Animal Testing

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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A PowerPoint aimed at students informing them about animal testing, it gives both sides of the argument (for and against).

Transcript of Animal Testing

What does it mean? Types of testing? For animal testing Against animal testing My thoughts

Animal testing means the testing of new technology on animals that are breed in captivity.

Xenotransplantation - transplanting genetics from one species to another for example human genetics in a lab rat.

Toxicology testing - testing drugs and medicines on animals by pharmaceutical companies.

Would you rather have that old man in the hospital ward making a full recovery die because the medicine he was given wasn’t tested? His family will now see him to live another day. He will now see his grand daughter grow up now because the high-tech medicine that was tested safely has battled for his life.

That three year old cancer victim will now live to see her fifth birthday because the medicine used was tested safely.

Without animal testing the revolutionary medicine that saves thousands of lives would not be here today. Many would die because that animal didn’t sacrifice their life to save millions.

Each day many are saved due to the advancement made to medicine that could not be done without animal testing.

Is humanity that far gone that they place little value on a life no matter how great or how small?

Is humanity that far gone that they will kill and torture because they think it is necessary to the survival of the fittest that is the world we live in?

I pity us really. Humanity has no morals it seems.

Animal testing is just as bad abortion because even though the animal had a life we take it away with all the products tested on them. It’s better for them if they were put down rather than a life of captivity, pain and torture.

Now that is saying something about the way animals are cruelly bred just to live a life of terrible, terrible things being done to them. Nether the less humanity views animal testing as something that is necessary, to be honest humanity probably can’t just stand seeing her own face in the mirror.

I don’t know how they can live through putting animals in torture. The animals are innocent yet we test things that may kill them on their skin for the ‘better’ of the human race, it’s just like torturing or killing citizens just for the ‘fun of it’

Animal testing is a sensitive issue between both parties, for and against. I believe that without the testing done many would die but I also believe that the testing is unnecessary on animals. Willing people can and will volunteer to participate within drug trials to advance medicine. Testing such as cosmetics and new genetic growth can be done on humans that volunteer. I would say we could do it on prisoners but that would just be torture, although that could be useful.


Thank you for watching.