April 2015 Mopp Empower Missouri Magazine

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MOPP Political News for the month of April.

Transcript of April 2015 Mopp Empower Missouri Magazine

EMPOWER MISSOURI!EMPOWER MISSOURI!THE MOPP E-NEWS MAGAZINETHE MOPP E-NEWS MAGAZINE**by Missourians for Missourians****by Missourians for Missourians**

Dateline: APRIL 2015

MISSOURI PRECINCT PROJECT (MOPP)Sign up for our email list at:


(AND…Join us on Facebook and Twitter for regular real time updates)

Dear MOPP Subscriber/Supporter…

We’re baaaack!...it’s been awhile since we last published our MOPP E-News Magazine, but we are reviving this format as we “ramp up” in anticipation of November 2016! And our Magazine has a new name…”Empower Missouri…by Missourians for Missourians!”

There is much information to share and we expect that this will continue to increase as we move into Election Year 2016…so our new timetable will be to publish our “E-News Magazine” on a quarterly basis and to continue to send out our shorter “email blasts/alerts” on an as needed/timely basis Each edition with contain ACTION ITEMS, TIPS, NOTES and RESOURCES we hope you find helpful.

As always…we are hopeful that you will find the information contained in our “forwards” to be useful in keeping you informed on a variety of relevant topics and provide you with ways in which you can help…as we all unite to work together to become involved, not only on a local and State level in our own self-governance…but to take our country back and…

LET’S ‘EM UP IN ‘16!



"You can't change Washington until you change your own backyard”… quote credited to Laura Ingraham

R E M E M B E R…..

Your vote is your voice as an American citizen. It's your opportunity to be heard, to hold elected officials

accountable for their decisions and to have a say in important issues that affect your community.

On Election Day, EVERY vote matters!



To find your polling place go here: http://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/ To see the complete 2015 Election Calendar go here: http://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/calendar/default.asp?



‘s goal is to encourage fellow Missourians to become engaged in their communities, on a local level. believes that the authority to govern flows from

the “bottom up” NOT from the “top down”.

As we move into the 2016 election cycle , will be redoubling its efforts to

promote the “precinct strategy” as a way to “empower” Conservatives in politics.


...and one of the primary tenets of the Missouri Precinct Project in taking our country back?? ...getting constitutional conservatives to fill the 30-40% (sometimes even up to 50%+) of the precinct/committee person positions that go unfilled statewide (and indeed nationwide).

"In the U.S., the 50 states are each subdivided into counties, which combined number over 3,000. Each of these over 3,000 counties is further subdivided into precincts(sometimes known as wards, townships, parishes, etc.).

The voting precinct is the smallest administrative/political subdivision in our federal system. In densely populated urban areas, a precinct may contain but a few city blocks. In rural areas, a precinct may contain many square miles. Population number determines the size of a voting precinct. There are usually between 200 and 500 voters in an average precinct. There are approximately 300,000 precincts in the United States of America."

"Why are the party leaders in your county important? Party county committee leaders have a decisive influence over how votes are counted. Party county committee leaders also have a decisive influence over which candidates receive the party's endorsement.." 

As stated above, 30-40% of these county precinct/committee member positions go unfilled. A campaign for the office of party county precinct/committee co-chair is easily run, and often, easily and inexpensively won.  The MOPP precinct strategy is to fill these unfilled positions with Constitutional conservatives...this is the only way we can "infiltrate" the system so it will reflect our constitutional principles and values.

 While the Tea Party groups and the 912 groups, etc. -- have held magnificent rallies -- rallies, attending town meetings, and letter writing are ultimately DEFENSIVE strategies. BUT…the Precinct Strategy is an OFFENSIVE strategy through which total victory can be achieved. Defensive strategies by themselves have NO CHANCE OF WINNING against the well-entrenched forces destroying our country in Washington D.C. This is why all concerned Americans must add the precinct strategy to their personal action plan.

ACTION ITEM: MOPP encourages you to get involved in your community...find out which positions are open...find out how you can "qualify" for these positions and then run to fill them!  “It is our chance to change the Republican Party from a half-strength, ideologically-splint, ineffective political party into a full strength, solidly conservative Colossus!”1 (1. https://theprecinctproject.wordpress.com/)


On the next few pages you will find articles that substantiate the impact and importance of central committee positions.

It is important to remember that the term “precinct” is interchangeable with the terms “ward”, “township”, and “parish” depending on the State and/or County within each State

“We need to organize at the precinct, district, and state level so that you cannot win a Republican endorsement, caucus, or primary without being vetted by activist Republicans, rather than a group of lobbyists in a hotel suite or Capitol office”. (reprinted from: http://tinyurl.com/lmjjj64

"New Direction for the GOP Begins at the Local Precinct Level –Conservatives Needed to Run for Office, Volunteer"

Reprinted from: http://tinyurl.com/lbu9tqg

New Direction for the GOP Begins at the Local Precinct Level – Conservatives Needed to Run for Office, VolunteerBy: Candice Lanier ( Diary )  |  March 6th, 2013 at 02:15 PM  |  2

Anger and frustration continue to mount as Americans express alarm at the direction in which the country is headed.  In order to turn the tide and boost mid-term and general election results, conservatives must significantly increase political activity at the local level—the precinct.  As the precinct leader, the committee person (or captain) is the only party official directly elected by voters.  An individual serving in this capacity is the primary contact between voters, candidates and elected officials; the precinct committee person votes directly for the leadership of the party.

What are the responsibilities of a committee person?  The following is a general checklist which may vary depending on the precinct: Elect a precinct captain to assume overall precinct leadership. Divide your precinct into geographical areas and assign portions of the precinct to each precinct

committeeman. Recruit precinct volunteers and assign specific blocks (or areas) to them for door-to-door and

telephone work. Have registration forms available in your precinct. Regularly check for newly moved-in Republicans

and also for families who will have members turning 18 years of age before the next election. Maintain up-to-date records of the current Republican residents of your precinct. Attend precinct meetings. These are called for updating records, planning strategy and other

organizational purposes. Attend district and or county Republican meetings. These will be great places to share information

and ideas. Assist your precinct captain in recruiting election board workers. Assist your precinct captain in establishing election day GET-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) committees and a

Precinct Election Headquarters. Distribute election information and candidate literature to the voters in your precinct.

How effective is this strategy?  Well, Obama utilized it successfully against Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries.  According to The Precinct Project, Obama and his backers “came out of nowhere to defeat the complacent ‘powers that be’” in the Democrat Party.

Many of the Republican Party precinct committee person slots, across the nation, are unfilled.  Of the 400,000 slots nationwide approximately 200,000 are vacant. This represents a huge opportunity for conservatives.

So, in summary, a precinct committee person is tasked with helping to grow the party and with delivering the maximum number of votes from their precinct, on Election Day.

If you would like to volunteer at your neighborhood precinct or run for office, visit the following website for local information: American Hometowns – Cities, Counties, and Towns

Today the Conservative TAKEOVER of the GOP Starts In Your NeighborhoodBy Richard A. Viguerie, Author & CHQ Chairman | 4/8/14

Conservatives have the power and the numbers to take back their government from the current crop of officeholders who seem hell-bent on ignoring the strictures of the United States Constitution and foisting socialism upon Americans, but to do so we conservatives have to do more than complain or read a book—we have to invest a few hours a month in attending the meetings of our local Republican Party.

As Dan Schultz one of the winners of my $10,000 Liberty Prize pointed out, every square inch of the United States is within a “political neighborhood,” a precinct. When you vote, your polling place is your precinct’s polling place.

Your precinct has a number and, probably, a name. Dan Schultz lives in precinct number 918, Tempe 59. His precinct has eight precinct committeemen. He is one of them. Each of them was elected in the primary election. To get on the ballot, each of them had to get ten signatures from Republicans or independents in the precinct. That’s it. Ten signatures.

Schultz says it took him about forty minutes to get the signatures—the Party gave him a “walking sheet” for his precinct that told him in which houses Republicans and independents lived. In some precincts, the precinct committeemen only had to get three signatures. Every state has a different system. Some, like Arizona and Ohio, elect the leaders in their precincts. Other states require meeting attendance and/or dues. None of the requirements are onerous. Schultz has compiled links on his website to some of the states’ rules relating to how to become a leader in your precinct.

Encouraging conservatives to run for precinct committeeman has been a longtime goal of the First Lady of the conservative movement, Phyllis Schlafly. Her e-pamphlet, The Most Powerful Office in The World Is NOT The President of the United States!, is a great starting point and primer on the importance of the precinct committeeman in Republican politics.

How is this a strategy for taking over the Republican Party and governing America according to conservative principles in 2017?

It is simple. We have a two-party political system. One group of Americans has hijacked the Democrat Party and has been able to fool enough Americans to vote for their candidates, who usually run as “moderates.” Another group of Americans has hijacked the Republican Party, which claims to represent conservatives, but all too often governs from the same Big Government progressive perspective as the so-called moderate Democrats.

Phyllis Schlafly calls precinct committeeman and women “the most powerful political office in the world,” because they determine who gets the chance to be elected to office at every level of government.

Now, here is the open secret establishment Republicans don’t want you to know: half of the Republican precinct committeeman slots, on average, in 2008, in every state, were vacant. (In Arizona, where Dan Schultz is from, he says it was worse—over two-thirds of the slots were vacant; now, they are almost up to half strength.)

And the currently filled slots are split about fifty-fifty between conservatives and “Republicans In Name Only” (RINOs). What if conservatives could fill up all the vacant slots?

As Dan Schultz said: Do the math.

The Republican Party would be transformed from a half-strength, ideologically split party into a full-strength, 75 percent majority conservative political juggernaut.

Why have I never heard about this? you are probably wondering. And more important, why have you never heard about this before from your local Republican Party?

Dan Schultz says that it is because virtually all Republican incumbents, including many who profess to be conservative, are terrified that you and other conservative Americans will figure this out and replace them, too, because they have not fought hard enough to preserve your liberties.

They are terrified a more principled conservative adversary might get the backing of a majority of precinct committeemen in their district and state and throw out the incumbents. Like the new, conservative grassroots Tea Partiers and 9.12-ers did in Utah in 2010, denying incumbent senator Robert Bennett the primary nomination by keeping him off the ballot and endorsing boat-rocking senator Mike Lee at the Utah GOP state convention. In 2012 Indiana incumbent establishment Republican Richard Lugar was opposed by over half the Republican county chairs in the state, and likewise lost the primary.

What’s more, precinct committeemen—and only precinct committeemen—get to vote in the party elections that determine the leadership of the party.

Think of it. The more conservatives who become precinct committeemen, the more conservative the party, and its candidates, will become. The Party again might appear to the voters to offer a clear choice from the Democrat Party, rather than an echo of it.

The #1 roadblock to conservative governance is not Barack Obama and the liberal Left. It’s the corrupt Republican Establishment in Washington that’s comfortable with Big Government, ObamaCare, gay marriage, and most of Barack Obama’s plans to “fundamentally transform” America.

My new book TAKEOVER is a step-by-step Battle Plan for how rank-and-file conservatives can TAKEOVER the national GOP – so we can have a real opposition party to the Democrats.


Order  “ TAKEOVER”   today on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or purchase it at your favorite bookseller. Order at this link: http://tinyurl.com/o4u4x6a

Another great resource…AND IT’S only $0.99 (Kindle edition): “Taking Back Your Government: The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy” by Daniel Schultz. Order at this link: http://tinyurl.com/nywtjy5

The Most Powerful Office In The World Is NOT The President of the United States!

The above brochure was authored by Eagle Forum Founder…Phyllis Schlafly…and provides an excellent explanation of why the Central Committee positions are so important.


You are encouraged to read Phyllis’ excellent explanation of the power of central committee persons…the text of the brochure can be read on-line at this link: http://www.eagleforum.org/misc/brochures/precinct-committman.shtml

Copies of the brochure can also be ordered at this link. http://www.eagleforum.org/order/Flyers/flyers.shtml#pc(if larger quantities are desired check with Eagle Forum for price breaks)

To sign up for Eagle Forum newsletters and/or the “The Phyllis Schlafly Report” go here: http://www.eagleforum.org/

Thomas Jefferson’s thoughts/writings on the “division of counties into **wards….

(**Reminder: Called “wards” in Jefferson’s day…currently, they are also referred to as townships, precincts or parishes)

Separation of Powers:Federal and State

Reprinted from: http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Politics/thomasjefferson/jeff1050.htm

"The elementary republics of the wards, the county republics, the State republics, and the Republic of the Union, would form a gradation of authorities, standing each on the basis of law, holding every one its delegated share of powers and constituting truly a system of fundamental balances and checks for the government. Where every man is a sharer in the direction of his ward-republic, or of some of the higher ones, and feels that he is a participator in the government of affairs, not merely at an election one day in the year, but every day; when there shall not be a man in the State who will not be a member of some one of its councils, great or small, he will let the heart be torn out of his body sooner than his power be wrested from him by a Caesar or a Bonaparte." --Thomas Jefferson to Joseph C. Cabell, 1816. ME 14:422

"The article... nearest my heart is the division of counties into wards. These will be pure and elementary republics, the sum of which taken together composes the State, and will make of the whole a true democracy as to the business of the wards, which is that of nearest and daily concern. The affairs of the larger sections, of counties, of States, and of the Union, not admitting personal transactions by the people, will be delegated to agents elected by themselves; and representation will thus be substituted where personal action becomes impracticable. Yet even over these representative organs, should they become corrupt and perverted, the division into wards constituting the people, in their wards, a regularly organized power, enables them by that organization to crush, regularly and peaceably, the usurpations of their unfaithful agents, and rescues them from the dreadful necessity of doing it insurrectionally. In this way we shall be as republican as a large society can be, and secure the continuance of purity in our government by the salutary, peaceable, and regular control of the people." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:70

"Each ward would thus be a small republic within itself, and every man in the State would thus become an acting member of the common government, transacting in person a great portion of its rights and duties, subordinate indeed, yet important, and entirely within his competence. The wit of man cannot devise a more solid basis for a free, durable and well-administered republic." --Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824. ME 16:46

"These little republics would be the main strength of the great one. We owe to them the vigor given to our revolution in its commencement in the Eastern States." --Thomas Jefferson to John Tyler, 1810. ME 12:394

We Can Do Better(REPRINTED FROM: http://madisonproject.com/2015/03/we-can-do-better/)

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 by Madison Project Staff 

For those that have missed the memo, we here at the Madison Project love being agitators for freedom.

We want to hold elected officials accountable even as we work to elect better and better Members of Congress. We work to advance conservatism as frequently and as purely as possible, be it reducing taxes, ending abortion or working towards dismantling Obamacare.

So it is no surprise that over the past 10 years as Madison Project has brought to the public’s attention the voting record of Democrats and Republicans, we have been attacked by both parties.

The usual GOP talking points against the Madison Project (and Senate Conservatives Fund, the Club for Growth and Heritage Action) is that the Madison Project is “hurting the party” and forming “circular firing squads” that are “not helpful” to the GOP majority. By hurting the party, what the GOP Establishment is saying is, “You’re hurting our chances to advance the issues important to corporations and their lobbyists by calling us out and electing conservatives.” If our work is hurting this current iteration of the Republican Party, count us in.

As we have said in the past, it is we and our conservative allies who actually represent and work towards the principles and ideology which the GOP claims to represent and advance. We are the free market conservatives who believe in liberty and reducing government, not growing it and giving corporations a leg up on the backs of the American taxpayers.

Over the last few election cycles, it is the Madison Project that has helped add some of the most stalwart conservatives in both chambers of Congress: Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, Congressman Jim Bridenstine, Mark Meadows, Ron DeSantis, Tim Huelskamp, Dave Brat, Jody Hice and many others.

Conservative grassroots activists worked overtime last fall to elect a Republican majority on promises of rolling back Obamacare and stopping illegal immigration. Now sitting under Republican majorities, these promises have not only been vacated but actually reversed where we’ve seen Republican leaders working with Democrats to actually help to enact these dangerous policies.

For years we have warned that it’s not just about having a Republican majority in both chambers. It’s about having conservatives eager to fight and advance the Republican Party platform. It’s not just a vote, it’s a voice.

The recently passed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill is the perfect example. The House of Representatives passed a good bill, replete with riders that stripped funding for Obama’s executive amnesty order and sent it to the Senate. The Senate, under Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s “leadership” stripped the riders from the bill and sent it back to the House.

Here is where it should have been easy: Boehner and the House Republicans should have stripped the bad language out, put the conservative language back in, and sent it back to McConnell. Instead, 100% of House Democrats and 75 Republicans, including the Speaker, and most of “leadership” and members with all-important seniority, voted to fund executive amnesty behind the fig leaf of, “If we don’t, the Department of Homeland Security will shut down and we will be totally exposed to terrorism.” Nothing could have been further from the truth.

The simple workaround would have been to pass a continuing resolution that would have fully funded DHS while holding the line on amnesty. It is now abundantly clear to everyone that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell never intended to fight amnesty. After all, their friends on K Street and at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce were pushing for it. If this doesn’t make it abundantly clear that it is time for new leadership, we’re not sure what will.

An important note…Like many in the conservative movement, MOPP is unhappy with both parties in representing the best interests of the Americans they represent…at this juncture MOPP believes that in order to win elections it must be done within the framework of the current two party system…for that reason, the Republican Party is the logical choice to focus on as it comes closest in its philosophy…as enumerated in its Party Platform…to the principles and values of most conservatives.


February 14, 2015

Where Are You, Country?By Gary Horne

Where are you, country? Why can’t I find you? Why have you gone away?

Adapting Cindy Lou’s song about the loss of Christmas spirit in Whoville expresses the sadness for what as been lost in my country.

When I was a young boy in the small town of Piedmont, Missouri, the local physician, Doc Jones, would come to your house if you were sick. People paid him in cash, or perhaps some other goods. No one imagined they had a “right” to have someone else pay Doc Jones. It was their solemn duty, part of leading a responsible and moral life. People earned their living, to rely on charity a character stain to be avoided at all costs.

The personal responsibility of those days has become a distant memory. Now it is called “fair” for much of the population to live at the expense of the rest. We are informed that some are “entitled” to have the wealth of others “redistributed” to them. Anyone daring to object to being a serf of the statist elite is called “radical,” and accused of trying to “repeal” the 20th century. Sometimes, having gone down the wrong path, the only way out is to turn back. If that is “repeal,” so be it.

The country’s current moral inversion is illustrated by two recent TV interviews. In the first, the individual talks about how her health insurance is cheaper with an Obamacare subsidy, without a trace of embarrassment, as if the money, instead of being forced from someone else without their consent, came from Barack’s private stash or flowed from some eternal mountain spring.

The individual in the second interview, who has been assigned by the IRS to man the money pumps on that mountain spring, agonizes over how to pay the new bloated Obamacare premium. While this person is a real victim, there is no objection or hint of defiance. This individual, who probably sent her children to anti-bullying classes, allows herself to be bullied by the government. This is notthe spirit of 1776. I cannot find much of that spirit in my country.

My dad was assigned by the IRS to man one of the small money pumps. He had a barber shop right on Main Street. Every year he would carefully figure how much he would send to the IRS, believing they had no right to take whatever they wanted. He was right. Government really shouldn’t have that power. Many of us, like Dad, are victims of the IRS. At least in those days it didn’t go after the President’s enemies.

The groundwork for this travesty was laid when Dad was only five years old, with the ratification of the 16th amendment. The income tax erased Constitutional protections of the last 130 years. A citizen’s property could now be taken without just compensation, without any justification of its use, and without any consideration of equal treatment under the law. The income tax is incompatible with a free society. In a truly free society, never would the lead-in to a local tax lawyer’s radio ad be, “If you aren’t afraid of the IRS, you should be.”

Our ancestors would be horrified to hear such an ad, and would be asking, “Where are you, country? Why can’t I find you?” Some of them pledged their lives and sacred honor. We owe it to them to find the free country they knew, and we owe our children, so they may know and value that same liberty.

We have little help finding the country. Most of the media aren’t interested. Except for Fox News, newscasts could be mistaken for Democrat Party political ads, and might as well be preceded by; “The following message has been approved by the Propaganda Commissar.”

Congress is not looking for the country. They are more interested in getting re-elected or, in case of the Democrats, implementing a forced march to that great utopia in the sky. Meanwhile, the Republicans relish their victory forcing the Democrats to start the forced march in the afternoon rather than the morning. Neither have done anything to stop the lawlessness of the Attorney General and the President, who are badly in need of a midnight visit from the ghost of liberty’s past.

The courts have unconditionally surrendered, telling us essentially, “Don’t believe your lying eyes when you read the Constitution.” This beautiful document does not require a Harvard degree to understand. The degree is needed to pretend we are still following it. The Constitution grants the federal government very limited powers. It does not allow for wealth redistribution, confirmed unequivocally by a 1795 Supreme Court ruling. Its restriction on religion only applies to Congress. It doesn’t say that people have no voice in who can marry in their own states.

The Founders would be saying, “Where is our country?”

Those now asking, “Where are you, country?” are Americans like the Tea Party, Constitutionalists, and American Thinkers, who, like Cindy Lou, can see something has been lost.

The Tea Party is named for an act of defiance, something we need more of these days, lest we sink deeper into the progressive swamp. Defiance like the vets dumping the WWII memorial barriers in front of the White House, or Congressman Joe Wilson’s “You lie.” Defiance like the Austrian crowd singingEdelweiss in The Sound of Music, or the patrons in Rick’s Café in Casablancachiming in with La Marseillaise, or the Grinch (?). How about many of us Grinches refusing to participate in Obamacare?

The old saying could be reworded, “The wheel which doesn’t squeak will never get oiled.” Productive and responsible Americans have so far gone along without a squeak, giving silent consent to be victims. Without someAtlas Shrugs acts of defiance, we will become further enslaved and never find the country we love.

Symbolic acts of defiance are not enough where tyranny has already arrived, but may keep it from coming. The nation needs the loud and continuous noise of defiance while the bums can still be voted out. Americans who hadn’t noticed may begin to wonder why all the uproar. Some may begin to say, as in the classic hymn Amazing Grace, “I once was blind, but now I see.” Then, perhaps, elections will not be decided on some unrealistic and undefined fantasy, or who has that Evita “little touch of star quality,” but on how to find the liberty that has been lost. If so, some day our children can sing:

“I feel you country. I know I've found you.”

FOUNDATION FOR COMMON SENSEConnecting Donor to Do’er. It’s Revolutionary!

Whether you’re a grassroots activist spending every extra dollar on your group's liberty project, or a disenchanted donor who feels you've been throwing your hard earned money into a black hole for too long, you're looking for something that connects Donors to Do’ers. It is patriots like you that have created Foundation for Common Sense, committed to making a significant and measurable impact in communities nationwide. Not just talk, not rallying nor endless online petitions... change.  Real change.  This is about investing in tangible achievements that donors can SEE, and other activists can LEARN from, that is Foundation's straight forward objective.

Grant opportunities NOW AVAILABLE. No other national grassroots liberty organization directly supports with a visible, financial investment the tireless efforts of the true patriots, the actual boots on the ground. That is Foundation for Common Sense’s primary purpose.  

Please SUPPORT Foundation for Common Sense with a tax-deductible donation. There are untold numbers of significant and worthy liberty projects nationwide that will flourish and deliver dividends with direct donor investment. Foundation for Common Sense, with your contributions and our solid stewardship, makes that possible.


is honored to have been one of the three first round grant recipients from the FOUNDATION FOR COMMON SENSE…along with Center for Self Governance and the Frederick Douglass Foundation.

MISSOURI GRASSROOTS SPOTLIGHT… great additions in doing your “homework”…we would recommend adding them to your list of resources

Contact: Ryan Johnsonhttp://missourifreedom.com/

About Us

Missouri Alliance for Freedom exists to advance the welfare of Missouri by protecting and growing individual, religious, and economic liberty throughout Missouri. We will promote policy that encourages personal freedom and a free economy through

legislative participation, grassroots organization, issue advocacy and citizen education and training. We believe that government must be limited, and that citizens must be empowered to hold their elected officials accountable.


Check out the MAF website here: http://missourifreedom.com/ Sign up with MAF here: http://missourifreedom.com/ Like MAF on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/MissouriFreedom?fref=ts Follow MAF on Twitter: @Missouri Freedom


Contact: Duane Lesterhttp://themissouritorch.com/

About Duane Lester…Missouri Torch Founder and Editor:

Duane Lester has been an outspoken political activist since launching All American Blogger in 2007. Since that time he has been a contributor at the American Issues Project, Pajamas Media and served as Editor in Chief at Liberty News prior to launching The Missouri Torch. His articles have been featured on nationally syndicated talk broadcasts like the Michael Savage Show and he is a frequent guest on the #1 rated, daily syndicated Dana Loesch radio program. In 2012, Duane was the recipient of the first Breitbart Blogger Award.


Sign up for “The Missouri Torch” emails here: http://themissouritorch.com/\ Like “The Missouri Torch” on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/TheMissouriTorch?fref=ts Follow “The Missouri Torch” on Twitter here: @MissouriTorch


“Time's Up!: Rethinking Conservative Activism and Social Media Strategy”By: Annette Read, along with Eva Lovasco

To order on Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/m623nd9

Annette Read, along with Eva Lovasco…two of Missouri’s own…have recently published a wonderfully helpful book to train conservatives on the proper use of social media with specific attention to TWITTER…entitled “TIME’S UP…Rethinking Conservative Activism and Social Media Strategy”.

Annette and Eva have both used TWITTER very effectively to get out the conservative message and hope to inspire others in the grassroots to do the same…and/or use it for one’s own personal communication medium.

ACTION ITEMS: Recommended reading and/or a great resource to add to your own library. To order the book go to this

link: http://tinyurl.com/m623nd9 For more information…access Annette’s website at this link: http://www.breakinghashtags.com/

Annette began researching and writing on the topic of social media after discovering a huge disparity between the many social media-savvy Democrats and their equally abundant techno-challenged Republican counterparts in the 2010 elections. Clearly, social media and other digital tools were a noticeably lacking element in many conservative campaigns. She found countless books on social media and politics but they were either too geeky or they didn't weave the digital universe with the campaign trail. Time's Up!is her inspiring and practical response.

Whether you have an important message (political or not) that's destined to go viral, or you simply want to reach a much larger audience, this book is sure to help you succeed. Time's Up! is the ultimate tutorial and go-to resource, helping to take Twitter from a useless feed of words and symbols to a phenomenal marketing tool with unlimited reach. For hands-on learning, Annette's one-on-one coaching, group workshops or online webinars will further set you on a path to proficient success in all things Twitter! 

With the help of feedback from hundreds of activists and young Republicans, Annette also covers other valuable and timely topics (see the Table of Contents and additional content by clicking on the "Time's Up" tab on the Home page). Guest author Eva Lovasco offers her perspective through the eyes of an active young conservative.

A Picture Is Worth a *Thousand Trillion (inflation!) Words….

Become an Army of Onereprinted from:


We need an army of people trained by the *** Center for Self Governance, principled in the  28 Principles of Liberty as outlined in the 5,000 Year Leap book by Cleon Skousen and taking action by winning central committee seats in both parties.

There are too many politicians as opposed to statesmen running our country for their own personal self-interests. That is why they have created laws that they do not have to abide by, and tax loop holes just for them and who make careers out of micro managing us by unaccountable bureaucrats.

These temporary elected office holders are accountable to no one when central committee people are unprincipled, undisciplined, uneducated and are afraid to write letters of censure when their elected officials are misbehaving. These central committee members do not realize they hold the seat to the most powerful office in the land, the central committee seat.

 Mistakenly many central committee members believe their job is to raise funds and support whoever wins the primary while supporting no one in the primary to begin with. So that is how you get people like John McCain in high office. It is also how the Republican Party doesn't understand what a Republic is. It is also how you get elected officials who do not follow the party platform in any way. It is how you have gotten "progressives" in key positions at every level of the Republican Party.

 If you seriously want to take the country back it will not be just by winning the congress, senate and the office of president. It must be by a grassroots army of constitutional savvy  Robert Rules of Order warriors who know the constitution, and own the central committees from the chairman down. (Interesting factoid: 50% of all county central committee seats go unfilled.)

Want to get started taking back your country? It is as easy as 1, 2, 3. First realize that anything you do not know is waiting for you on the internet. There is nothing that needs to be unknowable. YouTube is a great resource. There are people teaching classes on the constitution, Roberts Rules of Order and the history on how we got where we are.

Your most important thing to do is know the 28 Principles of Liberty by heart. When you do, you will be able to spot like-minded people, politicians, proposed legislation and be able to automatically know the right thing to do as a committee-person and citizen activist. You will also be able to spot bad laws and phony "conservatives".

Second most important thing to do is create a list of 100 like-minded people that are willing to learn the 28 Principles of Liberty. That way when you must tell your legislator to do or not do something you can do it with 100 voices. This project may take some time but it is the most important project you can do.Third, most important thing is to get these like-minded people to take action by running for central committee seats.

All of this can be simple, easy and fun.

The most powerful tool you can own is a smart phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note II which is more powerful than a desk top or lap top computer.

There are Apps you can get that are not available on a Windows computer. With a smart phone you can multitask, time shift plus leverage time, money and effort more than any device I know. You will always be able to fill idle time with taking back the country time. Waiting in line for something is now a great patriotic opportunity.

 When shopping for a new phone I suggest PhoneScoop . There you can compare 5 different phones, feature by feature. If you don't know what the feature is, you can click on it and it will tell you.   Right now Verizon, AT&T and Sprint are having a pricing war and now is the time to get a great phone with a good plan.

Here are just some of the things I can do with my phone: talk to people, text, e-mail, Facebook, Tweet, capture anything I see in my display, broadcast e-mail or text, use as an MP3 recorder or video recorder, have my phone read to me, schedule events that my phone reminds me of, watch Netflix, create e-fliers, morph photos, create a contact list categorized by groups, location and interests. I can also use it as a GPS which is very handy when going to new meeting places or speaking engagements. It can also function as a WIFI hotspot. All of this fits in the palm of my hand and can be carried in my shirt pocket.

 Another tip is to try to get your patriot friends to upgrade at the same time you do. That way you can teach each other about new Apps and phone features etc. 

 If you want to be an Army of One, I suggest you get a smart phone.

One last tip, never be afraid to ask questions, about your next step, how to make your phone do something or what the latest App is. Any patriot worth their salt has been where you are at and has had the same questions.  


Be sure to click on this link to see more resources including a link to the MOPP County Coordinator map… http://unionchapelprecinct.blogspot.com/

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

-2 Chronicles 7:14



To find a class near you go to: https://centerforselfgovernance.com/

About Center for Self GovernanceWho We AreThe Center for Self Governance is a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization dedicated to training citizens in applied civics, founded on the belief in the capacity of mankind for self governance.

What Is Self Governance?Self governance is exercising your individual liberty, personal responsibility, and civic authority to control instituted government.

What We DoAs citizens, we often lack the political knowledge, skills and ability to articulate our desire to make the policy changes necessary to keep our government to its proper role.  Modern civics training teaches conventional political theories.  The Center for Self Governance teaches unconventional, tried and tested techniques in applied civics proven to Keep the Republic.  CSG training putsyou, the citizen, in the drivers seat of self governance.  You choose the issues, candidates, and agendas to address, just as our government of, by,  and for the people was designed.

Our MissionWe exist to teach you how to Keep your Republic by rediscovering and effectively exercising  your civic authority.

Training SequenceLevel 1:   Foundations in Self Governance           The Level 1 course introduces the concepts of self governance and civic authority.  It is designed to bring the student to a common understanding of their role in leveraging self governance and exercising civic authority. This course is foundational and lays the ground work necessary to successfully implement lessons learned in future classes.

Level 2:   Communicating for Effective Self Governance           The Level 2 course introduces relationship building, communication process and strategic self governance messaging. It is designed to teach the student  how to practically express self governance to legislators, citizens, media and opponents of self governance. This course frames the experience needed to acquire and apply the student’s basis within societal authority.

Level 3:   Macro Understanding of Government           The Level 3 course introduces federal, state, county and city levels of government.  It is designed to broaden the student’s understanding of the inter-relationship between government jurisdictions, partisan politics and the self governing.  This course encapsulates the student’s basis of authority from which they will  operate the mechanism of self governance.

Level 4:   Micro Understanding of Government           The Level 4 course introduces the operation of the inter-related workings inside and outside multiple levels of government.  It is designed to complete the student’s  understanding of the detailed mechanism of self governance and its relationship to centralized governance.  This course assembles the knowledge, skills and abilities that self governing teams need to operate within the framework of their civic authority.

Level 5:   Pathway to Self Governance           The Level 5 course is the capstone.  It is designed for students to demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities in operating and maintaining the mechanism of governance.  This course enables the self governing team  to engineer and maintain the balance of power within the political sub-divisions of their multiple levels of government.

A student workbook is provided for each eight hour level of instruction.

A Special Note and Resource from MOPP:

The Missouri General Assembly is in full swing and the legislators are busy considering bills and holding hearings.  The Legislature will be in session until mid-May.  During that period MOPP may be forwarding more emails than usual in order to keep you updated on issues where you might have an opportunity to submit a witness form, testify at a hearing and/or weigh in with your legislators on a variety of issues.  We are very sensitive to the fact that folks do not want to be inundated with unnecessary emails, so we will make every effort to be very judicious in what we forward.  

There are many more bills and hearings in play than we will be forwarding...involving an almost overwhelming number of issues...so if you would like to investigate the full gamut of legislation being considered by the Legislature, and where it is in the process, you can go to the following links:

MISSOURI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Bill List:  http://www.house.mo.gov/billlist.aspx Bill Tracking:  http://www.house.mo.gov/billcentral.aspx?pid=26 Hearing Schedule:  http://www.house.mo.gov/HearingsDateOrder.aspx

MISSOURI SENATE: Bill List:  http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/BTS_Web/BillList.aspx?SessionType=R Bill Search:  http://www.senate.mo.gov/BTSSearch/Default.aspx Hearing Schedule:  http://www.senate.mo.gov/hearingsschedule/hrings.htm

We would encourage everyone to become familiar with the websites for both the House and the Senate. You will find very valuable information there that will make it easier to become more involved in your own self-governance. Below you will find some more helpful links to keep at your fingertips:

MISSOURI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES:Find Your Representative: http://www.house.mo.gov/legislatorlookup.aspx

House Leadership: http://www.house.mo.gov/houseleadership.aspxHouse Member Listing (alphabetical): http://www.house.mo.gov/member.aspxHouse Committees: http://www.house.mo.gov/ActiveCommittees.aspxCommittee Assignments (to find out which committee your Representative is on): http://www.house.mo.gov/CommitteeList.aspxHouse Journal (a day by day accounting of House business including votes and votes cast): http://www.house.mo.gov/JournalList.aspxBill Calendar: http://www.house.mo.gov/DailyCalendar.aspx

MISSOURI SENATE:Find Your Senator: http://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/default.aspx

Senate Leadership: http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/leaders.htmSenate Member Roster: http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/SenateRoster.htmSenate Standing Committees (click on each committee to see committee members): http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/com-standing.htmSenate Journal: http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/jrnlist/journals.aspxSenate Calendar: http://www.senate.mo.gov/15info/pdf-cal/cal.htmOther features include: Live debate, create a bill tracking list (Senate), search for a bill by number, and more.

We hope you will find the above information helpful in enabling you to better understand your State government and navigate the useful websites that are available to you in order to become a more engaged in the process.

(NOTE:  Feel free to make a copy/copies for your resource purposes and/or to share with others.)

MISSOURI PRECINCT PROJECT/MOPPBecause “All politics is local"www.moprecinctproject.orgmissouriprecinctproject@gmail.com Join us on Facebook and/or Twitter 015

As noted on the first page of our E-news Magazine, our goal is to

EMPOWER MISSOURI! EMPOWER MISSOURI! We hope to do this by continuing to provide Missourians with a variety of tools…including witness forms provided by Missouri First via Liberty Tools…and other resources in order to become better educated and equipped to become their “own Army of One” so that together we can become

“an Army of Many” and fulfill the MISSION STATEMENT to . . .

“Restore Constitutional principles and conservative values by engaging conservatives in grassroots politics”

To that end, we hope you find our E-News Magazine helpful and informative and that you will encourage others to sign up to not only receive our emails, but to also enable us to expand our network across the State so that together we can become a powerful and united Conservative voice in Missouri!


On the web: www.moprecinctproject.org Just go to the “Contact Us” tab to join

Via email: missouriprecinctproject@gmail.com Facebook: http://alturl.com/f4qja Twitter: https://twitter.com/ (at mopporg)

ORGANIZERS:Frieda KeoughAnita Foelsch

Judy Sofka(can be reached via missouriprecinctproject@gmail.com)

TO OUR MOPP VOLUNTEERS:Thanks to all of our volunteers who have committed to making the Precinct Strategy work!

COUNTY COORDINATORS:Our county coordinators act as the contact for their particular county for new MOPP volunteers in order to build a team in their county…inquiries can be directed to your county coordinator to find out more information on how you, or someone you know, can help.

A special thanks for our County Coordinators. If you or someone you know would like to serve as county coordinator for your county, contact us via email at missouriprecinctproject@gmail.com / Attn: Judy.


To see our map of MOPP County Coordinators go to: http://www.moprecinctproject.org/index_3.htm

HELP KEEP US IN “BUSINESS”! Like most grassroots organizations, depends exclusively on donations by its supporters to operate and pursue its stated goals. We are all volunteers, so 100% of any monies collected go strictly for educational purposes. Any/all donations are gratefully accepted and can be forwarded to c/o 207 Southern Oaks Dr., St. Charles, Missouri 63303.