“Important thing is not to prevent those possible ...Rikagaku Kenkyujo about a big computer “Is...

Post on 26-Jan-2020

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Transcript of “Important thing is not to prevent those possible ...Rikagaku Kenkyujo about a big computer “Is...



――What kinds of competencies, capabilities or skills or mindsets are required to become (a great scientist)?You are asking another difficult question to answer. What I did is just I concentrated on the project which I felt I should do. It was not an issue assigned to me by somebody else. Instead it was a thing which I felt I should do. In that case, even if I encounter difficulty, I don't want to give it up, I somehow overcome this difficulty. So it is very important to have some project which you really want to

do. ―― I t h a s b e e n s a i d t h a t science has been getting less popular among the young. What should teachers in schools and professors at universities do to make science more attractive and interesting for students? People say things like that quite often but I do not think everybody should get interested in science. There are people who are just interested in music, or in pictures. Certain fraction of people can get interested in science. Important thing is not to prevent those possible scientists from getting interested in science. The most visible cause of making young people away from science is a teacher who teaches science, even though he himself doesn't like

science. If the teacher does not like science, the children who learned science from this teacher never liked science. Therefore, sometime ago, I suggested to the Minister of Education that if you are in difficulty in getting more budget then why don't you send some of the graduate school students who are learning physics and astronomies and so forth and tell them to go back to their own mother school and teach the younger generation of what they are learning at graduate school? And then, for those students, you can reduce amount of scholarship which they have to return. Then you don't need additional budget source. That is one possibility.

Another possibil i ty is that all over Japan in the primary


“Important thing is not to prevent those possible scientists from getting interested in science.”





小柴昌俊Masatoshi Koshiba




  school, one teacher becomes in charge of one schoolroom, about 40 children, and this teacher teaches science and Japanese both. But not all the teachers like science but instead this teacher can be very good in teaching Japanese or literature, but he just hates science, Rika. So what you can do if you can't spend more budget, then why don't you divide all that elementary school teachers into two groups: science-type teachers and literature-type teachers? And make a pair and let this pair of teachers take care of two school rooms then you don't need additional budget. The Minister of Education to whom I talked these things said “Oh that is a very good idea”. But unfortunately, three months later he was fired.

――Last year budget cuts for science and technology attracted much public attention, d o y o u t h i n k J a p a n e s e government should expand its investment in, for example, basic research even though it takes long time to make results?I will talk about only basic science because in the case of applied science they can make

a very strong argument that this research will lead to very useful things which produce profits to such and such industries and so for th . But when i t comes to basic science, you cannot use that argument. For instance, even if you get a good knowledge about neutrinos, what's the good of? It doesn't produce any profits, therefore research in basic science cannot depend on industry. That is quite certain. If the national government doesn't recognize this fact and do something about this, then there will be no basic science research in this country. So therefore if a country wants to be a country of culture then the government should a priori put aside certain percentage of national budget for research in basic science. How many percent depend on how the government feels about their country's cultural degree. Therefore I was surpr ised when a lady minister asked the Rikagaku Kenkyujo about a big computer “Is it necessary to be a first class, why not second class?” Well in the frontiers of research, only the first one is meaningful, second one, you don't have to do it. Right? So

this lady minister must be very good in judging the applied science but she just doesn't understand what basic science is.

―― Except for a budget aspect, what is important for Japan to continue to produce innovative ideas and innovative scientists to compete with other emerging countries such as China, South Korea and India? What can government do?Well Japan has been doing rather well in this field. You can judge, for instance, 1.3 billion people in China, but so far there are only three Chinese origin physicists who received the Nobel Prize. All of them went to the United Stated when they were very young, got educated there and did research there. And for that research, they received the Nobel Prize. Therefore their activities does not produce any direct impact on the young people in China. The same is true in India. On the other hand, in this country, there have been quite a few Nobel laureates. Some of those people did work in this country together with young people here. Right? This is a big difference.

――偉大な科学者になるためには、どのような資質やスキルや発想が必要でしょうか? あなたは難しい質問をまたしましたね。私がしてきたことは、ただ自分がすべきだと感じたプロジェクトに集中することです。誰かに課せられたテーマで



大学の教授は何をすべきでしょうか。 そうした意見はよく聞かれます。しかし、私はすべての人が科学に興味を持つべきだとは思っていません。音楽や絵画のほうに興味を抱く人もいるでしょうから、ある一定数の人間が科学に興味を持てばいいのです。大事なことは、科学者の卵を科学から遠ざけないことです。若者を科学離れにしている最大の理由は、科学嫌いの先生が科学を教えている




――昨年は科学技術予算の削減が大きな話題となりました。たとえ結果が出るまでに長い時間がかかっても、日本の科学予算、とりわけ基礎科学に対する予算を拡大すべきだと思いますか? 私は基礎科学についてだけ話します。応用科学については、「将来この研究はこれこれの産業の利益につながります」というような説得力のある主張ができます。しかし、基礎科学については、こうした主張ができません。たとえば、ニュートリノの知識をもっていても、それが企業の利益につながるわけではありませんので、基礎科学は産業に頼ることができないのです。もし政府がそのことを認識せず、何もしなければ、この国から基礎科学の研究は消えてしまいます。ですから、もしこの国が文化大国でありたいのであれば、国家予算の一定割合を基礎科学に振り分けると事前に決めておくべきです。その割合が何%になるかは、その国が自国の文化水準をどう考えているかによります。 例の女性大臣が、スーパーコンピューターに関して「世界一になる必要はあるのでしょうか?二位ではダメなのでしょうか」と理化学研究所に質問したとき、私は驚きました。最先端の科学においては、一番だけに意味があるのです。二番


――日本が革新的なアイディアや科学者を生み出し、中国、韓国、インドといった新興国との競争に勝ち続けるために、予算面以外で重要なことは何ですか? 科学分野において日本はかなりうまくやっています。たとえば、中国には13億人の人口がいますが、中国出身のノーベル物理学賞受賞者は3人しかいません。しかもその3人は全員、幼少期に渡米しています。教育を受けたのも、研究活動を行ったのもアメリカです。彼らのアメリカでの研究に対して、ノーベル賞が授与されたのです。したがって、彼らの活動は中国の若者になんら直接的なインパクトを与えていないのです。同じことはインドにも言えます。その一方、この国にはかなりの数のノーベル賞受賞者がいますが、その幾人かは日本国内で若者とともに研究活動を行っています。これは中国、インドとの大きな違いなのです。