Application Form Rd Transport

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Application Form Rd Transport

  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    f' Tel/ 3 *"ith STD %ode'

    g' Re ident/0on Re ident Indian

    h' 0et Worth

    8. Borro"er( addre in f!ll. Mailing ddre 6

    #ocation 6 %ity/To"n 6

    Di trict 6 State 6 2I0 6

    9. %o5applicant( addre in f!ll.

    Mailing ddre 6

    #ocation 6 %ity/To"n 6 Di trict 6 State 6 2I0 6

    :. ; tabli hed on .

  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    g' -!arantor Type 6

    h'0et Worth 6

    @.4.0a)e A ddre of the per on

    "ho ha referred the propo al 6

    . Brief hi tory of the borro"er gi+ing hi e$perience in the b! ine C

    &7. a' 2artic!lar of acco!nt )aintained "ith the branch

    b' 0a)e of other Banker together "ith f!ll partic!lar of facilitie enEoyed, if any 55555

    &&. Total original in+e t)ent in +ehicle a per Book e$cl!ding +ehicle to be

    p!rcha ed

    &4. 2!rpo e of the loan 55

    When to be a+ailed of

    &8. 2artic!lar of +ehicle i.e. B! /Tr!ck/Ta$i etc. to be p!rcha ed at R .

    %ha i co t F Body B!ilding co t R .. F R

    Make Model of 1ehicle ..

    or e 2o"er ...G Sitting or carrying capacity 5555

    *enclo e a 2rofor)a In+oice'

    The +ehicle "ill be Hnanced a follo" 65

    inanced fro) o"n f!nd 555 R .

    inanced fro) Bank borro"ing 555 R .

    inanced fro) other borro"ing 555 R .

    &9. 2artic!lar of %o))ercial 1ehicle no" held "ith 1ehicle 0o. A #icence

    0o . "ith the . p!rcha e +al!e 65 *2lea e tate itting and/or

    carrying capacity of indi+id!al +ehicle a per follo"ing detail 65'

    i' >riginal %o t 2rice of the e$i ting +ehicle


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    area of land.%o+ered area

    0at!re and )ode of con tr!ction..Market 1al!ation R

    ii' #ien on Ter) Depo it for R .., a ign)ent of #ife In !rance 2olicy

    S!rrender 1al!e R . iii' >ther

    44. -eneral re)ark not co+ered by abo+e ite) , !ch a , Date of la t Inco)e

    Ta$ Ret!rn, Total Ta$able Inco)e a per la t Inco)e Ta$ Ret!rn, Inco)e Ta$

    la t e )ent *%opy of order enclo ed', nn!al T!rno+er *Hg!re to be

    tated' etc.

    I/We declare that the infor)ation !pplied abo+e i correct to the be t of

    )y/o!r kno"ledge and that thi propo al "ill for) the ba i of the gree)ent

    bet"een the bank and )y elf/o!r el+e , if the loan i granted.

    If the loan i granted to )e/! , I/We hereby agree to prod!ce the 1ehicle* ' for

    yo!r In pection at yo!r o?ce e+ery )onth* ' or horter inter+al a re !ired

    by Bank.

    d+ance "ill be !tiliKed for the p!rpo e tated abo+e. ny change in theter) of anction of the Bank, if )ade "ill be binding on )e/! .

    Date.. ...

    Borro"er/ pplicant

    ddre ..


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    ;nclo !re 6

    &. copy of The Ro!te 2er)it. *after original i +eriHed by Branch


    4. 2rofor)a In+oice.8. tate)ent of Inco)e A ;$pendit!re of the e$i ting b! /tr!ck/Ta$i

    b! ine etc.

    9. tate)ent of e ti)ated Inco)e A e$pendit!re of the b! /tr!ck/ ta$i

    etc. to be p!rcha ed ho"ing the 2roHtability/ ;cono)ic .

    :. T"o certiHed copie of a!dited Balance Sheet and 2roHt A #o

    acco!nt for the la t 4 year if the Tran port %o. i a li)ited co)pany

    or inancial State)ent for the la t 4 year for non corporateapplicant "ho i in the tran port b! ine . >ther"i e, a tate)ent of

    et A #iabilitie in Standard or)at a oon in nne$!re.

    0ot re !ired fro) applicant for )all li)it for !to Rick ha",

    Rick ha", %art, Boat etc.


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport



    0a)e A ddre of the borro"er.State)ent of et A #iabilitie a on .


    L!%b! !"!es Asse"s

    C%-!"% R .

    R .

    t the beginning of the year ..

    dd f!rther capital intro5

    d!ced d!ring the year ..L 2roHt d!ring the year ..

    #e #o for the year ..

    L Dra"ing d!ring the



    %0 Sec!red*&'


    *2lea e indicate borr5

    o"ing fro) each o!rce

    eparately together "ith

    nat!re of ec!rity oJered'

    b0 Un ec!red*2lea e indicate each o!rce




    >ther #iabilitie A 2ro+i ion

    i$ed et 6 R . R .

    #and A B!ilding at co t

    1ehicle do

    ; !ip)ent do

    !rnit!re A itting do >ther *to be

    SpeciHed' do


    #e depreciation "ritten

    >J !pto date

    Cu((e&" Asse"s 6d+ance

    Depo it


    S!ndry Debtor

    Bill Recei+able

    %a h5 in5 hand

    %a h5 in5 Bank 2roprietor( /2artner(

    %!rrent a/c. Balance,

    If in Debit

    >ther *to be peciHed'.....

    Total R .


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    *to be peciHed'..

    Total R . Su-- e e&"%(1 I&)o( %"!o&

    &. Total Receipt

    4.-ro proHt8. 0et 2roHt/#o

    9.Depreciation %harge

    :.Date A Month of

    nn!al %lo ing of


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    D%"e S!'&%"u(e o)



  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    Sanctioned 6

    Ter) #oan #i)it R .../5 Margin..N InttN p.a. at

    )onthly re t.

    fter f!ll )argin )oney of R ./5 i depo ited in the a/c by

    the party, di b!r e)ent i to be )ade a follo"

    *a' gain t %ha i 6 R /5 *a' Directly by 2ay >rder to


    Regi tered %ha i dealer on

    prod!ction of their In+oice/Bill

    d!ly appro+ed by the borro"er

    "ith ad+ice that 2ay >rder i to

    be en hed after they take action

    for Regi tration of bank( na)e

    "ith R.T.>. a Mortgagee and

    hand o+er to the Bank 65

    *i' D!plicate copy of theDeli+ery

    *of %ar/%ha i ' %hallan.

    *ii' or) ; A d!ly inged by

    Man!fact!rer/Dealer of

    %ar ,

    *Thi for) i to be igned


    Borro"er and Branch


    before ending 2.>. *%ha i


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    co t' to Man!fact!rer/

    dealer for their

    ignat!re A ret!rn.

    *iii' Sale letter addre ed to

    R.T.>. by eller *Dealer'.

    *i+' D!plicate Ignition Oey.

    Sec!rity6i' 2ri)ary 5

    ii' dditional

    Repay)ent R /5 e+ery. Starting on A


    in .. )onth .

    *b' gain t Body R /5 *b' Direct to the body b!ilder

    after being ati Hed on

    in pection that the body i

    properly b!ilt !p and on

    prod!ction of their bill d!ly

    appro+ed by the borro"er. The

    +ehicle i to be deli+ered to


    party "ith Bank( kno"ledge.


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    0ote 6 The rate of intere t i !bEect to change a per RBI/ .>. -!ideline

    i !ed fro) ti)e to ti)e.


  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


    O"$e( Co!"!o&s

    &. 2lea e for"ard * ee peci)en in Bank( %irc!lar 0o. d+/98/=4 dated

    49.:.=4' the for) ; A d!ly co)pleted, igned by Borro"er a o"ner, Branch

    Manager a Mortgagee/ ypothecatee/ inancier and by Regi tered

    Dealer/Man!fact!rer along"ith ale letter direct to R.T. . to get Bank( na)e

    regi tered in their Book A Bl!e Book. Bl!e Book i to be +eriHed after it i

    i !ed, that Bank( na)e ha been incorporated.

    4. The 1ehicle )! t r!n again t 2!blic %arrier #icence for #orry/State %arriage

    2er)it for 2a enger B! /%ontract %arriage 2er)it for Ta$i "hich i al o to be

    +eriHed, before di b!r e)ent. tr!e %opy of the aid per)it i to be kept in

    Branch Hle.

    8. Take In !rance 2olicy %o)prehen i+e, A Ri k again t ire, B!rglary,

    Malicio! da)age "ith Banker( %la! e attached.

    9. 2late "ith Bank( na)e i to be di played at t"o pro)inent place of the

    1ehicle "hen the )aking of body i co)plete and before pre enting to R.T. .

    : .2roced!re to be co)pleted and additional ec!ritie to be obtained,

    co)plete in all re pect, before ad+ance i )ade.

  • 8/11/2019 Application Form Rd Transport


