Articles by Bruce H. Lipton

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Articles by Bruce H. Lipton, exxerpts by Karen Elkins for Science to Sage Magazine

Transcript of Articles by Bruce H. Lipton

Articles by

Bruce H. Lipton Ph. D

As Seen in Science to Sage Magazine

Articles by Bruce H. Lipton Ph. D

As Seen in Science to Sage Magazine

A Hay House Author

The Role of Spirituality in the Shift

Act Locally . . . Evolve Globally

Spontaneous Evolution:

N e w S c i e n t i f i c R e a l i t i e s A r e

Bringing Spir it Back into Matter

excerpts from InsideOUT by Karen Elkins


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The Role of Spirituality in a World shift

We are truly living in exciting

times. The challenges and crises

facing the world today are portents

of imminent change in civilization.

We are on the threshold of an

incredible global evolutionary shift.

Fractal Art by Dan Wills

The current panoply of global crises collectively reveals

we are facing our own extinction. Scientists acknowledge

that the current degradation of the environment and the

massive loss of species, are evidence that we are deep into

the sixth mass extinction to hit Earth since the origin of

life. Unlike the first five massive die-offs, attributed to

physical causes such as life-destroying geological upheavals

and the impact of comets and asteroids, the current wave

of extinctions is due to a source much closer to home:

human behavior. Our way of life is wreaking havoc in the

global community and our survival is now in question.

Crises are harbingers of evolution. Albert Einstein

wisely proffered, “We cannot solve the problems with the

same thinking that created them.”

Consequently, the planet’s hope and

salvation lies in the adoption of revolutionary

new knowledge being revealed at the frontiers

of science.

This new awareness is shattering old myths

and rewriting the “truths” that shape the

character of human civilization.

Albert Einstein wisely

proffered, “We cannot

solve the problems with

the same thinking that

created them.”

Albert Einstein/Public Domain

New science revises four fundamental beliefs that shape civilization. These flawed assumptions include:

1) The Newtonian vision of the primacy of a physical, mechanical Universe;

2) Genes control biology;

3) Evolution resulted from random genetic mutations;

4) Evolution is driven by a struggle for the survival-of-the-fittest.

These failed beliefs represent the “Four Assumptions of the Apocalypse,” for they are driving human civilization to the brink of extinction.

Modern science is predicated on “truths” verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena. Science ignores the spiritual realm because it is not amenable to scientific analysis. As importantly, the predictive success of Newtonian theory, emphasizing the primacy of a physical Universe, made the existence of spirit and God an extraneous hypothesis that offered no explanatory principles needed by science


In the wake of Newtonian theory, with the Hand of God out of the way, society has been preoccupied with dominating and controlling Nature. Darwin’s theory further exacerbates the situation by suggesting that humans evolved through the happenstance of random genetic mutations. Accordingly, we evolved by pure “chance,” which by extension means: without an underlying purpose for our existence. Darwinian theory removed the last link between God, spirit and the human experience.

Darwin’s theory ...

accordingly, we evolved

by pure “chance,” which

by extension means:

without an underlying

purpose for existence.

Additionally, Darwinism emphasizes that evolution is based on “the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence.” For science, the end of the evolution struggle is simply represented by “survival.” As for the means to that end, apparently anything goes. Darwinism leaves humanity without a moral compass.

A mechanical Newtonian Universe in combination with Darwin’s theory of random evolution disconnects us from Nature and spirit, while legitimizing the exploitation and degradation of our fellow humans and the environment.

Modern science has led the world to shift from spiritual aspirations to a war for material accumulation. In addition to terrorizing the world’s human population, scientific “progress” has terrorized Mother Nature herself. Our credo, “Better Living Through Chemistry,” has led to our efforts to control Nature with toxic petrochemicals. As a result, we have polluted the environment, undermined the harmony of the biosphere and are rapidly driving ourselves toward extinction.

All is not lost. Advances from science’s frontier offer new insights that provide a bright Light at the end of this dark tunnel. Firstly, in contrast to the emphasis on the Newtonian material realm, the newer science of quantum mechanics reveals that the Universe and all of its physical matter are actually made out of immaterial energy. Atoms are not physical particles; they are made of energy vortices resembling nano-tornadoes.

Quantum physics stresses that the invisible energy realm, collectively referred to as the field, is the primary governing force of the material realm. It is more than interesting that the term field is defined as “invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm,” for the same definition is used to describe spirit. The new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality. In a Universe made out of energy, everything is entangled, everything is one.

The new physics

provides a modern

version of ancient


Biomedical research has recently toppled the widespread belief that organisms are genetically controlled robots and that evolution is driven by a random, survival-of-the-fittest mechanism. As genetically controlled “robots,” we are led to perceive of ourselves as “victims” of heredity. Genes control our lives yet we did not pick our genes, nor can we change them if we don’t like our traits. The perception of genetic victimization inevitably leads to irresponsibility, for we believe we have no power over our lives.

The exciting new science of epigenetics emphasizes that genes are controlled by the environment, and more importantly, by our perception of the environment. Epigenetics acknowledges that we are not victims, but masters, for we can change our environment or perceptions, and create up to 30,000 variations for each of our genes.

Quantum physics and epigenetics provide amazing insight into the mystery of the mind-body-spirit connection. While Newtonian physics and genetic theory dismiss the power of our minds, the new science recognizes that consciousness endows us with powerful creative abilities to shape our lives and the world in which we live. Our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs control behavior, regulate gene expression and provide for our life experiences.

In contrast to random mutations, science has identified “adaptive” mutation mechanisms, wherein organisms adjust their genetics to conform to existing environmental conditions. We did not get here by chance. Every new organism introduced into the biosphere supported harmony and balance in the Garden. Every organism is intimately engaged with the environment in a delicate pas de deux. Human existence is not a random accident, but a carefully choreographed event that takes into account the cooperative nature of the biosphere. Humans evolved as the most powerful force in supporting Nature’s vitality. However, we have misused that power and are now paying the price for our destructive behavior.



attitudes and

beliefs control


regulate gene

expression and

provide for our



The crises we face present us with the greatest opportunity in human history – conscious evolution. Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the Garden and not destroy it.

The story of human life on Earth is yet to be determined. Our evolution depends on whether we are willing to make changes in our individual and collective beliefs and behaviors, and whether we are able to make these changes in time. The good news is that biology and evolution are on our side. Evolution – like heaven – is not a destination, but a practice.

A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden. When a critical mass of people truly own this belief in their hearts and minds and begin living from these truths, our world will emerge from the darkness in what will amount to a consciousness-based Worldshift — a spontaneous evolution for humans, by humans.

by Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph. D

Forum on Science and Spirituality. See  

A miraculous healing

awaits this planet once we

a c c e p t o u r n e w

responsibility to collectively

tend the Garden.

Building Blocks of DNA Found in Meteorites from Space

Read more:

SunNASA, Moon Gregory H. Revera/CC 3.0, Moon fazes by Luc Viatour / we flow within its rhythms.

We all have many faces, and fazes,

and flare ups from time to time.

And no matter what, it always affects

our electrical nervous systems.

This may sound loony...but this design is in all systems.

Are We All Solar Cells Within A



The promise of spontaneous evolution

s i g n i f i e s n o t h i n g l e s s t h a n a g l o b a l transformation. But before we can reshape our outer environment, we must first be fully aware of the world within.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D

Act Locally . . .

Evolve Globally

“In a shrinking world that can use a good shrink, we don’t need another theory of evolution. What we need is a practice of evolution.”— Swami Beyondananda

Beneath our skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells,

each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent to a

miniature human. This is not a hyperbolic claim made

merely for impact. No, indeed, because once we see the

remarkable similarity between our cells and ourselves, we

will begin to learn some of the processes and practices cells

have refined over the course of billions of years. We will also

gain insight into how our cells created consciousness. And,

by becoming more aware about how that consciousness

operates within the cells, we can learn to rewrite our limiting

beliefs at this pivotal time in our human evolution.

Excerpt From Spontaneous Evolution


NASA, ESACredit: G. Bacon (STScI)

by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D & Steve Bhaerman

As Above, So Within

Conventional wisdom holds that the fate and behavior of our internal cellular citizens are preprogrammed in their genes. Since molecular biologists James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the genetic code in 1953, the public has been imbued with the perception that deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, acquired from our parents at the moment of conception determines our traits and

characteristics. The conventional view of genetics further has us believe that our inherited gene programs are fixed and as unchangeable as a computer’s read-only program.

The notion that our fate is indelibly inscribed in our genes was directly derived from the now outdated scientific concept known as genetic determinism, which would have us believe that we are victims of genetic forces outside of our control. Unfortunately, the assumption of powerlessness is a one-way street to personal irresponsibility. Too many of us have said, “Hey, I can’t do anything about it anyway, so why should I care? Overweight? It runs in my family. Pass me the bonbons.”

Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny


SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE GENES By the 1980s, genetic scientists were convinced that genes controlled life. They thus set out to map the human genome, intending to identify the complete set of genes that define all of the heritable traits of the human organism. They hoped that, by revealing that code, they would find the key to finally preventing and curing human illness.

We will read more about the fate of the Human Genome Project later, but for now, let’s just say a surprising thing happened on the way to genetic engineering. Scientists began to uncover a revolutionary new view of how life really works and, in doing so, founded a new branch of science known as epigenetics.1 Epigenetics has shaken the foundations of biology and medicine to their core because it reveals that we are not victims but masters of our genes.

For those who don’t know Greek, the prefix epi- means “over or above.” Students in high school and basic college biology courses are still learning about genetic control, which is the notion that genes primarily control the traits of life; however, the new science of epigenetic control reveals that life is controlled by something above the genes.

Exciting new insights concerning what that something above the genes is provides a gateway to understanding our proper role as co-creators of our reality.

As we learned in the previous chapter, environmental signals acting through membrane switches control cell functions. It turns out that environmental signals, using the same mechanisms, also regulate gene activity. In the case of epigenetics, environmentally derived signals activate membrane switches that send secondary signals into the cell’s nucleus. Within the nucleus, these signals select gene blueprints and control the manufacture of specific proteins.

This is far different than the conventional belief that genes turn themselves on and off. Genes are not emergent entities, meaning they do not control their own

activity. Genes are simply molecular blueprints. And blueprints are design drawings; they are not the contractors that actually construct the building. Epigenetics functionally represents the mechanism by which the contractor selects appropriate gene blueprints and controls the construction and maintenance of the body. Genes do not control biology; they are used by biology.

The conventional belief that the genome represents read-only programs that cannot be influenced by the environment has now been proven to be one of those things we thought we knew, but we were, indeed, wrong. Epigenetic mechanisms actually modify the readout of the genetic code. The creative power of epigenetics is revealed in this fact: epigenetic mechanisms can edit the readout of a gene so as to create over 30,000 different variations of proteins from the same gene blueprint!2

Depending on the nature of the environmental signals, the contractor characteristic of the epigenetic mechanism can modify a gene to produce either healthy or dysfunctional protein products. In other words, a person can be born with healthy genes but through a distortion in epigenetic signaling, can develop a mutant condition such as cancer. On the positive side, the same epigenetic mechanism can enable individuals born with potentially debilitating mutations to create normal, healthy proteins and functions from their inherited defective genes.3

Epigenetic mechanisms modify the readout of the genetic code, so that genes represent read-write programs, not read-only programs. This means that life experiences can actively redefine our genetic traits.

This is a truly radical discovery. Where we once were certain that our genes marked our destiny, new-edge science now tells us Nature is smarter than that. As organisms interact with the environment, their perceptions engage epigenetic mechanisms that fine-tune genetic expression in order to enhance the opportunities for survival.

This environmental influence is dramatically revealed in studies of identical twins. At birth and shortly thereafter, twin siblings express almost the same gene activity from their identical genomes. However, as they age, their personal individualized experiences and perceptions lead to activation of significantly different sets of genes.4 News media delight in stories about the amazingly similar parallel lives led by twins separated at birth, to the extent that they may even end up with the same job or marry partners with the same name. Although these stories are perceived as generalizations, they are extremely rare exceptions, and, more importantly, those stories fail to consider the important period of prenatal behavioral programming that profoundly shapes the life and behavior of those twins when grown.5

Take a moment to fully comprehend what new-edge biology is revealing.

Perceptions not only control behavior, they control gene activity as well. This revised version of science emphasizes the reality that we actively control our genetic expression moment by moment, throughout our lives. We are learning organisms that can incorporate life experiences into our genomes and pass them on to our offspring, who will then incorporate their life experiences into the genome

to further human evolution.

Therefore, rather t h a n p e r c e i v i n g ourselves as helpless victims of our genes, we must now accept and own the empowering truth that our perceptions and responses to life dynamically shape our biology and behavior.

Now let’s take a look at how those all-powerful perceptions are actually shaped.


TO THE MACROCOSM OF THE MIND For the first 3.8 billion years of life on this planet, the biosphere consisted of a massive population of individual single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, yeast, algae, and protozoa like the familiar amoeba and paramecium. About 700 million years ago, individual cells started to assemble into multicellular colonies. The collective awareness afforded in a community of cells was far greater than that of an individual cell. Because awareness is a primary factor in an organism’s survival, the communal experience enhanced the opportunity for its citizens to stay alive and reproduce.

The first cellular communities, like the earliest human communities, were hunter-gatherer clans wherein each member offered the same services to support survival. However, as population densities of both cellular and human communities reached greater numbers, it became neither efficient nor effective for all individuals to do the same job. Evolution eventually led to specialized functions. For example, in human communities some members focused on hunting, others on domestic chores, and some on child rearing. In cellular communities, specialization meant that some cells began to differentiate as digestive cells, others as heart cells, and still others as muscle cells.

Most cells in human and animal bodies have no direct perception of the environment beyond the skin. Liver cells, for example, see what’s going on in the liver, but don’t directly know what’s going on in the world. Therefore, the brain and nervous system must interpret environmental stimuli and send signals to the cells, which then integrate and regulate life-sustaining functions of the body’s organ systems to support survival in that perceived environment.

MEMBRANE /memory of the cell

The successful nature of multicellular communities allowed evolving brains to dedicate vast numbers of cells to catalog, memorize, and integrate complex perceptions. Through evolutionary advances, the brain’s cellular population acquired the ability to remember millions of experienced perceptions and integrate them into a powerful database. Complex behavioral programs created from this database endow the organism with the characteristic trait of consciousness, a term we use in its most fundamental context to mean “the state of being awake and aware.”

Many scientists prefer to think of consciousness as something an organism either has or doesn’t have. However, the study of evolution suggests that consciousness mechanisms evolved over time. Consequently, the character of consciousness would likely express itself as a gradient of awareness from less-conscious in primitive organisms to the unique character of self-consciousness manifest in humans and other higher vertebrates. What we mean by self-consciousness isn’t “I hope my hair looks okay,” but, rather, a quality of being both a participant in life and an observer of life at the same time.

The expression of self-consciousness is specifically associated with a small evolutionary adaptation in the brain known as the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the neurological platform that enables humans to realize their personal identity and experience the quality of thinking. Monkeys and other animals that do not express self-awareness will look into a mirror and always perceive the image to be that of another creature. In contrast, neurologically advanced chimps looking in the mirror recognize the image as their own reflection.6

An important difference between the brain’s consciousness and the prefrontal cortex’s self-consciousness is that conventional consciousness enables an organism to assess and respond to conditions in the environment that are relevant at that moment. In contrast, self-consciousness enables the individual to factor in the consequences of his or her actions, not only in the present moment, but also in the future.

Self-consciousness is what enables us to be co-creators, not merely responders to stimuli, meaning we can engage a

self in the decision-making process. While conventional consciousness enables organisms to participate in the dynamics of life’s theater, the quality of self-consciousness offers an opportunity to be not only an actor but also a member of the audience and even a director. Self-consciousness provides the option for self-reflection and the ability to review and edit the performance.

As significant as self-consciousness is to our own identity, it is actually a small part of what we call the mind. While the self-conscious mind is engaged in self-reflection, another mind is monitoring the world and controlling everything from our breathing to our driving—enter, from behind the curtain on center stage, the subconscious mind.

In conventional parlance, the brain’s mechanism associated with automated stimulus-response behaviors is referred to as the subconscious mind or unconscious mind because this function requires nei ther conscious o b s e r v a t i o n n o r attention. Functions of the subconscious mind evolved long before the prefrontal cortex. Consequently, organisms unable to e x p r e s s s e l f -consciousness are fully able to operate a body and navigate the challenges of a dynamic environment. In a manner similar to l ower o rgan isms , humans, too, can cruise on automatic p i l o t w i t h s e l f -regulating systems t h a t m a n a g e themselves without need for advice or input from the self-conscious mind.

The subconscious mind is an astonishingly powerful information processor that can record perceptual experiences and forever play them back at the push of a button. Interestingly, we sometimes only become aware of our subconscious mind’s push-button programs when someone else pushes our buttons.

Actually, the entire image of pushing buttons is far too slow and linear to describe the awesome data-processing capacity of the subconscious mind. It has been estimated that the disproportionately larger brain mass devoted to the subconscious mind can interpret and respond to over 40 million nerve impulses per second. In contrast, the diminutive self-conscious mind’s prefrontal cortex only processes about 40 nerve impulses per second. This means that as an information processor, the subconscious mind is one million times more powerful than the self-conscious mind.7



In contrast to its computational wizardry, the subconscious mind has only a marginal aptitude for creativity, best compared to that of a precocious five-year-old. While the self-conscious mind can express free will, the subconscious mind primarily expresses prerecorded stimulus-response habits. Once we learn a behavior pattern—such as walking, getting dressed, or driving a car—we relegate those programs to the subconscious mind, which means that we can carry out complex functions without paying attention.

While the subconscious mind can run all internal systems and chew gum at the same time, the much smaller prefrontal cortex responsible for self-consciousness can juggle only a small number of tasks simultaneously. Although its ability to multitask is physically constrained, the trained self-conscious mind is quite adept at single-tasking. It is the organ of focus and concentration.

It was once thought that some of the body’s so-called involuntary functions, like the control of heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature, were beyond the control of the self-conscious mind; however, we now know that persons with higher mental evolution, such as yogis and other advanced meditators, can, indeed, control involuntary functions.

This tells us that the subconscious and self-conscious components of the mind work as a marvelous tag team. The subconscious mind controls every behavior that is not attended to by the self-conscious mind. This, it turns out, is just about everything happening in present time! For most of us, the self-conscious mind is so preoccupied with thoughts about the past, the future, or some imaginary problem that we leave the day-to-day, moment-to-moment tasks to the subconscious. Cognitive neuroscientists conclude that the self-conscious mind contributes only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity. That means that 95 percent of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviors are derived from the unobserved processing of the subconscious mind.8

Excerpts from Spontaneous Evolution



We and Mother Earth were both formed from the one Light Source and

crystalized into form. Crystals are used as transmitters and they keep time and store

information. Mother Earth is 90% crystal at its crust. As we come together as one song we

can resonate a common electromagnetic field. This field acts like one big wave and one

massive subatomic particle. Mother Earth feels our every vibration.

We and Mother Earth

are Both Matter,

Charged and Alive.

We can work as a collective consciousness

through organizations like the Global Coherence

Initiative (GCI). We can be of one mind and of one

heart for a conscious purpose. GCI connects,

educates, monitors and guides us for a coherent,

heart based and planetary vibration.

Sacred Geometry is

crystallization of One Consciousness, is

the blueprint of all creation.Ivan Rados, Create Yourself

Excerpt for the “InsideOUT” by Karen Elkins

The following is from a presentation given by Bruce Lipton at the

2 0 0 9 I O N S I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference and edited by Vesela Simic. For

information on the upcoming 2011 IONS Conference, go here.

Lipton’s most recent book, co-written with Steve Bhaerman, is

cal led Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get

There from Here (Hay House, 2010).

Bruce Lipton

Spontaneous Evolution: N e w S c i e n t i f i c R e a l i t i e s A r eBringing Spir it Back into Matter

What we’re evolving now is a super

organism called humanity and a reality

in which all of us know ourselves to

be cells in the body of one living

organism, the planet.

My book The Biology of

Belief provided insight into

the nature of how our

consciousness controls both

o u r g e n e t i c s a n d o u r

b e h a v i o r . A l t h o u g h

prog rammed to bel ieve

o u r s e l v e s f r a i l a n d

vulnerable, we are learning

instead that the power of

healing has always been

within us, for not only do

our personal beliefs affect

our personal lives but our

collective beliefs physically

manifest our col lective


The upheavals that we

p r e s e n t l y s e e i n o u r

civilization represent a giant

force of evolution that’s in

motion. When we focus on

any one of the current crises

a l o n e , w e r u n t h e

unfortunate risk of missing

the forest for the individual

trees, failing to recognize

t h a t a l l t h e s e c r i s e s

collectively represent the

evolution of community, not

of the individual.

The eminent British historian Arnold Toynbee talked

about civilizations as having life cycles. In an individual

life cycle, something begins, develops, matures, and

declines. Toynbee said that a newly forming civilization is

like a child who is experiencing and trying new things.

This would be a civilization’s period of early

development. Next, a civilization begins to adopt the

beliefs that work for it, and once it holds on to those

beliefs, it enters a period of rigidity. This is akin to the

child doing all the experimental stuff but then coming up against the wall of a parent saying

“This is the way it is” and internalizing that message.

But there’s a problem with this rigidity: The universe is continuously and dynamically changing.

So trying to hold on to a belief leads to challenges that are the result of not being flexible

enough to bend with the currents of change. What is rigid begins to decline.

Civilizations have always come and gone. Our particular cycle is unique,

however, because we’re not just ending a civilization, we’re also

ending a complete stage of evolution. We also have the potential to jump into

another stage of evolution, but I must emphasize that we have the potential. We cannot tell the

outcome. We may or may not make it, and we must really own that. This doesn’t mean that we

should stop trying to see how we might be able to survive but that we should be all the more

active in trying to do so.

A Failure of BeliefIn a brief review of the timeline of civilizations, we begin with the

peoples who lived in harmony with the earth and understood the

nature of the planet as both material and spiritual. This is the belief system

of animism, which, for example, the Native American Indians, the Druids in England, and the

Aborigines in Australia share. When animism faded, polytheism emerged.

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans created cultures based on the existence of

many gods. Monotheism then replaced polytheism, and Judeo-Christian monotheism

prevailed for some time until Charles Darwin introduced a scientific understanding of the

nature of life. We’re still living with that belief system, scientific materialism, which views

matter as the essence of the universe. Scientific materialism, however, is on its way out, and

its civilization is presently ending. The new civilization that is emerging is not just a new

civilization but a complete jump in evolution, to something far different than has yet

existed on this planet.

A culture’s character is determined by its answers to the perennial questions: Why are we here? How did we get here? How do we make the best of being here? Throughout history, different civilizations have had

different answers to these questions. Whenever the answers changed, culture also changed

to accommodate the new answers. We call the belief system in these answers the basal

paradigm of a civilization, its fundamental ideas. Whoever provides the answers for a

civilization also becomes the provider of all other truths for that civilization. So, as the

answers change, the truths change, and people’s belief in who bears the truth changes,

changing the character of cultures over time.

With animism, the earliest peoples recognized the physical world and an influential

invisible world, and a good example is the Native American belief system. How did they

answer the perennial questions? We come from Mother Earth and Father Sky. Why are we

here? We’re here to tend the garden and to keep harmony in it. How do we make the best

of it? We learn to live in balance with nature. For thousands of years, this is the way life

was lived. The Native American belief that we come from Father Sky and Mother Earth is

actually a scientific reality. We got here because the inorganic material, the chemistry of

Mother Earth, interacted with the sunlight from Father Sky and beget the organic

chemistry of living systems.

Beliefs changed, however, at about 4000 bce, when the era of polytheism began.

Polytheism took the spirit out of matter, whether it was people, animals, or raindrops.

Spirit was still acknowledged, but it was coalesced into gods who were viewed as separate

Although the polytheists didn’t bother too much about why we are here, they did arrive

at an understanding about making the best of existence: Don’t anger the gods. That was

wonderful advice for people who believed the gods could shapeshift. You didn’t know if

the person sitting next to you was a god or not, so everybody had to be careful not to

anger the gods disguised among them. It was best to live in honor and harmony with


Four thousand years later, Judeo-Christian monotheism took hold and moved people

even deeper into the spiritual realm, now regarded as the beautiful realm, the realm of

perfection. Monotheists took spirit off of the planet and put it

somewhere “up there.” They also gave people commandments for getting there.

The first rule was not to get caught in the trap of matter – in other words, by enjoying

this physical life, which is removed from spirit up there. The Judeo-Christian devaluation

of matter and the physical plane, however, is reverse biology. Evolutionary biology says

that when you do something good for the biological system, it feels good, and when you

do something bad for the system, it feels bad. But Judaism and Christianity taught

people to avoid getting caught in anything physical or material that feels good. Anything

that felt bad became a sign that you were in the right place.

To the question of how got here in the first place, monotheists

answered, by Divine intervention. God put the spirit of life into us.

Why are we here? To live out plays of morality from which we can

learn how to get off this planet with a ticket to go up there. How

do we make the best of life on earth? Live by

the laws of The Bible. If you need guidance on the laws, turn to the

priests, who are connected to the source. Basically what happened,

though, is that the concept of infallible knowledge, of absolute

knowledge, meant absolute power, and that power corrupted the

church, which led people to turn away from its doctrines.

At this point the Protestants came in with a different idea: Material possessions aren’t

damned but a sign that you are in favor with God. That’s when civilization moved back

toward the material realm, although this didn’t change things much because many of the

same answers still applied, only with a different leadership.

Civilization changed again during the Reformation when the church was challenged

by several entities, including science, and during the Age of Enlightenment, which

offered a new belief system, deism. French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau talked

about a utopian world and the potential of living on this planet in a harmonious way. His

ideas were based on his studies of the culture of American Indians. During the Age of

Enlightenment, people honored the idea of the noble savage, of a man free to be on the

land and to create what he could from his own endeavors. The founding fathers of the

United States were deists, and the founding of the United States represented a way to

live learned from the American Indians, who had an American “united states” for

hundreds of years that they called the Iroquois Nation. The rules of the Iroquois Nation

informed the writing of the U.S. Constitution. The first sentence of the

Declaration of Independence states that the country is founded on the

“Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” – not Christianity. Like the

American Indians, the founding fathers saw God and nature as one and the same. All of

them were scientists in the sense that they understood that if you study nature, you

know more about God.

But that glorious moment of time was fleeting, and it

didn’t change the basal paradigm. There was no new

answer yet for the perennial question of how we got

here. That showed up a hundred years later when

Charles Darwin presented his theory of

evolution, and a new civilization began. Science now

had a valid understanding of how we got here, which

many people, who were raising animals at the time,

accepted based on their own observations. They saw

that indeed the parents’ traits were passed on to

their offspring and that every now and then you get

a “weirdo” and that weirdo can create something

different. When Darwin said that we got here

through accidents of evolution – a change of genetics

creating weird organisms that followed on their own path and together led to all the

species – that made more sense to people than the story of Genesis. Within ten years of

1859, civilization changed, and scientific materialism emerged. It had new answers for the

perennial questions. How did we get here? Through random mutations. Why are we here?

We are accidental tourists on the planet. How do we make the best of it? We are living in a

struggle for existence that is based on the survival of the fittest. This is a key issue because

it says we must go out there and work like crazy because if we don’t, somebody else will

beat us and kill us in the process.

The problem with scientific materialism is that it offers an end but no means. It’s the law of

the jungle. The means to survival are any way you can get there. You can use your brain and

be Einstein or you can use an Uzi and be a brute. Either means can make you a leader. It’s a

civilization based on competition, not morality. This is the environment we live in right now.

Newtonian physics also failed to address the invisible realm that religion talks about; one

doesn’t need the spiritual realm to understand the material realm. As a result, people in this

culture accumulate as much material as they possibly can to beat everybody else in the

race for survival. Die with the most toys, and you win the game. And the consequences? We

have decimated the planet.

Charles Darwin

As Below, So AboveSomething else to consider here is that all the different sciences are connected to each other

in building blocks that cement their belief systems. The foundation of all science is

mathematics. On top of that is physics; you can’t have physics without mathematics. Physics

leads to an understanding of chemistry, and chemistry to an understanding of biology. When

you understand biology, you can get into psychology. These are the building blocks of our belief

system, and it is predicated on Newtonian physics, which says that matter is primal. So we’re

living in a world where the prize is a Humvee!

This whole belief system is changing, however. It began to change

when it went a little deeper. In 1953, the concept of a “potential”

gene became real when scientists identified DNA. I remember the

headline in the paper: “Secret of Life Discovered.” A chemical –

well, what do you expect in a chemical, material world? We bought

into the gene story and determined there’s one last thing we must

do: the Human Genome Project.

But between 1953 and 2001, while the Human Genome Project

was under way, people started pulling away from the conventional

medical profession. It wasn’t fully working for them, and they

began to explore alternative methods. We’ve learned that 50

percent or more of the population seek an alternative,

complementary, or integrative medicine doctor over a

conventional doctor. People have lost belief in the system. And

then the Human Genome Project pulled the rug out. It was

supposed to verify the model that genes create life and to show us

the more than 150,000 genes involved, but the project finished with only 23,000 genes.

Something was amiss.

So the reality is that at this very time there is an upheaval. People are looking for new answers,

and what we are discovering reveals something totally different about life. For example, a

biology predicated on Newtonian physics, which is mechanical and physical, looks to something

physical – that is, chemicals and drugs – to understand disease and healing. But a new scientific

reality, quantum physics, says that everything is made out of energy. It is primal to matter and

shapes matter. Another myth of material science is that genes control biology, making us victims

of our heredity. The new science of epigenetics, however, says that genes do not control our

life; our perceptions, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes actually rewrite our genetic code. Through

our perceptions, we can modify every gene in our body and create thirty thousand variations

from every gene just by the way we respond to life.

Brian0918/Public Domain

In short, we are leaving behind a reality of victimization (by our genes) and moving into the

reality that our mind – our consciousness, the immaterial realm – influences our experience

and potential.

Another myth: Survival of the fittest. Nature doesn’t give a damn about the fittest. You can tell

Mother Nature about Einstein, Da Vinci, and Mozart, but Mother Nature will say, “That’s nice,

but the rest of your species are destroying the planet, so I don’t care if some of you were

nice.” The new theory of evolution is based on cooperation

and community, not Darwinian individualism. Our erroneous

theories and belief systems have us killing one another and

robbing the earth, when it turns out that according to the

new science, such competitive, survivalist behavior is

precipitating catastrophe. We haven’t understood the nature

of community.

The last myth we have to reckon with is evolution as a

random process. We didn’t get here by accident. Fractal

geometry, a mathematical understanding of the universe, is

revealing the truth of the spiritual maxim “as above, so below.”

Fractal geometry demonstrates the scientific nature of that

belief system, showing that images repeat themselves

throughout life.

Back to the BeginningThe beliefs we have been living by are wrong. Fractal mathematics says: There is a pattern in

the world, and there is a pattern to your evolution. Quantum physics says: Don’t focus on the

material, focus on the immaterial realm. Energy is primal. The rule is that if a science on

the lower part of the building changes its belief system, every science above that building block

must incorporate it. Biology and psychology have not adopted the new understandings of

mathematics and physics; they are out of scientific context and no longer scientific. Quantum

biology, however, a new science, examines how energy affects biology, and consciousness is that

energy. As for psychology, a material psychology based on chemistry and drugs needs to be

replaced by energy psychology. We heal ourselves with our thoughts, our mind, our

consciousness, which are more powerful than chemistry. It’s the invisible, immaterial realm

that’s powerful.

Fractal Art by Dan Wills

Galileo said, “Mathematics is the language with which God has

written the universe.” Our civilization is changing to align with new holistic

beliefs. In holism we again recognize Mother Earth and Father Sky as our creators,

but we also understand that we got here through adaptive mutation to fit into the

garden. Our purpose here is to tend this garden and to acquire awareness because

that’s our part in evolution. And to make the best of our existence, we live in

balance with nature, evolving a technology that allows us to live on this planet with

the smallest possible footprint.

What we’re beginning to learn is that we are cells in a larger organism. At this

moment – just like what’s happening in the bodies of many people on this planet –

the earth is experiencing autoimmune disease, where the cells in the body are

killing each other, and if we don’t learn fast enough, we are not going to make it.

Those of us looking for new answers are the future of a new evolution. We are

experimenting and investigating how we might create a better life. The

only way out is an evolution, and an evolution means undoing

the previous structure. So don’t be afraid of the current

structure falling apart; it’s a necessary step to get us to

the next level. Don’t go into the future with fear but

with the promise and reality of fractal geometry. We

are returning to the original condition of

wedding spirit with matter, the immaterial

and material planes, and we will live in this

garden with peace and harmony.

 “Spontaneous Evolution: New Scientific Realities Are Bringing Spirit Back into Matter,” was transcribed and edited from a presentation by Bruce Lipton at the 2009 IONS International

Conference. It was first published in the February 2011 issue of Noetic Now, the online journal of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, located at With permission from the publisher. ©2011

Excerpt for the “InsideOUT” by Karen Elkins

Breathes Me - Air

Bathes Me - Water

Warms Me - Fire

Grounds Me - Earth

Expands Me - Space

Without this gift I could not experience self. I am grateful and

respectful for what sustains and nurtures my journey.

This experience called LIFE.

The Gift of

Mothers’ is