Amazing Benifits of Green Te: By Kelly SpecaAmazing benifits of green te: by kelly speca

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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I am a green tea drinker not because of its taste but surely for its amazing benifits.It helps me to keep my weight check.Green tea has so many benifits.It has been used as a medicine,It Originating in China but wildely used in all over the asia, because it helps to control the blood pressure to prevent the cancer.Green tea has so many benifits than black tea.

Transcript of Amazing Benifits of Green Te: By Kelly SpecaAmazing benifits of green te: by kelly speca

Benifits OF Green Tea: By Kelly Speca

Green tea has long been touted as one of the healthiest things you can put in your body, as it has been shown to fight many serious diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.It is rich in antioxidants, which help prevent cancer and other diseases. Studies have also shown that green tea helps reduce appetite and increases longevity.

Green Tea

Some of these benefits are still being debated, so please do your own research if you want to use green tea for medicinal purposes.

Weight Loss. Green tea increases the metabolism. ...

Diabetes. ...

Heart Disease. ...

Esophageal Cancer. ...

Cholesterol. ...

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. ...

Tooth Decay. ...

Blood Pressure.

Best Drink

Green tea is considered one of the world's healthiest drinks and contains one of the highest amount of antioxidants of any tea. The natural chemicals called polyphenols in tea are what are thought to provide its anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects.

Forms of green tea

Green tea is available bottled and sweetened with sugar or an artificial sweetener, in single tea bags, loose-leaf, and in instant-powder. Green tea supplements are sold in capsule form or liquid extracts.

According to 2010 research presented at the American Chemical Society, bottled teas are not equivalent to brewed teas as some 16-oz bottled teas can contain fewer polyphenols than one cup of brewed tea.1

Herbal Green Tea