as a .wmv file and upload

it to your blog. Tags: deutsch6, lieblingstiere

Cary Academy has invited a petting zoo to set up on the field behind the Middle School.

You (Partner 1) love animals and storm out during break to pet all of them. There you

run into a student (Partner 2) you don’t recognize. He/she seems lost, so you start a

conversation with him/her. Follow the outlined pattern below:

Partner 1 Partner 2

Hello! Are you new here?

Hello! Yes. What’s your name?

_______ What’s yours?


Do you like animals?

Yes. And you?

Yes. Do you have pets?


What kinds of pets?

_________ And you?


How are they?

________________ And yours?


Cool! See you later.

Ok. Later.

8 Fragen3-1

9 Q&A3-1 10 Q&A3-2

How well can you express yourself?

Listen to each sound file and respond in the blank provided. •

Once you have practiced and don't have to think about your answers any more, import the

file into Audacity and record your answers.

Listen to yourself. How do you sound? •

Save the file in your German folder.•

Asking questions:

Responding to prompts:

3.6 - Sprechen

Übungen Page 1

Frag deine Klassenkameraden:

1. Wie heißt du?

2. Wie alt bist du?

3. Wo wohnst du?

4. Hast du Geschwister?

5. Magst du Tiere?

6. Hast du Haustiere?

7. Was für Tiere hast du denn?

A. Zum Sprechen

1. Magst du Tiere?

2. Hast du Haustiere?

3. Hast du einen Bruder?

4. Magst du Salat?

5. Magst du Kanarienvögel?

6. Hast du eine Katze?

7. Wie heißt dein Vater?

8. Was magst du essen?

9. Mag dein Freund Tiere?

10. Hat dein Freund Tiere?

B. Zum Schreiben

mögen / ein / kein

1. _________ du Äpfel? – Nein, ich _______ __________ Äpfel.

2. Andreas _________ blaue Affen.

3. Andreas und Gregg ____________ blaue Affen und rosa Elefanten.

4. Was _____________ ihr lieber: Hunde oder Katzen?

5. Hast du _______ Haustier? – Ja, ich habe _______ Hund und _____ Vogel.

6. Wie heißt d_____ Hund?

7. Wir ______________ Papageien.

8. M______ Maus ___________ Käse.

9. Ich ___________ m_________ Hamster.

Und du?

Magst du Tiere? Hast du ein Haustier? Was für ein Haustier hast du?

Wie ist dein Haustier? Wie alt ist dein Haustier? Wie heißt dein Haustier?

Was mag dein Haustier? (Make it up if you don’t have a pet.)







C. Zum Lesen

Was sagt Marina?

1. What kind of pet does Martina have?

2. What’s his name?

3. How old is he?

4. How does Martina feel about her pet?

Ich heiße Martina. Ich bin zwölf. Ich

habe einen Papagei. Er heißt Kokorito.

Kokorito ist 10 Jahre alt. Ich spiele gern

mit Kokorito. Kokorito ist lustig und sehr

lieb. Ich mag meinen Papagei sehr.

Magst du tiere?


e im


s u



f d

em L


Hund, -e (m) dog

Goldfisch, -e (m) gold fish

Hamster, - (m) hamster

Papagei, -en (m) parrot

Hase, -n (m) rabbit

Esel, - (m) donkey

Vogel, -ö- (m) bird

Wellensittich, -e (m) parakeet

Kanarienvogel, -ö- (m) canary

Katze, -n (f) cat

Kuh, ü-e (f) cow

Maus, ä-e (f) mouse

Schlange, -n (f) snake

Ente, -n duck

Eidechse, -n (f) lizard

Haustier, -e (n) pet

Lieblingstier, -e (n) favorite animal

Kaninchen, - (n) rabbit

Schwein, -e (n) pig

Pferd, -e (n) horse

Reh, -e (n) deer

Eichhörnchen, - (n) squirrel

Schaf, -e (n) sheep




lieb nice; sweet

süß sweet; cute

weich soft

treu loyal

wild wild

stark strong

laut loud

gefährlich dangerous

schnell fast


d s


st welche Tiere? which animals?

was für Tiere? what kind of animals?

ich finde… I find…

du findest… you find…


e im



Löwe, -n (m) lion

Tiger, - (m) tiger

Elefant, -en (m) elephant

Delfin, -e (m) dolphin

Alligator, -en (m) alligator

Eisbär, -en (m) polar bear

Pinguin, -e (m) penguin

Affe, -n (m) monkey

Gorilla, -s (m) gorilla

Giraffe, -n (f) giraffe

Kamel, -e (n) camel

Krokodil, -e (n) crocodile

Flusspferd, -e (n) hippopotamus

Känguru, -s (n) kangaroo




Salat, -e (m) salad, lettuce

Käse (Sg.) (m) cheese

Apfel, Ä- (m) apple

Wurm, ü-er (m) worm

Karotte, -n (f) carrot

Wurst, ü-e (f) sausage; lunch meat

Hundefutter (Sg.) (n) dog food

Katzenfutter (Sg.) (n) cat food

Vogelfutter (Sg.) (n) bird food

Gras (Sg.) (n) grass

Heu (Sg.) (n) hay


b mögen;

ich mag, du magst, er/sie/es mag, wir mögen, ihr mögt, sie/Sie mögen

to like

1. __________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________

11. _________________________________________________________

12. _________________________________________________________

13. _________________________________________________________

14. ______________________________________________________

15. ______________________________________________________

16. _____________________________________________________

17. _____________________________________________________

18. ____________________________________________________

19. ____________________________________________________

20. _____________________________________________________

21. _____________________________________________________

22. _____________________________________________________

23. _____________________________________________________

24. _____________________________________________________

25. _____________________________________________________

26. _____________________________________________________

27. _____________________________________________________

28. _____________________________________________________

29. _____________________________________________________

30. _____________________________________________________

31. _____________________________________________________

32. _____________________________________________________

33. __________________________________________________

der Hund, -e

die Katze,-n

der Kanarienvogel,-ö-

der Goldfisch,-e

der Papagei,-en

die Schlange,-n

das Eichhörnchen, -

der Hamster,-

das Schwein, -e

der Esel, -

das Reh,-e

der Hase, -n

das kaninchen,-

die Maus,ä-e

der Wellensittich,-e

die Ente,-n

die Eidechse, -n

das Pferd, -e

das Schaf, -e

das Haustier, -e

das Lieblingstier, -e

die Kuh, ü-e

der Vogel, -ö-











2 nice, sweet

5 fast

6 loud

8 loyal


1 dangerous

3 soft

4 wild

5 strong

7 sweet, cute

1. __________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________

11. _________________________________________________________

12. _________________________________________________________

13. ______________________________________________________

14. ______________________________________________________

15. __________________________________________________________

16. _________________________________________________________

17. ________________________________________________________

18. _______________________________________________________

19. ______________________________________________________

20. _______________________________________________________

21. ________________________________________________________

22. ________________________________________________________

23. _________________________________________________________

24. _________________________________________________________

25. _________________________________________________________

das Krokodil, -e

der Löwe, -n

der Tiger, -

das Flusspferd, -e

der Delfin, -e

der Eisbär, -en

der Pinguin, -e

das Kamel, -e

der Gorilla, -s

der Elefant, -en

das Känguru, -s

die Giraffe, -n

der Affe, -n

der Salat, -e

der Käse, -

der Apfel, Ä

der Wurm, ü-er

die Karotte, -n

die Wurst, ü-e

das Hundefutter

das Katzenfutter

das Vogelfutter

das Gras

das Heu



heißen to be called

sein to be

haben to have

mögen to like



heißen to be called

sein to be

haben to have

mögen to like

to ________________

ich _______________ wir ______________

du _______________ ihr _____________

er/sie/es ___________ sie/Sie___________

In the past few years, German zoos have made headlines because of their unusual and cute

additions. Knut und Flocke have captured hearts around the world as their lives were

broadcast live beginning with their birth. Knut was born at the Berlin Zoo, Flocke at the

Nürnberg Zoo. Check out these links to these two zoos:

Google "Knut" and "Flocke". Where are they now? What do they look like? Are there any

interesting news about them?

Knut Flocke

3.1 - Knut und Flocke

Kultur Page 1

Germans love pork! Did I mention that they love pork? What did this mean for pre-industrial Germans?

Right, pigs are food, and if you have too many pigs to eat yourself, you can sell them. So if someone

owned a pig that had many piglets, the pig was bringing good fortune to the owner, either in the form of

food, or the form of income.

While still eat pigs today (did I mention this already?) the pig today is also a symbol of good luck. On New

Years, people offer little rubber or plastic pigs or edible marzipan pigs (and other good luck symbols) as

little tokens of wishing someone good luck for the year to come. We call it a "Glückschwein" - the good

luck pig.

Likewise, we use the pig to describe situations in which we experienced good luck. To "have had pig" is an

expression of "having been lucky".

Er hat Schwein gehabt. - He was lucky. (Implying that the luck was truly by chance.)

How would you then say "I was lucky"?________________________________________

3.2 - Schwein gehabt!

Kultur Page 1

Alle meine Entchen |: schwimmen auf dem See,:|1.

Köpfchen in das Wasser, Schwänzchen in die Höh'.

On "Köpfchen in das Wasser", lower your head. On "Schwänzchen in die Höh'", raise your

hand above your head and wave.

Alle meine Täubchen |: gurren auf dem Dach,:|2.

fliegt eins in die Lüfte, fliegen alle nach.

On "Köpfchen in das Wasser", lower your head. On "Schwänzchen in die Höh'", raise your

hand above your head and wave.

Alle meine Hühner |: scharren in dem Stroh,:|3.

finden sie ein Körnchen, sind sie alle froh.

On "scharren in dem Stroh", make a scratching motion with one of your feet. On "finden

sie ein Körnchen" act as if you were pecking for seeds. On "sind sie alle froh", smile big.

Alle meine Gänschen |: watscheln durch den Grund,:|4.

suchen in dem Tümpel, werden kugelrund.

On "watscheln durch den Grund" waddle counterclock wise. On "werden kugelrund", use

your hands to form a big belly in front of you.

3.3 - Alle meine Entchen

Kultur Page 1