Ancient Greek Philosophers

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Ancient Greek Philosophers. Wednesday April 2 nd and Thursday April 3 rd. Philosophy. Philosophers are people who believe that their knowledge and wisdom could be used to understand the world around them Did not believe the gods and goddesses were the causes of natural events - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Ancient Greek Philosophers

Ancient Greek Philosophers

Wednesday April 2nd andThursday April 3rd

Philosophy• Philosophers are people who

believe that their knowledge and wisdom could be used to understand the world around them

• Did not believe the gods and goddesses were the causes of natural events

• There were many Ancient Greek philosophers who focused on studying:o Natureo Mathematicso Astronomyo Understanding the meaning

of Justice and Courageo Understanding the way

people think

Philosopher #1: Thales

• Known for his work in astronomy, geometry and his study in nature

• Accurately predicted a solar eclipse

• Believed that water was the basic material of the worldo All things are made

from water

Philosopher #2: Democritus

• Known as the ‘laughing philosopher’ due to the importance that he put on cheerfulness

• First to look at the stars and believe that there may be more universes and more worlds that sustain life

• Mostly famous for his work in science

Philosopher #2: Democritus

• Suggested that all things in the world, living beings included, were made from very small particles

• He called these small particles ‘atoms’o Uncut able o Indestructible

Philosopher #3: Socrates

• Known as the father of modern Philosophy

• Socrates focused on intellectual philosophy rather than physical philosophy (past philosophers)o What is true wisdomo Who is truly wise

• Was followed by Athens's youtho Convinced many to put

aside their aspirations for jobs and instead focus on increasing their wisdom

Philosopher #3: Socrates

• Socrates taught his students to think for themselveso No longer blindly believing elders and societyo No longer believing in superstition and gods

• Did not believe in social classeso Talked openly and equally to citizens, women and slaves

Philosopher #3: Socrates

• Angered Athens’ eliteo Not respecting their

higher statuso Not obeying social ruleso ‘corrupting’ the minds

of the youtho Dishonoring the gods

• Socrates was put on trial o Found guilty o Given the death penalty

• Socrates forced to drink Hemlock - poison

Philosopher #4: Plato• Born into the elite class

o Expect to pursue a political career

• Was a follower and student of Socrates

• After Socrates death, put together an accurate history of Socrates and his lessons

• wrote plays about:o Socrates life, trial and deatho Socrates’ teachings on law

and how citizens should obey the law even if they disagree with it

• Started an Academy in Athens

Philosopher #4: Plato• Wrote a book called

The Republico Plato considering what

the world would look like if it was ruled by philosophers

o Philosophers always striving for knowledge and looking inwards at who they are and what they believe (live rightly)

Philosopher #5: Aristotle

• Famous for being Alexander the Great’s tutoro Became close friendso Aided Alexander in

political decisionso Seen to have a huge

influence on Alexander’s rule

• Afterwards started his own school in Athens called The Lyceum