Amusement Park

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Amusement Park

Adventure Place

By Joe Miller, Alex Dickinson, Alex Pileggi, James Hiltwine, and Kieran Crean

IntroductionAdventure Place is an Amusement Park that has started to crumble due to poor management and a lack of improvements to the facility. As times are changing, the technology used at Adventure Place has become outdated and it has resulted in injuries of visitors, lack of employee supervision, and a decline in overall profits.

Steps are now being taken to turn Adventure Place around and create an enjoyable and safe facility for all of the visitors. The first step is:

1. A new General Manager has been hired

a. Analyze attraction popularity to determine future attraction pricing options

b. Improve safety of rides by producing a reliable maintenance schedule

c. Keeping a detailed record of Staff responsibilities

1. The database was implemented January 1, 2015 when the new general manager was hired. 2. The general manager wants to use the database to analyze the business from January to May before the summer months to better prepare them for the busiest seasons of the year. 3. The general manager has standardized pricing to gauge the true popularity of each attraction before pricing it accordingly for the summer season. 4. Maintenance staff will never work on attractions and attraction staff will never work on maintenance tasks. 5. Daily Maintenance tasks will take place at 8:00am every day before opening. 6. The park is open from 9:00am-8:30pm. 7. Attraction Staff members must work at least 1 shift per day but may work up to 2 shifts a day, and the 2nd shift must be on a different attraction than the first shift worked. 8. Attractions do not have to be full for the attraction to run.


1. Each Visitor that comes to Adventure Place must purchase at least one ticket through the Ticket Booth.

2. Each Visitor will be asked to supply their Zip Code and Email address.

3. An ID number will be generated for each new visitor & OrderID will hold all of the information pertaining to the one specific attraction transaction. An OrderID must have at least one AttractionID, but can have more.

4. Each Attraction requires the Visitor to have at least one ticket to ride one time.

Business Rules

5. At least one Maintenance Staff member must be on the Maintenance Schedule for each day, but each Maintenance Staff member may only service one ride per day.

6. Maintenance Schedule contains: its own Maintenance ID, the Maintenance Staff member working on the attraction, AttractionID, Start & EndTime of the maintenance and a description of the job.

7. Attraction Schedule contains: its own Shift ID, the Attraction Staff member working on the attraction, the AttractionID and the Start / EndTime.

8. Every attraction must be serviced and inspected each day by at least one member of the Attraction Staff, but can be serviced by more than one member of the Attraction Staff.

Business Rules Continued

● Visitor (VisitorID, LastName, FirstName, ZipCode, Email, Date_Last_Visited)

● TicketBooth (OrderID, VisitorID, AttractionID, PurchaseDate, Quantity, Total)

● MaintenaceSchedule(MaintenanceID, MaintenanceStaffID, AttractionID, Time_Start,

Time_End, Description)

● MaintenanceStaff (MaintenanceStaffID, FirstName, LastName, YearOfHire)

● Attraction (AttractionID,, Price, Name, Description)

● AttractionSchedule (ShiftID, StaffID, AttractionID, Time_Start, Time_End)

● AttractionStaff (StaffID, LastName, FirstName, YearOfHire)

Database Schema





● Visitor - Ticket Booth (One to Many)

● Ticket Booth - Attraction (One to One)

● Attraction - Maintenance Schedule (One to Many)

● Attraction - Attraction Schedule (One to Many)

● Attraction Schedule - Attraction Staff(One to Many)

● Maintenance Schedule - Maintenance Staff (One to Many)


Customer Loyalty

SELECT Email, FirstName, LastName, Date_Last_VisitedFROM VisitorWHERE Date_Last_Visited <'2015-01-31'ORDER BY Date_Last_Visited;

● Promotional Email Program

● Customer Retention


SELECT TB.AttractionID, Name, Sum(Total) AS AttractionRevenueFROM TicketBooth TBINNER JOIN Attraction A ON TB.AttractionID=A.AttractionIDWHERE PurchaseDate BETWEEN ‘2015-01-01’ AND ‘2015-03-31’GROUP BY AttractionID ORDER BY AttractionRevenue DESC;

● Standardized Pricing

● Attraction Revenue

● Repeated Roller Coaster Maintenance

● Employee Negligence or General Depreciation?


SELECT A.AttractionID, MS.MaintenanceStaffID, MS.FirstName, MS.LastName, M.Description, M.Time_Start, M.Time_End

FROM MaintenanceStaff MS

INNER JOIN MaintenanceSchedule M ON MS.MaintenanceStaffID=M.MaintenanceStaffID

INNER JOIN Attraction A ON M.AttractionID=A.AttractionID

WHERE A.AttractionID='RC01';

SELECT FirstName, LastName, YearOfHireFROM MaintenanceStaffWHERE EXISTS(SELECT MaintenanceStaffID,AttractionID FROM MaintenanceSchedule WHERE MaintenanceSchedule.MaintenanceStaffID=MaintenanceStaff.MaintenanceStaffID AND AttractionID='RC01');

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(VisitorID)) AS UniqueVisitors, AVG(Quantity) AS AverageQuantityFROM TicketBooth;

Visitor Preference

SELECT TB.AttractionID,A.Name,COUNT(DISTINCT VisitorID) AS UniqueVisitors, AVG(Quantity) AS AverageTicketsPurchased FROM TicketBooth TB INNER JOIN Attraction A ON TB.AttractionID=A.AttractionIDWHERE PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-03-31'GROUP BY AttractionIDORDER BY UniqueVisitors DESC;

● Which Attractions do visitors prefer?

● True Popularity Analytics(Q1)

Customer Rewards

SELECT DISTINCT TB.VisitorID, V.FirstName, V.LastName, V.Zip, SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(Total) AS Total

FROM TicketBooth TB

INNER JOIN Visitor V ON TB.VisitorID=V.VisitorID




● Most Valuable Customers Program

CREATE VIEW Attraction_Schedule_4_27 ASSELECT AT.AttractionID,Name, AT.StaffID, FirstName, LastName, Time_Start, Time_EndFROM AttractionSchedule AT INNER JOIN AttractionStaff ATS ON AT.StaffID=ATS.StaffID INNER JOIN Attraction A WHERE AT.AttractionID=A.AttractionIDAND Time_Start LIKE '2015-04-27%'ORDER BY AttractionID, Time_End;

Employee Schedule View

● Employee schedule for Manager distribution



● Manager Privileges

● Track activity

● The database gives a vast amount of ways for the new manager to monitor the Adventure place:

o Maintenance of Attractions

o Revenues of attractions

o Visitor data and Customer Loyalty

o Managing the Staff


● Manager should change prices of the attractions

● Stay up to date with the loyalty program and visitors that have not visited in a while

● Make changes to the maintenance schedule as needed

● Use the average query to see the change in tickets


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