Athletic Training | Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and...

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Athletic Training | Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and...


12/1 Patrick Luebke

12/7 Joel Ortiz

12/9 Jeremy Stevens

12/12 Carlie Mankin

12/15 Kelsey Greenwald

12/18 Colin Murray

12/25 Gabriel Campa

1/6 Tom Mendez

1/18 Hilary Shaefer

1/25 Amanda Lara

1/28 Megan Fernandez

1/30 Raul Bermudez

I n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :

Student Spotlight


Educator Spotlight


Alumni Spotlight


Club Updates 4

Special Announcements


Dates to Remember


Running With Scissors N o v e m b e r / D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4

Athletic Training | Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a great holiday break and that you are energized to begin the new year. The Department of Athletic Training is starting this new year with a new full-time faculty member. We are pleased to announce that we have hired Nicolette Stallworth as a Clinical Instructor. She will work along side Charlie Hol-liday to expand athletic training services provided through Student Health Services. Professor Stallworth will also serve as preceptor for athletic training students in the clin-ical setting and assist with teaching in the athletic training curriculum. Welcome aboard Nicolette!!!

Numbers on Cars going NASCAR Fast

From the Director’s Desk……...………..

The 2nd year athletic training students were given a great opportunity to gain clinical experience at the Ford EcoBoost 400 NASCAR race in Homestead. Several of the students had a great experience and shared their thoughts. Kelly Ellis has this to say re-garding her experience...“I really enjoyed getting to know more about the Air Rescue South team that was in charge of the medical hel-icopter. It was really great learning about their job and how much training is in-volved to get to their level of care. One of the team mem-bers even took time out to explain to us about the vari-ous compartments in the helicopter as well as the design of the helicop-ter. It was great to network with a different discipline and very rarely do people have the chance to do so. NASCAR was fun and a great expe-rience for the Athletic Training Students.” Cont. Page 3

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Student Spotlight: Patricia “Trisha” DiMatteo

R u n n i n g W i t h S c i s s o r s

Erin Cernuda has been named Educator-of-the-Month for November/December 2014. Kel-sey Greenwald, Mia McCarthy and Camille Wilkerson who nominated Erin for this recogni-tion, had this to say about the education she provides: “She has never once skipped a teachable mo-ment in the athletic training room or on the field. Erin takes every opportunity she can to test our knowledge as students and ensure that we are prepared for the next stage of our lives.” -Kelsey “Erin constantly pushes me to be a better clini-cian on a daily basis and if I don’t know an-swers to a question, I would have to come back the next day with the answer. If I ever needed anything, she would likely drop what she is do-ing and attend to my needs and I am very

Educator Spotlight: Erin Cernuda

thankful for that.” -Camille “I have been able to grow so much un-der her guidance and I know she has giv-en me a great base of knowledge to expand my skills as an athletic training student.” -Mia Erin has also been going through this semes-ter while being pregnant with twins! Erin, you are amazing!!!!

Congratulations to Trisha DiMatteo, Stu-dent-of-the-Month for November/December 2014. Preceptor Rodrigo Martinez, who nomi-nated her for this reognition, had this to say about her: “She has done a phenomenal job during her time at Belen. She has proven to be a leader and has taken the time to mentor the first year stu-dents, by including them in her evaluations, showing them and explaining the dif-ferent tests that she performs on the athletes. Her rehab skills are extraordinary. She is currently working with a post-op ACL reconstruction and according to the physician, the athlete is

way ahead of schedule. She is always posi-tive and has a fun personality to go with it. She is dependable and makes herself availa-

ble to come to Belen ear-lier in the day to help with lunch rehabs. Overall, she has done an exceptional job as a stu-dent and mentor and demonstrated that she will make an excellent AT in the near future.” Congratulations Trisha!

the ER. The second in-

cident evaluated was

aided by the first expe-

rience, having similar

symptoms and presen-

tations. The athlete

was handled in the

same manner. Both

athletes were able to

make full recovery to

daily activities, re-

leased with limitations to participate in contact


What advice would you give current stu-

dents? “Allow yourself as much time with your

mentors/supervisors. Every bit of exposure and

observation of injury treatment/recognition is

important and one of the best ways to learn.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you’re not

there to witness and ask, you’ll be missing out

on a huge learning opportunity”.

Corinne Ruttiger is our

Alumni spotlight for November/

December 2014. Corinne is

working at Camp Lejeune Ma-

rine Corps Base in North Caroli-

na .

What is your favorite FIU

athletic training-related

memory? “Having the oppor-

tunity as a clinical instructor

working with FIU’s AT students

in a real life hands on setting”.

What is the worst injury you have wit-

nessed/treated? “Witnessing and manag-

ing emergency treatment of C1 fracture on

two separate occasions. Both were involved

in high school football. The first incident oc-

curred during game time, initial evaluation

revealed the athlete complained of occipital

headache and neck pain at the base of the

skull. He was splinted and transported to

Alumni Spotlight: Corinne Ruttiger

R u n n i n g W i t h S c i s s o r s

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Numbers on Cars going NASCAR Fast cont.

R u n n i n g W i t h S c i s s o r s

“NASCAR was a great oppor-tunity for us as students. We were able to understand how the in-field medical needs are handled and learned how NASCAR has addressed driver safety. We were able to help provide medical care and also had a chance to teach about the athletic training profes-sion. It was a fun experience that will set us apart from oth-er athletic training students. I didn't know much about NAS-CAR beforehand and am not a "fan" but I had a great time and it was definitely beneficial.” - Trisha DiMatteo

“One of the pit crew members I worked with had an ankle sprain from the jumping over the wall the night before. It was extremely rewarding to hear him say that he would like his team's athletic trainer to evaluate and wrap him in-stead of someone working at the care center. Some may have taken offense to that, but being a student interested in the growing field of athlet-ic training, it showed me that

we are known as a profession and are being respected in the fairly new realm of NAS-CAR.” - Kelsey Greenwald

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Iota Tau Alpha, Alpha Kappa Chapter

On Sunday, November 23, 2014 ATSO members celebrated Thanksgiving together by hosting a dinner catered by Boston Market, along with playing various games for Field Day. Our class participated in a kickball game, an egg race around the lake, a water balloon toss, and even a three-legged race with a twist!

We also raised money for A.T.S.O. by holding a “Pie the Pre-ceptor” contest. Our lucky winner with the most amount of money raised was our very own professor Rodrigo Mar-tinez!

R u n n i n g W i t h S c i s s o r s

Athletic Training Student Organization

Iota Tau Alpha, Alpha Kappa Chapter participated in a philanthropic, friendly competition with the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy professional programs. We successfully raised money for the Alzheimer's Foundation as well as had volunteers from the Athletic Training Pro-gram participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer's at Miami Marlins Park. ITA hopes to continue this tradition in the future.












Jan. 12th: First day of Class for the Spring 2015 Semester

Mandatory Program Meeting Dates for enrolled students Jan. 14th: 12-2pm, AHC3—101 Feb. 12th: 11am-1pm, AHC3-101 March 18th: 12-2pm, AHC3-101 April 16th: 11am-1pm, AHC3-101

Dates to Remember

FIU Athletic Training Program

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R u n n i n g W i t h S c i s s o r s

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Athletic Training Program Holiday Party. It was great fun!

Special Announcement