Allah and Jehovah Are Not the Same God

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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  • 8/12/2019 Allah and Jehovah Are Not the Same God


    What do we want to accomplish thru this study? (READ AMOS 3:3)

    Realize that Islam is not a religion of peace and we are being lied to.Realize that we do not all serve one God. Allah and Jehovah are not the same God.

    Realize there will never be peace between the Muslims and the Jews/Christians.

    efore we study what the Koran actually teaches, we need to establish the beliefs of Muslims toward the Holy Bible.

    he following beliefs are taught by religious professors of Islam in major universities. These beliefs are not taken fr

    he writings of Islamic terrorists. Mohammed taught that Jesus and Moses were both prophets but that he himself wahe Holy Prophet.

    irst we find that they believe that Jesus was never crucified on the cross. They don't accept the Gospel accounts of

    esus' death, burial and resurrection. They offer no proof but simply question the historical record.

    EAD Sura 4:157...States Jesus did not die on the cross.

    econd, they believe that in John 14:16 that Jesus prophesied of Mohammed's coming and not that of the Holy Spirithey state that the original word in Greek means "one who is praised exceedingly" and means "Mohammed" in Ara

    n other words, let's do what all the modern day scholars do and change the Word of God to fit what we want it to say

    hey say the comforter is Mohammed. John 14:15 doesn't mean that Muhammad will abide forever but rather his Shw will last forever (the law the Muslim leaders setup after he was dead). John 15:26-27; John 16:12-14 & John 16

    l refer to Mohammed according to Muslims. Read 1 Cor. 2:11-14 and substitute Mohammed where the Holy Spirit

    hould be. Read Romans 8:1-13 and do the same. See what Matt. 12:31 says about blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

    hirdly, they teach that those that followed Jesus in His lifetime didn't believe Him to be God or the Son of God.

    eally? John 20:27-28; Matt. 14:33; Matt. 16:16; 1 John 5:20. They state that Jesus Christ never referred to Himselhe Son of God. Really? John 14:6-7; John 9:35-38; John 5:18-27. What Bible are they reading? Someone isn't beionest. The reason that they believe and teach this is due to the fact they believe Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are


    Muslims claim to be monotheistic and they don't believe in the Trinity (God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost). But

    hroughout the Koran one will notice Allah calling himself "we".

    ee Sura 46:3 & Sura 2:34-36. They will state that the Arabic grammar is not the same as ours. This is an excuse.

    llah could have said "I" or "me" all thru the English translation BUT HE DIDN'T. If this is an English version of toran then "we" is plural not singular.

    hey state you cannot worship the God of the Old Testament or Jesus of the New Testament. Only Allah and

    Mohammed can be worshipped. The first principle of Islam is that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. IN

    THER WORDS, YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM OF RELIGION UNDER ISLAM. THERE ARE NO CIVIL RIGHee Sura 2:193; Sura 8:39; Sura 4:91; Sura 9:29;Sura 9:33.

  • 8/12/2019 Allah and Jehovah Are Not the Same God


    llah means "the god". The God of the Koran and the Hadith never gives his name to the people. Our God gives Hiame in both the Old and the New Testament. (Exodus 3:14; Phil. 2:9; Matt. 1:21) If Allah is "the god" then we wor

    ne that is above Him. (Dan. 11:36 & 37) Dan. 11:38 mentions the god of forces (a reference to Satan). Satan is cal

    he God of this world in 2 Cor. 4:4. Isn't it a coincidence that "the god" as a reference to Satan in Dan. 11:38 and 2 C

    4 doesn't call him by name? Allah has no name. Wonder why?

    hey can destroy and profane our God but if you try to profane their God, then you are subject to capital punishment

    tudy closely the following verses found within the Koran:

    ) Sura 3:58-59--Jesus was made from dust....What if we said Allah was made of dust? Muslim's would want to kil

    s...But they can say our God was made of dust and get away with it...

    ) Sura 23:50----"We" here is Mohammed...This states that Mohammed appointed Jesus...

    ) Sura 4:157---Jesus didn't die on the cross..He died a natural death many years later after the supposedrucifixion...They state that in all post crucifixion appearances that He was hiding himself. They say that Paul lied in

    al 3:13.) Sura 5:86--If you believe Jesus died on the cross then you are on the way to Hell.) Sura 9:30--Jesus Christ is not God.

    he Muslim's teach that Paul is the one who introduced Jesus Christ as the Son of God. He made it up to bring theagans to Christianity.

    ee John 8:58-59. While Muslims cannot understand what Jesus said about Himself, the Jews sure did. They were

    oing to stone Him for claiming to be deity.

    Sura 17:39---You will be cast into Hell for believing in Jesus Christ.

    esus is Jehovah God. Jesus literally means "Jehovah Saves" (Matt. 1:21). See Zech. 12:10. Who did they pierce?ook back thru the chapter. Everytime you see LORD in all capital letters that means Jehovah. They pierced Jehov

    esus is God.

    Sura 21:105-107---Surah 2:213...Muslims will inherit the earth. They will be given world dominion. Sura 22:28

    f mankind is under the Islamic movement. They state that they are to lead the world and to purify our world. We a

    ready seeing Muslim leaders in political power rising within the United States.

    Sura 3:85--No religion but Islam can get a person to heaven.

    Sura 5:51--Friendship with Jews and Christians is not allowed.

    0. Sura 2:193--Muslims must fight until there is no worship but that of Allah.

    1. Sura 9:33--Allah promises to give Muslims victory over all other religions.

    2. Sura 17:59--Allah sends prophets to spread terrorism.

    3. Sura 3:151--"Dread" or terror will strike the hearts of Christians for worshipping Jesus.

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    4. Sura 59:2--Terrorism justified as a weapon for Muslims.

    5. Sura 47:4-6 with Sura 9:85--Cutting off the heads of infidels assures you of Paradise.

    6. Sura 3:169--Those who die fighting will eat with Allah in the highest level of Paradise.

    7. Sura 4:74--Fighting gains you a great reward in Paradise.

    8. Sura 8:67--Slaughtering people gains you the rewards of the next life.

    9. Sura 61:4--You win the love of Allah when you fight for his cause.

    0. Sura 8:15--If you don't fight other religions you will go to hell.

    1. Sura 9:12 & Sura 45:9--They can disgrace and belittle Jesus Christ but if you say anything about their religion y

    re to be killed.

    2. Sura 9:29-30 & Sura 9:5--Kill all Christians and Jews.


    3. Sura 16:72 & 33:52--Allah allows fornication with women other than your wife if the women are made slaves.

    4. Sura 4:34--Men are superior to women.

    5. Sura 2:223--Women are property, you can treat them however you would like.

    6. Sura 4:3--Men are free to have four wives at a time.

    7. Sura 2:282--A woman's vote only counts for 1/2 of a man's vote on a jury.

    8. Sura 33:59--Women must hide their faces with a veil.

    ow can anyone sincerely be a black Muslim?

    9. Sura 3:106--Allah will not allow dark, black faces in heaven.

    0. Sura 39:60--Black faces will mark those who lied on God.

    Muhammad called blacks "raisin heads". (Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, No. 662 & Vol 9. No. 256)


    1. Sura 21:44--Muslims will not stop until they have turned the United States into a Muslim nation.

  • 8/12/2019 Allah and Jehovah Are Not the Same God


    When the Muslims enter the enemy's country, and besiege the cities or strong holds of the infidels, it is necessary tonvite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn Abbas relates of the prophet that "he never destroyed any without

    reviously inviting them to embrace them faith." If therefore, they embrace the faith, it is unnecessary to war with th

    ecause that which was the design of the war is then obtained without war. The prophet, moreover, has said "we are

    irected to make war upon men until such time as they shall confess their persons and properties are in protection"Blackwell Idealist lawbase, reference number 3993, L-HEDAYA Vol. II [Hanafi Manual].

    lam divides the world into two sections, Dar-al-Islam (The House of Islam) and Dar-al-Harb (The House of War).

    Muslims cannot make peace with a nation until it surrenders to Islam and enforces the laws of the Koran (Sharia). T

    an agree to a cease-fire, but not to peace until the nation embraces Islam.

    2. Sura 4:78--"Wherever ye be, death will overtake you--althought ye be in lofty towers!"...Many Muslims saw thi

    fulfillment of a promise in the Koran of the Twin Towers being taken down killing 3,000 in New York City.

    3. Sura 2:287--A prayer for God to give victory over all unbelieving nations.

    4. Sura 7:34--A time is set for the doom of all secular nations.

    5. Sura 6:42--Allah commands his Apostles to bring trouble to unbelieving nations. And we as Americans are elec

    Muslim officials into office...How stupid can we be?

    6. Sura 4:46---All Jews are cursed by Allah.

    7. Sura 2:65--Jews were turned into subhuman apes because they did not keep the Sabbath.

    8. Sura 44:51-59. Sura 55:70-76. Sura 3:15. Sura 52:16-22. Men are promised virgins in paradise that cater to the

    very need.


    9. Sura 3:85--Christians cannot go to heaven unless they accept Islam.

    0. Sura 5:17--Christians who say Jesus is the Messiah are infidels.

    1. Sura 9:29--Do not allow Christians to live unless they agree to pay a special Jizya tax.

    2. Sura 4:91--Instead of making friends with unbelievers, kill them.

    3. Sura 23:89--Christians are liars when they say God has a son.

    4. Sura 4:157--Jesus Christ did not die on the cross to atone for mankind's sin.

    5. Sura 2:253--Jesus had signs and strength but He was not God's Son.

    6. Sura 18:4--Christians commit a grievous error when they say God has a son.

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    7. Sura 3:52--Jesus's apostles were Muslims.

    8. Sura 42:13--God told Jesus not to divide people into sects, but to unite all into Islam.

    9. Sura 19:33-34--Jesus had not risen from the dead in 610 A.D.

    0. Sura 4:171--There is no Christian "trinity". God does not appear in three forms.