American Society of Heating, Refrigerating ... - Dayton...

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Transcript of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating ... - Dayton...

Coming Events: Dayton ASHRAE BOG Meeting — April 21, 2011 — 8 AM Heapy


ASHRAE Webcast: Geothermal Heat Pumps —April 21, 2011—1-4 PM, Sinclair Community College—See pages 3 and 9!

Spring Golf Outing, May 12, 2011, Heatherwood, see pp. 10-12!

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

Dayton Chapter


Susanna Hanson, Senior System Applications Engineer with Trane and Voting member of ASHRAE 90.1 since 2004.

April 11, 2011 5:00 Tech Session

5:30 Social 6:15 Dinner

7:00 Main Program

Cost: FREE for local members and prospective members

$10 for student members All others $20 at the door

Location: Engineer’s Club of Dayton

110 East Monument Avenue

RSVP: By Thursday, April 7, 2011, 12 noon to Jeremy Fauber at or 224-0861.

See the Speaker Bio on page 3!

2010-2011 OFFICERS

President Rick Pavlak 224-0861 Heapy Engineering

President-Elect Steven N. Meier 573-3072 Wat-Kem Mechanical

Treasurer Jason Gillespie 513-475-3811 Elitaire

Secretary Gordon Schweitzer 224-0861 Heapy Engineering

Past President Jeremy Fauber 224-0861 Heapy Engineering

Committee Chairs

Membership Greg Cohron 513-673-6664 Ramsay-Cohron

History Tom Ferdelman 224-0861 Heapy Engineering

Newsletter Editor Larraine Kapka 512-4501 Sinclair Community College

Research Promotion Dennis Lammlein 859-6323x147 Signature Technologies

Student Activities Russell Marcks 512-2053 Sinclair College

CTTC Mike Kirchens 513-475-3807 or

937-776-7304 Elitaire

Webmaster Russell Marcks 512-2053 Sinclair College

Board of Governors

Frank Mauro 224-0861 Heapy Engineering

Greg Cohron 513-673-6664 Ramsay-Cohron

Larraine Kapka 512-4501 Sinclair Community College

ASHRAE President’s Monthly Brief:

Our march meeting was a joint meeting with Dayton AIA. We were for-tunate to bring ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Mr. Drury Crawley PhD to speak on Trend’s in Building and Energy Simulation. There was a wealth of building information in Drury’s presentation; we hope to post the presentation to the Dayton ASHRAE website so you may use it for reference. Drury’s presentation brought out the importance of Design Team coordination and Energy Modeling as essential tools to create an energy efficient building.

Now that Spring is here you are probably thinking about the coming summer, but before you get your thoughts too far into the summer, Day-ton ASHRAE has some great opportunities for you. Check out the de-tails in this newsletter.

April meeting (4/11) is an update on the newly release Standard

90.1-2010. Bring a prospective member for free!

Webcast: Ground Source heat Pump Systems (4/21 1:00 – 4;00)

Hosted at Sinclair Community College

Dayton ASHRAE Golf Outing (5/12) @ Heatherwood.

Officer elections this month—please come to the meeting and cast your vote. Consider running for a position yourself. See you there!

Rick Pavlak PE, LEED AP

Research Promotion Notes: Multiply your Research Contribution Impact! Make a research contribution through the ASHRAE Foundation of at least $2000 and the foundation will make a research contribution in your name annually of 5% of the original amount. You and the chapter get credit for both the original contribution as well as the annual contributions every year! Go to http:// for more information.

Contributions for 2010-2011 to date: $10, 394. Donation form on page 7.

Interested in a Leadership role with Dayton ASHRAE? Contact our incoming President Steve Meier at 573-3072 or You’ll be glad you did!

April Speaker Biography:

Susanna Hanson is a senior system applications engineer with Trane in La Crosse, Wisconsin where she helps find creative ways to save energy in HVAC systems. She has been a voting member of ASHRAE 90.1 since 2004 and TC8.2 (centrifugal machines) since 2010 and is a TC8.6 (cooling towers) correspond-ing member. Susanna served as president of the La Crosse Area chapter in 2003-2004. She has been with Trane for 14 years and specializes in chilled water system design and energy analysis. She has written articles for HPAC, District Energy, Process Cooling, Cooling India, District Cooling Dubai, and the Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering. Recent Trane publications include the Chiller System De-sign and Control application manual, and engineers’ newsletters on waterside economizers and 90.1-2010. You may recognize her from recent video programs on small chilled water systems, ice storage system design and operation, and 90.1-2010. Prior to joining Trane, she earned her B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineer-ing from the University of Florida, where she focused on energy management. While still a student, Susanna worked as an industrial energy auditor and in-terned in facility and operation analysis at a 950-bed hospital in Florida. She became a certified energy manager in 2003. She has given over 25 presentations around the country on ASHRAE 90.1 and over 100 presentations on chilled-water-plants, ice storage systems, above-code programs, and distributed generation.

Ground Source Heat Pump Systems –

Putting the Earth to Work for You

April 21, 2011

1:00-4:00 P.M. EDT

Sinclair Community College, Building 14, Room 130

Parking Passes for Building 12 garage on sale for $2 each—

please bring exact change.

Snacks and Beverages at 12:45

Dayton ASHRAE 2010-2011 Schedule

September 13, 2010: Young Engineers in ASHRAE, Lunch Meeting, 11:30 at the Engineer’s Club October 11, 2010: AHRI Update, Engineer’s Club MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION NIGHT 5:00 Tech session on Equipment Selection (1 PDH) 6:00 Dinner, AHRI Update (1 PDH) November 8, 2010: Using CFD in HVAC, Engineer’s Club RESEARCH PROMOTION NIGHT STUDENT NIGHT 5:00 Tech session, Modeling Dorm Room Airflow (1 PDH) 6:00 Dinner, CFD Modeling Tools (1 PDH) December 13, 2010: Daylight Modeling, Engineer’s Club Co-sponsored by IFMA 11:30 Lunch (1 PDH) January 22, 2011: Holiday Party at Sinclair Community College February 21, 2011: BIM, Sinclair Community College STUDENT NIGHT PROGRAM DATE & TIME CHANGE! 5:00 Tech session, Hands-on Revit workshops (1 PDH) 6:15 Dinner, BIM Update (1 PDH) March 15, 2011: Building Energy Modeling, Engineer’s Club Co-sponsored by AIA PROGRAM DATE & TIME CHANGE! 3:00 Technical Program, (2 PDH) 6:00 Dinner April 11, 2011: 90.1-2010, Engineer’s Club MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION NIGHT 5:00 Tech Session, Applying 90.1 (1 PDH) 6:00 Dinner, 90.1-2010 Update (1 PDH) April 21, 2011: ASHRAE Webcast, Sinclair Community College 1:00—Geothermal Heat Pumps (3 PDH) May 12, 2011: Golf Outing BOG Meetings: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 8 AM, Heapy 9/16, 10/28, 11/18, 12/16, 1/20, 2/17, 3/17, 4/21, 5/19, 6/16

Have a Job to Fill? Advertise in your Dayton ASHRAE Newsletter and on the Dayton

ASHRAE Website. Insert a business-card size ad for $20 a month or $100 a year.

All proceeds to Dayton ASHRAE Scholarship Fund. Send ad copy to :

Need a Job? Submit your profile to your Dayton ASHRAE Newsletter.

We’ll print it for FREE! Limited to 250 words plus contact information. Send ad copy to :

Ready to Give Back to YOUR Industry? Dayton ASHRAE needs members to work on committees.

Contact Rick Pavlak at:


Contribution Form

2010 was a banner year for ASHRAE with the publication of 90.1-2010 and Standard 189. The Dayton Chapter again met their goal to raise money for research last year. With so much work to do to reach ambitious energy consumption reduction goals, more research is needed than ever be-fore! You can help make the difference! This industry gives all of us our livelihood. ASHRAE’s research and educational programs are what keeps our industry and profession on the leading edge and assures its continued existence. Confident that you will recognize the benefits of this investment, I am asking you to help fund fu-ture HVAC&R research and development. Together, we can all make a difference! Amount enclosed: ___ $250 ___ $150 ___ $100 ___ $50 ___ Other (specify) _________ Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Member Number (If known): __________________________ Do you want to be recognized in the Dayton newsletter as a contributor? (circle) YES NO Mail completed form with your check, payable to ASHRAE Research to: Denny Lammlein 29 Sandelwood Street Springboro, OH 45066

Do Clothes Make the Man Hotter or Cooler? Role of Fashion in Thermal Comfort

Studied by ASHRAE

ATLANTA – The role of international fashions in determining how cool or hot we are is being studied by

ASHRAE. It’s not the impact of Gucci or Channel on our style but rather how non-western wear, such as

burqas or saris, affects our thermal comfort.

Comprehensive data exists on western clothing insulation values but little research exists on non-

western. Having information on attire like saris could influence the design of ventilation and air-conditioning

systems to provide the best thermal comfort for occupants.

“Given the growing energy needs of large nations such as India, China and Pakistan, all of which often

have different clothing styles from western nations, knowing more about the impact of clothing on comfort is

essential to improving ventilation and air-conditioning systems for these countries,” John Stoops, head of the

project monitoring subcommittee for Technical Committee 2.1, Physiology & Human Environment, which is

overseeing the project, said. “The project also will look at how different fabrics and body postures and move-

ments impact the insulation value of cloth. We expect to find that the results of non-western wear on thermal

comfort will be different than that of western wear due to looser fit, long gowns and lighter materials that pro-

mote movement of air.”

1504-TRP, “Extension of the Clothing Insulation Database for Standard 55 and ISO 7730 to Provide

Data for Non-Western Clothing Ensembles, Including Data on the Effect of Posture and Air Movement on that

Insulation,” is one of 17 projects currently out for bid by ASHRAE. The deadline to submit proposals for all

projects is May 16.

Results of 1504 would be of fundamental importance to both ASHRAE and the International Organiza-

tion of Standardization (ISO) standards, building and building system designers and vehicle designers around

the world. Specifically, it could expand the scope and reach of ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal Environmental

Conditions for Human Occupancy, to a worldwide audience.

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international organization of some 50,000 persons. ASHRAE fulfills its

mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a

sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education.


Welcome to Your source for HVACR Engineering Careers

For Release: March 23, 2011

Contact Jodi Scott Public Relations



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I prefer Lunch Meetings____ I prefer Dinner Meetings______ I have no preference _________

Education Membership Research Historian Newsletter Chapter Office

CTTC (Refrigeration; Technical, Energy & Government; Programs) Golf Outing Communication

___ Holiday Party ___ Honors & Awards

Consultant Contractor Industry/Government Retired

Education Student: School Degree Approximate Graduation Date

Wholesalers, Manufacturer’s Rep/Sales Offices, Fill in trade names of products you represent below

Dayton Chapter ASHRAE dues for the Society year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011 are $95 per year. Dayton Chapter ASHRAE dues include 6 dinner/lunch meetings, and both you and a guest for the holiday event. * Note: Be sure to begin paying Local

dues when you pay your National Dues.

Please return this application and a check or money order in the amount of $95 made payable to Dayton ASHRAE to:

DAYTON ASHRAE, PO Box 3202, Dayton, OH. 45401

Paid local dues with your annual dues? Please return the form anyway!

Chapter achievements are accomplished through active committee involvement. If you would like to promote your Soci-ety by serving as a committee chair or assist on one of the chapter committees, please indicate in which committee you are interested below. Please indicate your first preference by number 1 and so on.

Please Select Your Preferred Roster Affiliation

Air Devices Louvers and Dampers

Air Handlers Make-Up Air Units

Boilers Packaged A/C

Building Automation Pre-Insulated Pipe

Chillers Pumps

Coils Sound Attenuation

Computer Room Equipment Steam Specialties

Cooling Towers Air Terminal Units

Ductwork Thermal Storage

Dust Collection Unit Heaters

Fans Unit Ventilators

Fan Coil Units Vibration Isolators

Filtration Valves

Heat Exchangers Variable Speed Drives

Heating Equipment Water Source Heat Pumps

Humidity Control Water Treatment

Kitchen, Laboratory Fume Hoods Other

Dayton Chapter ASHRAE

Membership Application and Roster Information 2010-2011

Tentative Program

1:00 p.m. (EDT) Introduction – Don Rheem, Moderator Opening Remarks, Lynn G. Bellenger, ASHRAE President

Jeff Spitler ―Introduction” ―Design of Ground Heat Exchangers (GHE)” Kirk Mescher ―What Mechanical Engineers Need to Know About Ground Loop Drilling Processes‖ Mick Schwedler ―HVAC Design Options‖ Question & Answer Session

2:30 p.m. Break

Roundtable ―Avoiding Pitfalls, Standards & Execution‖ Kirk Mescher ―Case Study: Washington Elementary School‖ Mick Schwedler ―ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010‖ Question & Answer Session

3:55 p.m. Closing – Don Rheem, Moderator

Note: Topics, panelists, and scheduled times may change

Ground Source Heat Pump Systems –

Putting the Earth to Work for You

April 21, 2011

1:00-4:00 P.M. EDT

Sponsored by:

ASHRAE GOLF OUTING Heatherwood Golf Course

Springboro, Ohio

Shotgun Start @ 1:30 PM

Dinner is at 6:30 PM

Before May 1, 2011

Dinner and Golf $90 per Player

Dinner Only $25 per Person

After May 1st

Dinner and Golf $100 per Player

Dinner Only $30per Person

RSVP Attached Sign Up Sheet to:

Frank A. Mauro []


Proceeds go to


Research Program & Scholarship Program S

Join Us!

May 12, 2011


MAY 12, 2011





Frank A. Mauro

Heapy Engineering

1400 West Dorothy Lane

Dayton, Ohio 45409-1310

Golf and Dinner:

#1 ________________________ #2__________________________

#3 ________________________ #4__________________________

Dinner Only:

#1 ______________________





May 12, 2011

Hole Sponsorship

Email to:


Frank A. Mauro

Heapy Engineering

1400 West Dorothy Lane

Dayton, Ohio 45409-1310

Hole Sponsorship: $100.00

Your Company Name on a sign at a Hole

Company Name ______________________


Door Prize Donations: Suggestions: Golf Balls: Golf Hats: Golf Jacket /

Shirt: Gift Certificates: Other

(Prize---) ________________________


If you would like to provide the following Sponsorships, contact Frank

Mauro for details: /

(937) 224-0861 or Cell Phone: (937) 602-2127

Drinks on the Course

Lunch for the participants