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Transcript of “DOING THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT” · “DOING THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT ... Director of the Civil...


29–30 September 2011 Warsaw, Poland




Head of the Civil Service in Poland


Director of the Civil Service Department, Poland

Director General to EUPAN

In past decades European public administrations have been confronted with a number of challenges and opportunities allowing them to grow towards being more result-oriented organisations. Governments have had to become more responsive to society’s needs and demands. Public sector organisations are being reformed in order to provide better, faster and more services; the citizen/user has a prominent place in these reforms.

This debate is often dominated by the principle of doing more with the same, or doing the same with less. This perspective of efficiency thinking is crucial for today’s public sector organisations all over Europe. The only risk with this dynamic way of “doing things right” is the lack of the final impact or the link with the mission and core task of the public sector. In doing things right, are we still doing the right things?

It has become obvious that only outcome thinking may enable administrations to follow and enhance developments of dynamic changes, to assist demographically changing societies, to ensure countries’ sustainability in times of crisis and actively respond to the growing expectations of all kinds of customers.




During the two-day conference we will try to provide an insight into the different aspects of effectiveness and efficiency of public administration. We will be looking for tips and good ideas on aspects of management and leadership, cooperation, social openness and necessary cultural change in organisations. By conversing with speakers and participants we will try to answer the questions of how all of the abovementioned themes support the delivery of high quality services to citizens and how they may influence the image of public administration as a whole. The four main topics are:

1. From micro-management to meta-management. Outcome resulted management takes place across and beyond organisational borders. Thinking in chain and network constructions is crucial.

2. Citizen/Customer Effectiveness. Can the involvement of citizens /customers support organisations to work in a more result-oriented way?

3. Towards result-oriented leadership in public sector organisations. If public managers are accountable for the policy and the results of the organisation, are they also given the autonomy to manage? This topic is about letting managers manage and making them manage.

4. Installing a culture of result-oriented thinking in public sector organisations.

Target group

Top managers, policy advisors and other key actors who have an influence on the strategy building and management of public sector institutions. Up to 320 participants – representatives from European public administrations – are expected.



The Previous Quality Conferences

5th QC Paris, France 20-22 October 2008 Main themes: Improving Citizens’ Life, Citizen Participation, New Key Social Issues, Involving All Stakeholders for Quality

4th QC Tempere, Finland 27-29 September 2006 Main themes: Delivering Strategy, Ensuring Productivity, Fostering Responsiveness, Managing Knowledge

3rd QC Rotterdam, Netherlands 15-17 September 2004 Main themes: Leadership, Customer Orientation, e-Government, Partnerships, Change Management, Measurements, TQM Models, Cost-effectivness, Staff Development

2nd QC Copenhagen, Denmark 2-4 October 2002 Main themes: Innovation, Change and Partnership

1st QC Lisbon, Portugal 10-12 May 2000 Main themes: New Millenium, New Public Management, Total Quality Management, Internet and the New Technology, Citizen Orientation



Thursday 29th September

900 - 1000 OPENING Welcoming and opening speeches Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament (video)

Sławomir Brodzioski, Head of the Civil Service in Poland 1st PLENARY SESSION

“Public sector outcome thinking”

Distinguished Fellow Harry Hatry, Urban Institute (USA)

Harry P. Hatry is a Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Public Management Program for the Urban Institute. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and was a member of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s Performance Measurement Advisory Committee and the U.S. Department of Education's Evaluation Review Panel. He received the 1985 Elmer B. Staats Award for Excellence in Program Evaluation and the 1984 American Society for Public Administration Award as the "Outstanding Contributor to the Literature of Management Science and Policy Science." In 1993 he was a recipient of a National Public Service Award, presented jointly by the National Academy of Public Administration and the American Society for Public Administration. In 1996, he received the "Evaluator of the Year" award from the Washington Evaluators Association. In 1999 the Center for Accountability and Performance of the American Society of Public Administration presented him with a lifetime achievement award for his work in performance measurement and established the "Harry Hatry Award for Distinguished Practice in Performance Measurement."



1000 - 1100 1st PARALLEL SESSION Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine): towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers

Session 1.3 Building results management information systems

Labour Inspectorate (Estonia): creation of a result-oriented management model and simple indicator management system

Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office (Poland): towards result orientation by managing by objectives and annual action planning

Session 1.4 Working towards results cross-authority

Ministry of Education in Land Hesse (Germany): introduction of portfolio management in the Hessian Ministry of Education

Communication Regulatory Authority (Lithuania): developing a multi-actor project against the threats of the internet

Thursday 29th September



1000 - 1100 1st PARALLEL SESSION Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine): towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers

Session 1.3 Building results management information systems

Labour Inspectorate (Estonia): creation of a result-oriented management model and simple indicator management system

Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office (Poland): towards result orientation by managing by objectives and annual action planning

Session 1.4 Working towards results cross-authority

Ministry of Education in Land Hesse (Germany): introduction of portfolio management in the Hessian Ministry of Education

Communication Regulatory Authority (Lithuania): developing a multi-actor project against the threats of the internet

Thursday 29th September



1130 - 1215 2nd PLENARY SESSION

“Managing networks” Prof. Dr Szczepan Figiel, University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland) Szczepan Figiel is a professor of economics at the University of Warmia

and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM), Poland. In 1990/91 he was a Leverhulme Trust research fellow at Reading University in England and in 1997 a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota, USA. In 2003 he received a degree of doctor habilitated from Warsaw School of Economics. His major areas of research and professional interest are market analysis, managerial economics, managerial education, and recently microeconomics of competitiveness. Author of about two hundred articles, papers and research reports, as well as, several books.

In the 1990’s he was extensively involved in implementation of various educational and consulting projects in the area of economics and management sponsored by the USAID, the World Bank and the UE. Since 1999 he has been director of International Center for Business and Public Management at UWM, where such managerial programs as MPA (Master of Public Affairs) and MBA were offered in cooperation with international partners. Currently he serves as a Vice Rector for the University Development. His capacity also includes coordination of the nationwide research and development project “E-government for the development of Polish administration. Increase in the competitiveness of enterprises using innovative reference models of public administration” financed in the framework Operational Programme - Innovative Economy (OP IE).

Thursday 29th September



1215 - 1330 2nd PARALLEL SESSION Session 2.1 Internal coordination towards better results

Office of the State Government of Upper Austria (Austria): outcome-oriented administration – standardised planning and controlling instruments

Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection (Poland): increase the effectiveness by developing a common quality system in decentralised bodies

Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries (Belgium): a farmer-centric e-Government approach

Session 2.2 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

National Agency of Civil Servants (Romania): increasing the degree of satisfaction among citizens

Multicultural Cohesion Office (Switzerland): civic rights and integration to understand citizenship and exercise it Fuldy

Session 2.3 Steering towards results

Agency for Public Management and e-Government (Norway): success and failures with result-oriented management in the public sector in Norway – lessons learned from 20 years of performance management and the aftermath of New Public Management

Swedish Agency for Public Management (Sweden): special evaluation agencies – managing and being managed

Management Efficiency Unit (Malta): towards Better Governance in the Maltese public administration

Session 2.4 Culture of results: management information systems

Electricity Authority of Cyprus (Cyprus): integrated business planning through systematic deployment of key process indicators in an electric utility

National Health Insurance Fund (Lithuania): monitoring performance at the National Health Insurance Fund

Regional Directorate for Organisation and Public Administration (Portugal): defining and implementing a management model

Thursday 29th September



1500 - 1615 3rd PARALLEL SESSION Session 3.1 Applying a horizontal network approach to achieving better results

Danish Immigration Service (Denmark): a cross-authority LEAN management approach to reorganising the asylum procedure

Ministry of Brussels-Capital Region/Urban planning and housing administration (Belgium): Nova – creating a regional information platform on urbanism and environment built upon strong partnerships

Tax Chamber in Bydgoszcz (Poland): establishing the E-commerce Monitoring Unit in the Tax Chamber of Bydgoszcz

Session 3.2 Achieving better results by focusing on and involving target groups of citizens/customers

Mayor’s Office Debrecen (Hungary): the development of a civil strategy in the Mayor’s Office Debrecen

6° Istituto Comprensivo Statale “Bruno Ciari”, Padua (Italy): a school for everybody – achieving excellent results by placing the citizen/customer at the centre

Care and Work Centre “Tončka Hočevar” (Slovenia): translating stakeholder needs into service delivery

Session 3.3 Impact of leaders on installing a result-oriented culture

City of Mannheim (Germany): CHANGE² – the necessary support from (political and administrative) leadership in achieving a result-oriented organisation

Ministry for Civil Service and Administrative Reform/Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (Luxembourg): a collective and result-oriented approach for the definition of an improvement plan

Mayor’s Office, Szolnok (Hungary): the benefits for leaders in working with a performance management information system

Session 3.4 Promoting result thinking by installing an integrated management system

Tampere College (Finland): effective management – the case of Tampere College

National Employment Service (Hungary): the process and introduction of the partner oriented quality model

Department of Welfare, Public Health and Family (Belgium): keeping count - a well-deliberated approach to efficiency and effectiveness in the public entities of the welfare, public health and family policy areas

Thursday 29th September



1645 - 1730 3rd PLENARY SESSION

“Building a result-oriented government: engaging internal and external stakeholders” Mario Marcel, Deputy Director, Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD

Mario Marcel is the Deputy Director of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate at the OECD, he provides leadership on issues like Reform of the Public Sector, Anti Corruption, Regulatory Policy, Budgeting and Public Expenditure and Territorial Development.

Prior to joining the OECD, Mr. Marcel was Manager of the Institutional Capacity and Finance Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank. Before that, he did economic research at the Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN), and was Director of the Budget Office in the Ministry of Finance in Chile for six years.

He led successful initiatives aimed at improving public governance in Chile, being recognized as a Regional Leader in Management for Development Results in 2009. At the IADB he developed a substantial agenda of public reform initiatives in more than 20 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Of Chilean and Spanish nationality, Mr. Marcel holds an M. Phil. degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge, UK.

CLOSING WORDS Dagmir Długosz, Director of the Civil Service Department, Poland Director General to EUPAN

Thursday 29th September



1800 – 2130 SOCIAL EVENT

Bus transfer and the sightseeing on the way to

the gallery Chopin’s music concert by Prof. Jerzy Romaniuk

at The Porczynski Gallery Dinner Bus transfer to the hotels

Thursday 29th September



The Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II in Warsaw arose out of the private gift of one family. In 1986, Janina and Zbigniew Carroll-Porczynski donated a rich collection of Western European art, amounting to almost 400 paintings and sculptures which had been assembled over many years, to the Church and the Nation. In the following years they enlarged the gift by over 50 paintings and sculptures.

The collection gathered by the Porczynskis was initially exhibited at the Museum of the Archdiocese of Warsaw, and then, in 1989, upon the basis of an agreement between the two founders, the Primate of Poland and the Minister of Arts and Culture, it was established as a separate museum. The authorities of the capital city, Warsaw, granted the use of the historical Bank of Poland building, which was built between 1825-1829 in accordance with the design of the prominent architect Antonio Corazzi, for the purpose of exhibiting the collection. From its very beginning until the present time, the Museum was and is maintained from funds donated to Fundacja Arteks [a Polish charitable foundation] by Janina and Zbigniew Carroll-Porczynski.



Friday 30th September

900 - 1000 OPENING Dagmir Długosz, Director of the Civil Service Department, Poland Director General to EUPAN 4th PLENARY SESSION

“Let Managers Manage or Managing in a Golden Cage” Prof. Dr Geert Bouckaert, Director Public Management Institute, Catholic University of Leuven

Professor at the Public Management Institute of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and Visiting Professor Universität Potsdam (Germany). In the past he cooperated among others with the Universiteit Twente (The Netherlands), Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer (Germany).

Professor Bouckaert has played the role of advisor to the public sector, including the Finnish government, the Flemish government for its modernisation programme (1992-1998), the OECD for the 'Performance Measurement' part of the project 'Performance, Accountability and Control' (1992-1993).

Actively involved in scientific organisations and working groups in ENA à Paris, the French Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industry, Scientific Committee of the European Public Administration Network, European Group of Public Administration.

On 25 May 2010, the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration has awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of NSPSPA to Geert Bouckaert. January 22th 2010, prof. dr Geert Bouckaert receives his third doctorate honoris causa from the Corvinus University of Budapest. This university rewards with this title those persons who pursue outstanding and internationally recognized scientific and public activity.



1000 - 1115 4th PARALLEL SESSION Session 4.1 Working towards results cross-authority

Swedish Agency for Public Management (Sweden): from several to one – the benefits of mono-agencies

General Secretariat of Public Administration and E-Government (Greece): “Cl@rity” Programme – publication of every government decision on the internet; the “Task Force” project management approach

Session 4.2 Citizen/customer involvement in policy implementation

Agency for the Public Services Reform (Portugal): the Simplex programme – reducing administrative burdens by involving citizens/customers

General Directorate for State Modernisation (France): from measuring satisfaction to action – looking at the results of the 2010 study on life events

Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations (NL): an informal pro-active approach model in complaints handling

Session 4.3 Creating the conditions for result-oriented leadership

Wallonia-Brussels Federation of Belgium (Belgium): the mandates system – towards result-oriented and result thinking leaders

The First Tax Office in Opole (Poland): the result-oriented leadership system designed in the First Tax Office in Opole to achieve strategic objectives and policies

Session 4.4 Effective change management towards a result oriented organisational culture

Supreme Audit Office (Slovakia): modernisation of the public sector – towards doing the right things more effectively

Flemish Waterworks Company (Belgium): realisation of an (almost) paperless office

Chamber of Commerce of Campobasso (Italy): Project “Total Click” – accepting the challenge of a digital public administration

Friday 30th September



1130 - 1215 5th PLENARY SESSION

“The Common Assessment as an instrument for introducing a result-oriented culture in public sector”

Patrick Staes, European CAF Resource Centre, EIPA – Maastricht Patrick Staes is the head of the European CAF Resource Centre at EIPA. As

Belgian National secondee at EIPA he has more than 25 years of experience in public administration as a civil servant (the ministry of justice, science and public administration respectively, in the latter one he acts as advisory-general on organisational improvement issues for the Belgian federal government). Since the end of the ’90 he was national CAF correspondent for Belgium and since 2004, he is in charge of the CAF Resource Centre at EIPA. As head of the CAF Resource Centre, Mr Staes is responsible for the spread, the conceptual development and topical evolution of the CAF. The last years the number of CAF users is growing and more and more member states show interest. As the head of the CAF Resource centre Mr Staes chairs the network of national CAF Correspondents as part of the IPSG group in EUPAN. Together with the CAF team in EIPA, he carries out research on CAF, publishes a number of articles on public sector quality management, gives numerous speeches and trainings on CAF and supports a number of organisations in applying the CAF.

Friday 30th September



1215 - 1315 PANEL DISCUSSION Panellists:

Prof. Dr Geert Bouckaert, Director Public Management Institute, Catholic University of Leuven

Fernando Garcia Ferreiro, European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security - DG's Principal Adviser on HR professionalisation

Distinguished Fellow Harry Hatry, Urban Institute (USA)

Patrick Staes, European CAF Resource Centre, EIPA – Maastricht


Nick Thijs, European CAF Resource Centre, EIPA – Maastricht

CLOSING WORDS Dagmir Długosz, Director of the Civil Service Department, Poland Director General to EUPAN

Friday 30th September



Roof Garden

Maps / Plans

17 18

date / hours session number

key-note speaker room

ALL PLENARY SESSIONS 29-09-2011 915 – 1000 1st Distinguished Fellow Harry Hatry



29-09-2011 1130 – 1215 2nd Prof. Dr Szczepan Figiel

(Poland) 29-09-2011 1645 – 1730 3rd Mario Marcel

(OECD) 30-09-2011 915 – 1000 4th Prof. Dr Geert Bouckaert

(Belgium) 30-09-2011 1130 – 1215 5th Patrick Staes



date / hours session number case presenter facilitator room


29-09-2011 1000 – 1100


Rosmarie DREXLER (Austria) Johanna

NURMI (Finland)





(Spain) Sławomir WYSOCKI (Poland)





(Estonia) Jack HAMANDE (Belgium)




Udo GIEGERICH (Germany) Matthias





date / hours session number case presenter facilitator room


29-09-2011 1215 – 1330


Margot NAZZAL (Austria)

Consuelo HIDALGO



(Poland) Jan

JACOBS (Belgium)



(Romania) Marie-Agnès DELÉGLISE


FACCHINETTI (Switzerland)



(Norway) Petter




(Sweden) John




(Cyprus) Jack

HAMANDE (Belgium)


LOGMINIENĖ (Lithuania)




date / hours session number case presenter facilitator room


29-09-2011 1500 – 1615


Jakob Dam GLYNSTRUP (Denmark)

Jacek ŁUCZAK (Poland)


VERHAEGHE (Belgium) Wojciech



József PETŐ

(Hungary) Panagiotis

PASSAS (Greece)

BELWEDER I Niccoletta

CIPOLLI (Italy) Nadja

GANTAR (Slovenia)


Ulrich Hörning

(Germany) Michael




(Luxemburg) László

MOLNÁR (Hungary)




Albert HOFMEISTER (Switzerland)



(Hungary) Frank

KUYLEN (Belgium)


date / hours session number case presenter facilitator room


30-09-2011 1000 – 1115


Anna PAULOFF (Sweden) Jens

MOTEL (Germany)





(Portugal) Monica

DIMITRIU (Romania)







(Belgium) Fernando GARCIA





Zdenko KOVÁČ

(Slovakia) Monika



Bruno JEURISSEN (Belgium)

Maria LIBERTI (Italy)


Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.










Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.









Session 1.3 Building results management information systems

Labour Inspectorate (Estonia): creation of a result-oriented management model

and simple indicator management system The Strategy of the Labour Inspectorate of Estonia was built up based on the Balanced Scorecard and analytical inputs from the CAF and the PEST analyses. The Strategy is related to process management, the system of competences and the system of risks, all of which are supported by indicators.

Management of indicators posed some problems, namely, how to manage indicators together as a whole. Moreover, how can they be easily presented and accessible to all the staff of the organisation? To solve this problem a pragmatic solution was found.

Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office (Poland):

towards result orientation by managing by objectives and annual action planning The Transparency and Thrift Cost Project constitutes management sources of information and provides the basis for any key decisions taken within the Mazovia Provincial Office (MPO) at every level of management. It is also one of the most important circumstances which allow precise annual targets to be set and monitored for the whole office and its agencies within the scope of the Annual Action Plan.

These projects were carried out to materialise the mission, vision and values of MPO formulated by the ISO Standard Development Procedures with the participation of middle- and high-level managers. MPO’s mission is defined as “Voivode is the government closer to the society”, which reflects the government’s priorities. All the initiatives taken by MPO are the way to fulfil these priorities. Experiences taken from the preparation and implementation of the Project can be used to help other public offices to build their effective management models based on management overview.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 1.4 Working towards results cross-authority

Ministry of Education in Land Hesse (Germany): introduction of portfolio management in the Hessian Ministry of Education

In order to meet the increasing demands on the school system of the State of Hesse and to guarantee a sustained development, the Hessian Ministry of Education (HKM) implements projects involving schools of all types and education administrators.

The aim is to coordinate, steer and support measures of major strategic importance by portfolio management (PPM) in a cross-sectoral and outcome-oriented way.

The PPM is meant to make the best possible contribution towards achieving the strategic aims of the HKM by prioritising the projects, using project management standards and targeted focusing of the project portfolio.

Communication Regulatory Authority (Lithuania):

developing a multi-actor project against the threats of the internet Under the EU programme “Safer Internet Plus”, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT) has been implementing in 2009 and 2010 the project “Safer Internet”. The creation of documentary film “The Net” was the main awareness-raising tool of this project. The film was dedicated to children’s safety on the internet. Famous Lithuanian artists, psychologists, representatives of state institutions, businesses and international organisations shared their experiences, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the internet and gave pieces of advice to parents on where to focus their attention.

The objective of this film was to remind parents of their duty to care about children’s safety at the computer and on the internet. A number of governmental institutions, private sector organisations and NGOs agreed to take part in the project. The presentation will answer the questions: What were the outcome goals of this particular project and how were they defined? How was this network of stakeholders coordinated and managed with the focus on shared responsibilities? How was this shared responsibility and accountability established and organised?









Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.










Session 2.1 Internal coordination towards better results

Office of the State Government of Upper Austria (Austria ): outcome-oriented administration

– standardised planning and controlling instruments The case focuses on the implementation of a new public management system ("impact-oriented administration", so-called "WOV 2021"), which officially started in 2003. The WOV 2021 Governance Code allows us to measure the effectiveness of around 2,600 services from health and youth care to traffic infrastructure, etc. that are offered by the State Government of Upper Austria. The implementation has reached a mature status and has also been continued after elections in 2009.

A strict hierarchy of impact oriented, standardised planning and controlling instruments guides through all organisational levels from long-term general concepts to strategic plans, milestones and detailed one-year goals and target agreements. All our employees (about 21.000) are directly or indirectly integrated in the process through annual target agreements. The control cycle enables us to measure whether the planned effects have been achieved and the requirements met.

Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection (Poland):

increase the effectiveness by developing a common quality system in decentralised bodies

Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection accomplishes its tasks by: - Chief Inspector with the support of the Main Inspectorate as a part of the central

governmental body, - Voivodes with the support of Voivodeship Inspectors as heads of the Voivodeship

Inspectorates at the regional level.

Despite the autonomy and organisation individuality of the Main Inspectorate and 16 Voivodship Inspectorates, the uniform quality management system according to the international standard ISO 9001 has been implemented and later on certified in both Main and Voivodeship Inspectorates.

Although nowadays implementation of quality management systems is quite popular in the public sector, still implementation of a common system in separated public bodies (central and regional) is a significant challenge, which gives us following benefits:

- integration of the Inspection, - increase in quality control effectiveness, - improvement in communication at the operational level, - building a positive public image of the whole organization and increase in consumers’

confidence toward the Inspection as a public authority, as well as - reduction of the cost of the certification system.

Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries (Belgium):

a farmer-centric e-Government approach Getting two government agencies to work together can be like trying to get a camel through the eye of a needle. Nevertheless the Flemish agency for Agriculture and Fisheries embarked on just such a quest when they initiated an ambitious programme to drastically diminish the administrative burden imposed upon farmers by merging two elaborate land-parcel declarations into one. Find out how the agricultural and environmental agencies set aside their ardent rivalry and achieved great results by focusing on citizens’ interest, using authentic data sources, integrating the back-office before even considering the front-office and actively seeking support at the political level. After more then four years of (mandatory) inter-governmental collaboration we seem to be getting the hang of it and are ready to disclose one or two tips and tricks that made all the difference.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 2.2 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

National Agency of Civil Servants (Romania):

increasing the degree of satisfaction among citizens Considering that the citizen’s satisfaction is a very important standard to improve the quality and efficacy of civil service, the National Agency of Civil Servants (NACS) from Romania has continued the development of projects within a civil society partnership.

Thus, NACS implemented a project in 2010 which had significant results with maximum impact and minimal resources, contributing to the increase in the degree of prevention and combat against corruption at local level, thus promoting integrity, ethics, transparency, accountability and good governance, and educating citizens on active involvement in identifying and combating corruption. In order to strengthen public-private partnerships, reduce vulnerability to corruption and strengthen the integrity of local public administration, Local Action Groups were established, comprising representatives of public authorities and local NGOs, which have ever since been contributing to the decision-making and implementation of administrative acts, and which have also been supporting local initiatives and promoting citizens' proposals to improve public service performance.

The cooperation has enhanced the credibility of local public authorities and institutions, increased citizens’ trust in those, as well as improving the quality of public services and the degree of citizens’ satisfaction.

Multicultural Cohesion Office (Switzerland):

civic rights and integration to understand citizenship and exercise it fully "The civic right and Integration" approach contributes to strengthening the exercise of citizenship of the immigrants and the population of Neuchâtel as a whole. To promote the exercise of citizenship and improve the understanding of its foundations, the Canton of Neuchâtel undertook a unique approach not only with newcomers but also with the resident population as a whole. The backbone of the project consists of the Citizens Charter which is disseminated on a broad scale in addition to the welcoming programme for newcomers.

This approach of civic empowerment – which consists of encouraging the inhabitants of the canton to exercise their civic rights, to reach a better understanding of citizenship and to make them aware, upon their arrival, of the constitutional rules – can be easily adapted and transferred to other contexts. The Citizen Charter represents a first for Switzerland and meets the need for information as expressed by modern societies marked by strong migratory flows, where it is felt that a base of common values is needed.









Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.










Session 2.3 Steering towards results

Agency for Public Management and e-Government (Norway): success and failures with result-oriented management in the public sector in Norway – lessons learned from 20 years of performance management

and the aftermath of New Public Management Performance Management is more than a technical implementation of a result-oriented system. The case will emphasise leadership challenges, and how to manage users with huge expectations of the services, civil servants with huge expectations of their working place and an upcoming discussion among politicians on whether the public agencies have become too independent and whether a stronger political involvement is needed. The case will show some of the initiatives that are taken to improve the relationship between political and administrative managers and how to develop a more result-oriented management in the public sector.

Swedish Agency for Public Management (Sweden):

special evaluation agencies – managing and being managed In the Swedish performance management system, public organisations are given a set of results they are expected to achieve, but no detailed prescriptions on how to achieve those results. Hence, the ability of the organisation to deliver result information is crucial. However, when enforcing accountability, it is seldom sufficient to rely solely on information from the implementing organisation: evaluation is needed. In Sweden, a phenomenon that appears to be increasingly common is the setting up of special evaluation agencies that are autonomous in relation to policy implementation. In the past few years alone, several new agencies have been created. At the same time, we know fairly little about this development. What are the drivers underlying the setting up of evaluation agencies? What should these agencies do and how are they being managed? These are questions answered in this session.

Management Efficiency Unit (Malta):

towards Better Governance in the Maltese public administration In the last eight years, the Maltese Public Administration has had to face a number of changes as a result of the country becoming a full Member State of the European Union, transposing EU legislation, becoming a Eurozone Member, and meeting the challenges arising from global and regional events.

All these challenges were addressed in a scenario whereby the size of the Maltese public administration was being streamlined and processes introduced to make the public administration run in a more business-like manner.

In order to achieve better governance, the Maltese public administration introduced the concept of Public Service Agreements. The presentation will expand on the success of this programme.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 2.4 Culture of results: management information systems

Electricity Authority of Cyprus (Cyprus): integrated business planning through systematic deployment

of key process indicators in an electric utility Effective Business Planning is important for any organisation. Integrated Business Planning with full deployment of Key Performance Indicators is vital to safeguarding the fact that the organisation will involve everyone, thus increasing the chances of satisfying its strategic objectives. The goals and targets are cascaded via a hierarchy of key processes, main processes and procedures to all employees who have full access to a centralised system through the company's intranet using MS sharepoint. The organisation has just established an integrated quality and environmental management system based on ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards, transforming it gradually from a departmental to a process one, thereby aiming to improve efficiency and effectiveness. A number of management reviews as per ISO9001 and ISO14001 are in place along with Internal Audits in order to independently monitor the system’s effectiveness.

National Health Insurance Fund (Lithuania): monitoring performance at the National Health Insurance Fund

The NHIF, as provider of compulsory health insurance, is responsible for a large public spending area and is a key player in making public spending as effective as possible.

A Performance Monitoring System based on the QPR Scorecard, is instrumental in monitoring the NHIF budget, implementation of strategic goals and the performance of the institution. The most important aspect is to focus the attention on management of planning, goal-setting, monitoring and measuring of performance, and making decisions on the public budget. Even with the necessary information at hand for every staff level, and having user-friendly software for internal communication available, it still takes time to promote and built a culture of result thinking.

In addition, NHIF is becoming a more transparent and better performing organisation, as daily monitoring of figures builds a new kind of discipline, based on awareness and responsibility for the use of public funds.

Regional Directorate for Organisation and Public Administration (Portugal):

defining and implementing a management model The Regional Directorate for Organisation and Public Administration belongs to the public sector and provides services to the Azorean regional and local administrations.

In 2006, a small public organisation in the European context initiated a beneficial change in its practices and organisational culture by using for the first time the self-assessment tool (CAF). We have begun a transformation process which has resulted in better planning and performance monitoring of each human resource and the dissemination of the key results achieved over each trimester. Now we can respond to each employee and stakeholder, “What are we doing?” Finally, in 2010 we obtained the certification of our quality management system under ISO 9001: 2008 and the first level of recognition “Committed to Excellence”, of the EFQM.









Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.










Session 3.1 Applying a horizontal network approach to achieving better results

Danish Immigration Service (Denmark): a cross-authority LEAN management approach

to reorganising the asylum procedure The Handheld Procedure is a cross-authority, LEAN management approach to reorganising the asylum procedure – a joint effort by The Danish Immigration Service and The National Commissioner of the Police. The objective was to shorten the case-processing time without a negative impact on quality or due process, plus with the result of providing asylum seekers with a decision more quickly and reducing public expenses on accommodation of asylum seekers.

The Handheld Procedure ensures a cross-authority commitment, ownership and management. With limited additional resources within a year (2010), The Handheld Procedure has improved case-processing times and considerably reduced costs in the initial two phases of the asylum procedure.

Ministry of Brussels-Capital Region/Urban planning and housing administration (Belgium):

Nova – creating a regional information platform on urbanism and environment built upon strong partnerships

Cultural and linguistic differences have turned Brussels into a complex administrative organisation. Developing digital solutions within such an organisation is a real challenge. This complexity has led from the beginning to a vision of the future that was very advanced in relation to the digital possibilities of those years. This vision continuously has to bear in mind the human link of an application. The latter is made for the users and not the other way round; everyone wants more information but no one is eager to provide it. Those who benefit from the information should supervise the quality. This is valid for all exchange of digital information, no matter the content of the information. The human factor remains the most important in the evolution from small to (very) big.

The permanent network requires openness, equivalence and recognition of differences. Joining Nova means that you are sharing a network offering advantages and preservation of individuality, in exchange for relevant information for the partners of the network. The future of the organisations is linked through collaboration.

Tax Chamber in Bydgoszcz (Poland): establishing the E-commerce Monitoring Unit in the Tax Chamber in Bydgoszcz

The fast-growing market of e-Commerce has been a huge challenge for tax administrations all over the world. Traditional methods of audit were not applicable in the virtual world of the internet. The Polish tax administration had to create completely new solutions and tools in the field of monitoring e-Commerce.

It was noticed that tax offices responsible for carrying out the tax audit in Poland were having serious problems with auditing e-Commerce. Lack of special knowledge among tax officers and lack of advanced tools were the main reasons behind this situation.

The E-commerce Monitoring Unit in the Tax Chamber in Bydgoszcz was established as a response to those problems that were resulting in an increasing number of internet tax fraud in Poland. The Unit serves Polish tax offices by collecting evidence of taxation evasion of any e-commerce activity. It employs highly skilled IT specialists, who are responsible for difficult analytical tasks and tracing down internet evidence of tax frauds. The result of their work is sent to tax offices and becomes an important source of data in further actions taken at local level, such as tax audits or tax proceedings. Thanks to the Unit, tax officers at local level have been able to gain access to evidence, which were previously always out of their reach.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 3.2 Achieving better results by focusing on and involving target groups of citizens/customers

Mayor’s Office Debrecen (Hungary): the development of a civil strategy in the Mayor’s Office Debrecen

The society of the City of Debrecen is also characterised by its growing and evolving complexity. There are more than one thousand non-governmental organisations in the city. It is of public interest that the aims of the local society and their unprompted intentions should be channelled into the act of shaping municipal aims, and the implementation of municipal tasks, with absolute respect given to the sovereignty of the civil sphere.

Professionalism, transparency, reliability – obligatory or voluntary municipal tasks or services cannot be short of these aspects. The municipality can only transfer services partially or fully if it is able to enforce these aspects.

The aim of the Civil Strategy is the municipality's contact with non-governmental organisations and defining the conditions of cooperation. The task of the Strategy is to launch automatisms which – as a major condition of regular and effective contact – do not make the complete revision or change of the strategy and cooperation necessary from one year to the other or from one political term to the other, but rather it allows self-development and encourages improvement.

6° Istituto Comprensivo Statale “Bruno Ciari”, Padua (Italy):

a school for everybody – achieving excellent results by placing the citizen/customer at the centre!

Given that there is no point of any students being failed at school, the 6th State Comprehensive School “B. CIARI” of Padua has prepared the project of improving students’ skills.

We believe that new strategies need to be found for the improvement of skills of pupils with special needs (BES) as well as of those of high-level students. This is done in order to give new impulse to schooling support, as well as motivation and personal well-being, in order to limit the school drop-out rates.

All this has been achieved through better collaboration between school/family/external stakeholders.

The final objective of this project has been the improvement of a process (called the learning process BES), which starts from the specific needs of students and develops constant and long-lasting strategies.

Care and Work Centre “Tončka Hočevar” (Slovenia): translating stakeholder needs into service delivery

In this presentation we present the public social care institution ”Tončka Hočevar” from Slovenia, which delivers comprehensive care for adult persons with developmental disorders. Through the use of adjusted employment programmes and forms of living we enable the individual person to develop his/her individuality and be included in the interpersonal relations within the group in which he/she works and lives. The content of the handling is adjusted to the needs of the individual and focused on his self-reliance, which represents a challenge to us. We develop diverse developmental programmes in such a way that we recognise stakeholders' needs and create new programmes and services in accordance with their abilities. The basic values we bear in mind are the individual's right of privacy, partnership, uniqueness, right of choice and self-determination. Thereby, diverse agents at the local level, from family, parents, volunteers and other similar organisations, are being included in the care.









Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.










Session 3.3 Impact of leaders on installing a result-oriented culture

City of Mannheim (Germany): “CHANGE² – the necessary support from (political and administrative)

leadership in achieving a result-oriented organisation The main objective of CHANGE² is to centre all actions of the city administration on impact and results. The process aims to move beyond the mere delivery of public services and develop a better model to shape the city’s society, collaborate with citizens and develop the economy of the city strategically. Lord Mayor Dr Peter Kurz was elected to the platform of modernisation and administrative reform in 2007. The CHANGE reform process in Mannheim is based on clear political leadership and is anchored centrally at top-level city leadership.

“Gemeinsam mehr bewirken” (“Achieving more together”) works as the central sub-line of the process. Impact orientation (“achieving”) and Cooperation (“together”) are the central cultural threads that permeate all projects, formats and measures of the process. Cooperation between administrative units around joint targets (“breaking the silos”) is a key part of the process.

Ministry for Civil Service and Administrative Reform/ Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (Luxembourg):

a collective and result-oriented approach for the definition of an improvement plan Since 2006, in the context of its administrative reform activities, the Ministry for Civil Service and Administrative Reform, in association with the Research Centre Henri Tudor, provide to central administrations a continuous improvement programme (based on the CAF model and the definition of an action plan). Until now, about twenty-five administrations have integrated this continuous improvement programme. Some of these administrations have obtained very relevant improvement results (70% reduction of pending folders, citizen satisfaction improvement, etc.). With this presentation, we would like to examine the impact of the support and the engagement of the administration’s leadership in making the improvement project a concrete success (before, during and after the project).

Mayor’s Office, Szolnok (Hungary): the benefits for leaders in working

with a performance management information system The political and professional administration of Szolnok County Town attaches great importance to the successful provision of services, placing special emphasis on the public educational institutions. Our local government thinking is guided by the triad of strategic goals that ensure our corporate future vision; the processes that ensure fulfilling them; and the results.

The Council believes that leaders play a key role in creating a performance-oriented culture at every level. For that reason we have developed a human resources management system intended to support the leaders of public education institutions to fulfil this role; with the “Human handbook for public education leaders” as its methodological backup. The handbook helps with the leaders’ personal development. The human handbook is the result of a consensus reached by the Council and the leaders of public education institutions, which secures the implementation of the system. The handbook is intended for the leaders of public educational institutions and it also helps the Council with the selection and development of the best leaders.

We have also developed a management information system that ensures comprehensive performance measurement and evaluation of the efficiency of the Council’s work.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 3.4 Promoting result thinking by installing an integrated management system

Tampere College (Finland): effective management – the case of Tampere College

Tampereen college (TAO) is fulfilling its societal tasks in an excellent manner. The number of students is constantly growing and the graduates are well employed. The College constantly evaluates its own functions according to the changes in the surrounding society. The processes are further improved together with the staff, the students and the stakeholders. The needs and views of the private sector businesses are taken into account and used for further improvements. This indicates that the college has a strong will to act as a meaningful regional actor supporting the competitiveness of the region. The strategy of the College is drawn from the strategy of the City of Tampere. The Quality management of the organisation is systematic and result oriented, based upon the Common Assessment Framework (CAF).

National Employment Service (Hungary):

the process and introduction of the partner oriented quality model The local offices of the National Employment Service have been applying quality management systems since 2004. The quality management activity has been introduced at first in seven, then later on in more and more local offices in the frame of a project. The implementation of the work related to the introduction of the model has generated benchlearning and benchmarking activities, defining and facilitating the development tasks of the coming years. At present, the inclusion of those local offices where the model has not yet been introduced, as well as the improvement and adaptation of the knowledge accumulated in connection with the introduction of the quality management system are implemented on the basis of previous experiences. The presentation provides information about the following questions: What is the CAF-based partner-oriented quality management system? What were the phases of the national dissemination of the model? Advantages and risks of the model experienced by the Labour Centre of the Government Office for Békés County? How can several different quality management systems be applied in the same organisation?

Department of Welfare, Public Health and Family (Belgium):

keeping count – a well-deliberated approach to efficiency and effectiveness in the public entities of the welfare, public health and family policy areas

The Department of Welfare, Public Health and Family (WPHF) took the lead in the response to a formal and unambiguous mandate from Flemish Government – consistent with the provisions of the Flemish Government regarding the ‘Long-term Programme Powerful Government’. Must we cope with the challenges of public intervening by gathering a massive amount of data? Or do we simply need new insight? Are governments facing insolvable puzzles or merely complex mysteries? How do we deal with the eventuality of an additional financial margin that benefits welfare, public health and family policy, by accompanying it with a strong increase in terms of capabilities in our administration?

The action plan ‘Keeping count’ intends to establish a common approach to give effect to common ambitions – a difficult exercise for public entities that only recently gained relative budgetary autonomy. ‘Keeping count’ focuses on what we prepare for in terms of aspirations and commitments to deliver public services of excellent quality – without increasing the number of civil servants.

The action plan designs ten approaches whereby the department and agencies of the WPHF policy area can share perspectives and initiatives while implementing common strategies in order to do more with limited resources – thus realising a substantial cut in public spending on its own apparatus.









Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.










Session 4.1 Working towards results cross-authority

Swedish Agency for Public Management (Sweden): from several to one – the benefits of mono-agencies

One of the major reforms in Swedish public administrative policy over the past 15 years has involved the decision by the Swedish Government and Parliament (Riksdag) to restructure autonomous local and regional agencies, unifying them with the respective central agencies in the same sphere of activities to form integrated 'mono-agencies'. Even though the reforms have manifested themselves in a great variety of ways, one consequence of this development is that management and governance is clearer. There is also a scope for increased cost-effectiveness. However, there is a danger of the new organisational structure increasing the distance between citizens and public administration.

General Secretariat of Public Administration and E-Government (Greece): Cl@rity” Programme – publication of every government decision on the internet;

the “Task Force” project management approach Following from the view that the Greek crisis, including its economic manifestation, has its roots deep in the non-transparent relationship of the citizen with the state, the Greek government decided to implement the groundbreaking initiative of The Cl@rity programme.

The aim of the Cl@rity programme is to introduce unprecedented levels of radical transparency across all levels of the Greek public administration and establish a new “social contract” between the citizen and the state. The Cl@rity programme introduces for the first time in Greece the obligation to publish all the decisions of government and all administrative entities on the internet, the aim being first of all to bring about maximum publicity of the government policy and administrative action.

The Project Management model is based upon a Project Task Forces (PTFs) approach, a network of 2.355 action and results-oriented management teams widely distributed within the Greek public administration, formed by 26.149 members having the expertise and authority needed to execute the project. This network is supported by a Joint Task Force, formed by the Leaders of the individual PTFs of the 15 Ministries, with focus on providing strong cooperation between the task forces, solving common problems, sharing best practices and collecting feedback.

There are various challenges and risks involved in setting up and coordinating this network of PTFs, such as selecting the right team leaders and members; enabling the efficient and effective collaboration between members of various backgrounds, units and organisational levels; managing the work balance between tasks involved in the Cl@rity project and tasks assigned according to the formal organisational structure; providing training and education but also building a common understanding of the project philosophy and objectives – thus progressively contributing to a culture change throughout the whole of the public administration.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.









Session 4.2 Citizen/customer involvement in policy implementation

Agency for the Public Services Reform (Portugal): the Simplex programme – reducing administrative burdens

by involving citizens/customers The Simplex Program is Portugal’s national administrative and legislative program towards the reduction of administrative burdens on businesses as well as citizens (since 2008).

In the first edition, back in 2006, the Simplex Program was completely made by the officials in the public bodies. Each public body pointed reform procedures in modernisation fields to be developed in the following year. Those objectives became public since they were placed in the annual edition of the Simplex Programme. The decentralized construction of a national program was already a good sign of openness in policy making processes.

From 2007 onwards, all initiatives identified by public bodies to the next year are put online and citizens have a month to comment, vote or suggest different initiatives. The importance of the process is most recognized by citizens and public bodies.

Evaluation methodology of the simplification impacts has been developed. The Standard Cost Model methodology is complemented with the SCM to evaluate services to citizens, mystery clients, customer satisfaction measurement and cost/benefit approach.

General Directorate for State Modernisation (France):

from measuring satisfaction to action – looking at the results of the 2010 study on life events

Improving service quality entails listening to users and carrying out satisfaction surveys. But what should be done with the findings? What does a 70 or 80% satisfaction rate actually mean? How do we move from measuring satisfaction to establishing a proper action plan? How do we know where to begin and what will have most impact?

After a satisfaction survey, secondary statistical analyses can be used to go beyond a simple assessment of what was rated highly and what poorly. Satisfaction is not a linear phenomenon, and the factors assessed (waiting periods, staff helpfulness, information, etc.) contribute to satisfaction in varying degrees depending on whether they are basic, key or secondary factors or factors of excellence.

The General Directorate for State Modernisation (DGME) has conducted a large-scale study (9,504 public-service users) to quantify user satisfaction with public services following twenty major life events (marriage, birth, job loss, retirement, etc.). It reveals that the mainsprings of satisfaction are different for each life event, although there are some common factors.

Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations (The Netherlands): an informal pro-active approach model in complaints handling

Dealing with complaints and objections properly, or avoiding them, requires a pro-active, solution-driven approach on the part of the authorities, both in their policies and in the attitude and behaviour of their officials. Citizens generally expect personal contact, communication that is easy to understand and quick handling of their queries and problems. For many government agencies this requires a different way of working, a shift from a formal and legalistic approach to an informal, solution-driven one (within the legal and regulatory framework), from reactive to pro-active, from written to verbal. In an informal approach (IPAM) the official contacts the citizen(s) concerned quickly and in person by phone to discuss the best way to deal with the application, objection or complaint. Techniques that are involved are communication skills (e.g. active listening, summarizing and questioning) and the ability to handle the dynamics of conflict from an open, interested based and solution-driven point of view. This showcase project provides a fundamental change for complaint handling and conflict resolution in public administration. From a traditional, formal, judicial, procedural and written approach this showcase project initiates, stimulates and supports a pro-active, personal, open and solution driven approach for all government organisations.










Session 4.3 Creating the conditions for result-oriented leadership

Wallonia-Brussels Federation of Belgium (Belgium): the mandates system – towards result-oriented and result thinking leaders

Since 2006, the top civil servants (+/- 40 persons) of the Ministry of the French Community (5,500 civil servants) are submitted to a system of five-year mandates.

On the basis of a mission statement provided by the Government, the mandate holders have to present, a much detailed operational plan with all main strategic options chosen, declined into strategic objectives, operational objectives and concrete projects. All those projects are assessed with the help of achievement and result indicators.

These operational plans are approved by the Government and submitted to a first evaluation after two years and to a final evaluation when the mandate comes to an end.

As regards the everyday management, the highest mandate holders have been entrusted with budget envelopes for staff management to be able to look for adequate personnel. As regards training, a Public Administration School allows, both appointed mandate holders as interested candidates to receive training in new management systems.

The First Tax Office in Opole (Poland): the result-orientated leadership system designed in the First Tax Office in Opole

to achieve strategic objectives and policies As a part of the tax administration, tax offices have a public mission to fulfil, as it serves both society and its citizens alike. It is very important to take client satisfaction into account; however, there are two sides to this. While the tax administration is beneficial to loyal taxpayers, it is less friendly to those who are non-compliant as applying sanctions and penalties is also a part of the product. Thus, one of the most important roles of the leaders is to balance service and audit function as well as to coordinate the work in the most optimal way using public resources reasonably. Also crucial to keeping the tax office running as well as delivering the high quality services and being responsive to society’s needs and demands, is an efficient external and internal risk management. In order to achieve strategic objectives, a result-orientated leadership is necessary. It is common knowledge that an effective evaluation results system is key to success.









– SH







Session 1.1 Co-production: citizen/customer involvement in realising better outcomes

District Administration Zell am See (Austria): involvement of the customers and citizens in the work of administration

For the last 16 years the district administration Zell am See, in the region of Pinzgau (Austria), has been developing into a citizen-friendly and cost-oriented authority. The process of modernisation is based on a holistic concept as well as the values of public management and public governance. The organisation has developed into a “Learning Organisation”.

In order to deal with or solve social problems such as violence within a society, various networks made up of NGO’s and citizens were created, each with individual targets.

Trade Inspection in Łódź (Poland): interaction with citizens/customers – the new face of Trade Inspection

Trade inspection yesterday and today: is it the same institution?

Nowadays, trade inspection is taking an increasingly customer-friendly approach, aiming to protect and help customers in every possible way, mostly through these activities:

1. Close interaction with customers – relevant information from customers, which often becomes a source of our inspection in the field of conformity assessment system and product safety.

2. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – “out-of-court mechanisms”, an inexpensive and efficient alternative to formalised and lengthy court procedures.

3. Mediation – procedure instituted and conducted by an authorised mediator, aiming at amicable settlement of a civil law dispute between the consumer and the entrepreneur.

4. Withdrawal of the products from the market – products found to be dangerous to consumers.

There are several other methods used, but the market itself also points out new assignments, for instance, how to increase the level of protection for online buyers?

Trade inspection must be flexible and must react as quickly as possible to the customers and “from market” information; trade inspection has therefore become more responsive to society’s requirements.









– SH








Session 1.2 Citizen/customer consultation in the context of policy design

The Observatory for the Quality of Services (Spain): building public agenda through public opinion surveys – setting priorities to

improve public policies and services in Spanish central and regional governments In recent times, the Spanish Observatory for the Quality of Public Services, within the Framework for Quality Improvement in Public Administration, which manages the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services, has developed several instruments that have ultimately aimed towards both, the generation of information suitable for improving knowledge on the political agenda, that is, the set of issues which are viewed by political leaders as needing intervention; and the provision of feedback in an increasingly responsible and informed decision-making process.

The case aims to provide a critical reflection of the Spanish experience. The experience offers a set of lessons learnt through a series of public opinion analysis performed by the Observatory for the Quality of Public Services. It presents not only the main substantive and methodological findings, but also reflects on the challenges remaining for these tools before achieving the aim of accountability before citizens, which all governments should aspire to regarding all policies and services under their jurisdiction. This will also help to acquire the ability to generate relevant information in an increasingly complex State facing more and more challenges.

Main Department of the Civil Service (Ukraine ):

towards a result-oriented public sector together with citizens/customers Get the result (public services), or being involved in internal issues of public bodies – that is a dilemma of delivering services to citizens.

Transforming people’s view of the public authorities can be achieved by changing the relationship of executive bodies with citizens through the scheme: "user" (citizen) – "service provider" (the state).

The aim of developing such a system in the executive branch of Ukraine is to create conditions to ensure the proper quality of services delivered to different categories of consumers.

In the Ukrainian case the following issues are covered: the new Ukrainian law “On Civil Service”; System of Delivering Public Services Reform; e-Government Development; QMS Introduction in the Executive Power Bodies; Regional Cooperation Reinforcement.









Session 4.4 Effective change management towards a result oriented organisational culture

Supreme Audit Office (Slovakia): modernisation of the public sector

– towards doing the right things more effectively This presentation contains a description of the changes in an atypical, strictly conservation institution in the public area system for last five to six years, i.e. formulating objectives and their approval; the leadership role and position in promoting result-oriented corporate culture in public administration; focusing on measurement of outcomes in terms of external expectations. A description will be given of experiences in the use of both formal and informal tools and methods in the area of internal communication, as well as in terms of employee participation in the process of supervising whether the objectives in the field of implementation of the result-oriented public sector organisation are met. And last but not least, the tools used in the process of transformation organisation are met. And last but not least, the tools used in the process of transformation of public sector institution behaviour towards the public and itself will be described, including necessities for personnel and material conditions for the corporate culture improvement in the public sector institutions.

Flemish Waterworks Company (Belgium): realisation of a (almost) paperless office

Since 1999 our organisation has introduced a digital quality management system on the intranet to manage our six quality manuals based on Webiso, to achieve a paperless quality management system. From 2005 the Flemish Waterworks Company (VMW) has introduced a very user-friendly document management system, OpenIMS, which is dynamically coupled on a content management system.

When moving into a new, much smaller office, the decision was taken to become – as much as possible – paperless. With these tools our administration is gradually becoming more efficient. We are now starting to scan incoming mail to deliver it through our DMS to our internal clients. The way we work is not only more modern, environmentally friendly and more effective, but also as a bonus, teleworking is now possible for our co-workers.

The VMW now has the technology and the experience to be ready for a paperless future. The presentation will focus on lessons learned and some tips will be presented to help other companies to succeed.

Chamber of Commerce of Campobasso (Italy):

project “Total Click” – accepting the challenge of a digital public administration Removing paper, simplifying bureaucracy, shorting the time and reducing the costs of completing paperwork: these are the keywords of the Chamber of Commerce of Campobasso to become a modern and innovative administration. In 2009, the Chamber of Commerce of Campobasso carried out the project “Camera Total click”. This initiative makes it possible to digitally manage the document flows, thereby reducing costs, improving service efficiency and the management of human resources.

Our project is a clear demonstration that it is possible to implement a model of innovative governance that permits efficient management of services to the advantage of enterprises and citizens. We believe it is possible to promote a culture of result thinking in public administration. We accepted the challenge of a “digital public administration” and we have won. For all these reasons, our slogan is: Innovating Public Administration? Yes, we can!












Thursday 29th September

830 – 900 Registration of participants

900 – 915 Opening

915 – 1000 1st Plenary session

1000 – 1100 1st Parallel session

1100 – 1130 Coffee break

1130 – 1215 2nd Plenary session

1215 – 1330 2nd Parallel session

1330 – 1500 Lunch break

1500 – 1615 3rd Parallel session

1615 – 1645 Coffee break

1645 – 1730 3rd Plenary session

1730 – 1745 Closing words

1800 – 2130 Social event

Friday 30th September

900 – 915 Opening

915 – 1000 4th Plenary session

1000 – 1115 4th Parallel session

1115 – 1130 Coffee break

1130 – 1215 5th Plenary session

1215 – 1300 Panel discussion

1300 – 1315 Closing words

1315 Lunch


29–30 September 2011 Warsaw, Poland