0B III. Internship Assignments and Evaluation Criteria

Marketing Department Internship Program Summer 2009 Adopted February 12, 2009 0



Transcript of 0B III. Internship Assignments and Evaluation Criteria

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Marketing Department

Internship ProgramSummer 2009

Adopted February 12, 2009


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Marketing Department Internship ProgramTable of Contents

I. Marketing Department Internship Program Overview

Marketing Department Internship Program Overview …………………………………………………………… 2

Track 1: Professional Sales Internship

Track 2: Marketing Internship

UHow to Apply for a Marketing Department Internship……………………………………………………………. U 3

UImportant Dates and Fee Structure for Summer 2009……………………………………………………………. U 3

II. Assignments and Evaluation Criteria Internship Assignments and Evaluation Criteria ...........................................................................4

Market Analysis PowerPoint Project Guidelines............................................................................5

Intern Evaluation Forms (to be completed by UConn Instructor).................................................................... 6-7.Host Company Evaluation Form (to be completed by Host Company Supervisor)……………………………….... 8

III. Intern Application Forms

USales Intern Application Form U(to be completed by student)...........................................................8

UMarketing Intern Application Form U(to be completed by student)...................................................9

UHost Company Application Form (to be completed by Host Company)U................................................10


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I. Marketing Department Internship Program Overview

The Marketing Department Internship Program is available for course credit under MKTG 4891, Professional Practice in Marketing. The Internship Program is designed to provide students with experiential learning opportunities in which they apply course concepts and skills in the areas of marketing, marketing research, advertising, and professional sales. Internships may be paid or unpaid. Internship credits and grades are at the discretion of the University of Connecticut Internship Instructor.

Students may participate in one of two tracks (and sections) in MKTG 4891.

Track 1: Professional Sales Internship (MKTG 4891.010). For Marketing Majors and non-business majors who are enrolled in the Minor in Professional Sales and interested in internship opportunities related to professional sales, please contact Pete Peterson ([email protected]).

Prerequisites: For Marketing majors or non-business majors who are enrolled in the Minor in Professional Sales: MKTG 3101 or BADM 3750 and MKTG 3452 or BADM 3752; Internships must be approved by the instructor.

Track 2: Marketing Internship (MKTG 4891.011). For Marketing Majors interested in marketing internship opportunities other than sales, including for example, general marketing, product and brand management, marketing research, advertising, new media, public relations, and sales promotion positions, please contact Brian Brady ([email protected]).

Prerequisites: Marketing majors only: MKTG 3101; Internships must be approved by the instructor.

Details for Internships

Students must register for MKTG 4891, for 3 course credits, and grading will be on a "Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory" basis on five evaluations (see attached Internship Assignments and Evaluation).

An Intern must work a minimum of 120 hours over a minimum of a four-week period. Internships are available for Winter Intersession and Summer Session 1. A maximum of 3 credits of MKTG 4891 can be counted toward elective credits for the

Marketing Major. All interns must abide by Host Company and University of Connecticut Rules, Regulations

and Code of Ethics.


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II. How to Apply for a Marketing Department Internship

To apply for an internship:

Complete either the SALES or MARKETING Intern Application Form included in this packet, and submit it via e-mail to HU [email protected] U

If you know of a Host Company at which you would like to do an internship, have the Host Company contact HU [email protected] UH to obtain a Host Company Application Form.

Internship Review and Approval:

Your internship application form will be reviewed by Pete Peterson (Sales Internships) or Brian Brady (All other Marketing Internships).

Your Host Company must also have an approved Host Company Application Form (see page 10).

Once both forms have been approved you will receive an email approval.

To register for MKTG 4891

Once you have received an email approval from Pete Peterson or Brian Brady, and an email with the following information to HU [email protected] UH:

The approval email from Pete Peterson or Brian Brady, with a request for a permission number for the specific section of interest (MKTG 4891.010 for Peterson and MKTG 4891.011 for Brady).

Your NETID Host Company Name and contact information

III. Important Dates and Fee Structure

Applications for internships will be processed: March16 through May 29, 2009

Registration via PeopleSoft: Summer Session I by UJune 5, 2009

Fee Structure: http://www.summersession.uconn.edu/summer/fees.php


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0BIII. Internship Assignments and Evaluation Criteria

There are five Evaluation Tools (see below). Details on grading are provided on pages 5 -6.

Evaluation Tool Graded by: Percent of GradeInternship Role and Responsibilities* UConn Instructor 10%Introspection and the Internship* UConn Instructor 10%Host Company Market Analysis PowerPoint* UConn Instructor 35%Host Company Market Analysis Presentation* UConn Instructor 20%Host Company Evaluation Host Company Supervisor 25%TOTAL 100%

*Assignment Deadline: All assignments must be submitted via Husky CT by UAugust 21, 2009U.


Describe your role as an intern (department/reporting/responsibilities).

Describe the role this job (or department) plays in the marketing/sales strategic analysis of the host company.

DELIVERABLE: maximum 2 pages, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced. Electronic submission only.


Conduct a before/after analysis of your personal/professional skill set and the effect of the internship on your skill set.

Are you interested in working for this company after graduation? Describe why or why not as related to training programs, entry level job opportunities, evaluation and promotion policies, corporate atmosphere.

Would you recommend this internship position to another UConn Student? Describe why or why not.

DELIVERABLE: maximum 2 pages, 1 inch margins, double-spaced. Electronic submission only.



DELIVERABLES: An electronic copy of a PowerPoint presentation to the UConn Instructor and Host Company.

REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS: Duarte, HNancy H (2008), Slideology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations; O'Reilly Media, Inc.; (ISBN-10: 0596522347; ISBN-13: 978-0596522346).


A 12-15 minute oral presentation based on your PowerPoint delivered to the Marketing Department (dates and location to be determined).


The Host Company will provide input on the Intern’s job performance and an assessment of the Intern’s market analysis.

GRADING. Grading is on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. To receive a Satisfactory Grade, an Intern must score an 80% for the overall evaluation, and must not receive lower than an 80% on any individual assessment score.


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The electronic PowerPoint should include the following with a narrative:

SLIDE 1. Your Name, Supervisor’s Name & Title, Host Company, Dates of Internship, UConn Internship Instructor

BRIEF HISTORY OF HOST COMPANY with details on specific changes/trends within the past 12 months and MISSION STATEMENT.

HOST COMPANY’S CURRENT OFFERING(S). Identify up to two of the HOST COMPANY’s current “offerings” (brand/product/ service) or “offerings” under development. Detail the following. Target Audience – profile the target audience (e.g., customer profile: demographics, psychographic, geographic;

business profile: client size, geographic). Pricing Strategy – detail the pricing policies, e.g., penetration pricing, market leader pricing. Distribution Strategy – describe the distribution channels used to get this offering to the target customer Promotions Strategy – discuss advertising, promotion, digital media activities designed to communicate with the

target customers. Sales Strategy – discuss sales plan to develop new business and maintain business relationships.

COMPETITOR ANALYSIS. Who are the key competitors for this product/audience? What are their competencies? How do the competitors rate relative to the HOST Company? Below is an example of how to present this analysis. Tailor this chart to communicate the competitive analysis related to the HOST Company.


Key element of positioning






Other key attributes relevant to the Host Company

SWOT ANALYSIS. Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats Analysis. Strengths and Weaknesses are evident from an internal analysis of the company, whereas, Opportunities and Threats are evident from an environmental analysis related to the company. Complete the following SWOT CHART for the HOST COMPANY.


A firm’s strengths are its resources and competencies. What does the HOST COMPANY do well particularly relative to the competition? Examples might include strong brand/corporate image, competitive pricing model, intellectual capital, strong channel relationships.

What could the HOST COMPANY improve upon particularly relative to the competition? What are the weaknesses within the company? Weaknesses are often the flipside of strengths, e.g., unknown reputation, lack of competitive pricing, etc.


What are the opportunities for growth? Examples might include: unfulfilled customer needs, new target audiences, new product development opportunities, new media strategies, regulatory changes.

What trends could harm the company?Examples include: competitive actions, mergers, environmental policies, regulatory changes, economic conditions.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Highlight the important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for HOST Company. Provide conclusions and recommendations based upon the market analysis.

PRESENTATION MECHANICS. Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.

PRESENTATION ORGANIZATION. Logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow.


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INTERN EVALUATION FORM(to be completed by UConn Instructor)

Student Intern: _________________________________ NETID: _________________________

UConn Instructor: _______________________________________________________________

Evaluation Component Points Possible

Internship Role and Responsibilities 10Describe the role of the internship job (department/reporting/ responsibilities) 3Describe the role this job (or department) plays in the big picture strategic analysis of the host company


Introspection and the Internship 10Describe why you took this internship. Conduct a before/after analysis of your personal/professional skill set and the effect of the internship on your personal/ professional skill set


Determine how this internship experience has influenced your future career plans. 5

Host Company Market Analysis (see page 5 for details ) 35Presentation Components

Presentation Mechanics 2Presentation Organization 6

Host Company Market Analysis Presentation (see details below) 20Nonverbal Skills 10

Verbal Skills 10

Host Company Evaluation (see page 7) 25



Points awarded5

Points awarded4

Points awarded3

Points awarded2

EYE CONTACT Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes.

Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes.

Displays minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes.

No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes.

POISE Student displays relaxed, self-confident nature about self, with no mistakes.

Makes minor mistakes, but quickly recovers from them; displays little or no tension.

Displays mild tension; has trouble recovering from mistakes.

Tension and nervousness is obvious; has trouble recovering from mistakes.

VERBAL SKILLS Points awarded5

Points awarded4

Points awarded3

Points awarded2

ENTHUSIASM Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic during entire presentation.

Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic.

Shows some negativity toward topic presented.

Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented.

ELOCUTION Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation.

Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation.

Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.

Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for a majority of students to hear.


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University of Connecticut

School of Business2009 Marketing Internship Program

3BHost Company Evaluation Form

Host Company: _______________________________________________________________________

Student Intern: _______________________________________________________________________Dates of employment: _________________________________________________________________

Please indicate your evaluation of the student named above on the following characteristics. Evaluation of Student Intern


Below Average


Above Average


Analytical skillsConceptual abilitiesInterpersonal abilitiesCommunication skillsProfessionalism (attitude, appearance)Punctuality, DependabilityOverall job performanceAssessment of Market Analysis

Future interest in Intern Yes NoWe plan to offer this student full-time employment.If we had a position available, we would offer this student a full-time position.

Future interest in UConn Interns Yes NoWe would like to participate in your internship next year.

Additional comments related to this student intern or the UConn internship program

Supervisor’s Name (Print):_________________________________________ Title: ______________________

______________________________________________ ________________Supervisor’s Signature Date

Please email to:HU [email protected] U

Susan Ruggiero, University of ConnecticutMarketing Internship Unit 1041-MKTG

2100 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT 06269-1041


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University of Connecticut

School of BusinessMarketing Department

4BUSALES INTERNU Application Form - Summer 2009

Applicant’s Name: _____________________________________________________________

Contact Information

Identification PeopleSoft: NetID:

Husky e-mail

Cell Phone #

Summer 2009 Address

**ATTACH RESUME: Your application will not be processed unless your resume is attached.

Employment Interest: List desired industries and/or companies in order of preference.




Location of interest

City, State

Radius you are willing to travel

Special Requirements: Please identify

Return by Husky e-mail to:HU [email protected] U

Susan Ruggiero, University of ConnecticutMarketing Internship Unit 1041-MKTG

2100 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT 06269-1041


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University of Connecticut

School of BusinessMarketing Department

5BUMARKETING INTERNU Application Form - Summer 2009

Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________________________________

Contact Information

Identification PeopleSoft: NetID:


Cell Phone #

Summer 2009 Address

**ATTACH RESUME: Your application will not be processed unless your resume is attached.

List employment interest: Marketing Research, Branding, Advertising, Marketing, PR, Sales Promotion, Sales Support

List desired industries/companies

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Preferred location

City, State

Radius you are willing to travel

Special Requirements: Please specify

Return by Husky e-mail to:HU [email protected] U

Susan Ruggiero, University of ConnecticutMarketing Internship Unit 1041-MKTG

2100 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT 06269-1041


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University of ConnecticutSchool of Business

2009 Marketing Internship ProgramHost Company Application Form

Company Information

Company Name

Company Address

Company Website

Contact Person



Telephone: e-mail:

Intern Supervisor



Telephone: e-mail:


Brief description of job duties

Special skills needed

Wage Hourly wage: $ Not Paid

Internship dates From: To:

My company and company employees agree to adhere to the requirements of the University of Connecticut School of Business 2009 Marketing Department Internship Program which includes [Name of Company]’s evaluation of the student upon the Internship’s completion.

I understand that by participating in the Marketing Internship Program, student interns will be permitted to use information acquired during the Internship for educational purposes, including, but not limited to, presentations and other student assignments. Such information may include, but will not be limited to, [Name of Company]’s strengths and weaknesses, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, promotions strategy, sales strategy and target audience. I understand that this information will not be used for any purpose other than educational purposes. On behalf of [Name of Company], I consent to such activities.

______________________________________ ____________________________Internship Supervisor DateDuly Authorized