Art and Artist

Post on 24-Feb-2018

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  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist


    sem-1Art and Artist.

    Jamini Roy A R T I S T O F M O D E R N I N D I A


    1. Shri Jamini Roy was an Indian painter. He was honored with the State award of Padma Bhushanin 1955. He was one of the most famous pupils of Aanindranath !a"ore# whose $ontriution to the

    emer"en$e of modern art in India remains un%uestionale. &i'ipedia

    B IO G R A P H Y O F T H E A R T I S T

    Jamini Roy (1887-1972) i amon! "#$ mo" i!ni%&an" an' in$n"ia* In'ian a+"i" o,

    "#$ 2"# &$n"+y. H$ $n/oy$' a !+$a" '$a* o, +$0$&" an' ,am$ '+in! #i *i,$"im$. Hi

    o+ i "i** #$*' in #i!# $"$$m in In'ia an' i ai$3in! !+oin! in"$+na"iona*

    +$non. Roy +$&$i3$' ,o+ma* "+ainin! a" "#$ 4a*&""a 4o**$!$ o, A+" (a*o non a

    Go3$+nm$n" Soo* o, A+") #$+$ #$ *$a+n$' a&a'$mi& m$"#o' "#$n in 3o!$ in "#$

    5$"6 an' ai$3$' #i $a+*y ,am$ a a 0o+"+ai" 0ain"$+ in "#$ E+o0$an "+a'i"ion.

    E3$n"a**y6 #o$3$+6 "#$ a+"i" +$/$&"$' "#$$ &on3$n"ion "o &*"i3a"$ a 0$+ona*

    0ain"in! "y*$ in0i+$' *a+!$*y y "+a'i"iona* In'ian ,o* an' 3i**a!$ a+"6 0a+"i&*a+*y

    "#o$ o, #i na"i3$ $n!a*. Jamini Roy "i*i$' #i &oni'$+a*$ i** an' in"$**i!$n&$

    "o &+$a"$ a o'y o, o+ "#a" +$ona"$ i"# "#$ #i"o+y o, mo'$+n In'ia. T#6 an

    $:#ii"ion an' &a"a*o!$ o, o+ y Jamini Roy i a 0a+"i&*a+*y a00+o0+ia"$ ay "o

    a&no*$'!$ "#$ ;"# anni3$+a+y o, In'ian in'$0$n'$n&$ a a &o*ony o, "#$ +i"i#


    T#$ ma/o+i"y o, Roy

  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist


    Ao&ia"$ P+o,$o+ o, A+" Hi"o+y6 O*a#oma S"a"$ =ni3$+i"y6 #o +o"$ an

    ini!#",* $ay ao" "#$ a+"i" "#a" may $ ,on' in "#$ $:#ii"ion &a"a*o!$.

    Larry David Perkins

    4+a"o+ o, 4o**$&"ion


  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist





    1. (. ). HusainPainter*. (a%ool )ida Husain $ommonly 'nown as () Husain# was an Indian painter and )ilm

    +ire$tor. Husain was asso$iated with Indian modernism in the 19,s. &i'ipedia

    .,. Born: Septemer 1/# 1915# Pandharpur5. Died: June 9# *11#0ondon# nited 2in"dom3. Spouse: )a4ila Biim. 67*118/. Artwork: Between the Spider the 0amp#(aiden:s )li"ht#(other India#Bharat (ata# ;a

  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist


    re$o"ni4ed Indian artists of the *th $entury# he also re$eiCed re$o"nition as a

    printma'er# photo"rapher# and filmma'er.


    (. ). Husain was orn into a(uslimfamily on 1/ Septemer 1915 inPandharpur#(aharashtra#

    to aSulaymaniBohra family who tra$e their roots a$' to;uewton Sou4a.5!his

    was a $li%ue of youn" artists who wished to rea' with the nationalist traditions estalished y

    theBen"al s$hool of artand to en$oura"e an Indian aCant-"arde# en"a"ed at an international

    leCel. !he artists $ite !he Partition of India and Pa'istan 1, Au"ust 19,/# with its resultin"

    reli"ious riotin" and heaCy loss of life as their reason for formin" !he Pro"ressiCe Artist:s ;roup

    in Bomay in +e$emer# 19,/.3Husain:s first solo e@hiit was in 195* in uri$h./His first

    .S.A. e@hiit was at India House in >ew Gor' in 193,. =In 1933# he was awarded the

    presti"ious Padma Shriaward y the;oCernment of India.


    In 193/# he made his first film# Through the Eyes of a Painter. It was shown at the Berlin )ilm

    )estiCaland won a;olden Bear short film award.91

    (. ). Husain was a spe$ial inCitee alon" with Palo Pi$assoat theSao Paulo BiennialBra4il8 in

    19/1./11better source neededHe was awarded the Padma Bhushanin 19/ and was nominated to


  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist


    Dourtdismissed these $omplaints of promotin" enmity etween different "roups ... y paintin"

    Hindu "oddesses 7 +ur"a and Sarswati# that was later $ompromised y Hindus. 11,

    In 199= Husain:s house was atta$'ed y Hindu "roups li'e Ba

  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist


    Hundreds of lawsuits in $onne$tion with Husain:s alle"edly os$ene art were outstandin" as of

    */.*5A warrant was issued for his arrest after he did not appear at a hearin"# thou"h this

    warrant was later suspended.*5*3*/Husain also re$eiCed death threats. *3

    Husain liCed in self-imposed e@ile from *3 until his death.*3

    He "enerally liCed in +ohaandsummered in 0ondon.1

    In *1# he was $onferredLatarinationality# and he surrendered his Indian passport.*=*9In

    Latar# he prin$ipally wor'ed on two lar"e proasser Al (issned# and one on the history of

    Indian $iCili4ation.1!he wor's are to e housed in a museum in +oha.1

    )or the last years of his life Husain liCed in +oha and 0ondon# stayin" away from India# ut

    e@pressin" a stron" desire to return# despite fears of ein" 'illed.

    At the a"e of 9* Husain was to e "iCen the presti"ious Ra

  • 7/24/2019 Art and Artist
