Attributes of a successful distance learner

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Attributes of a successful distance learner





Time Management

Time Management – The process of managing time in order for you to set priorities on

what needs to be done List barriers to effective time management Develop strategies to more effectively manage time Use Time Logs and Timers Stop Procrastinating


Self Motivated

Self Motivation – Internal drive to achieve and to do the best; force that drives one to do

things Willing to leave your comfort zone Spend time in self development Never Quit Complete want you start


Self Directed

Self Directed – Internal drive to achieve and to do the best Remain focused Seeks and accepts assistance when needed Take charge Be persistent

Self Discipline

Self Disciplined – In control of oneself and accepts responsibility of your actions Accountable for your actions Set achievable goals Be On Time Have the “End” in sight



Independent – Internal drive to achieve and to do the best Organized Accountability Critical thinker Learn from and use prior experience

Self Reliance

Self Reliance – Relies on oneself, yet have the ability to work as a team Have a voice in your studies Support one another Manager your goals Have confidence in your abilities


Stay Organized

Stay Organized – Keep a separate folder for each module and a backup folder on an

external device. Set time to study Places document in such a manner that they can be easily and readily located Keeps study area clean and neat Always prepared


Contributes To Discussions

Contribute to Discussion – Responds to the discussion board in a timely manner Do not take replies personal and do not post personal replies Use valid resources when replying Respond to other learners to keep an ongoing dialogue Assist others who may not understand the discussion



Confident – Is sure of oneself, but not arrogant Accountable for your actions Know what your end will be Research all assignment prior to submitting them Assist others when needed


Turn In Assignments

On Time

Turn In Assignments on Time – Submit assignments in accordance with the syllabus,

rubrics, and instructor’s guidance Accountable for your actions Communicate with the instructor before the assignment is due Be On Time Have the “End” in sight