Artist in Residence Snow Much Fun! - Tiphereth · 2018. 5. 31. · As a family, we always loved...

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Transcript of Artist in Residence Snow Much Fun! - Tiphereth · 2018. 5. 31. · As a family, we always loved...

Snow Much Fun! We have had a very cold January, and one week in

particular saw the whole of Tiphereth coated in white

snow. It looked beautiful and groups wrapped up warm

and carried on as usual. Thankfully some people

remembered their cameras! The Pentland Group went

for a snowy walk and got some excellent photos, and the

Peregrine Group worked through the snow as much as

possible! The May Group enjoyed a few snowy walks, and

the Garden group made sure to keep feeding the birds.

Even the Tipper Truck ventured out for a snowy trip to

pick up green waste from the local area!

A kestrel with its catch! Spotted by the Pentland group.

I was lucky to be with Nils at the

opening of the Garvald Exhibition Stitch

and Line, Summerhall. The exhibition

show cased nine artists from Garvald,

with Nils being one of them. Nils is

showing four large scale paintings of

origami flowers. The flowers almost

looking architectural and delicate with

bold colours. All the exhibited artworks

were very individual and special in their

own right. We were lucky to speak to

several of the other artists and meet old

friends. It was a very enjoyable evening

where Nils had the opportunity to show

his work and make connections. Line

Artist in Residence

International Movement Group In January the core members of the Camphill International Movement Group met in Dornach, Switzerland. Bruce attended the

meeting which made preparations for the larger meeting in May where delegates from all the Camphill worldwide regions will be in

attendance. Each region submits a written report to the core group on the life and work of the communities in their region. The

extract below was from one of the reports:

“The ideals of Camphill are so high that one can only realize them partly. But a help with this can be the Christian ideals of faith, hope

and love. Faith as trust in your colleagues and the mission of our place. Hope as the striving to the future. Love as the force without

which no impulse can come to fruition.” Quote from the Movement Group Report from Russia, Latvia and Estonia, Autumn 2017

Garden Group take part in RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch On the 29th January Bruce, Amy, Barbra and Caroline took part in

the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. We kept our eyes on the cluster of

bird feeders outside the garden shed for one hour, identifying and

noting down all the little feathered visitors. We also enjoyed listen-

ing out for the bird song and watching a big lazy woodpigeon sleep-

ing in the branches the whole time. We spotted; blue tits, great

tits, coal tits and robins. The survey also included other wildlife and

we were able to report that throughout the year our garden is also

visited by; badgers, foxes, roe deer, frogs and toads. Also if you are

lucky enough to spot it early in the morning, we currently have a

stoat with it's pure white winter coat! We found bird spotting lots of

fun and hope to take part in more wildlife surveys throughout the


The exhibition is still open. It is running until the

18th February. Basement Galleries Summerhall.

Deadline for next newsletter 7th March. Email Poppy at

I became a Trustee of the Tiphereth Board in late 2016 and I am the father of Andrew

who is in the Peregrine group. I was also a Trustee and Director of Down’s syndrome

Scotland for 10 years where I served as Treasurer.

I have professional accounting and treasury qualifications and most of my professional

life was spent in Finance in the oil and gas industry, hospitality and financial services.

Andrew was born in Providence, Rhode Island, USA whilst I was seconded to Citizens Bank from RBS.

Andrew joined me and his mum, Anne, in visiting all 50 states of America over 15 years.. I am particularly

proud of this achievement as Anne passed away in November 2016 although her memory remains very

strongly with us!

Andrew has twin brothers, Iain and Kevin, who will be 26 in April. Iain is a Chemical Engineer and works for

Diageo, currently at the Guinness Plant in Dublin. Kevin lives in London and works for Raytheon – he is a

Captain in the Army reservists. Andrew loves his brothers and we often Skype each other and he loves it

when they visit. They should be home for Andrew’s birthday in February.

Despite having had a career in Finance, my last role was as CEO of Hakkasan – a chinese restaurant chain

owned by Sheikh Mansour of Abu Dhabi ( He also owns Manchester City). I was privileged to open 15

restaurants around the world including the biggest restaurant/ night club in Las Vegas at the MGM. I have

also always been amused that, as a Scot, I opened a chinese restaurant in Shanghai.

As a family, we always loved travelling and my time at Hakkasan enabled us to visit all 5 continents. Andrew

and I also went to Greenland a year ago where we saw the Northern Lights. In addition to travel my

favourite pastime is golf and, I have to listen to Andrew singing every night particularly to Frankie Valli and

the Four Seasons. We saw Frankie Valli in concert at the Playhouse last summer. We have been to several

musicals as Andrew loves them – his favourite is Jersey Boys.

I am hugely indebted to Tiphereth for their marvellous support and Andrew has a great time there as part of

the Peregrine group. We both look forward to a long and rewarding association with this wonderful

Camphill site.

Get to Know a Trustee: Niall Howard

Some New Faces!

Charlotte Dudley, our

new Supported Living

Manager who joined

us in Nov 2017.

Carey Corlett-Donald,

our new Trading

Administrator, who

joined us in Jan 2018.

Karen Harper joined

the Peregrine Group

as a Co-Worker in

Oct 2017.

...and a Goodbye!

We are saying goodbye to Darragh

Keenaghan, who is Team Manager of

the Peregrine Group. He is leaving to

live and work on Mull! We wish him

good luck with this new adventure.

Support Tiphereth’s Sensory Garden

We want to create a beautiful sensory garden right here at

Tiphereth. Our project is being supported by Tesco Bags Of Help and

YOU can personally help us out by using your blue token to vote for

our project when you shop at Tesco, in stores including:

Corstorphine Tesco Extra Hermiston Gate Tesco Superstore

Colinton Mains Tesco Superstore Craiglockhart Tesco Express

To see the list of stores where you can vote for our project, visit this


Supported Living Applications Hoyland House will be ready in the summer of 2018. The building will house community space, day service

opportunities and supported living accommodation for six people. The service consists of 2 individual flats

and one shared flat for four people.

The supported living flats will be part of the community and the Camphill ethos will be reflected in the

support provided and the environment. Members will have access to community activities and festivals and

will be involved in meaningful work and community living.

If you would like more information or to apply, please contact Charlotte Dudley, our Supported

Living Manager, at

or 0131 441 2055

Kirkton Insurance Brokers Ltd An exciting new social enterprise by Camphill for Camphill!

Over seven years ago in the spirit of togetherness and associative working the seed of this insurance project was planted. Camphill

communities came together to ensure that across the movement they obtained the best value for money and that their insurance

was placed with only quality, market leading insurers. Through this collective association Camphill Insurance Agency was born.

Now Camphill Insurance Agency has set up its own social enterprise Kirkton Insurance. Based in Wishaw, the profits from this new

social enterprise will continue to fund existing and new AoCC* projects in the future. The intention is to expand our client portfolio

by providing insurance to those supporting Camphill and other charitable organisations.

*Association of Camphill Communities. Sandy Walton is the Scottish delegate for the AoCC and a Director of the Camphill Insurance Agency.