Assignment 19

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Assignment 19

Assignment 19 – Horror shots photos

Sam Qureshi, Idrees Choudhary, Jake Ewen and Charlie Muddyman

High angle

• This shot shows the victims vunerability

Point of View (POV)

• Shows the killer zombie chasing after the victim. The victim is the POV shot who is filled with fear and is running forward, away from the killer.

Over the shoulder shot

• This shot shows the victim being close to the killer, and it shows to the audience that the killer is watching the victim closely, lurking in the shadows.

Two shot

• This shot shows the victim getting chased by the killer zombie, and then eaten by the zombie. This is expressed in quick cuts to show the intensity of the situation.

Suggested violence

• This shot shows the zombie killer eating the victim, making the shot look real, but isn’t really happening in real life.

Low angle shot

• Shows the power and scariness of the zombie killer.

Close up

• We used a close up to show the anger in the killer zombie, and to show the audience its teeth which it uses as a weapon to attack the victim.

Close up/ extreme close up

• We used this close up (zoomed in on the photo from the video) to show his fear and flight response when put in the fight-or-flight situation.

360 degree shot

• This shot was used to show the character’s isolation in this particular location (but he isn’t alone because the killer zombie is there).

Long shot

• This shot shows that the victim is making his way to a specific area of that location.