At the vet

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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This display is the part of the eTwinning library project:‘Meeting, Learning, Doing. Be our guest, please!’ carried out by children from Szkoły Podstawowej Nr 4 SochaczewPOLAND

Transcript of At the vet

International Animal’s Day- 4.10.

This display is the part of the eTwinning library project:‘Meeting, Learning, Doing. Be our guest, please!’

carried out by children from Szkoły Podstawowej Nr 4 w SochaczewiePOLAND

The interviewers:Ms Kate Mańko-Klok, veterinary surgeon;Ania & Oskar, members of the eTwinning project;

Made by: Joanna, student administrator;Emilia , teacher administrator and coordinator

Sochaczew, 3.11.2010

At the VETInterview vith Ms Kate Mańko-Klok,

our local veterinary surgeon

This is our host in her consulting-room.

Oskar is questioning about the way of dogs’ feeding.

Ms Kate shows us the dogs’ muzzles used for the very fierce and

scared by examination dogs.

Behind the doctor’s back the enter into the surgery is visible. The vet is talking about the operations.

One of the questions: about the color of the flea…

There are a lot of different kinds of medicines in the cabinet. Every sick animals can be cured instantly.

There are the waiting room. Here one can stick ads about the animals.

The advertisings: ‘The lost cat’, ‘Cats for sale’, ‘To the good people - two sweet cats for free’.

Ania is searching for notice about the dog’s adoption. Now she has got the dog taken from the shelter „Azorek”.

The plate how to feed dog with the special needs.

Maybe on this table you could choose the breed of dog quite right for you.

This poster inform about cats’ races. Can you decide which one is suitable for you?

The Great Meeting

will be conducted for all children participated as the volunteer ( at present above 100 pupils)

in the Action for Homeless Animals.

More information about our pets we’ll get on 3.12.2010

during the meeeting in the library with Ms Kate - our local vet

and the workers from local shelter for homeless animals.

The gifts given by pupils will be donated for the shelter ‘Azorek’