Akashic Records Presentation

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Akashic Records Presentation

Akashic Records

Keys to Releasing Negative Patterns


Akasha – a Sanskrit word meaning “primary substance” that out of which all things are formed.

Record – it’s objective is to record all experience.

What are Akashic Records

Record of souls journey over time

Including other lifetimes Records every;

Thought Word Emotions Deeds

Akashic Record Information

Think of it as a library, a really BIG library

You have the library card to access anything you want

Contains information from past, present and future lifetimes

Can bring these issues into the “now”.

We can identify and release any negative discordant issues.

Why do I do what I do??

Why do I keep getting into the same negative relationships?

Why can’t I every get ahead financially?

I sabotage anything good that comes into my life.

Why am I always; depressed, angry, sad…

Why is my health always so poor?

Why can’t I lose weight?

The Answer is in the Records

Accessing the Akashic Records can identify anything we have created.

We can find out exactly what happened to create the repeating negative pattern and clear it.

Once we reveal it the “Aha” hits

Your awareness is instantly activatied

It is one of the most powerful tools to help us remember our oneness with God/Spirit/Source.

Who, What, Where, When….

What chakra is affected?

When did the issue occur?

Who is involved in this issue with you?

Is it really your issue? What exactly is the


Other things we find

Negative Influences Attachments Unfinished business

Forgivness Validation

Vows/Agreements Contracts Curses Karma

Attachments Dr. Baldwin uses this term for

any being that is attached to another.

Old term: possession Very common Symptoms:

Fatigue Unreasonable anger Don’t feel like yourself Fell like you have a split

personality Dark thoughts Sudden addiction Masks as other illnesses

Chronic fatigue syndrome


Clearing the Issues

When we identify the issue and receive permission to clear it we do so with a simple statement.

Clearing the issue takes care of it from that lifetime forward.

Who can benefit from a clearing?

ANYONE! Children are extremely

receptive to this healing and are quick to show results.

Pets also are very receptive.

Case Studies

Anna – scary boss from Crusades

Camille – injured as child neck and back

Jill – Deadly jealous relationship with sister

Jill – detached eye? Sandy – murdered 7 times

by brother Logan – program brain

damage Uma – deep anger over

unjust killing


Healing Lost SoulsDr. William J. Baldwin, PhD.

Many Minds, Many Masters Dr. Brian Weiss, MD.

Spontaneous EvolutionDr. Brian Lipton, PhD.

Vibrational MedicineDr. Richard Gerber, MD.