Open Distance Learner


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Transcript of Open Distance Learner






MATRIC NUMBER : 841118065034001

NRIC: 841118 06 - 5034

TELEPHONE NUMBER : 017 - 9255884

EMAIL ADDRESS : wardiela [email protected]




SEPTEMBER 2012 Semester


Front Page1 1

Table of Content 2 - 2

1.0Introduction3 - 4

2.0Internet Based Learning5 - 5

3.0Benefits of Internet For Student6 - 8

4.0 Detrimentel Effects Of Internet9 - 11

5.0Suggestions And Improvement 12 - 13

6.0Conclusion14 - 14

7.0 Reference15 - 15


Internet is a worldwide network of computers that are connected through telephone lines, fiber optics and the latest wireless technologies such as 3G, WiMAX, EDGE and WIFI. Internet began during the Cold War. A network has been created to connect all military computers around the United States that triggered the event of nuclear attack, the U.S. military equipment still works. These machines are connected via a telephone line. Two first machines have successfully connected at the end of 1969.By the year 1970, the first computer network using packet switching technique in the United States has linked the computer system at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), Stanford University and the University of Utah in Salt Lake City . In Malaysia the internet launched in 1987 when the Institute of Microelectronics Malaysia (MIMOS) starts or RangKom Computer Networks Malaysia. Then the Nets that is expandable from RangKom launched in 1990

Proliferation of information technology has given a new dimension to the country's education system. Internet-based learning is one way of learning applied to the Smart School concept. The smart school concept is a metamorphic national education innovation. Metamorphic as curriculum, pedagogy, technology used and modified assessments to meet the aspirations of the younger Malaysia a more creative and innovative in his thinking as well as the efficient use of new technologies and can access and manage information in the age of information explosion. Accordingly, the curriculum of the 21st Century agenda Ministry of Education Malaysia in efforts to uplift education towards excellence. Emphasis smart edition of the science curriculum and the 21st Century is the scientific skill and thinking skills. One of the objectives in the middle school science curriculum is to "enable students to select, analyze and evaluate information on science and technology wisely and effectively" (Curriculum Development Centre, 1998, pages.2). One of the strategies is written in the 21st Century Science curriculum is planned in the learning activity in learning that "students need to be explicitly aware of the thinking skills and strategies. Learning Web-based teaching methods and began to replace traditional learning. In a traditional classroom, students use a lot of time in the classroom with teachers who deliver educational content in front of the class. Now, students can access information and work provided directly through use of teacher Internet. Exposed services and the use of open source in education is a paradigm change according to trends and developments in ICT as the cost of software licenses and development of the system can be saved.2.0 INTERNET-BASED LEARNING

Internet-based instruction is an alternative or new ways of teaching that has a lot of potential to produce more effective. Teaching characteristics and physical interface Web sites have different impact than conventional teaching. Among the advantages of Internet-based teaching is the provision of hypertext features and cause global Web hypermedia instructional delivery can be delivered in non-linear form. Hypermedia format facilitates student-centered approach because they can create an active learning environment and motivated. Internet learning also supports and encourages browsing and exploration, which are usually associated with high-level reasoning learning (high-order thinking)Internet-based learning can also provide synchronous communication, for example through chat sessions and asynchronous such as sending electronic mail. Such facilities can provide an opportunity for users to communicate and collaborate across distances. Enables synchronous communication occurs in real-time interaction between students, as the collaboration in the classroom, students in an environment different from the Internet using the keyboard to type a message. Asynchronous communication allows interaction occurs at different times and locations between two or more users. Users can communicate at any time. Two types of communication expand consumer access to information, resources, cooperation, and improve attitudes towards online collaboration and performance-based. Environment potentially offers many advantages to the students to enhance the learning process from the traditional learning package. Students can use the online-based learning courses to communicate, collaborate and publish personal material in the interaction between the teacher and fellow students. This model allows students access to a broader learning resources and reasonable through Web links comfortably. 3.0 BENEFITS OF INTERNET FOR STUDENT

3.1 Online LearningOnline learning provides many advantages that can accommodate distance learning, especially places not conducted class as usual, particularly for students who attend classes part time studies or weekends. The learning process for these students, there are several methods that can be used, for example, conform video learning process where traditional learning does not take place where students just communicate with teachers or lecturers only use video.

Advantages of using video conferencing When video conferencing is used in education, it is easier to have interactive communications between teacher to teacher, teacher to Classroom, or classroom to Classroom with Students in Runway places. Another benefit would be conjoining Efforts. Now groups of Students from Different parts of the world cans work as a team and share ideas with one another more.

In addition, online learning does not give freedom to the students to learn because the learning process is not limited by the space and time. Learning can happen at any point soon.

Another positive effect of Internet in education is the onset of distance education or online learning. With this facility, you can take up short-term courses with the course material available online, learn and give exams. One of the benefits of online learning is that people from any part of the world can gain knowledge on different subjects, complete coursewith these points, we find that the importance of Internet in education cannot be denied and hence, every student should be given access to the Internet for deeper understanding and knowledge of a subject.3.2. EncyclopediaSometimes, encyclopedia might not continually be available to students plus they may have difficulty within gaining access to the actual publications within the collection. If so, the actual encyclopedia of different subjects available on the Internet can be helpful. This really is more useful for students that fit in with communities lacking English his or her mother tongue. Kids as well as younger children can also be benefited by the Internet by using the movies, photos, etc. that is one of the leading advantages when thinking of books as opposed to computer teaching.

Encyclopedia also learning, students can increase their knowledge for teaching materials can be determined by the student with the relevance of the material and the selection of the desired material. In addition, students can add more mastery in English as most of the literature is in English.3.3. Easy ContactThe use of email in the education system is one of the biggest advantages of the internet in education. Through the use of email in collaborative student can learn from each other. They are also able to send assignments and tutorials directly by e-mail to the teacher or lecturer. Apart from sending assignment, email can also be used by teachers and lecturers to communicate with students and send questions and any information to their students.Students can contact additional students or even their own instructors via the E-mail should they have inquiries regarding any information. Sharing of information, discussions on the specific topic, etc. can be simply carried out using the Internet. At the same time, teachers may also contact the parents and guardians very easily utilizing Internet.

3.4. School or University ProjectsThe Internet can be most useful with regard to finishing projects in colleges as well as schools. As the Internet is an ocean of information, covering nearly all topics known to man, one can literally find information, research work, and so on. Required for ones projects. Going through the information on the Internet is definitely quicker than reading an entire guide on the subject. Home work can also be doable with the help of the Internet which is also among the essential utilization of computers in education.

3.5. NewsAll of the latest news are continuously up-to-date on the Internet on various news sites that is one of the major advantages of the Internet in education. Students, learning national politics, can have a good access to all the present affairs through the Internet within the school campus, at home, or even from any other place. Historical company accounts such as speeches, biographies, and so on. Will also be readily available on the Internet in comprehensive as well as precise versions. This is one of the biggest uses of Internet within education. Information search in a large scope worldwide. Interactive learning can occur. This affects both exciting for students. Parents or community can also access along Teaching and learning materials via the Internet4.0 DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE INTERNET4.1Information that is not accurate and Overload

No doubt the use of the Internet provides a lot of good in helping students improve their knowledge. But at the same time, not all the information obtained from the Internet is accurate and true. Influx of information available on the Internet makes it difficult to identify which information is trustworthy or not. Information in the Internet cannot be used in total for the validity of this information is highly dubious because anyone can upload or access such information without the control of any party. For example, students who wish to obtain any information or material to make reference must refer first to the teacher or lecturer before taking any material or information from the internet.

4.2PlagiarismStudents often find information by using less resources credibility and potentially inaccurate, as Wikipedia and others. In addition, students often take the easy way for completion of the assignment when they imitate other people's work can be found on the Internet. For example, students are given an assignment by the teacher or lecturer, in respect of a title to complete the student also may have plagiarized an article because they do not expect to be arrested or because they expect to complete a given task without the need to bother thinking about the idea.4.3PornographyIn the explosion of information that has no boundaries. Learning through the Internet is an alternative that can be used by students to seek additional information and references as well as notes and the existing syllabus given by the teacher during the class. However, if the internet is not supervised by a parent or teacher, it is feared they will misuse this facility for browsing the website should not be like that directed towards violence and pornography. Internet abuse for the purpose of pornography and violence can impact badly on the minds of the students because of their young age and they are easily influenced by what they see.

4.4Waste a lot of time on the internet.Apart from pornography, excessive internet use also has adverse effects on students. If they are given the freedom to surf the Internet without regulation and their limits will continue to be complacent with the fun of playing internet. The existence of various interactive web fecebook, tweeter and instagram make young people present drift in internet fun that they forget their responsibility to review the lesson. In addition, the Internet can also be a student into complacency. Students spend time surfing the web in the form of mere entertainment. Time should be provided with a review of lessons wasted. Its effects, students will fall behind academically.

Excessive Internet use and without controls also cause teens to be lazy to actively involved in co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities such as sports and association can nourish the body do not get the response from the students. Teenagers would rather spend time in front of computer.4.5 Virus and Internet ThreatViruses and Trojans are a major threat regardless of whatever its use, transaction, or learning social sites all have the risk was created by the hacker virus. Virus that can get into the personal computer and damage valuable data. The effects of the virus attack computer systems will be slow and may not work. All assignments and important notes will be lost if not stored properly, because when the computer in the format of the information stored in the Local C will be erased and all assignments and notes stored in the document and the desktop will also be erased. In addition, the hackers can use the internet for identity theft. For example, when we make a deal using the internet, we need to be careful because of possible sites that we visit the fake or phishing. If we are not aware of this threat, the possibility of our personal data such as credit card accounts, bank accounts and other personal information will be exposed and will be misused by hackers for the wrong purpose.5.0 Suggestions and Improvements5.1 Parental and Teacher Control Besides the Internet provides many benefits to students. Internet is also a direct negative impact on the students as had been peeled before. Therefore, parents should play a role in monitoring the use of the Internet among children when they're at home. While when schools, teachers must monitor the activities done by the students during surfing the internet. Because if they are not monitored feared they would visit the websites that are not helpful and that can damage their thoughts.

There are several methods of prevention can be done by teachers and parents to ensure that children and students are not able to browse the websites they should not. Among the steps that can be taken are. Parents or teachers can set security settings family filter in the search engines like yahoo, Mozilla or Google chrome. The aim when security settings are used, the website that characterized pornography, violence or phishing web centric will not be accessible to them. 5.2 Limit accesses in School area.Ministry of education may request to limit internet access provider internet servants in school so that it is not misused by students. The system used by Jaring in most government offices for examples that can be adapted in school system. Through the system installed by Jaring, where suspect sites were obscene and violent Jaring will be blocked directly from the system and the user cannot continue surfing the website that has been blocked by Jaring.5.3 Awareness and education of internetTo educate the students to not engage in internet abused, parents and teachers association (PTA) through the education may Cooperation with the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia commission and ministry of information to organize lectures, exhibitions and seminars on awareness, the adverse effects of internet abuse. Indirectly it can educate students to be more of integrity and avoid sites that can damage them.5.4 Practice a balanced lifestyle

To prevent unhealthy lifestyles, students should practice a balanced lifestyle. They cant just spend hours and hours of their leisure time in front of the computer. This can be done by limiting their time using the computer. Only use the computer when it is necessary. When they reduce their time using a computer, we can have more time for themselves.6.0 Conclusion The Internet is one of the most exciting and powerful inventions of the second half of the 20th century. The reason why it is so powerful is that it provides access to information about almost every aspect of life and allows cross-geographical communication. The Internet allows the richness of textual, graphic and audio information on almost any topic including scientific research, education, economy and politics. The information presented on the Internet responds to people's various desires. As much as the positive impact of Internet is palpable, it is difficult to

ignore its negative influencesCan be concluded that the use of the internet in education actually provides many positive effects on students than negative impact. Facilities offered in the internet easier for students to explore this and increase their knowledge. In addition, the Internet has allowed them also able to connect and exchange their knowledge with a new friend around the world. But without the supervision of parents and teachers, the sophistication and advantages of the internet in fear will be abused for purposes that are not supposed to.So, these bad effects that came up can be extinguished when appropriate steps are to be taken. Students as the computer users and also internet users should be wise and careful to prevent the consequences from influencing their lives.7.0 Reference1. Plotnik, E., Trend in Education Technology 1995, ERIC Digest, ERIC Clearinghouse on

Information Technology, Syracuse New York ED398861, 1996

2.Dato Dr Zaiton Osman, Prof Dr Abtar Kaur, Sharipah Hanon Bidin, Halimatolhanin

Mohd Khalid, Harvinder Kaur, Hazna Ahmad, Thami Munisah Mohd Yusoff 2011,

OUMH1103 Learning Skill For Open Distence Learners, Pearson, Prentice Hall. 3.Leo Sang-Min Whang, Sujin Lee, Geun young Chang Apr 2003, Internet Over-Users' Psychological Profiles: A Behavior Sampling Analysis on Internet Addiction, Cyber Psychology & Behavior. , Vol. 6, No. 2: 143-150.

4.A Study on Internet Addiction, Journal of the Korean Society for information Management. Sep 2002, Vol. 19, No. 3: 189-210.5.S Lin, July 2002, Sensation seeking and internet dependence of Taiwanese high school adolescents, Computers in Human Behavior., Vol. 18, No. 4: 411-4266.Eric B. Weiser, Dec 2001, The Functions of Internet Use and Their Social and Psychological Consequences, Cyber Psychology & Behavior., Vol. 4, No. 6: 723-7437.