AP III Summer Assignments 14-15

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Transcript of AP III Summer Assignments 14-15

Advanced Placement English III2014-2015 Pre-requisite Assignments

Dear AP Student,Welcome to Advanced Placement English III. Our reading and writing begins as soon as summer does. I encourage you to read some good books and make time daily to read and think about them. Try to make reading a part of your summer routine. I encourage you to read widely and frequently. Research and the experience of former students shows that reading has a significant effect on classroom performance, grades in all subjects, and standardized test scores. (Often a students reading score on the ACT equals the number of books he or she read in the past year!) Through the year we will read six to seven books as a class, some of which you will be asked to purchase, others of which I have on hand.If you have not taken the ACT in the past year, please register for the September test. The registration for that session closes in August. To register, log on to http://www.act.org. I encourage you to take the test early because we will spend a great deal of time on ACT prep at the beginning of the year. I have found that the students who have experienced the test do better in the preparatory sessions; thus, they are more able to increase their scores. You are required to complete four assignments over the summer. These assignments are due on the first day of school. Because this is a college level course, no late work will be accepted. Each assignment is outlined on the following pages. These assignments count as a SIGNIFICANT portion of your first nine weeks grade. The literature is probably more challenging than most literature you have ever read before; hence, you should not wait to the last minute to complete these assignments. Pacing yourself with these assignments will lead to success!Please sign up for Remind 101 if you have not already done so by texting @dietiiiap to (337)205-9536. If at any time you need to contact me over the summer, please email me (swdieterich@lpssonline).Enjoy your summer. I look forward to seeing you in August.Sincerely,Mrs. Spill Dieterich

Assignment #1 Literary Elements Log on to http://www.classblogmeister.com and follow the pathway to my classroom blog by clicking:States of the U.S. LouisianaSpill DieterichWhen you arrive use the Literary Elements article to create flashcards for each of the literary terms by using 3 x 5 inch ruled index cards. The term should be on the unruled side of the card. The definition and an example (when applicable) should be on the ruled side of the card. Please number your cards and place them in numerical order in a Ziploc bag with your name on the bag. Begin studying the literary elements as you will be tested on these terms on the first few days of school.

AllegoryAlliterationAllusionAnagramAnapesticAnaphoraAnecdoteAntagonistAntithesisApostrophe (poetical term)Approximate (near) rhymeArchetypeAssonanceAsyndetonAttitudeBalladBallad stanzaBlank verseCacophonyCaesuraCaricatureCarpe diemColloquialConceitConnotationConsonanceCoupletDactylicDenotationDenouementDialectDictionDramatic monologueElegyEnd rhymeEnjambmentEpicEthosEuphonyExpositionExtended metaphorFableFalling actionFarceFlashbackForeshadowingFormal dictionFree verseGenreHyperboleIambicImagery

In medias resInformal dictionInternal rhymeIronyJargonJuxtapositionLogosLimited point of viewLitotesLyricMetaphorMeterMetonymyMoodMotifNarrative structureNarratorOccasional poemOdeOmniscient point of viewOnomatopoeiaOxymoronParableParadoxParallel structureParodyPathos PentameterPersonaPersonificationPlotProtagonistQuatrainRealismRefrainRhetorical questionRhyme schemeRhythmRising actionSarcasmSatireScansionSentimentalitySestinaSettingShaped verseSimileSoliloquySonnetSpeakerStanzaStereotypeStock characterStructureStyleSymbolismSynecdocheSyntaxThemeToneTragedyTrochaicVillanelleVoice

Assignment #2 NonfictionHow to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas FosterObtain a copy this book early, and read it before you begin the next two assignments. Keep a journal as you read this book. There are 27 chapters; you should write a brief summary recording the main idea and literary works cited in each of these. Write in complete sentences. Not only will you enjoy reading it, but you will also benefit from the information presented. Foster will offer you a new approach to understanding literature. It is essential that you read this book before you read the next three. Here is an example of a good summary for chapter one, by Katie Stefan, senior 2011:Chapter 1Every Trip is a Quest (Except When Its Not)The quest consists of five things: a quester, a place to go, a stated reason to go there, challenges and trials en route, and a real reason to go there. The real reason for a quest is always self-knowledge. Always and never do not have much meaning in literature because certain statements are not always or never true. Sometimes a trip or a journey is not necessarily a quest; you just have to pay attention to details. Some other literary works that include quests are Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Faerie Queen, Oedipus the King, Huck Finn, The Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. Foster feels that The Crying of Lot 49 is a terrific book because it displays everything about a quest.

If you follow this example, and concentrate on the boldfaced print in each chapter, you will have good summaries. Try to think of another piece of literature which you have read that fits Fosters point in each chapter. Name it.

Assignment #3 Contemporary Novel The Namesake, Jhumpa LahiriPick up a copy of the novel, read deeply, and annotate as you read. By now, Im sure you have come up with your own method of annotating; however, if you are unsure, please conduct an Internet search about how to mark a text. Plenty examples of annotating can be found online. These markings should be your way of keeping track your thoughts and will be used as starting points for class discussions. You will turn in your annotations or your annotated copy of this book for a grade. This will also be our first formal class discussion which will also be graded.

Assignment #4 - Pre-twentieth Century Novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark TwainIf you would like to borrow this book instead of purchasing your own copy, pick up a copy of the novel from me before the end of school. You cannot write in the school copy of the book; you will either write annotations on Post-Its or on a sheet of paper. On July 7th log on to http://www.classblogmeister.com. Follow the pathway to my classroom blog by clicking: States of the U.S. LouisianaSpill DieterichEach week you will be responsible for reading an assigned section of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and responding to a blog. The reading assignments and discussion topics will be posted weekly and must be submitted by the deadlines as announced on the blog. Part of your grade will be based on your capability to meet deadlines. The other part of your grade will be on the quality of your responses to the discussion articles on the blog.

**Be sure to read both novels thoroughly and take good notes as the topic of your first essay will be based on these two selections.**