Andrew goodwin

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Andrew goodwin

Andrew Goodwin

What Is It? Goodwin identifies several key features which can be spotted in music videos,

the first of which being:• a relationship with the visuals either amplifying, illustrating or

contradicting the lyrics • A relationship between the music and the visuals, again either amplifying,

illustrating or contradicting the music • There is likely to be voyeurism in the treatment of women • There is a lot of demand for there to be a lot of close ups of the artist • There is likely to be references to other music videos, films or TV texts

Frame One Analysis The song that I will be analyzing

is Roar by Katy Perry which is in

the same genre as our song, and

I will be making links to

Goodwin’s theory.

This is from the very beginning of the music video and this supports the theory of Goodwin because it shows a relevant relationship between the title of the song and the video as it complements it. We can see that it supports the song by the background (which has probably been green screened in) that it will be set in an exotic location and this is further supported by the title of the song “Roar” and also by the font used which is almost in the style of Indiana Jones who is an explorer and it connotes that she will be going on an adventure.

Frame Two This is the second frame that I will be

analyzing that supports the theory. This links in to the last point that he makes about music videos which is the fact that there will be inter-textual references which in this case is about the way that people will behave in society, as such this is taking the mickey out of people who constantly take pictures of themselves as it shows that nothing is being taken seriously anymore as in the scene before they are climbing out a plane wreck. However, it would also make the man look somewhat of a sexual object as it shows a medium close up, giving the audience a good look at this face, and this is also supported by the fact that there is a shallow focus meaning that the only thing the audience ought to be focusing on is his face.

Frame Three This is something that we would be interested in using in our own music video which would be close ups of the artist, and in this scene it not only supports this theory that there is pressure for there to be a lot of attention on the performer, but they have done her make- up in a way to make it look very natural which would focus on the idea of the video that she is stranded something and therefore her looks will not be her first priority. The dim lighting also suggests that in this scene the focus is not on her but more on the story as it is nighttime and you might expect there to be some kind of deadly animals.

Frame FourAlthough not very clear, this

shows a clear relationship which supports the music which is again something that Goodwin has looked at. In this scene, this is something that we would not be interested in doing in our music video seeing as it will not link to our song. However, it challenges the stereotypes of males as being strong and independent as he gets killed by a tiger.

Frame Five This scene would completely

contradict our music video as we want to go for a more Adele approach where she sells her music more than her body, and it would support this theory as there would be a relationship that would illustrate the music/lyrics. As such, here we see that there is voyeurism in the way that she looks as the trousers are very short at her thighs, thus inclining that her male viewers should focus their attention there.

Frame Six This shows a relationship with the

visuals as it supports the title of the song “Roar” as we see the glinting eyes of what we assume are carnivorous cats e.g. lions which could connote that something dangerous would happen to the artist.