ANIS 2012 - Asia social innovation tour)_Singapore

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Transcript of ANIS 2012 - Asia social innovation tour)_Singapore

Quick Tour of Social Innovation in Singapore 12 June 2012

Little Red Dot, But Growing

Population Growth Also

City of Sharp Divides

Increasing Income Inequality

Government Has Always Played a Key Role

‘Many Helping Hands’ Approach

However Many Are Still Being Left Behind

Last GE Was a Wake Up Call

Many New Groups Working in Social Innovation

Inflow of International Organisations

Social Enterprises Increasing in Prominence

Rise of Socially Innovative Co-Working Spaces

Some Recent Projects and Programmes

Efforts on End of Life Care

Rail Corridor Competition – ‘Journey of Ideas’

Lien i3 Challenge

Numerous Social Innovation Events

Global Social Innovators Forum, Dec 2010: An initiative spearheaded by Social Innovation Park Ltd (SIP) launched in 2006, it serves as a platform for social entrepreneurs and key leaders to share their innovative ideas and experiences to a global audience.

Qi Global, Oct 2011: Touted as the meeting of Asia’s best minds on innovation, the event is organised annually by Qi Global, a network of innovators creating human progress in harmony with nature.

Social iCon, Nov 2011: A biennial social innovation conference by the Lien Centre for Social Innovation, it shares insights on why and how cross-sector collaboration must work.

GIA Pathfinder, Nov 2011: A two day social innovation training event co-organised by the Global Innovation Academy of the Young Foundation and the Lien Centre

Social Business Week, Feb 2012: The annual event is organised by the Grameen Creative Lab@NUS (National University of Singapore) to inspire, connect, and engage an audience ranging from social entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, social venture investors, academia, government, civil society and youth.

And Many Social Conversations

Looking For New Ways To Promote and Support Social Innovation