All About PCOD

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of All About PCOD

All about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome &


A number of women of reproductive age all over the world suffer from the hormonal disorder Polycystic

Ovary Syndrome (PCOD). PCOD occurs when a woman’s hormones are imbalanced and numerous cysts

accumulate in the ovaries. The cysts are fluid filled and contain undeveloped eggs.

There is no particular cause of PCOD but it is known that women suffering from this ailment produce

more male hormones called androgens than normal which makes them insulin resistant. Insulin

resistance further causes an increase in the production of male hormones. This resulting hormonal

imbalance gives rise to symptoms of PCOD.

PCOD produces a number of symptoms which are the only way to identify the condition. It has to be

noted that no two women show the same symptoms but if any woman shows at least two of them at

the same time, then it is a cause for concern.

Some of the symptoms of PCOD include:

Irregular menstrual cycle


Weight gain

Excessive facial hair growth

Thinning hair


Skin problems


PCOD not only causes fertility problems but leads to other health issues as well if not diagnosed and

monitored properly.

If neglected, PCOD can lead to:

Ovarian cancer

Uterine cancer


Heart problems

Because of the seriousness of the complications that can arise from PCOD, it is extremely important to

seek treatment for it immediately. There are a number of treatment options made available based on

the age of the woman and symptoms. At Apollo Cradle, we have an experienced team of doctors who

can give you the best course of treatment for PCOD. The patient’s complete medical history is taken into

consideration including the couple’s pregnancy plans before a course of treatment is suggested. If you

suspect any symptoms, get yourself tested at the earliest.

Some of the treatment options available are:

Birth control pills to regulate the menstrual cycle

Anti-hair growth medicines

Hair loss treatments

Ovulation induction

Insulin sensitising injections

Solutions/treatments for skin problems

The easiest way to keep PCOD at bay is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Follow a healthy diet

without too many carbohydrates, and replace them with vegetables and fruits so that blood sugar

levels are in control. Exercise regularly for an hour every day to keep weight in check. Regular

exercise also regulates insulin production in the body which is very important for those with PCOD.

Visit a doctor as soon as you see any symptoms so that immediate relief can be sought.

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