Already in Progress, Chapter 39: Pregnant? Check. Barefoot? Check.

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Already in Progress, Chapter 39: Pregnant? Check. Barefoot? Check.

Welcome back to Already in Progress! I hope you’re recovered from the birthday party – it was pretty epic, wasn’t it? I apologize for the spoileryness of the cover shot – it was such a great picture, I just couldn’t resist. I hope you will forgive me some day. And now, let’s rejoin our story: Already in Progress…

Stopping in at Sarah Jane’s we can see that Abbey has been busy helping out in the garden.

Sarah Jane has been busy making friends with the newly Toddlerfied twins. I’m pretty sure this is Rebecca.

Tim has just been busy in general. And speaking of making friends…

This is what PermaPlat looks like. LTW of 20 Simultaneous Best Friends? No problem! By my count, Sarah Jane only had 17 Best Friends, not 20. But shhhhhh – don’t tell my game that!

And there are advantages to having a PermaPlat grandmother, as Rebecca can attest to. This is definitely Rebecca – the twins are color-coded now, but they weren’t when I took the previous picture. Rebecca’s color is pink.

Anastasia’s color is either blue or purple, depending on what options are available. At certain angles, Anastasia does have an extremely impressive chin. Rather like Jay Leno, really. I couldn’t even begin to guess where that came from. At other angles, the girls look very alike. I hope they differentiate more when they get older. And don’t tell me I shouldn’t dress them alike. That’s entirely their mother and grandmother. Not me. (guiltily) Why would you think I picked out their clothes?

At the Littledragon-Miller household, Harkon has started volunteering at a community center in the afternoons. He helps kids with their homework, mostly, and helps set up and break down special events. It’s nice to get out of the house sometimes, and his daughters have proved themselves deficient on the “grandbabies” front.

Well, actually, Amy’s not deficient. She’s not supposed to be having any babies yet, and sure enough, she isn’t. She has started exploring Grandma’s old flower arranging bench – when she’s not playing with one or another of the kitties.

Speaking of whom, they’ve grown up. Latifah is the one with green eyes and a tail, while Mr. Fuzzypants has blue eyes and no tail. Oh yeah, and Nirel Grew Up Well too. He actually managed a decent outfit, and I’m going to let him keep it.

Dante has discovered the joys of the piano. (grumbles) I hate these things so much. I should really stop putting them in houses. All day long, somebody or other is doing “Perform… Jazz” or “Perform… Rock.” And I am so sick of the music that goes with those two options!

Samantha eats. Enthusiastically.

Also frequently. And with enough concentration as to be a poor conversational partner. DANTE: So, Sam… Have you given any thought to maybe having a baby? SAMANTHA: Hnnnnh. DANTE: I mean, I’d like to be a father. And you said earlier that you’d like to be a mother. We could have one of our own, maybe, and adopt a second if you’d like. SAMANTHA: Mmmmm. DANTE (quickly): Or if you’d prefer to just adopt, that’s okay too. I wouldn’t love an adopted child any less. But I think we should at least think about it, okay? I’d love to have a new family member. (Samantha stands up)

DANTE: Um, honey? When I said I’d love to have a new family member, I didn’t necessarily mean right this second.

As you can see, Buttercup and Albert have done some remodeling. The second bedroom there was formerly patio, and the whole kitchen had to be rearranged to allow access to what little patio is left. I think they actually ended up with more counter space.

And there’s even room for the tools of Buttercup’s trade! Eventually, they will get nicer furniture. Just at the moment, though, there’s no money left after the remodel. Plus, with Fortune Sims, it’s always better to wait until they roll the Want for something.

Cecil and Josephine finally became Toddlers. Even with clean diapers and lots of cuddles, they refused to transition until well after 10 pm. I was just about ready to quit-without-saving and apply birthday cake.

The wait was worth it, though. Go on, tell me they aren’t adorable!

Albert certainly thinks so. ALBERT: You know what would make good economic sense, honey? A third deduction. BUTTERCUP: Ooookay, I think you’ve officially lost it. ALBERT: No, really. Jo and Cecil are perfect. A third baby would be even more perfect. BUTTERCUP: So you’re going to start stargazing? ALBERT: Don’t be ridiculous. BUTTERCUP: Well, I hope you don’t think that I’m going to help with a third “deduction.” The two we’ve got are already cutting into my profit margin, plus I’m giving up perfectly good growing time to change diapers and fetch bottles. Don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t swap them for anything. But two is plenty.

CECIL: DAAAAA-DEEEEEEE! JO: WAAAAAAA! Wannooooooooow! ALBERT: I think the kids are awake. BUTTERCUP: Great. (yawns) Have fun. (snuggles into the pillow) ALBERT (pokes Buttercup): I put them to bed. Your turn. BUTTERCUP: You want another “deduction,” you take care of the ones we’ve got already. Oddly enough, Albert’s Want for another baby didn’t come back after that.

TRIXIE: Don’t be ridiculous. You’re too old for that. TIRTHA: If I’m old, what does that make you? And anyway, what about – TRIXIE: It makes me younger than you, that’s what. (reasonably) Look, nobody who’s going through The Change wants to admit she’s going through The Change, but there’s really no shame in it. It happens to all of us. TIRTHA: I am not going through The Change! (stomps off) TRIXIE (calls after her): Bet you twenty bucks you are!

TIRTHA (sweetly): Oh, Trixie! You know that thing that couldn’t possibly happen? You owe me twenty bucks.

ABHIJEET: Wow. You heard? ABHIJEET: Yeah. That’s some news. So what are you going to do? ABHIJEET: The honorable thing, of course. (dubiously) We’re not talking about hara-kiri, are we? ABHIJEET: Don’t be ridiculous. We’re talking about dinner reservations.

TIRTHA: You don’t have to do this. I can take care of the baby on my own. I just thought you had a right to know. ABHIJEET: It’s not just a matter of obligation. I would enjoy being married to you. And a child needs both parents. TIRTHA: I know I’m not really in a position to make requests, but… would you get a different wig? Please? ABHIJEET: I’ll get a new wig if you’ll take my name instead of me taking yours. TIRTHA: Deal.

Tirtha Couderc is now Tirtha Phillips.

And this little charmer is Ariadene Phillips. Before you tell me that isn’t the correct way to spell “Ariadne,” I just want to point out that it appears to be a perfectly valid Portuguese name. Also, spell check doesn’t like either version. Of course, I actually was trying to spell the name of the mythological Cretan princess and subsequent goddess and got it dead wrong. But there it is.

Not a whole lot happened at the Mifune Sanders residence. Certainly there were no surprise babies.

Louise and Charlie did decide that the middle of winter was the perfect time for a water balloon fight. Fortunately, nobody got hypothermia.

And the family has hired a maid, although Charlie seems to be a little unclear on the concept. DON PLATZ, THE MAID: Ma’am, I’ll do that. CHARLOTTE: No, no, no. I have to clean up first. DON PLATZ, THE MAID: No, ma’am, really – it’s my job. CHARLOTTE: I don’t want you to think we’re slobs. Moving along…

Hi, Sally. Having fun? SALLY: Yup. I like making snow angels. Best thing to do after school. Five or six of these, and I’m ready to tackle my homework. You’ve gotten taller.

SALLY: Yeah, I had a birthday. We had a party, just family. Well, just family and Oakapple came over with Oliver. But – Did you get any good presents? SALLY: Uh-huh. Oliver gave me a new book by Connie Willis. Uncle Cillian gave me a gift card – one of those ones that works like a Visa? Auntie Anne gave me a one-year membership to the cookie of the month club. Mom gave me an all-day inclusive spa package. Nice! SALLY: Well, I think she thinks I don’t take good enough care of my skin or pay enough attention to my image.

SALLY (V.O.): But the best present was that Daddy gave me a kitten. He said Tom was the runt of the litter and that he needed special care. I had to feed him by hand and everything. (reminiscently) He was the cutest kitten ever. (sympathetically) Oh, I’m so sorry. SALLY (V.O.) (puzzled): For what? Well, you used the past tense…

SALLY(V.O.): Yeah, Tom’s a full-grown cat now. He’s still cute. But – (whispers) He’s kind of dumb. It took him until he was full grown to figure out what the food bowl was for. (in a normal voice) He’s a real sweetheart, though. Everyone loves him. (excited) Oh, and speaking of love – How’s Rudy?

SALLY (V.O.): He’s fine. I get to talk to him sometimes when Mom’s at work. (impatiently) But listen, talking about love – Do you have a boyfriend? SALLY (V.O.): No, no, just listen… (excitedly) I think I got everything sorted out between Oliver and Oakapple!

SALLY: So, Oakapple – what kind of relationship do you have with my brother? OAKAPPLE: We’re… friends. What kind… of a question… is that? SALLY: Yes, friends, okay, but what kind of friends? Are there benefits involved? OAKAPPLE: Do you even… know what you’re… asking about? SALLY: Uh-huh. I’m asking about woo – OAKAPPLE: Mind your own… business. SALLY: Well, if you’ve got all that, and you’re such good friends, why don’t you just get married? I think Oliver would really like that. OAKAPPLE: He turned… me down once… already. Not that… it’s anything to… do with you.

SALLY: So, Oliver – why didn’t you accept Oakapple when he proposed? OLIVER: I had my reasons. Who told you about that anyway? SALLY: Does it matter? I think the two of you would make a great couple. OLIVER: Your opinion has been duly noted. Thank you for your input. SALLY: But aren’t you going to – OLIVER: Thank you for your input and concern. It will be taken into consideration. SALLY: But – OLIVER: The subject is closed, Sally.

A little background… Oakapple used to be quite the ladies’ man in college. While it is true that he once proposed to Oliver, that was an act of desperation, especially since everyone else Okapple proposed to was suddenly spoken for. It was quite sensible and self-respecting of Oliver to turn him down.* Following Oakpple’s death and subsequent incomplete resurrection,** he lost skill points and many of his personality traits changed or flat-out reversed, hence his new and somewhat ambiguous relationship with Oliver. He also took up gardening, since he had never been any good at it and thus didn’t have to feel bad about being lousy. *See “Myrna, or, Oakapple’s Own,” part of Ruth’s (un)Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge. ** See “Silvered Is The Raven Hair,” also part of Ruth’s.

OLIVER: Gardening in the rain is really stupid, you know that? You could catch pneumonia. OAKAPPLE: So? It won’t… kill me. OLIVER: I’m going to light the fire now. Get real close so you dry off. While you do that, I’m going to go make dinner. OAKAPPLE (hopefully): Grilled… cheese? OLIVER: (sighs) Sure, grilled cheese. OAKAPPLE (happily): I love… grilled cheese.* OLIVER: I know you do. So it looks like Sally’s little talks didn’t help at all. *Like all my zombies, Oakapple is Grilled Cheese aspiration.

It was a phone call from a random townie that tipped the scales. OLIVER: Who was that? OAKAPPLE: Jerry… Ryan. OLIVER: What did he want? OAKAPPLE: He asked me… on an outing. OLIVER (snidely): Some people really need to get a life of their own. OAKAPPLE: What – are you… jealous? OLIVER: So what if I am? OAKAPPLE: Well, that’s just… stupid. I already… proposed once. I’ll… propose again if… you want. But… you should know… by now that… you’re the second… most important thing… in my life. OLIVER: You know what? I do want you to ask again. Go ahead.

OAKAPPLE (rolls eyes): Fine. Ollie, will… you marry me? OLIVER: Yes! Yes, I will! So there! – Er, if I’m the second most important thing in your life, what’s first? OAKAPPLE: Grilled… cheese. Duh.

OLIVER (contentedly): I can live with that.

Now, as I’m sure you remember because you read the recommended special crossover feature Arbitration, Oakapple was engaged to Celeste Kalson, but refused to marry her. She requested damages from an arbitrator, who turned out to be none other than our very own Edgar Miller. Eddie was instantly smitten with the “heavenly” party of the second part, and solved the dispute by marrying her himself. Celeste was happy because Eddie is actually quite rich. But marrying someone you’ve known for roughly ten minutes can lead to some initial awkwardness. CELESTE: So… What kind of movies do you like?

On the other hand, Eddie and Celeste have three bolts, and three bolts are three bolts. Three bolts go a long way towards smoothing over the little difficulties.

They go a long way towards contributing to other things, too. EDGAR: Can I call you back? My wife just got her first bump. (puzzled) And for some reason, her hairdo changed with it. Anyway, I’ll talk to you later, okay?

I have to admit that I’m kind of worried about this pregnancy. From the back, Celeste is not very big. If it wasn’t for the clothes and the stance, you’d never know she was pregnant. From the front…

From the front it looks like twins. Maybe even triplets. (wails) And I don’t even have that hack! And they’ll all be girls! Join me next time, when we find out if I am being overly pessimistic. I bet you a quarter I’m not. Until next time, Happy Simming!