Geothermal Energy Benifits

Geothermal Benefits Run Deep JK Mechanical

Transcript of Geothermal Energy Benifits

Geothermal Benefits Run Deep

JK Mechanical

What is Geothermal Energy?

It is a Renewable resource that is made by the earth’s energy. The ground virtually become your own solar panel.

Save Money

You can save up to...● 70% on heating and cooling

and hot water ● 30% federal credit● Free hot water is possible

with our Desperheater units

Help the Earth

500% efficient compared to justs 98% of traditional gas furnaces.

Geothermal energy works with the environment and emits no greenhouse gases.

Financial Benefits

Additional Benefits

Geothermal energy is domestic since the energy is produced in your own backyard. Additionally these systems offer double the life of a traditional system and are quite.