Astro Insights Platform - Customer Release Notes 2014-12-15

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Transcript of Astro Insights Platform - Customer Release Notes 2014-12-15

Astro Insight Platform

Release Notes – 15th December 2014


© Genius Digital 2013-14, all rights reserved

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Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4

Updates Since Last Release ................................................................................................... 5

Support for Multiscreen Data from MiriMON .................................................................... 5

Real Time Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 5

Purchasing Cube ................................................................................................................. 5

SSO Cube .............................................................................................................................. 5

Subscriber Packaging ......................................................................................................... 5

Known Issues Resolved ........................................................................................................ 5

Data Loaded............................................................................................................................ 6

Known Data Load Issues ..................................................................................................... 6

Ads/Promos Data ................................................................................................................. 7

Product Features ..................................................................................................................... 8

Dashboards........................................................................................................................... 8

Channel Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 8

Programme Dashboard .................................................................................................. 8

Ad Campaign Dashboard .............................................................................................. 9

Promo Dashboard ............................................................................................................ 9

Real Time Dashboard .................................................................................................... 10

Reporting Tool .................................................................................................................... 10

Ad and Promo Slots........................................................................................................ 10

Content – Programme ................................................................................................... 11

Content - Programme Linear ........................................................................................ 11

PPV Purchases ................................................................................................................ 12

Known Issues ........................................................................................................................... 13

General Reporting Tool issues (Issue 15404): .................................................................. 14


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Session timeout ............................................................................................................... 14

Browser crash with large queries .................................................................................. 15

Potential loss of queries ................................................................................................. 15

Adblock Plus plugin - Firefox/Chrome Issue ................................................................ 15

Graph with Time on axis ................................................................................................ 15

Using the Date dimension (filtered) ............................................................................. 15

Dimension ordering causing change in results .......................................................... 15

Issues identified in the data from Astro............................................................................... 17

Problematic Data .............................................................................................................. 17

Features of the data .......................................................................................................... 19


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Introduction Genius Digital’s Insight platform provides analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from connected devices, supplemented with meta-data from other

customer sources.

The Insight platform for Astro is located at


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Updates Since Last Release

Support for Multiscreen Data from MiriMON

Consumption and quality data can now be collected from iOS, Android and web

agents using the MiriMON multiscreen agents.

Multiscreen data is available for use in the Multi Screen Quality cubes but is not yet

loaded pending completion of Fetch’s integration. Once this integration is

complete the quality of the data being ingested into the database will have been

verified and loading will commence/

Real Time Dashboard

The Real Time Dashboard provides realtime reporting of quality of service and

consumption information for use in network operations centres and by support staff.

Purchasing Cube

The Purchase cube is now available. The PPV purchasing cube provides reporting

on the subscriber’s PPV purchasing behaviour over time. Purchasing data has been

loaded from 5/11/2014.

SSO Cube

The SSO cube now available. Data has been loaded from 1/12/2014.

Subscriber Packaging

The subscriber packaging data is loaded and available in the database.

Known Issues Resolved

1. Missing Data for the 5th/6th of November has been resolved.

2. The occasional anomalous successful session counts in the previous release

have been fixed.


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Data Loaded This release has been pre-loaded with data covering the period from August 1st 2014

up until December 9th. Further data will continue to be loaded once available.

Known Data Load Issues

Please note the following issues which are related to the source data:

1. Schedule data – a significant amount of schedule information is missing in

November and December. Once available and validated the schedule

data in this period will be reloaded.

2. Unknown purchases. There are a high number of unknown purchases present

in the data, caused by missing data in the source files. This issue is under


This graph shows the number of unknown purchases:

Compared to all purchases:

3. Subscribers in the SSO cube – a number of the user logins shown in the SSO

cube cannot be related to subscribers. This results in a high number of SSO

logins of unknown ethnicity combined with a very low number of subscribers:


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4. Unknown subscribers in the SSO cube on 30/11/14. Almost all subscribers are

unknown for SSO logins on 30/11/14 due to the subscriber details not being

updated to include SSO login until 1/12/14.

Ads/Promos Data

The ads and promos data has not been loaded due to quality issues with the data

feed. An updated set of data from Astro is expected later in December. Once

validated, this data will be loaded.


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Product Features


Channel Dashboard

Compare Rating, 3 minute reach, Average timeshift, Average subscriber

viewing time and share of viewing time across up to 4 channels and channel


See the device types subscribers are using to consume the content

Understand when subscribers are viewing the content

Investigate when subscribers use trickplay

View the demographics of subscribers consuming each channel

Data Available:

Rating, Average Timeshift, Average Subscriber Viewing Time, Three Minute

Reach and Channel Share by hour or day

Consumption Method

Device Type

Timeshift Band

Playback Speed

Demographic (Age Group, Income Group, Ethnicity, Gender)

Audio Streaming Language

Subscriber Home Location (City, State, Country)

Programme Dashboard

The Programme Dashboard enables the user to view detailed consumption data for

a specific programme and compare it to other programmes

View peak reach and average 3 minute reach across programmes, seasons

and episodes

Identify the most popular broadcast instances or on demand episodes

Compare subscribers that view on different channels

See which device types people view the programme on

View demographic information for subscribers that watch each season,

episode or instance or who watch on a particular channel

View minute by minute audience build or drop off of individual episodes or


View minute by minute consumption playback speed through individual

episodes or instances

Data Available:

Episodes, Broadcast

Channels - Recorded, Peak Rating, Average Three Minute Reach

On Demand – Downloaded, Average Three Minute Reach

Minute by Minute Rating


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Minute by Minute Playback Speed

Viewer Demographics (Age Group, Income Group, Ethnicity, Gender)

Consumption Method

Viewing Timeshift Band

Device Type

Playback Speed

Audio Stream Language

Home Location (City, State, Country)

Ad Campaign Dashboard

The Ad Campaign Dashboard enables the user to see in detail how an ad

campaign and the individual copylines within it have performed.

Reach and frequency data for ad campaigns by copyline and broadcast

instance together with demographics for those subscribers including home


See what device types subscribers are using when consuming ads

Second by second graph showing count of subscribers and playback speed

Data Available:

Campaign/Copyline/Instance/Programme Time

Reach, Average Frequency, GRP

Second by Second Viewing

Viewer Demographics (Age Group, Income Group, Ethnicity, Gender)

Consumption Method

Viewing Timeshift Band

Device Type

Home Location (City, State, Country)

Promo Dashboard

The Promotions dashboard enables the user to select the promotion campaign and

promoted programme of interest and see how the promotions are performing in

terms of conversion rates.

Reach and frequency of promotion viewing at campaign, copyline and

broadcast instance level

Conversion rate - how many subscribers who watched a promotion went on

to watch the programme

Cross channel conversions

Compare demographics of subscribers who viewed the promotion to those

who viewed the programme

Data Available:

Campaign, Promoted Programme

Promo to Programme Conversion (Reach, Frequency, GRP)

Viewer Demographics (Age Group, Income Group, Ethnicity, Gender)

Promo Viewing Band


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Subscriber Home Location (City, State, Country)

Real Time Dashboard

The Real Time dashboard provides realtime reporting of quality of service and

consumption information for us in network operations centres and by support staff

Data available:

Top content viewed in realtime

Content that has recently suffered from high error rates

Most active current bit rates

Buffering ratios and video start-up times

Reporting Tool

Ad and Promo Slots

Dimensions Available

Advertisements and Promotions

Air Date

Air Day of Week

Air Time

Channel Information

Commercial Spot Number

Consumption Date

Consumption Day of Week

Consumption Method

Consumption Time

Content Start Air Date

Content Start Air Time

Device Type


Sub Avg Daily Viewing Time Band

Subscriber Age Group

Subscriber Ethnicity

Subscriber Gender

Subscriber Home Location

Subscriber Income Group

Timeshift Band

Measures Available



Average (Viewing) Subscriber Viewing Time


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Content – Programme

Dimensions Available

Consumption Date

Consumption Day of Week

Consumption Method

Consumption Time

Device Type


Sub Avg Daily Viewing Time Band

Subscriber Age Group

Subscriber Ethnicity

Subscriber Gender

Subscriber Home Location

Subscriber Income Group

Subscriber Information

Timeshift Band

Measures Available

Total Viewing Time

Successful Session Count

Unique Subscriber Count

Average (Viewing) Subscriber Viewing Time

Average Timeshift

Content - Programme Linear

Dimensions Available

Air Date

Air Day of Week

Air Time

Channel Audio Language

Channel Information

Consumption Date

Consumption Day of Week

Consumption Method

Consumption Time

Content Start Air Date

Content Start Air Time

Device Type


Sub Avg Daily Viewing Time Band

Subscriber Age Group

Subscriber Ethnicity

Subscriber Gender

Subscriber Home Location


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Subscriber Income Group

Subscriber Information

Timeshift Band

Measures Available

Total Viewing Time

Successful Session Count

Unique Subscriber Count

Average (Viewing) Subscriber Viewing Time

Average Timeshift

PPV Purchases

Dimensions Available

Purchase Date

Purchase Day of Week

Purchase Name

Subscriber Custom Dimensions

Subscriber Age Group

Subscriber Average Daily Viewing Time Band

Subscriber Average Monthly PPV Purchase Count Band

Subscriber Ethnicity

Subscriber Gender

Subscriber Home Location

Subscriber Income Group

Measures Available

Unique Purchaser Count

Count of Purchases

Total Revenue

Average Number of Purchases per Purchaser


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Known Issues 1. Issue 15515: In the Reporting tool Measures (red) must be placed after

Dimensions (blue) when creating queries otherwise a 'NumberFormatException'

can occur. This exception is generated by a third party tool and has been


2. Issue 15472: Repeated use of automated test tool to drive the Reporting Tool

can result in occasional 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'. This has never been

observed when using the system manually.

3. Issue 15489: All dashboards – consistent colours are not yet used for ethnicity,

playback speed, consumption method etc.

4. Issue 15409: Changing user permissions in Chrome browser fails when editing

role permissions. When you attempt to type in the "edit role permissions" box,

the box vanishes.

5. Issue 15523: Ads and Promos longer than 1440 seconds are not currently


6. Issue 15427: Sometimes a double login is required to access the dashboards,

particularly when using Internet Explorer.

7. Issue 15491: Reporting tool ‘sort’ function fails to work correctly under some



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8. Issue15556: Chrome only: single click on channel dashboard overview charts

don't always work.

9. Issue 15540: IE only: after browser refresh of dashboard the page title displays

"Waiting..." forever.

10. Some values show as -0.0 rather than 0.0

11. Occasional null pointer exception when using Reporting Tool

12. In Reporting Tool saved queries need to be opened by double click (if you hit

the 'open' button they don't load)

13. Where a Subscriber or Channel has changed properties over time, they will

appear in the Reporting Tool multiple times.

General Reporting Tool issues (Issue 15404):

Session timeout

Tool has a session timeout of 120 minutes following a user login. There is an issue if the

username/password is saved that a dialogue to re-login is not shown on Google

Chrome. If a timeout exception is seen, the only workarounds are either:

Press the new query button in the workspace toolbar. This will clear your

current query but allow you to create a new query.

Press the new query tab button in the top toolbar. This will create a new tab

so you can recreate your previous query.

NOTE: Once the tool times out you cannot do anything with your timed-out

query. It is effectively lost.


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Browser crash with large queries

It is possible for the browser to lock up if big queries are run e.g. by minute for all

channels over a week. Users should be careful when creating queries and filter as


Potential loss of queries

When a user changes their cube, then the query is reset without a warning.

Adblock Plus plugin - Firefox/Chrome Issue

With this plugin enabled, the Advertisement dimension can cause the page to

incorrectly reload the page as it gets detected as an. This can be avoided by not

blocking adverts on the page. To do this:

For Firefox:


Click on Adblock Plus icon in the toolbar.

Select 'Disable on this page only' option.


Select the menu item 'Tools' > 'Adblock Plus;

Select 'Disable on this page only' option.

For Chrome:


Click on Adblock Plus icon in the toolbar.

Click 'Enabled on this site' option, this should change to display 'Disabled on

this site'.


Select the menu item 'Tools' > 'Extensions'.

Select the 'Options' link for AdBlock Plus

Select the 'Whitelisted domains' tab

Enter and then add the domain for the Insights Platform install

Graph with Time on axis

The formatting for the axis will be in seconds.

Using the Date dimension (filtered)

This can cause NullPointerException although this has only been seen with

automated testing and not with manual use.

Dimension ordering causing change in results

The problem seems to be using Dimensions/Measures in the following order:


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Day, Other Dim, Measure 1, Measure 2, Hour

If hour comes before the measures then it will return the correct results or if it's in the

following order:

Other Dim, Day, Measure 1, Measure 2, Hour

Or remove one of the measures.


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Issues identified in the data from Astro

Problematic Data

1. Some VODs are showing in the tool as “unknown” – this is due to unmapped


2. Campaign information is rarely provided for advertisements and promotions.

Where no campaign information has been provided we have used the

copyline in the campaign field and have prepended it with CL in order to

maintain functionality in the dashboards, for example:

3. Issue 15526: The consumption method “Push VOD” is not used currently –

awaiting further information from Astro on which channels carry Push VOD


4. Issue 15525: A reduced amount of information is available for the 18/19/20th

August and is due to lack of AMS data to import for this period.


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5. Audio stream language is available for live channel viewing from the

programme data but not from PVR viewing.

6. Inconsistent spelling of locations, for example:

7. Audio stream language information includes 2 formats of audio stream

information, for example “eng” and “English”. This is caused by Audience

Meter providing the full name (English) and the NDS_SVCLIST providing the

abbreviated version.


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Features of the data

1. After investigation, some items recorded on the PVR start recording

approximately 10 minutes after the scheduled start of the programme. This

results in a significant viewing dip at the start of a scheduled programme

when viewing is timeshifted.