Alpha NYC Newsletter 2009

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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This is a year end newsletter for 2009 for the Alpha New York City Office.

Transcript of Alpha NYC Newsletter 2009

This summer, the city of Chicago is hosting the 2010 Alpha Conference for the Americas. From June 22-23, bishops, priests, senior pastors, lay members, students and young leaders from across North and South America will be gathering to learn how to run Alpha Courses in their countries, hear stories of changed lives, and participate in dynamic prayer and worship. Training opportunities will include Church Planting, Campus Alpha, Alpha Essentials and Advanced Alpha as well as a special Bishops Stream. We will both be there, so if you would like to join us, please contact us through the New York page of the Alpha USA website.

2010Alpha Conference for the




The Lord says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a

way in the desert and streams in the waste land.” Isaiah 43:19

Dear Friend of Alpha,We would like to introduce ourselves

to you as the new Regional Directors for Alpha New York City. Both relatively new to New York, from Holy Trinity Brompton in London, we have been blessed with a warm welcome and are touched by the love and support we have received.

We would like to thank Tony Kaiser, Linda Bulloss and D’Arcy LeClair for all their hard work and perseverance in the New York City region and for all their support as we come on board. It is because of the hard work and prayers, by you and them, that we are now ready to have a City Regional Office. Already, we have had the opportunity to meet with churches and ministries across the city that are excited about the prospect of partnering together to further God’s Kingdom.

As Co-Directors, we are mobilizing a regional team that equips churches and Christian organizations in order to develop disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing the transforming work of the gospel through Alpha. Through our

experience at Holy Trinity Brompton and Alpha International, we have seen lives radically transformed by the love of Jesus whilst attending an Alpha Course. Now, we have the opportunity to help others share in this experience.

We would like to invite you to join us by investing in the lives of the people of New York City. As we step into this work, we face a spiritual battle that is being waged against followers of Jesus to distract and deter our community from knowing him as Savior. If you would stand with us as intercessors, we will regularly share with you how you can specifically pray for the NYC Alpha Office.

We are also stepping out in faith to raise our own funds for this region.  Nicky Gumbel says, “The more money we have to raise, the more exciting it is!” And this year is VERY exciting! Our aim for 2010 is to raise $155,000.  We are challenging ourselves and the NYC Alpha team (we hope you will be a part of it) to grow the number of active Alpha churches by 80% and the specialist courses by 300% such as The Marriage Course, The Marriage Preparation

Course, Campus Alpha, Alpha in the Workplace, and Youth Alpha. The year’s costs will provide the salaries, resources and materials needed to meet these challenges.

Our hope is to build up a large network of financial supporters, both big and small, who are willing to invest every month for the next year.  Investing in Alpha is exciting as the return is winning souls for Jesus and ultimately eternal life.  We welcome your partnership if you are moved and able to invest in our work for the next year as we get started. 

If we haven’t already, we look forward to meeting with you soon. Please feel free to visit our office in Gramercy Park at any time.

Laetitia Allen & Angela ChadwickCo-Directors of Alpha NYC

The Opening of the New York City Regional Alpha Office










Alpha NYC Office, 61 Gramercy Park North, Suite 603, New York, NY 10010 - & laetitiaallen@alphausa.orgW W W . A L P H A U S A . O R G

Prayer Points• Spiritual covering and

protection for 2010• Fundraising for the region• More Alpha Courses running

throughout the city• Build contacts of those

interested in running Alpha in the Workplace

• For recent guests on Alpha in 2009, protection over what God has done in their lives

Coming Up...JanuaryMonthly Prayer & WorshipEvery month in 2010, an Alpha Church will be hosting a prayer meeting for all Alpha Courses running in New York City. We would love for you to join us to pray for The Alpha Course and the transformation of New York City through the power of Jesus Christ. If you would like to host one of these prayer meetings, please do let us know.

January Prayer & WorshipWednesday, January 6th @ 7pmHost: Trinity Baptist Church250 East 61st St.New York, NY 10021

A Taste of AlphaThere are six Taste of Alpha events planned for the 2010. Pastors and ministry leaders are invited to come and find out more about the Alpha Course. For more information, visit the New York page of the Alpha USA site.

January Taste of Alpha EventsSaturday, January 9th @ noonHost: Third Day Missions1009 Castleton Ave, 2nd FloorStaten Island, NY 10310RSVP to Rev. Daniel Delgado:

Thursday, January 14th @ 8:30am Host: City Grace Church 219 Sullivan St. New York, NY 10012 RSVP to Pastor Ben

Alpha in the Workplace Tour coming to ManhattanIn October, the Alpha in the Workplace Tour will be coming to Manhattan. The

tour is taking place in 15 cities across the country where 200-300 businessmen are invited to be inspired and discover how they can actively live out their faith in the workplace.

Guest Speakers include Gerard Long, Executive Director of Alpha USA, and Ken Costa, Chairman of Alpha International and Lazard International. Ken has worked in investment banking in the City of London for 30 years. After serving as Vice-Chairman of UBS Investment Bank, Mr Costa was named as the Chairman of Lazard International, joining the bank in October 2007. He is also Chairman of Alpha International and Church Warden of Holy Trinity Brompton.

For more information, please watch the Alpha USA site. The details are yet to be confirmed, but we wanted you to be the first to know about this future opportunity.

Strategic Campus PartnershipsCampus Alpha and Campus America are

joining together to pioneer a practical expression of prayer and mission on America’s university and college campuses.

Together they are calling students on America’s 2,614 college and university campuses to organize at least one 72 hour prayer event during 2010.     

We’ve been particularly encouraged by what God is doing amongst the university students in New York City. Jeremy Story, the President of Campus Renewal Ministries, and other student ministers are helping to establish prayer rooms on every college campus in New York. Students are also preparing to run Campus Alpha in their dorms, class rooms and local churches.  

In the Spring, there will be a collegiate city-wide One Cry event where students from all NYC campuses gather together to pray for the City. If you are interested in being part of this event, then stay posted to the New York page of the Alpha USA site for more details.










campusP R AY E R

Ken Costa - Chairman of Alpha International & Lazard International

Alpha NYC Office, 61 Gramercy Park North, Suite 603, New York, NY 10010 - & laetitiaallen@alphausa.orgW W W . A L P H A U S A . O R G